
Our team project consists of the use of synthetic biology applied to the environment, specifically we are addressing the issue of emerging contaminants in water bodies. Emerging contaminants represent a serious issue in Mexico due to the lack of information about it, therefore there are no real solutions to this pollution in the water.

We pretend to address both problems, bringing to the table a viable solution that could be applied in the region. This would be done by the hand of synthetic biology in the laboratory, creating and developing an enzyme system to identificate emerging contaminants on water bodies; also, we organized a series of workshops and bootcamps bringing synthetic biology to the community by showing it can and will solve a tangible problem.

After acknowledging the issue we could not ignore it, something has to be done to change the reality. Getting to know the problem and researching about it there was not a lot of information about this particular problem, after that we knew that we wanted to be the change and give the first step to a future where water supplies are safe to everybody.

Our project pretends to undertake an issue and involve the community in the resolution, we wanted to have a close contact to the problem through the people that live it daily.