In TPE project, we introduced a reversible glucose protection group to make the production of tyrian purple dye more stable and convenient for industrial scale-up. Besides, we optimized two-cell sysytem to one-cell system with a spatio-temporal well-controlled TnaA synthesis. We applied a synthetic phylogeny of programmable Trp repressor with directed evolution to E.coli, which simplified the process of reacting with bromotryptophan not tryptophan. Iterative rounds of positive and negative compartmentalized partnered replication (CPR) led to the exponential amplification of variants that responded with high affinity and specificity to halogenated tryptophan analogs and novel operator sites. We empower cells to perceive the relative ratio of bromotryptophan to tryptophan to control TnaA synthesis. With the optimization of directed evolution, we achieved the goal of producing Tyrian purple dye in an environmentally friendly process with a higher level of purity and yield.