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The 6th Southern China Regional meeting

With the invitation of SZU-China, we participated in the 6th Southern China Regional meeting in Jun, 2022. This virtual and on-site hybrid conference was held by SZU-China and aimed to gather iGEM teams which are located at Southern China to share our project and discuss our troubleshooting.

The conference has two parts: public presentation and group discussion

Public Presentation

In the public presentation, we are encouraged by several excellent projects proposed by BNUZH-China, CUHKSZ, GreatBay_SCIE, LINKS_China, SCUT-China, SYSU-Software, SZPT-CHINA, SZU-China and SUSTech_EMB. We also presented our TPE project and collect a lot of useful suggestions to develop our experiment, including suggestions about team management.

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Figure 1.1 : The 6th Southern China Regional meeting

Group Discussion

During group discussion, we contacted with SCUT-China immediately based on the similar application and methods they showed in the public presentation. We talked about more details in our projects, from the way of introducing mutants to screening in directed evolution. After these exciting discussions, we have successfully reached an agreement to establish a partnership with SCUT-China this year.

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Figure 1.2 : Exciting group discussion

Conference Of China IGEMer Community (CCiC)

In Aug, Chinese iGEMers meet online at The 9th Conference of China iGEMer Community (CCiC), hosted by the ShanghaiTech University and co-organized by CCiC Executive Committee. The theme of 2022 CCiC conference is "Life Meets Everything". Its aim is to encourage iGEMers to think and explore the role of synthetic biology in different fields of scientific research and industry, so that synthetic biology has the power and opportunity to participate in life and change life.

The conference invited a number of guests from the academic, industrial and social sciences of synthetic biology to give excellent presentations. iGEM Foundation and CCiC Executive Committee also held several workshops like Dual-Use Research Workshop and Human Practices workshop, which benefit us a lot.

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Figure 2.1 : Human Practices workshop given by Yuhan BAO

77 iGEM teams from China gave their public presentations. We also participated in this exciting event by presenting our projects in panel session and showing our poster in poster session.

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Figure 2.2 : Our Poster

In addition, 2022 CCiC conference is the first time to hold a startup showcase. The iGEM Entrepreneurship Program Innovation Community EPIC is iGEM's official non-profit entrepreneurship support organization. EPIC-China serves local iGEM entrepreneurial teams in China and encourages the development of synthetic biology startups. At this CCiC conference, EPIC-China invited former iGEMers, investors and the new generation of iGEM start-up teams to share their voices from different directions.

In the startup showcase, 3 Chinese entrepreneurial iGEM teams supported by EPIC this year showed how they are planing to transform their iGEM projects to industry, bringing inspiration and thinking to other teams and individuals for the industrialization of the project.

As one of the three teams, we gave our road show and received many supports with suggestions from investors and guests. We enjoyed this entrepreneurial event so much with the other two teams, BUCT and ONCE. More details in Entrepreneurship.

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Figure 2.3 : We are discussing the marketing strategy of our TPE project with investor
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Figure 2.4 & 2.5 : Some other pictures about our participation in the community