Wet Lab - ATCG Daily Events Summarizing

Jul 10th
Introduction between members and project’s ideas sharing
Design of team’s name, logo, and peripheral products
Establishment of the official account

Jul 11th

Jul 12th
Laboratory Safety Training
Learning how to use laboratory tools: pipette, PCR machine, shaker, sterilizer
Learning basic techniques: how to configure reagents and LB medium; practice the slab scribing method
Incubate strain contains pET28A plasmid.

Jul 13th
PCR to add TSD DNA fragment to pUC19 plasmid, gel electrophoresis and gel extraction, transform the PCR amplicons into E. coli DH10b competent cells and coat on LB solid medium plate named pUC19-TSD.
pET28a plasmid extraction

Jul 14th
Agarose gel preparation, gel electrophoresis
pUC19-TSD plasmid extraction and send for Sanger sequencing
Inoculate DH10b into LB culture medium, incubate at 37℃, 200rpm overnight

Jul 15th
PCR to amplify different lengths of Kana gene-containing fragments
PCR to amplify DNA fragments containing Ampicillin
Gel electrophoresis and gel extraction
Electrocompetent Cell Preparation

Jul 16th
In vitro system reaction with the casposase and recycle the DNA pool
Electronic shock Transformation to introduce the recycled DNA pool into competent cells, incubate at 37℃ overnight

Jul 17th
Calculate the number of colonies of the transformed strain.
Inoculate the single strain into LB liquid culture medium.

Jul 18th
Plasmids extraction and send for Sanger sequencing.
Filming Promotion Video

Jul 19th
Wiki composing
Data collection