Zaitian Li

hello, I’m Zaitian Li from Beijing Royal school. I am wet team team leader. I am interested in medical biology and Bio-pharmaceutical. I participate both wet team and dry team works in iGEM. I love photography and playing guitar. And I believe self iteration is the best way getting better.

Qingduo Li

My name is Qingduo Li. I come from Beijing Royal School, and I want to major in biology.I work in the dry team as team leader, and my main job is to write Human Practices, design survey, daily Official Account, interview and analyze, and to write business plan. My hobby is to play soccer, video games, and to taste delicious food.

Borou Dou

My name is Borou Dou, and I’m from Beijing International Bilingual Academy. My future major is direction is public health, and life sciences-related majors, and enter medical school to be a surgeon. In this team, I took part in performing experiments in the lab for the synthesis process of our product. I like to listen to music (any kind) and play cool basslines in my spare time.

Hanlei Zheng

My Chinese name is Hanlei Zheng, and my English name is Angela. I’m a senior at Padua Academy in Wilmington, Delaware. I am passionate about a few things including biology, chemistry, and computer science. I'm expecting to major in Interdisciplinary among those subjects. Although I’m in the wet lab team for iGEM, I not only do the work associated with experiments such as learning, tracking, summarizing, reflecting, and reporting, but I also do the work for the dry lab team, such as formulating and communicating ideas and plans; constructing and developing survey; advertising projects; and networking with the outside organizations. Besides the competition, I am also a girl who is enthusiastic about the piano, graphic design, photography, hiking, adventure, and community service. The pure passion I have is my motivation both in academic life as well as in daily life. And I always have the highest standard for myself because “shoot for the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars.”

Jiaen Wu

I’m Jiaen Wu from Shanghai Pinghe Bilingual School. I planned to major in Biochemistry or pharmaceutics in the future. In this program, I joined in wet team, which mainly do experiments. In my free time, I enjoyed singing, and I think it is an effective way to express my emotion.

Lu Jiangnan

My name is Lu Jiangnan. I come from Minhang Crosspoint High School. My future major is psychology. I am a member of the dry team of iGEM team. My tasks included making plans, making publicity, making questionnaires, making official accounts and videos, filling in wiki websites, interviewing and analyzing and so on. The tasks I am good at are related to the society, such as doing passer-by interviews. My motto is that the temperature of life depends on the temperature of the heart.

Jingwen Tu

I am Jingwen Tu from Vistamar school in LA, and I will develop in Biology and medical in the future. In this program I am join the wet team which is the team to to the lab. During the free time I’m more likely to do some exercise like rock climbing, badminton or tennis. Also I’m enjoying to do some hand making, sometimes I’m excited to play mahjong which is a Chinese traditional broad game.

Kaijia Luo

Hi, I am Kaijia Luo (Jessica)! I'm from BASIS Guangzhou and currently working towards zoological field. Since it is life-science related, working in a wet team would grant me the best experience for biological experiment. Studying animals and their behavior are always within my interest, so I would try some activities like horse-riding to interact and learn about animals I love. It is extremely cool to study the beings that live along with us!

Lyuyueyue Ge

Hi guys I am Lyuyueyue Ge from BASIS Guangzhou, you can also call me Yoyo. I'm still in the stage of exploring, as I'm passionate in many fields like literary, music, philosophy, psychology, biology etc. I've been learning Gu Zheng for 8 years; music has become an inseparable part of my life. Psychology is also fascinating, although I haven't studied it systematically yet. It's my pleasure to work in the wet team with you guys, and I hope we could be good friends in the following days.

Wenqi Wang

I am Wenqi Wang from St. Joseph’s College School in Toronto, Canada. I would study bio-medicine or related majors in the future. In this project, I was in charge of the wet team in the laboratory. In my spare time, I like drawing and playing the violin. For me, designing and sketching my own imagination down on paper is the most enjoyable thing.

Xianzhi Bi

My name is Xianzhi Bi and I’m from Beijing Royal School. I’m planning to study electrical engineering in the future. I work on the dry team of team MelaBios. I am the person responsible for standardizing the file formatting and work an editor of the team’s blog.

Song Xiaoyu

Hello, my name is Song Xiaoyu. I am 17 years old, come from Beijing Royal School studying in grade 11 and I decided to set environmental biology as my future career. In IGEM, I work in wet team (Experiment team), and mainly reposne for recording the daily work of experiment team. My hobby is drawing, and my learning how to play b-box now.

Xinzhe Li

Hello my name Xinzhe Li (Crystal), I am a 6.1 student from Concord college. My alevel choices are Maths, Biology and Chemistry. Currently, I intend to choose biochemistry as my future course for uni. Personally, I am a big fan of detective novels, as reading them I found that they are very thought-provoking. In Melabios I belong to the dry team, our tasks include several criteria, for example, designing the team logo and the name, publicizing our project, the competition itself and the importance of learning synthetic biology. We also make promotional videos and models to help us with explaining and displaying our ideas and works to the public. Those are just some rough ideas about what we do. There is a saying “Vision without execution is hallucination” by Thomas Edison which always has been in my mind, it reminds me to “execute my vision”, to actually do something makes a thought valuable.

Yixin Yu

Hi guys, I'm Yixin Yu, and my English name is Christina. I'm from Shanghai world foreign language academy,and I'll be in grade11 after this summer vacation. Furthermore, my future major will be environmental science. In this team, I am responsible for doing experiments which include DNA extraction,seamless cloning and so on. For the hobbies, l love drama and painting.

Yiyun Lu

My name is Yiyun Lu, I am a student from Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School currently taking the IB curriculum. I want to study bio-chemistry related majors in the future. In our project, I am part of the wet team which take charge of the whole experiment process. I play guitar and my favorite singer is Lil Peep.

Yutong Wei

This is Yutong Wei from Shanghai Starriver Bilingual school. My potential future area is biochemistry or molecular biology, at least related to biology. I’m in the wet team, focusing on experimenting with melatonin. I’m interested in creative writing and resting. Always believe in yourself !

Yuxuan Wu

Hi,guys. My name is Yuxuan Wu, and my friends like calling my English name, Sherry. I come from the IB department in High School Affiliated To Nanjing Normal University,enjoying the special IB education that refreshes my mind and encourages me to learn more about natural world; therefore, the totally new teaching styles pushes me to pay more attention on bio-chemistry or chemistry, the most possible major I want to take in university. Thanks to the flexible and challenging project in IGEM, I am able to become a member of wet lab and specializes in the experiment part, focusing on the the principles of experiments and test it, and partially help assist the promotion of our team too. Besides those academic part, some sports like cycling, badminton and aerobics also catch up my attention successfully. I get used to ride my bike for 10 kilometers twice a week in the semester.

Zezhi Zhou

I am Zezhi Zhou, English name is Isa Zhou, I am from Guangzhou BASIS international school. My Future professional development direction will be medicine, which is biological. I am in wet team in our IGEM project, I attend labs every day and testing data with other wet team people. At the same time, I also do some works for dry team, for example design the logo, help editing the articles and record videos for our official account. I like drawing, playing tennis and cello. I appreciate if some one can keep doing a thing for a long time without give up!

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