Collaborated with Team CUHK-HongKong-SBS. We designed 1-2 simple Instagram posts that showcased synthetic biology techniques/technologies important to the project and posted them with the hashtag #SynBiOOTD. The actual images of the posts are shown below.
Rather than summarizing their project in writing or in a presentation, they shared their technology and project with the world through an Instagram post, a method that is more accessible to them. We also posted the information on Twitter. the number of pages we could post was limited, we tried to communicate with diagrams, pictures, text, and color so that all people could understand the content of the technology used and the project, even if they had different levels of knowledge.

We took part in a collaboration with team KU Leuven from Belgium. This collaboration consisted in making a podcast about how scientists overcame their troubles and how their troubleshooting may be implemented in our lives! We recorded a podcast of 3 minutes about Lynn Margulis, an American evolutionary biologist who is the primary modern proponent for the significance of symbiosis in evolution. She revolutionized our view of cell evolution. After we sent our podcast to team KU Leauven, they uploaded it on a podcast streaming platform (spotify) where everyone will be able to find it.
Level up
We collaborated with Team iGEM ULaval, iGEM Thessaloniki, iGEM Stockholm and iGEM patras. We created pamphlets that explain synthetic biology at 4 different levels of complexity to target four different audiences. Here you can find pamphlets for children, high school students, general public and STEM students to help them understand what is synthetic biology and how we can use it to create a more responsible and sustainable society.Attached below is an image of the brochure we created. I think the best part of this brochure is that it is leveled. Paper media such as brochures tend to be made for the masses, but we felt it was important to make them according to age and amount of knowledge in order to communicate to a wide range of people.

Science Communication to Students Participating in the JBO
We worked with tokyo tech and Utokyo to plan a class on synthetic biology and iGEM for high school students who participated in the Japan Biology Olympiad. We provided an overview of synthetic biology, iGEM, and this year's Japanese iGEM team project. By using synthetic biology, we conveyed the appeal of microorganisms such as E. coli and yeast, which are active in various fields such as the environment, medicine, chemistry, and agriculture, and have the power to improve the planet we live on. We will be very happy if, as a result of our class, some of the participants will challenge iGEM, invent new technologies, and contribute to society in the future.
We participated in the annual JapnMeetup again this year. This is a great opportunity for the Japanese teams participating in this year's iGEM to report on the progress of their projects and give presentations, allowing them to practice their presentations for the real event and to practice their Q&A. I look forward to this event every year. It is a great opportunity to connect with other Japanese teams and exchange valuable ideas, and I look forward to it every year.
Logos of each university