Three novel models were developed that aimed to project the efficacy of our project, the best ways to implement it, and serve as a reference for future iGEM teams. The models consisted of a bioreactor model, an updated bacteria-bacteriophage population model, cellular automata, and sepsis detection device.
OhioState iGEM 2021’s team made a model that depicted how the population of bacteria changed after the addition of bacteriophages, using a paper written by Dr. Lenski1. The paper contained a system of ODEs that could be used to describe the relationship between bacteria and bacteriophages. However, due to complications with two parameters within the model, the model was forced to be created using the steady state approximation. The two parameters S’ and P’, the concentrations of free phage and uninfected bacteria at time t-τ1, were the parameters causing the complications.
While OhioState iGEM 2021’s model and findings were valid, they only applied to situations where the system was at or approximately at steady state. Due to this limitation, the utility of the model was largely reduced since it could only be applied in specific situations.To widen the scope of the model, new methods of solving the system of ODEs were tested to create a model that could be used in both steady and unsteady state systems.
After re-analyzing OhioState iGEM 2021’s steady state model, different possible solutions were determined to address the S’ and P’ parameters. The team then emailed Dr. Lenski to see what methods could be used to address the parameters. Dr. Lenski provided two possible routes the team could go to addressing the parameters:
For the first iteration, the model was created with the assumption that S’=S and P’=P. The parameters S and P are the concentrations of free phage and uninfected bacteria at time t. This was done to see whether the Runge-Kutta method could eliminate the complications without significant alterations to OhioState iGEM 2021’s code. Using OhioState iGEM 2021’s model, setting S’=S and P’=P led to concentrations of free phage and uninfected bacteria either not changing with time or going to positive/negative infinity. The RK4 developed model produced a more reasonable model with the same assumption:
Although the model created using the RK4 method produced more reasonable results than the OhioState iGEM 2021 model when using the S’=S and P=P assumption, the model did not properly display the changes in bacteriophage and bacteria populations over time. There was one main potential issue that was determined when analyzing the produced plot. The first being the slope at the beginning of the simulation for both uninfected bacteria. When analyzing the zoomed in plot, the concentrations of both the free phage and uninfected bacteria are both decreasing. The plot implies that phage is attaching to bacteria, which makes sense as to why the concentration of uninfected bacteria is decreasing. However, the rate of which they’re decreasing doesn't match, which implies that the population of uninfected bacteria is decreasing due to other factors. Overall, the general plot displayed the predator/prey relationship between the concentrations; however, we weren’t sure whether that initial decrease in both concentrations was correct. Therefore, we ran another iteration with a slight alteration of how S’ and P’ were defined.
For the final iteration, a simulation was created that would assign S’ and P’ with their associated value based on the time t-τ. τ represents the period after infection in which beta phages are produced, while t represents the actual time. τ was set to 0.5 hours, and it was tracked as the simulation progressed. When t<=τ, S’ and P’ were set to 0 within the simulation. When t>τ, S’ = S(t-τ) and P’ = P(t-τ). Running the simulation produced the model shown in Figure 3.
The plots generated from the updated values still portrayed the same predator-prey relationship as the previous iteration. However, here the difference can be seen in the zoomed in plot. It displays that as the concentration of phage increases, the concentration of bacteria also decreases. This seems more logical than the previous iteration’s assumption that the concentration for both would decrease. We can see that bacteria’s concentration begins to increase before the phage concentration flattens out. This could be due to the bacteria beginning to split themselves as the phages are still lysing the infected bacteria. Once the concentration of uninfected bacteria reaches its apex, the concentration of free phage begins to drop as it attaches itself to uninfected phage. A similar cycle will occur as time passes. This iteration is seen as an improvement of the previous iteration, the plots seem a bit more logical than the previous iteration’s plots. The population model was constructed in MATLAB. A commented pdf file containing the assumptions, paramaters, ODEs, and code can be downloaded here.
(1) - Lenski, Richard E. "Dynamics of interactions between bacteria and virulent bacteriophage." Advances in microbial ecology (1988): 1-44,,%20Adv%20Microb%20Eco,%20Lenski.pdf
(2) - Weisstein, Eric W. "Runge-Kutta Method." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
To successfully integrate bacteriophages into the medical field as a measure against sepsis, a method of mass producing the phages is necessary. After researching common processes, the most suitable method for bacteriophage production was determined to be via bioreactors. A bioreactor is a unit used to grow organisms under controlled conditions1. The team determined early in the process that the process would need other units to develop the phages. Given the nature of bacteriophages, specifically the fact that they are unable to reproduce by themselves, a minimum of one unit would be needed to grow the bacteria and another that would introduce the phage to the bacteria.
For reference, the team used Escherichia coli (E. coli) as the bacteria that phage would infect. Most strains of E. coli are harmless2, which would, in the event of some sort of unit failure, reduce danger for operators. Although most are harmless, thorough research would need to be done into the chosen strand to ensure the safety of individuals operating the system.
Before committing to building the bioreactor, the team analyzed past team’s pages to determine whether the build would be viable with the given time. After looking through different pages it was determined that building it would not be possible given the team’s resources. Therefore, the team decided to model an aspect of the bioreactors. The team decided to generate a dynamic model for the bioreactors. The goal of the dynamic model was that it would be the first step towards developing a control system that could be used in industry. A process control system maintains a unit at its ideal conditions3. For example, if the temperature in the bioreactor increases, the thermal jacket (used to control the temperature) of the unit can be adjusted to remove heat from the bioreactor. With a developed control system, the bioreactors would be able to operate at optimal conditions while protecting individuals operating the systems.
Before developing the dynamic model, the team needed to determine a specific objective that needed to be achieved. The team decided to create a dynamic model for a single bioreactor, with the modeled bioreactor being the bioreactor that would introduce phage to the bacteria. The unit that would develop the E. coli will not be included, the model will assume that the incoming stream of bacteria will be from an upstream unit. Our goal is to create dynamic models that control the leaving stream’s flow rate and temperature. The following assumptions were made when creating the model:
To start, a general mole balance is created for the batch system. This will be the baseline for the following calculations.
In the general mole balance equation:
The simplified mole balance displays that the change in phage concentration in the bioreactor is dependent on the production rate of phage. However, a further simplification can be made with assumption 8, the constant density assumption. The validity of the assumption could be argued against, since phage is being produced from bacteria, the concentration of phage would increase, and the concentration of bacteria would decrease. Therefore, there would most likely be a change in density within the bioreactor, with the extent of change being dependent on the changes of both components. However, the assumption being made inherently is that the change in density of the reaction is negligible, since there is an inert solvent that dominates and sets the density of the solution. Since, the constant density assumption is being used, the volume within the bioreactor would be constant. The V term within the derivative can be removed and canceled out with the volume term on the right side of the equation, giving the following equation:
The Rphage term is equal to the reaction rate of the species, which in this case is phage. Since the overall production of phage is 1, one phage begin consumed to make two, Rphage is equal to the reaction rate.
We can integrate this equation to find an equation that determines Cphage at any time.
Here we have our final phage concentration equation, and we can see that it is also dependent on the concentration of E. coli. Figuring out how long the batch process should run will be important to operate the bioreactor. To understand the optimum time, we also need to understand how the concentration of E. coli changes over time. The derivation is similar to the phage concentration derivation. The only difference is the definition of the production rate for E. coli. In this case, we can see that the overall production rate of E. coli is 1 according to the chemical equation. This means that the production rate for E. coli is equal to the following equation:
After integrating the a final equation for E. coli is found:
Using the two derived equations a model can be created to see how these concentrations change over time. That model would allow us to select an ideal run time for the bioreactor, with the goal of maximizing phage production. More models can be created from here to control other factors such as temperature and pressure. With all aspects modeled, a bioreactor can be made to test whether these models are valid for use, or if adjustments need to be made to reach the desired phage output.
(1) - “What Is a Bioreactor?”
(2) - Sepsis Alliance. Sepsis and Intestinal E. coli Infections. 2022.
(2) - A Short Introduction to Process Dynamics and Control.
Our team wanted to provide a visual depiction of the interaction between bacteria and bacteriophages, specifically the benefits of using a phage cocktail.
To model the benefits of a phage cocktail, a cellular automata method was created (one really famous example of cellular automata is Conway’s Game of Life). For this method, there are discrete cells that can have different states. These states are determined by rules and these rules are user determined. Another important aspect of cellular automata is the neighborhood. This neighborhood describes the area around each cell that that cell can impact.
The model simulated a very simplified human body by treating the system as a 2D plane. Many other assumptions were made to help simplify the model and allow it to focus on the difference between using 1 or 2 phage types. To better understand our model, the final model assumptions are listed below:
On the 2D plane, there were eleven possible states each cell could have. To create a visual output, each state was linked to a certain color and both state and color descriptions are described below.
These states are determined by our model’s rules. These rules seek to parallel actual interactions between bacteria and phage.
As seen in the above rules, there are some parameters that change probabilities and the ultimate outcome of the rules. These parameters are used to tune the model to investigate different scenarios. For our model, most of these parameters are user-inputted, the user of the code can choose these values to their liking.
Having made assumptions, defined states, come up with rules, and tuned those rules with user defined parameters, the model was ready to be run. Its first step is to dose a set amount of phage at the center of the 2D space and then each rule is put into place and new states determined. Each time a rule is implemented and new states determined, a new plot is generated. This time step is termed generations and when run, the plot will be continually updated like a time lapse. The output plot has three different graphs. The left and center graphs are phage heatmaps, they show where phage are concentrated. A red color signifies the highest number of phage, descending to warmer colors orange and yellow, down to cooler colors until dark blue, the lowest number of phage. The right graph is the bacteria graph, showing the different states of the bacteria as signified by their color.
This model can now be used to show the difference between a phage cocktail and just a normal phage. If we set the types of phage to 1 and types of bacteria to 2, we get the output below.
Now if we pretend to administer a phage cocktail and have two types of phage and two types of bacteria, we get a much cleaner graph, showing a larger absence of bacteria.
The goal of this model was to show differences in bacterial concentrations when comparing a phage cocktail to just phage. Despite many assumptions, our model does indeed show that with the 2 phage type system resulting in a drastic decrease in bacteria filled cells. That's how important phage cocktails are. If you have a single bacteria type, they are bound to mutate, essentially resulting in two total types of bacteria. Using a single phage type could prove ineffective if a receptor mutated and the phage can no longer infect. However, if a phage cocktail is used, two phage types in this example, there is an increased chance that at least one of the phage can still infect the mutated bacteria and insert its genetic material.
This model was constructed in Python, so you can try it out yourself. You can experiment with parameters or even add on to the code itself. A commentted pdf file containing the Python code can be downloaded here.
(1) - Lenski, Richard E. "Dynamics of interactions between bacteria and virulent bacteriophage." Advances in microbial ecology (1988): 1-44,,%20Adv%20Microb%20Eco,%20Lenski.pdf