In our project, we designed a synthetic glucocorticoid (GC)-sensing circuit comprising glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and a chimeric promoter (PGRE). Upon glucocorticoid simulation, GRs are translocated into the nucleus, initiating the transcriptions of the target genes, e.g., SEAP or Tyrosine (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Human glucocorticoid receptor-based genetic circuits for glucocorticoid detection in HEK-293T cells.
To quantitatively analyze the glucocorticoid-inducible transcriptional activation cascade and predict circuit operation in vitro, we developed an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model to describe how glucocorticoid induce the expression of the target genes. This model also served the following purposes:
1. to quantitatively analyze the performance of synthetic circuit by simulating the dynamics of intracellular/intermediate states, which are hard to track and detect;
2. to simulate the transcriptional activation kinetics and dose-dependent manner of SEAP levels upon glucocorticoid stimulation;
3. to investigate the key factors/parameters which have the largest influence on glucocorticoid-induced expression in the design of synthetic circuit.
Our model is based on the following assumptions:
1. In SEAP-expressing stable cell lines, the copy number of SEAP gene is identical (Constant);
2. The expression of the GR protein (which represent wide type GR and the truncated GR mutant, the structure of which was significantly changed in our engineering processes) was considered as a Constant;
3. Upon the binding between glucocorticoid and GR, they are considered as a complex, which initiate the transcription of target gene.

Figure2. The framework of the our ODE model utilized to describe the glucocorticoid-inducible transcriptional activation cascade.
Our ODE model simulates the key cellular processes involved in glucocorticoid-inducible transcriptional activation.
The whole process can be divided into 2 modules:
The glucocorticoid sensation module
1. The natural growth of engineered cells.Equation (1)

2. Upon glucocorticoids stimulation, extracellular glucocorticoidspermeate the cell membrane by simple diffusion and then recognized by glucocorticoid receptor. Equation (2) to (4)

3. The GC-receptor complex (TetR) is translocated into the nucleus and binds with Tet Operator, which initiate the expression of target gene. Equation (5)

The gene expression module 
1. It includes the transcription of SEAP and the translation of SEAP-mRNA(Xie et al., 2016). Equation (6) and (7)

2.The growth and metabolic rates. Equation (8) and (9)

3. The ODE modified from (6) with . This ODE led to two different paths in our modeling to meet different requirements of analysis respectively. the original one was named the pure ODE model, the (Quasi-steady state approximation) QSSA for the another. Equation (10)

1.Modeling iteration: Integrated analysis of Simulation-experimental data
After that we established our ODE model, our wet-lab group have already obtained enough test data of glucocorticoid-inducible synthetic circuit, enabling us to estimate the unknown parameters in our model.
For instance, we first constructed a model consisting of only ODEs to simulate the whole signal transduction processes. However, we observed that the experimental data didn’t fit well with our simulation (Figure 3), which was attributable to the uncertainty that ODE model contained.
Therefore, we use QSSA instead, which assumes that
Based on the fact that the protein-protein interaction/binding occurs in seconds, and transcription occurs in minutes to hours;
we can reasonably conclude that the glucocorticoids rapidly bind to the receptor and that this reaction reaches equilibrium very fast, whereas the subsequent transcription processes can be far slower.
The Michaelis-Menten equation derived from the above analysis largely enhance the precision of our model, the side-by-side comparison between the two model is shown in (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Comparison between experimental data and model prediction.
To validate the accuracy of our model, we used the model to predict the level of SEAP activity. As is shown in the figures above (Figure 3), the simulation showed that both ODE model predictions and QSSA model predictions match well with the corresponding wet-lab data (link related Results page), indicating that our model might have correctly reflected the whole processes of glucocorticoid-inducible transcriptional activation cascade.
Compared with ODE, QSSA achieved a better performance, particularly in the control group (Figure 3A) and in stimulation group between 12hr and 48hr (Figure 3B) . Clearly, the modified simulation is more accurate than the original simulation, suggesting that our hypotheses and reasoning are correct.
2.Sensitivity analysis of parameters in the whole process
As our wet-lab group need to further characterize and optimize the performance of the Tetstress-based circuit (link to HP and related Results page), we utilized our model to quantitatively identify the factors (parameters) that have the most significant effect on the final level/activity of SEAP.
To address this issue, a built-in sensitivity analysis program of Simbiology was used to calculate the time dependence of SEAP production with respect to each potential parameter and its sensitivity.
By examining the computational sensitivity over time, we found out that kinu (the efficiency of GC complex into the nucleus) , Compared with other potential parameters such as kdm and ksm , have the greatest impact on the output of GC complex and SEAP level.

Figure 4. The sensitive analysis performed to investigate the impact of different parameters. X-axis represents the parameters, functioning as the input, Y-axis stands for the output.
To further verify the influence of kinu on SEAP level, the initial value of kinu was scanned in a range from 0 to 1, and the simulation showed that when the initial value of kinu was 0.5, SEAP expression fits the experimental data well. The result is shown as below:

Figure 5. Level of SEAP activity under different kinu value.
With the decrease in kinu, the SEAP activity began to be significantly delayed, indicating that the synthetic circuit is largely dependent on the efficiency of nuclear import of Tetstress upon glucocorticoid stimulation.
The results suggest that we can increase the glucocorticoid-responsiveness by enhancing the nuclear translocation of our synthetic transcriptional factor (Tetstress).
As shown in our experimental results (Linked to Results Page). Our team then introduced a nuclear export signal (NES) into Tetstress transcriptional factor (between TetR and GRLBD) to manipulate the subcellular localization of the Tetstress. Wet-lab data showed that this improvement successfully enhanced the response of the glucocorticoid stimulation (Linked to Results Figures) .
In conclusion, we constructed a mathematical model to describe and predict the behavior of our stress sensor cell (the glucocorticoid-inducible transcriptional activation cascade). Our modeling achieves the following objectives:
1.An integrated simulation analysis in combination with experimental data demonstrated a good fit between our model and experimental data, which proves that our mathematical model is useful and effective, as well as heuristic. We believe our modeling and ideas is useful for other iGEM teams and synthetic circuit-based engineering of mammalian cells.
2.The sensitivity analysis showed that kinu(the efficiency of GC complex in the nucleus) is the most sensitive parameter. This helped the wet-lab group to figure out how to improve the glucocorticoid-responsiveness of engineered stress-sensing cell, these model-assisted synthetic circuit design showed that mathematical modeling can provide a new outlet for further research. In our project, it did help us find the direction to further optimize our circuit design, which contributed to our engineering success and proof of the concept.
Parameter tables

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