In order to enable an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms underlying our system, we developed a detailed mathematical model. Our system is based on quorum sensing: Our engineered CAR T-cells constantly express a ligand, but only at a low basal transcription rate. Upon CAR T-cell clustering however, the ligand concentration in the cellular environment exceeds a threshold, so that a positive feedback loop is activated, increasing the ligand and - importantly - the CAR transcription rate. Figure 1 provides a detailed description of our system, with a focus on what is important in order to derive a mathematical model.
Figure 1: Schematic representation of our quorum
sensing loop system.
1. MESA dimerization: A
triggers two
to dimerize. As a
result, the
transcription factor tTA
is cleaved by a protease.
2. tTA dimerization: Two cleaved tTA dimerize. 3. DNA binding: The dimerized tTA binds to the Tet Response Element (TRE). This activates ligand and CAR expression. 4a. Ligand: The ligand is expressed and secreted. 4b. CAR: The Chimeric Antigen Receptor is expressed and transported to the cell membrane. |
The following list provides an overview of the proteins important for the functionality of our quorum sensing feedback loop:
Following the approach of Kannan, 2018 [1] , we describe the general rate equation of a protein with concentration \(x\) as follows: \[\frac{dx}{dt} = synthesis \pm transformation \pm transport − (degradation + dilution)\] The transcription and translation of the protein are included in the synthesis, the transformation accounts for processes like the dimerization of the protein, and the transport considers the molecule diffusion within the cell or through the cell membrane. Moreover, the formula takes into account that the protein concentration might decrease due to degradation, cell dispersion, and dilution of cell culture.
Based on this generic expression, we derived an individual formula for the general rate equation of each protein that is part of our quorum sensing system. For this, we will use the symbols in the following table:
Symbol | Meaning |
[\(M\)] | Concentration of single MESA receptors (nanobody 1 and 2) on the cell surface |
[\(M_{di}\)] | Concentration of dimerized MESA receptor on the cell surface, consisting of nanobody 1 and 2 |
[\(L_i\)] | Intracellular ligand concentration |
[\(L_e\)] | Extracellular ligand concentration |
[\(T_{di}\)] | Concentration of tTA dimer in the cell |
[\(C\)] | CAR concentration on the cell surface |
\(\mu_{b\{X\}}\) | Basal transcription rate of protein {X} |
\(\mu_{m\{X\}}\) | Maximal transcription rate of protein {X} |
\(\delta_{\{X\}}\) | Degradation rate of protein {X} |
\(\lambda_{\{X\}}\) | Secretion rate of protein {X} to the extracellular matrix |
\(\phi_{\{X\}away}\) | Diffusivity of protein {X} away from the cell cluster environment |
\(\theta_{\{X\}}\) | Transportation rate of a cell surface protein {X} to the cell membrane |
\(K_{di\{X\}}\) | Rate constant for the dimerization in order to form protein {X} |
\(K_{\{X\}\{Y\}}\) | Rate constant for the docking between protein {X} and protein {Y} |
\(k_{\{X\}}\) | Equilibrium constant of the binding process of a TF {X} to a DNA binding site, following Michaelis-Menten kinetics |
N | Cell number |
In the following section, we provide a rate equation for the concentration of each protein in our loop system. We assume the MESA receptor \(M\) to be transcribed at a constant rate \(\mu_{bM}\). After expression, the receptors are transported to the cell membrane to be presented there with transportation rate \(\theta_M \). Additionally, we take into account a protein degradation at first-order degradation rate \(\delta_M\). \[\frac{d[M]}{dt} = \mu_{bM} \times \theta_M − \delta_M \times [M] \]
Based on the rate equation of \([M]\), we derive the rate equation for the concentration of dimerized MESA receptor \(M_{di}\) on the cell surface. The dimerization occurs upon binding of an extracellular ligand and is therefore additionally dependent on \([L_e]\). The rate constant for the MESA-ligand complex formation is denoted as \(K_{ML_e}\). \[\frac{d[M_{di}]}{dt} = K_{ML_e} \times [M]^2 \times [L_e] \]
We distinguish between intracellular ligand concentration \([L_i]\) and extracellular ligand concentration \([L_e]\), and assume the ligand is expressed at a basal transcription rate \(\mu_{bL}\). Upon binding of the transcription factor tTA to the DNA binding motif TER, the ligand expression is enhanced. Following the approach of Kannan, 2018 [1], we assume that the TF-DNA binding process follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics with \(K_{T}\) describing the equilibrium constant associated with the binding. We take into account a ligand secretion at rate \(\lambda_L\) and a first-order degradation at rate \(\delta_L\). \[\frac{d[L_i]}{dt} = \mu_{bL_i} +\mu_{mL_i} \frac{[T_{di}]}{k_{T_{di}} + [T_{di}]} - \lambda_L [L_i] - \delta_L [L_i] \]
For the extracellular ligand concentration, we take into account the number of cells \(N\), which secrete ligands at secretion rate \(\lambda_L\). Furthermore, we assume a decrease in extracellular ligand concentration due to ligands that diffuse away from the cell cluster at the diffusion rate \(\phi_{Laway}\). \[\frac{d[L_e]}{dt} = N \times \lambda_L [L_i] - \phi_{Laway}[L_e] \]
Upon dimerization of two nanobodies, resulting in \(M_{di}\), one tTA monomer gets cleaved by the protease. We assume two tTA monomers to dimerize at rate \(K_{diT}\). We account for tTA degradation at first-order degradation rate \(\delta_{T}\). \[\frac{d[T_{di}]}{dt} = [M_{di}]^2 \times K_{diT} - \delta_{T_{di}} [T_{di}]\]
Upon Binding of tTA to the DNA binding site TER, the ligand and CAR transcriptions are enhanced. As already described, we assume that the TF-DNA binding process follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with \(k_{T_{di}}\) describing the equilibrium constant. After expression, the CAR is transported to the cell membrane to be presented there with transportation rate \(\theta_C\). CAR degradation happens at first-order degradation rate \(\delta_C\). \[\frac{d[C]}{dt} = (\mu_{bC} +\mu_{mC} \frac{[T_{di}]}{k_{T_{di}} + [T_{di}]}) \times \theta_C - \delta_C [C] \]
In the following, we will use the system of ordinary differential equations derived in the previous section to mathematically simulate our quorum sensing feedback loop. The goal is to obtain a numerical simulation that depicts the CAR concentration on the cell surface \([C]\) with respect to the cell number \(N\).
We solved the equations using the nagf_ode_ivp_bdf_zero_simple (d02ejf) method of the python interface of the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG), which implements backward differentiation. This procedure is in accordance with the approach of Ward et al., 2001 [2].
We assumed a starting concentration of 0.002 for all our proteins except for the not dimerized MESA receptors \(M\), since the nanobodies are expressed irrespective of the cell number \(N\). We estimated a starting concentration of 0.65 for \(M\). Furthermore, we performed literature research to obtain reasonable values for the rate constants. The parameters we used for our numerical simulation can be found below.
Symbol | Value | Source |
\(\mu_{bM}\) | 0.65 | Assumed |
\(\mu_{bL_i}\) | 0.05 | As estimated by Dockery and Keener, 2001 [14]* |
\(\mu_{bC}\) | 0.05 | As estimated by Dockery and Keener, 2001 [14]* |
\(\mu_{mL_i}\) | 1.0 | As estimated by Dockery and Keener, 2001 [14]* |
\(\mu_{mC}\) | 1.0 | As estimated by Dockery and Keener, 2001 [14]* |
\(K_{ML_{e}}\) | 0.55 | assumed |
\(K_{diT}\) | 0.98 | Estimated based on Becskei and Serrano, 2000 [15] |
\(k_{T_{di}}\) | 0.7 | Estimated based on Huang et al., 2015 [16] |
\(\delta_M\) | 0.02 | As estimated by Dockery and Keener, 2001 [14]* |
\(\delta_L\) | 0.02 | As estimated by Dockery and Keener, 2001 [14]* |
\(\delta_{T_{di}}\) | 0.02 | As estimated by Dockery and Keener, 2001 [14]* |
\(\delta_{C}\) | 0.02 | As estimated by Dockery and Keener, 2001 [14]* |
\(\theta_M\) | 0.65 | assumed |
\(\theta_{C}\) | 0.65 | assumed |
\(\phi_{Laway}\) | 0.3 | assumed |
\(\lambda_L\) | 0.051 | Hirschberg et al., 1998 [17] |
The magnitude of the results, especially with focus on the cell number, matches the findings of Kannan, 2018, Figure 5 [1], who also simulated a system based on quorum sensing and implemented the model with similar parameter values.
However, as most of our parameters are estimations, our numerical simulation has to be interpreted as a rough approximation that does not reflect the complexity of all simultaneous processes within a cell cluster.
Our numerical simulation of the CAR concentration [\(C\)] depicts the expected behavior: the effect of our feedback loop sets in only if several cells cluster together. The exact threshold for the feedback loop activation is highly dependent on the estimated parameters. Consequently, the threshold can be altered by fine-tuning those rate constants.
In the following sections, we will perform an in-depth investigation of the docking processes determining the parameters \(k_{T_{di}}\) and \(K_{ML_e}\). Furthermore, we use mutagenesis to alter the docking affinity, which allows for precise fine-tuning of our loop activation threshold.
In the following section, we examine the binding of our dimerized transcription factor (TF) tTA to the DNA binding motif TRE (Figure 1, step 3). The TF tTA is composed of a tetR DNA binding domain and a VP16 transcription activation domain [3]. That way, the transcription of the controlled gene (in our case the genes encoding the ligand and the CAR) is enhanced upon tTA-DNA binding, whereas the binding of the tetR domain without the VP16 activation domain would repress the transcription.
The TF-DNA binding affinity is represented by the rate constant \(k_{T_{di}}\) in our mathematical model. As described before, the loop system activation threshold can be altered by optimizing the equilibrium constant of this binding process, for instance by making the binding more or less energetically preferable. This fine-tuning can be achieved by energetically assessing the binding of tTA and the DNA binding motif TRE and subsequently mutating the binding residues of the TF and the bases of the TRE, while investigating how this changes the binding affinity. Of note, all considerations in this section assume the absence of tetracycline. An investigation of the tetracycline-TF docking can be found in the subsequent section.
Code availability: The code we wrote to perform the mutation of the TF and the molecular docking can be found on our Software GitLab.
Handling of signal sequences: Some of our sequences encoding the proteins relevant for our loop system contain a signal sequence, which, for example, results in the subcellular translocation of the protein. As this is irrelevant to the binding process, the analysis on this website is restricted to protein sequences without signal sequences. All sequences provided on this website exclude the signal sequence.
As portrayed in Figure 1, step 2, the TF tTA binds as a dimer to the TRE DNA binding motif [4]. The first step towards simulating the TF-DNA binding kinetics is to obtain a 3D structure of the dimerized TF.
As described, the TF tTA is composed of a tetR DNA binding domain and a VP16 activation domain. As the VP16 activation domain is irrelevant to the TF-DNA binding kinetics, and has an unknown structure, we restricted our further downstream analysis to the TetR domain of the TF.
The 3D structure of the TetR protein has been experimentally confirmed: The Protein Data Bank (PDB) entry 4AC0 has 100% sequence identity with our TetR sequence. We therefore took the PDB file of entry 4AC0 and subsequently obtained a 3D structure of the dimerized TetR using the HDOCK server, which is based on a hybrid algorithm of template-based modeling and ab initio free docking [5].
Using PredictProtein [6] to analyze the sequence of the TetR domain of our TF, we identified the residues 39-44 as primarily responsible for the DNA binding.
The DNA binding motif of TetR is known [4]. We identified the binding motif in our DNA sequence and centered the binding motif within a sequence of 29 bases:
We started with investigating the binding affinity between the dimerized TetR protein and the DNA binding motif, both without any mutations. We performed the docking simulation with HDOCK, using the following settings:
The four ligand (i.e. DNA) binding sites result from the fact that each TetR monomer binds to both DNA strands (5'-3' and 3'-5'). We will further investigate this in the subsequent section DNA Mutation.
Based on this, HDOCK computed the following output:
![]() |
![]() |
In order to influence the constant \(k_{T_{di}}\) in our mathematical model, we mutated the TF and assessed how the mutation influences the DNA binding affinity. Conservative mutations maintain the original conformation of proteins by substituting an amino acid with another with similar physicochemical properties ([7]; [8]). Because we don't aim to change the conformation of the protein but the binding affinity of the binding residues of our TetR dimer, we restricted our analysis to the investigation of conservative mutations. However, there exist several classifications of amino acids into groups with similar physicochemical properties. Here, we selected two of these classifications in order to perform the TetR mutation.
Classification 1 | Classification 2 | |
Aliphatic: Gly, Ala, Val, Leu, Ile Hydroxyl or sulfur/selenium-containing: Ser, Cys, Thr, Met Cyclic: Pro Aromatic: Phe, Tyr, Trp Basic: His, Lys, Arg, Acidic and their amides: Asp, Glu, Asn, Gln |
Described by Miyata, Miyazawa and Yasunaga, 1979; Zhang, 2000 Special: Cys Neutral, small: Ala, Gly, Pro, Ser, Thr Hydrophilic, small: Asn, Asp, Gln, Glu Hydrophilic, large: Arg, His, Lys Hydrophobic, small: Ile, Leu, Met, Val Hydrophobic, large: Phe, Trp, Tyr |
For every amino acid we aimed to mutate, it was replaced once by each amino acid in the same classification group, while not introducing any other mutations into the TetR. For instance, a threonine at position 40 was substituted by Ser, Cys, Met (classification 1) and Ala, Gly, Pro (classification 2). Consequently, we calculated six mutated TetR only for the mutation of position 40.
We restricted the mutation of TetR to the DNA binding residues 39-44, as identified by PredictProtein before. A mutation was introduced to both chains of the TetR dimer. In order to perform the mutation, we wrote a python script together with the iGEM team Edinburgh-UHAS_Ghana, that uses PyMol [9] and can be found on our Software GitLab.
To determine whether a mutation increases or decreases the binding affinity, we docked each mutated TetR dimer with the DNA using HDOCK.
Figure 5 shows that most conservative mutations of the binding residues decrease the binding affinity. In case experimental results show that our quorum sensing based feedback loop gets activated at a low cell concentration not unique to solid tumors, we could substitute for instance the proline at position 39 with an alanine and therefore decrease the constant \(k_{T_{di}}\).
Only two conservative mutations (Ser at position 40 and Tyr at position 43) lead to an increased binding affinity. This indicates that the TetR system is already well optimized. We further investigated whether the binding affinity could be increased by introducing both mutations simultaneously to the TetR dimer. However, a TetR dimer with a Ser at position 40 and Tyr at position 43 in both chains binding to the TRE DNA motif results in an absolute HDOCK docking score of 203.73. This suggests that both mutations influence each other and therefore, when simultaneously introduced to the TF, slightly decrease the binding affinity.
In addition to the mutagenesis of our TF, we investigated the effect of the base composition of the DNA binding motif on the TF-DNA binding affinity. Figure 6 depicts the DNA binding sequence with the binding motif centered within the sequence, as described before. Both TetR monomers A and A' bind to both DNA strands. Furthermore, the DNA binding motif contains a sequence X , one guanine, and the reverse complement of X .
Mutating the cytosine at position 9 in the 5' to 3' strand to an adenine therefore implies that the guanine at position 21 in the same strand is mutated to a thymine. Consequently, the reverse strand now also contains two base substitutions.
We investigated the effect of mutated bases at positions 9 to 14 in the 5' to 3' strand. As described, mutating one of these bases results in a total of four substituted bases. For each position, we substituted the respective base with the three other bases once. This results in 3 bases * 6 positions = 18 DNA strands. Subsequently, each DNA strand was docked to the baseline TetR dimer using HDOCK.
Figure 7 depicts the effect point mutations in the TRE DNA binding motif have on the TF-DNA binding affinity. At each position in the 5' to 3' DNA strand (x-axis), the original baseline expression is denoted as zero. Based on that, the other scores show the deviation from the baseline docking score (205.63, see Figure 5). For instance, the substitution of the cytosine at position 9 with an adenine results in an absolute docking score of 169.45 and \(169.45 - 205.63 \approx -36\). Therefore, a negative deviation in Figure 7 implies that the respective mutation decreased the TF-DNA binding affinity.
As already seen when investigating the effect of a TetR mutagenesis on the TF-DNA binding affinity, the results in Figure 7 suggest that the TetR-TER binding already is a well optimized system, because only one investigated mutation has the capability to increase the binding affinity: Substituting the adenine at position 14 with a cytosine results in a higher HDOCK docking score than the baseline.
Importantly, we are not exclusively aiming to increase the TF-DNA binding affinity. In order to fine-tune our feedback loop activation threshold, it is just as important to identify possible mutations that maintain the binding capability, but make it less energetically preferable. The performed investigation of effects of TetR as well as DNA mutagenesis, enables us to precisely optimize our system.
For this section in particular, we closely worked together with the iGEM team Edinburgh-UHAS_Ghana. Read more about our partnership activities on our Partnership page.
The binding of the TF tTA to the TRE DNA binding motif can be inhibited by tetracycline. Even though tetracycline is not part of our quorum sensing feedback loop (see Figure 1), tetracycline is essential for our system: In CAR T-cell therapy, T cells are derived from the patient's own blood. Subsequently, the T cells are genetically modified by inserting a gene encoding the CAR. In our system, we additionally insert genes encoding the ligand and the nanobodies. It is crucial to inhibit a feedback loop activation in cell culture before the cells are infused back into the patient. This is achieved by adding tetracycline to the medium of the cell culture.
As the binding of tetracycline to TetR is a prerequisite for our system, we performed an in silico simulation of the TetR-Tetracycline docking. Additionally, we mutated the residues interacting with tetracycline and assessed the respective effect on the binding affinity.
The docking simulation was performed using AutoDock Vina [10], [11]. AutoDock requires .pdbqt files as input for both the receptor (TetR) and the ligand (tetracycline).
We obtained the 3D structure of tetracycline from ChemSpider in .mol format. Next, we converted this file into a .pdb file required for AutoDock simulations using the open-Source OpenBabel library. Subsequently, we prepared the ligand and receptor using the methods prepare_ligand and prepare_receptor provided by AutoDockTools [12]. The output of those methods are the required .pdbqt files. For a more detailed description, see the Docking Simulations Tutorial we collaboratively wrote with iGEM team Edinburgh-UHAS Ghana.
As is shown in the following results, both TetR subunits interfere with the tetracycline. The TetR dimer is able to bind two tetracyclines in total, however, we restricted our further analysis to one tetracycline per TetR dimer, as a second tetracycline doesn't influence the docking of the first tetracycline, it simply docks symmetrically to the first in the other TetR subunit and would therefore needlessly consume computational power.
We used AutoDock Vina to perform a docking simulation with the prepared .pdbqt files of the receptor (TetR dimer) and the ligand (tetracycline). The script we used to do this was written in Python and is available on our Software GitLab.
AutoDock Vina calculated an absolute binding affinity of 9.285 kcal/mol. This is subsequently referred to as the "baseline". Figure 8 depicts the calculated docking positions, visualized with PyMol.
![]() |
![]() |
In order to optimize the docking, we mutated the residues in proximity to the docked tetracycline and investigated the effect on the binding affinity. Using PyMol, we identified 23 TetR residues close to the target binding position of tetracycline and are therefore likely to influence the binding kinetics.
Analogous to the procedure in the previous section, every one of the 23 amino acids was substituted with each amino acid in the same classification group once, while not introducing any other mutations into the TetR. This resulted in 139 mutated versions of the TetR dimer - each with exactly one mutated residue. Each mutated TetR was then prepared for the docking simulation using the prepare_receptor method provided by AutoDockTools. Subsequently, we performed the 139 docking simulations with AutoDock Vina with tetracycline and one of the mutated TetR dimers as input.
Figure 9 depicts the absolute binding affinity between tetracycline and the mutated TetR dimers. Each bar corresponds to one mutated TetR dimer, and thus one substituted residue. Most mutations do not or only marginally alter the binding affinity compared to baseline - the TetR dimer without mutations as described in the previous section.
In total, 59 mutations improved the binding affinity, but only four of those increased the absolute binding affinity in a meaningful way. At each of the 23 mutated positions, there was at least one amino acid substitution that improved the binding affinity. In order to test the effect of several simultaneous mutations in the TetR dimer, we identified the mutation resulting in the highest absolute binding affinity at each position and subsequently created the structure of a TetR dimer containing all 23 mutations. Autodock Vina calculated an absolute binding affinity of 9.138 kcal/mol for the docking of this mutated TetR dimer and tetracycline. That the affinity falls below the baseline affinity, is likely due to steric effects of the mutated residues, which cumulatively worsen the affinity of the tetracycline docking.
The following section describes an analysis of the docking of an extracellular ligand to two nanobodies (MESA) on the cell surface of our engineered CAR T-cells (see Figure 1, step 1). The rate constant used in our mathematical model to describe this process is \(K_{ML_e}\).
During the course of our project, we investigated two nanobodies: the GFP nanobody (GFPnb) and the mCherry nanobody (mCherryNB). Additionally, two ligands were examined: GFP-mCherry, with one GFP and one mCherry domain, as well as 2xmCherry, consisting of two mCherry domains.
As the structures of our constructs are unknown, we used AlphaFold [13] to predict a 3D model of both ligands as well as both nanobodies. Subsequently, we used HDOCK to simulate the docking between a nanobody dimer as a receptor and our ligand, consisting of two domains. For this, we identified the binding positions in the nanobodies by aligning our predicted protein structures with reference structures from PDB (3K1K for GFP; 6IR2 for mCherry).
We then performed three docking simulations, each with a different ligand - receptor combination.
Figure 10 displays one result of our docking simulation. The following table lists all performed simulations with their respective absolute HDOCK docking score.
Nanobody 1 | Nanobody 2 | Ligand | Absolute Docking score |
mCherryNB | mCherryNB | 2xmCherry | 230.89 |
mCherryNB | mCherryNB | GFP-mCherry | 208.93 |
GFPnb | mCherryNB | 2xmCherry | 201.12 |
The docking results correspond to the expected behavior. A mCherryNB dimer docked to the ligand 2xmCherry results in the highest docking score. Changing the ligand or one nanobody to GFB or GFPnb, respectively, decreases the absolute docking score. This implies a decreased docking affinity and consequently a decreased rate constant \(K_{ML_e}\).
Together, we used different approaches – theoretical and numerical mathematical models, as well as molecular docking simulations – to model our quorum sensing loop system. We deepened our understanding of the feedback loop by deriving a set of differential ordinary equations, which describe the concentration of each protein in the loop. Subsequently, we used a numerical simulation to prove the basic concept of our system: That CAR concentration increased upon CAR T-cell clustering. In order to fine-tune the feedback loop activation threshold, we investigated and set the foundation for optimizing the binding affinities controlling the rate constants in our mathematical model. This was done by using a variety of software tools, as well as writing novel code to perform molecular docking simulations. In the future, our modeling results will enable us to fine-tune the loop system activation threshold based on the needs identified in wet-lab experiments: We are able to decrease the feedback loop activation threshold by increasing binding affinities, as well as increase the activation threshold by making docking less energetically preferable.
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