First, we would like to express our gratitude to our PI Prof. Matthias Feige for helping us realize our project idea with helpful insight and giving us the opportunity to use his lab facilities.
We would like to thank Isabel Aschenbrenner, Nicolas Blömeke and Anna Miesl for advising us and answering any questions during our lab work and Carolin Klose for her support, especially on the FACS device.
Joshua Hesse (from Team Munich 2019) and members of the Munich Team 2018, supported us with the initial recruitment of the team as well as giving advice regarding our project.
We want to sincerely thank the President of the TUM Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Hofmann for supporting us as our patron and sponsor.
We would like to thank Prof. Jürgen Scheller from Uniklinik Düsseldorf for providing us with the sequences and plasmids for the nanobodies and protein dimers that we used in our project.
We would like to thank Carolin Klose for providing us with the infrared reporter miRFP.
Laura Schmidleitner gave us technical support during the FACS measurements.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Francis Ayuketang Ayuk gave us insights into the implementation of CAR T-cell therapies in real life as well as advice on how to conduct our interviews with cancer patients.
Prof. Dr. med. Sebastian Kobold gave us insights into the status quo of the research in CAR T-Cell Therapy and gave us a first evaluation of our project ideas.
M.Sc Daniel Nixdorf gave us insights into his CAR T-cell engineering field and in the discussion with him we discovered that there aren’t any CAR T Cell databases available.
Nina Barceló gave us feedback on our draft of our database schema.
We would like to thank the participants of our panel discussion about green genetic engineering for the valuable exchange of experiences, arguments and ideas: Dr. Anja Schneider, Dr. Anton Schäffner, Dr. Christoph Then, Christian Kaiser, Karl Bär, Johann Graf.
Our educational outreach was only possible thanks to our partners from industry and academia, including Dr. Burkhard Feigel of Infors, who has aided us in the development of the content for the school program. Our thanks also go to M.Sc. Arne Zimmermann from the TUM Chair of Biochemical Engineering (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Weuster-Botz), who helped us explain various cultivation methods, GoBioChem, an outreach group willing to continue providing our educational program in the future, and Elisabeth Eibl, a biology and chemistry teacher at the school, who was involved in the organizational process. We are also extremely grateful to Emanuel Basler, a biochemistry student, who helped us to supervise one of the experimental stations.
Michelle R. was diagnosed with Lymphoma and has been treated with CAR T cell therapy. She made a short movie about her way leading up to the treatment, currently she is raising awareness for the teenage cancer trust in the UK.
D´Ann S. has been in remission for 8 years and then relapsed. Her T cells have already been retrieved and she is currently waiting to receive her engineered CAR T cells.
As we are a very international group and most of us speak English as a second, third or even fourth language, we were grateful to a small team of native English-speaking biochemistry students who took the time to proofread our website. This team consisted of Karina Kraft, Keith Nelson, and Amalie Kraft.
In addition to this page, participants are highlighted close to each activity they participated in. This way the details are always just a click away, hidden in a name like this.