One incredible aspect of our wiki is interactiveness. We designed the wiki with the user's experience in mind so that the wiki appealed to users of all ages. As you navigate through the pages, you will find that there are 3D models that can be rotated in all directions, and the ability to zoom in and out, all with the click of a mouse.
Another remarkable aspect of our wiki is how alive it is. Upon seeing the home page of the wiki, users will be greeted with a wonderful animation. As users navigate through the different pages, they will be able to see many more animations such as an animated cell membrane-themed header with a special surprise.
While developing this wiki, we strived to create an easy-to-navigate experience for users. We integrated a simple, yet modern navigational menu on the right hand side. Each page is grouped under its respective header, which users can identify and navigate to.
Overall, we developed the wiki while employing modern technology. A major backbone of this wiki is Bootstrap, which one of the most popular HTML, CSS, JavaScript libraries used by many websites today. We utilized Bootstrap to create the responsive wiki you see before you. Another major piece of technology we used was GreenSock, a professional-grade JavaScript animation library for modern websites, to create the animations throughout the wiki. The Miami University iGEM team is proud to present the wiki you see before you.