Sustainable development
Our team has always been very focused on tough social security issues and human sustainability, so our aim is to create a sustainable, responsible and beneficial project for the world. We have found our strengths and achievable goals according to the UN guidelines on the Sustainable Development Goals for Youth. At every stage of product design, we aim to "reduce depression patients and contribute to the sustainable development of global health", hoping to bring the benefits of all mankind through our own efforts. So after doing extensive background checks, we believe that our product can approach and achieve the sustainability goals. Among the 17 goals, we select the following four goals that are most likely to be achieved as the main implementation guidelines:

We designed 5-HTP and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) based synthetic biology strains produced by Escherichia coli 1917. We intend to overexpress the amino acid decarboxylase gene in Nissle1917 to produce GABA and overexpress the human tryptophan hydroxylase I (TPH1) gene to produce 5-HTP. At the same time, the intake of probiotics can regulate the balance of human intestinal flora.
Our target goals are:
3) Good health and well being
8) Decent work and economic growth
9)Reduced inequalities
10)sustainable cities and communities
Goal3:Good health and well being

Since the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the effects of depression on people, with many malignant consequences, our team aims to reduce the risk of stress-induced depression, and we think our team's goal idea is consistent with goal 3.
Psychobiotics are probiotics that produce and deliver neuroactive substances, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid and serotonin, both of which act on the brain-gut axis.
As a type of probiotics, when patients ingest adequate amounts of psychoactive probiotics, they may act on the brain by increasing intestinal permeability, producing and delivering neuroactive substances such as gamma-aminobutyric acid and serotonin- Intestinal axis, exerts anxiolytic and anti-anxiety effects. Antidepressant effect. By setting our sights on reducing depression and depression, we can help improve healthy living. Because psychoactive probiotics can effectively suppress depression and relieve pain, improving and protecting people's health, our products can achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3. In addition, scientists have found that high concentrations of 5-HTP can be used to treat serotonin-related disorders, including motion sickness and depression.
Serotonin has been found to be involved in regulating mood, cognition, reward, learning, memory, sleep and many other physiological processes. While our product shouldn't be the only solution to mental health problems, it can reduce the risk of stress-induced depression and reduce the number of people with depression.
Likewise, 5-HTP is effective in improving sleep quality in people with depression. Our products are very promising and have long-term contributions to society, both from a social health and personal health perspective.

Goal8: Decent work and economic growth

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many of the labor market challenges faced by young people aged 15 to 24, according to a data report released by the United Nations. Since the beginning of 2020, they have lost a much higher percentage of jobs than adults. The adolescent group is one of the main groups suffering from depression.
According to a research paper by the National University of Singapore, the unemployment rate of mentally ill patients is more than double that of the average person. From this, it seems that depression will have a great impact on the economy, especially after the epidemic due to the new crown and psychological problems. The double impact of the disease hits the economies of countries. Therefore, the team will "reduce unemployment and economic recovery" as the goal.
From a macroeconomic perspective, as more people with depression start using psychoactive probiotics, this means an increase in the number of people able to work like regular workers, which will undoubtedly reduce unemployment. At the same time, due to the increase in the total labor force, the factors of production increase, and the total production capacity increases. Therefore, the long-run aggregate supply curve shifts to the right (as shown in Figure 1[1]), which means that total social output increases. Better employment means that people have higher and higher disposable income, people are willing and able to buy more incentives, so consumer spending increases, which can lead to an increase in aggregate demand, given that consumer spending is a component of this, Thereby increasing aggregate demand. The AD curve will also shift to the right (Figure 2[2]), the addition of AD and AS will lead to an increase in GDP without significant changes in the overall price level, thus successfully achieving the goal of economic growth. At the same time, each household is likely to spend more on education and health care to ensure future workforce mobility. Form a virtuous circle of long-term sustained economic growth.
As a result, the psychogenic probiotics developed by our team can achieve SDG (3) and bring about economic recovery.

Goal10: Reduced inequalities

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 280 million people worldwide will suffer from depression in 2021. According to the data and our research, nearly 80% of our society has a prejudice against people with depression, believing that people with depression cannot fit into society. This leads to people with depression who are unable to function in society due to abnormal behavior, or there is a common misconception about the disorder.
Our research helps patients treat depression by producing 5-HTP and GABA in their guts to help them get rid of rejection as quickly as possible and reduce the gastrointestinal symptoms they experience during the disease, such as intestinal discomfort, which will Help patients manifest co-occurring disorders and reduce misperceptions about depression. This will reduce the fear of complications of depression, thereby reducing the unequal treatment and isolation of people with depression, making it easier for people with depression to integrate into society and lead a normal life, and making it easier for society to accept people with depression. while achieving the goal of reducing inequality.
Goal11:Sustainable cities and communities

Our team sincerely wishes for world peace and aspires to build a sustainable city and community. Building inclusive, safe and sustainable human settlements. Therefore, when designing products, we consider the application of products to improve living standards and urban and community construction.
More than half of the world's population currently lives in cities. By 2050, that number will reach 6.5 billion, or two-thirds of the entire population. We focus on many extreme poverty areas, where people's health is more worrying, and national and municipal governments are also facing challenges in addressing increased health protection in these areas. Making cities safe and sustainable means ensuring people have healthy minds and bodies, while driving economies and improving healthcare for all.
If the psychogenic probiotics studied by this team are vigorously developed and developed and incorporated into the national medical security system, it will bring a better urban environment and improve people's happiness index.
According to Article 27 of Chapter V of the Interim Measures for Medication Administration of Basic Medical Insurance Policy and Regulations of the National Medical Security Administration of the People's Republic of China: "Comprehensive use of agreements, administrative, judicial and other means to strengthen the supervision of the "Drug List" and the implementation of medication policies, Improve the safety, effectiveness, and economy of medical insurance." The team's safety, efficacy, and economy are clearly stated in the hp analysis, so we hope to achieve the 11th sustainable development goal.
The use of psychoactive probiotics will improve people's health, which corresponds to our goal (3Good health and well being). The improvement of the per capita health index will lead to an increase in the per capita happiness index, which has a positive effect on social stability.
From a sociological point of view, with the achievement of goals (3Good health and well being, (8 Decent work and economic growth), (10Reduced inequalities), a sustainable society will naturally be promoted. No matter in terms of health, economy or society From the perspective of development, the use of psychoactive probiotics will solve or slow down the major problem of "depression", which is of great benefit to promoting social development and human urban construction.
[1] Borroto-Escuela DO, Ambrogini P, Chruścicka B, Lindskog M, Crespo-Ramirez M, Hernández-Mondragón JC, Perez de la Mora M, Schellekens H, Fuxe K. The Role of Central Serotonin Neurons and 5-HT Heteroreceptor Complexes in the Pathophysiology of Depression: A Historical Perspective and Future Prospects. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Feb 15;22(4):1927. doi: 10.3390/ijms22041927. PMID: 33672070; PMCID: PMC7919680.
[2] Maffei ME. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP): Natural Occurrence, Analysis, Biosynthesis, Biotechnology, Physiology and Toxicology. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Dec 26;22(1):181. doi: 10.3390/ijms22010181. PMID: 33375373; PMCID: PMC7796270.
3)Nature Publishing Group. (n.d.). Nature news. Retrieved 2022, from
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