Document the dates you worked on your project. This should be a detailed account of the work done each day for your project.
Practicing experimental techniques
Team meeting
Collected data on the enzymes used for the experiment
Collected data on the enzymes used for the experiment
Collected data on the enzymes used for the experiment
Formed parts used in the experiment via snapgene.
Formed parts used in the experiment via snapgene.
Study session on the theme with the members
Sorted out practical difficulties with the help of the advisors.
Preparation of all solution that will be used during the experiment.
Brainstormed ideas for promotion video.
Protocol printouts and preparation of instruments.
Wrote down script for promotion video.
Re-writing the script for the promotion video.
Making slides for video
Making slides for video
Plasmid extraction
Preparation to upload promotion video
Fixing technical errors of promotion video
A lesson on Fusion
A lesson on Snapgene
Plasmid extraction
Restriction enzyme treatment
Calculation of bp via ImageJ
Gel extraction
Transformation of HMG-CoA reductase front
Restriction enzyme treatment of synthase and pTAC via Ecor1 and pst1
Colony PCR
Making of master plate
Restriction enzyme treatment of synthase and pTAC via Ecor1 and pst1
Plasmid extraction of Reductase front in pMD20 in E. coli
PCR and iPCR
Gel extraction
PCR product purification
Disposal of waste
PCR and iPCR
Electrophoresis of PCR and iPCR
Transformation (synthase in pTAC)
Wiki creation.