She is a member of the wetlab team and many a time functioned as the team's mouthpiece in multiple events.
Being the youngest in the team he worked in the design team and helped us create all that is to see in the handles. He made valuable contributions to designing the project logo and the flyers.
She is an active member of the human practice team who has contributed to multiple aspects of the project such as collaboration, design, and sponsorship.
She is an active member of the wet lab who has played a pivotal role in many aspects of the project.
She is an active member of wetlab team who has contributed to multiple outreach activities and has been a part of various collaborations.
She has given valuable number of hours planning, optimisation and performing the web lab experiments. With her resilience we have obtained the results.
She is our steadfast team lead who has led us throughout the highs and lows of our long journey. She is an active part of the human practices team and additionally helped in modeling and design aspects.
He is the lead of the design team and his work is what is widely out for the world to see on our multiple social media platforms.
He bore the whole weight of the wiki part of the team all by himself. Whatever one sees here is the fruit of his toil. He was also active in the social media aspects of the project.
He is a member of the wetlab team and has also contributed to biobricks. He turned out to be a great helping hand in the outreach part of the project.
He is a part of the modeling team and many a time helped in multiple aspects like raising the crowdfunding and offering a helping hand to the design team.
He is the human Practices lead for the iGEM team this year around. He was at the heart of all our collaborations and meets. He was also the frontman for all the outreach activities and additionally helped the design team.
He is the lead of the wetlab team. He put in much effort and was at the forefront of all wet lab activities. He also is an integral part of biobricks.
She is a member of the modeling team and made an active effort in terms of handling the social media handles.
She is a core member of the wetlab team.She is also an integral part of biobricks. She also additionally helped us a lot in terms of handling the various social media handles.
Dr. Vivek Tiwari is currently an Assistant Professor at IISER Berhampur. His wisdom and experience have guided us throughout the entire duration of this project.Without him the completion of the project would not have been possible.
She is a visiting scientist (DBS). She was a constant source of information and reassurance to the wetlab team.
He is an Assistant Professor (DBS) at IISER Berhampur. He was a constant source of support for the design team.
He is an Assistant Professor (DCS) at IISER Berhampur. He was a constant source of advice and guidance.
He is an Assistant Professor (DCS) at IISER Berhampur. He provided many valuable resources for the modeling team such as operating system.
This former iGEMer (2021) gave valuable advice about crowdfunding and the giant Jamboree and wiki.
He was a former iGEMer (2021) who worked closely with the design team providing them with valuable critique.
A member of the 2020 iGEM IISER Berhampur team, she helped us in the initial stages of our project by providing us guidance as and when necessary.
He was a former iGEMer (2021) and helped us gain a better understanding of the structure of the entire procedure and many a time provided us with valuable advice on the social media handling front.
He was a former iGEMer (2021) and gave us a general idea of what was in store for us and how to successfully navigate through them.
He was a former iGEMer (2021) who was a great source of advice for the wiki and design aspects of the project.
He was a former iGEMer (2021) and the team lead of the 2021 iGEM Team of IISER Berhampur. He was instrumental in mentoring and guiding us through the logistics and the different deliverables of the project.
Chief Medical Officer, IISER Berhampur
She advised us about the sensitivity of the survey and aided us in revising and updating the questionnaire to suit the mindsets of people.Managing Director of Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre and Vice President of Madras Diabetes Research Foundation
Her advice has helped us shape how we approach diabetics regarding our project and how to modify our questions when we reach out to diabetologists for a statistical perspective.Director, IISER Berhampur
Our honorable Director prompted us in making our project have a ground level impact by interacting with the rural populations local to Brahmapur, Odisha.We largely owe him for being able to conduct an awareness initiative in villages near our campus to understand sanitary practices in these villages.