These wonderful people participated in the project

As iGEM Göttingen Team, we came up with the project idea, planned and organized the project and carried out the lab work with equal contribution of all team members. Thereby, we were supervised by Dr. Anja Poehlein and Prof. Dr. Rolf Daniel, who also provided scientific support. Furthermore, we would like to thank the other lab members of Prof. Daniels Lab, especially Mechthild Boemeke for sharing her practical experience. Furthermore, we would like to thank our University and other sponsors for their funding and all the people from the industry, other iGEM Teams, scientists and the public for their interest for our work.

Thanks to the team members:

Björn Hormes
Besides working in the lab, Björn was involved in fundraising and greatly supported the team with his knowledge of filming and preparing video material. He also provided the voice audio of our iGEM promotion and YouTube Video.

Jasmin Petrovac
Jasmin was involved in the general lab work and lab maintenance. Furthermore, she took part in public relations and fundraising.

Julia Fricke
Julia spent a lot of time in the lab and put huge efforts into managing team activities and team organization. She also took care of data curation and primer design. Furthermore, she contributed to our social media presence.

Katharina Stark
Katharina also worked in the lab and was the team's specialist on PCRs. Besides, she was involved in fundraising and took great part in public relation events and collaboration with other iGEM Teams.

Lea Hahn
Lea Hahn was greatly involved in the initial development of our project idea, worked in the lab and took care of the safety guidelines. She also organized the trip to the Grand Jamboree, took care of the lab shifts and proofread most of our texts.

Lea Trost
Besides working in the lab, Lea spent a lot of time writing and proofreading texts and conceptualizing public relation events. She was also involved in fundraising, keeping an eye on deadlines and drew the video material on our YouTube channel.

Sönke Beewen
Sönke contributed greatly with background research and the conceptualization and development of our project idea and implementation. He also spent a lot of time in the lab and was involved in primer design together with Julia Fricke. Besides, he was responsible for the animation of our iGEM project promotion video.

Alexander Rosenberger
Besides his contribution to the practical work, Alexander mainly designed the iGEM Wiki and spent a lot of time on it. Furthermore, he was responsible for our social media presence and acted as moderator in online team sessions.

Lab support
Thanks for helping us out during the many hours in the wetlab!

We want to say great thanks to Prof. Dr. Rolf Daniel (Head of Department), Dr. Anja Poehlein (Scientist) and Mechthild Boemeke (Technical Assistant) for their lab and general support!

Prof. Dr. Rolf Daniel
Prof. Daniel helped us to put our idea into reality. He also supported us with general and scientific guidance and organization of finances.

Dr Anja Poehlein
Dr. Anja Poehlein supervised us during the practical lab work, introduced us to new working methods and provided us with background knowledge, problem solving and general guidance.

Mechthild Boemeke
Mechthild Boemeke supported us with her practical working experience, introduced us to new working methods and took part in some of our experiments.

General Support
Thanks for helping us out during the many hours in the wetlab!

We would like to thank Dr. Jaqueline Hollensteiner (Scientist) and Dr. Dominik Schneider (Scientist) for their general support and for sharing their ideas concerning problem solving. They were also involved in the organization and ordering of lab materials and Dr. Schneider greatly supported us by taking pictures of our team on various occasions. Furthermore, we want to attribute Tim Böer (PhD) and Miriam Schüler (PhD) for maintenance of the anaerobic tent.

iGEM Wiki Support
They helped us biologists dive into the world of coding

We would like to thank Mirco Stolte for setting up the our servers and keeping the IT infrastructure together, Petra Heidenreich for giving general advise on how to organize a website, and finally Tizian Matschak for explanation of the python background.

Financial Support

We are grateful to the Georg-August University Goettingen, especially the faculty of biology and psychology and Kreativität im Studium for the financial support and would like to thank our sponsors for their funding and correspondence.
Here, we especially want to thank Promega for the great support and the cooperation.

Also we want to thank our further supporters:



Microsynth Seqlab

Integrated DNA Technologies

Beckman Coulter