Medal Criteria



  • We demonstrate engineering success in a part of our project by going through several iterations of the engineering design cycle in our engineering page.
  • We collaborate with multiple 2022 iGEM teams in a meaningful way, shown at /fudan/communication.
  • We explain how we have determined our work is responsible and good for the world in our human practices page.
  • We explain how we would implement our project in the real world at /fudan/implementation.


  • We demonstrate how our team responded to our Human Practices reflections, research, and engagement. We also show how our activities impacted our project purpose, design and execution.
  • We make a new Part that improves the function of an existing Part.
  • We use modeling to gain insight into how our project works or should be implemented. We explain our model’s assumptions, data, parameters, and results concisely in our model page.
  • We expand upon our Silver medal work for Proposed Implementation and develop a proof of concept of our project.
  • We develop and implement education, science communication, and outreach materials related to synthetic biology. Please read our communication page.


New Parts

Hammerhead ribozyme

We successfully demonstrated the excellent self-cleaving ability of the hammerhead nuclease and constructed several multi-module ribozyme-assisted polycistronic co-expression BioBrick. Here we show a list of hammerhead ribozyme and several typical modules.

Part name Description Type
BBa_K4162005 Hammerhead ribozyme Basic
BBa_K4162010 ribozyme + T7_RBS + crtE Composite
BBa_K4162013 ribozyme + T7_RBS + crtB Composite
BBa_K4162016 ribozyme + T7_RBS + crtI Composite
BBa_K4162019 ribozyme + T7_RBS + crtY Composite
BBa_K4162117 ribozyme+RBS+CDS module: crtYEBI Composite
BBa_K4162118 ribozyme+RBS+CDS module: crtEBIY Composite
BBa_K4162119 ribozyme+RBS+CDS module: crtYBEI Composite

These ribozymes are anticipated to adjust expressions of a tandem series of enzyme RNA in one RNA chain. Therefore, we hope other teams could use these ribozymes to accurately arrange the expression amount of target proteins.


We applied addressable phase-separated RNAs to enrich aldehyde reductase expressed by gene ybbO. Typical reference parts are listed here.

Part name Description Type
BBa_K4162007 MCP Basic
BBa_K4162008 tdMCP Composite
BBa_K4162026 ribozyme + T7_RBS + BCMO + ribozyme + T7_RBS + ybbO-tdMCP Composite
BBa_K4162027 ribozyme + T7_RBS + ybbO-tdMCP Composite
BBa_K4162028 ribozyme + T7_RBS + ybbO-tdMCP-EGFP Composite
BBa_K4162029 ribozyme + T7_RBS + BCMO + ribozyme + T7_RBS + ybbO-tdMCP-EGFP Composite

Phase separation could be used in microcompartment establishment and regional enrichment of specific substances within prokaryote and eukaryote cells. These parts above, therefore, are able to regulate the metabolism and production rate, and are hoped to be applied in other teams’ designs and final works.


A Co-created Manual for Reflection

Looking back to the 4 months of forced unproductiveness, numerous teams in Shanghai discreetly reflected on what they have done and what lessons they have learned in the mutual assistance electronic manual.

This mutual assistance document not only shows the confidence and courage of the iGEM teams from Shanghai in the face of the unexpected pandemic, but also proves that human wisdom will not be defeated by any adversities such as the pandemic.

We believe that this co-created manual of our thoughts will help future iGEM teams from around the world. And even more broadly, we hope that all of the people from around the world who are trekking through their life journey will get their own tips on how to conquer adversity and break the ice.

Click here for the manual.


New Software Tools - PartHub

Based on our Fudan iGEM 2021’s software tools, in 2022, we extensively upgrade it, and make it to our new software tool PartHub.

Since PartHub contains information on almost all of the Registry of Standard Biological Parts from 2004 onwards, PartHub can be useful for teams with multiple tracks. In the Design-Build-Test-Learn (DBTL) biological engineering pipeline, PartHub can provide support for all iGEMers in every phase.

During the designing, PartHub can help designers find and focus on sequences, engineering approaches, workflows, componentry, and organisms of interest. In the build phase, PartHub can help you build a combinatorial assembly of DNA-encoded componentry using the previous BioBricks of iGEM. You can get some useful protocols in the test phase through PartHub. When organizing and examining data and experiences from the DBT phase to learn, the relationships between the parts that PartHub provides you with can provide you with direction to enlighten the next step of improvement.