In this section you can follow us along our journey in the lab from the very first experiments on! Explore what we did, when and how, which experiments failed and which went straight on. Have a look and hopefully find the information you need.
We would also like to mention separately, as it is of great importance for us to be open with what we did and follow good scientific practise, that we also put in all the raw data, we have. That way, everyone can re-evaluate our data and verify, that we followed good scientific practise. At the same time, it is easier for others to have a better insight in what we exactly did, useful e.g. when one want’s to repeat and expand on our work!
Unfortunately, we could not directly provide them via the iGEM servers like we wanted to (.zip-compressed files couldn’t be uploaded to iGEM upload servers at the time we tried). But it was possible via a very nice alternative, “Zenodo”. When we were forwarded from an iGEM-HQ member to try out Zenodo to share our raw data, we were impressed! An online storage service, financed by the European commission, which allows scientists to do exactly what we wanted to do, sharing our data (raw data from experiments, papers, videos, etc.). There is no limit now how much you can upload, and it is accessible and linkable through a DOI.
Despite its many advantages, at least in our lab Zenodo wasn’t known before. Hopefully, some more people will get known to it and use it like we do to make science more open and verifiable by everyone. -Data will be available after the Grand Jamboree :)
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Starterculture of BL21: Pick 1 colony from plate from Saturday and incubate 10ml LB no resistance
CaCl2 Solution: Prepared 1 M CaCl2 an 100mM Cacl2. Autoclave didn’t finish and a salt was preticipated after 3+ hours.
CaCl2 1M and 100mM preparation:
| 100 mM | 1 M |
CaCl2 (111g/mol)
| 2.2 g | 5.5 g |
dH2O | 200ml | 50 ml |
Making competent BL21 cells
300ml LB no res was inoculated with ~3ml starterculture from yesterday and placed at 37C 200rpm until OD600 = 0.5. Cells (2x50ml) were spun down 4 °C 4000 rpm for 10 min. Resuspended in 20 ml CaCl2 (100 mM) per pellet. Kept on ice 30 min. Centrifuge 4 °C 4000 rpm 10 min. Resuspend in 5 ml 100 mM CaCl2 15 % glycerol. Aliquited 50 µl/eppi total 84 eppis --> See protocol #17
Heat shock trafo of pBAD33 into newly prepared competent BL21: 50µl Bacteria, 10ng pBAD33. See protocol #003. The cells were plated on 2 LB+amp plates (20 µl and 200 µl) and left in incubator 37 °C.
Heat shock trafo of pBAD33 into newly prepared competent BL21: Yesterday we took the wrong plates (with ampicillin res.). However, pBAD33 has an Chloramphinicol resistance. This was also the case for the Gibson assembly. We used 50 µl BL21 and 10ng pBAD33. See protocol #003. The cells were plated on 2 LB+Chl plates (20 µl and 200 µl) and left at incubator 37 °C.
Overnight Cultures: There were colonies on all plates for the pBAD33 into the Bl-21 competent cells. They were almost completely full, so we thought maybe the resistence on the plate is not working. To verify that the cells actually had the pBAD33, we prepared an overnight culture of 2 colonies in LB-Chloramphinicol medium at 30 °C 200 rpm overnight.
There were also colonies on the trafold with the pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP and from these we picked 12 colonies and prepared overnight culture in 5ml LB-Chl medium. These were grown at 30 °C 200 rpm overnight.
Encapsulins are nanocompartments found natively in bacteria and some archaea. For our project we want to engineer them to encapsulate our target proteins. Firstly, we clone the needed constructs. Secondly, we test the encapsulation with GFP and use fluorescent microscopy and native page verify the results. Responsible person for this subpart: Anne.
PCR of EncA fragment from IDT: in order to amplify via T7 primers, which are incoorporated in the sequence. We make 2 x 25 µl total volume
Primers: T7 standard primers
Expected length 900 bp
Annealing temperature 56°C
Extension time: 30 sec
Gel showed bands at the right size, which were cut out and purified via gel extraction. Eluted in 20 µl water.
Conc.: 26.9 ng/µl
As the concentration of the EncA is not so high we do another PCR with the same conditions but 2 x 50 µl total volume.
Gelextraction: Gel from yesterdays PCR of EncA was made and bands at the right size (900 bp) were cut out and cleaned:
Conc.: 55ng/ µl and 39,1 ng/µl
For the EncA the second step is to digest the fragment with restriction enzymes. This we do so we can ligate it into the backbone. This way we can create the same sticky overhangs on the fragment and the backbone.
Digest of pBAD33
DNA | 1 µg |
10X NEB CutSmart | 5 µl |
XmaI | 1 µl |
SphI | 1µl |
Water | Up to 50 µl |
Digest of EncA
DNA | 1 µg |
10X NEB CutSmart | 5 µl |
XmaI | 1 µl |
SphI | 1µl |
Water | Up to 50 µl |
Run on agarose gel, we expect a band at 900 kb and one at 5300 bp
Cut out and purify via Monarch gel extraction kit
EncA digest (conc.: 15 ng/µl)
PBAD digest (conc.: 8 ng/µl)
These digests were used to make a ligation with the T4 DNA ligase and T4 ligation buffer 10x. According to protocol #028.
Vector: 0.02 pmol (25.5 ng)
Insert: 0.06 pmol (50 ng)
This was used for a transformation of 1 µl into NEB5-alpha (50 µl), everything was plated on Chloramphinicol plates.
Ligation of EncA and pBAD (ratio 1:3), calculated with NEB calculator.
pBAD: 50 ng | pBAD digest | 1.6 µl |
EncA: 25 ng | EncA digest | 6.25 µl |
Water |
| 9.15 µl |
T4 buffer |
| 2 µl |
T4 Ligase |
| 1 µl |
Transformation of ligation into top10, 2,5 µl of ligation (EncA)
all was plated on LB+Cm plates
Plates from yesterday:
Encapsulin: 20 colonies
Miniprep of EncA colonies C1, C3, C4, C7.
Send C1 for sequencing using eurofins and with 2 standard primers
->result: it did not have the insert
Pellets of 3ml from other overnight cultures of different colonies, froze at -20°C
As I saw from the sequencing that the EncA was not inserted I tried to send another 3 colonies to sequencing. This time it was C3, C4, C7. They were sent using Genewiz and standard primers.
->Result: none of them have the insert, at this point I didn’t know why since on the gel it looked correct
To test which bands are produced from the colony PCR of just pBAD I run 9 PCRs with different temperatures to also test if the annealing temperature is ok. Besides I ran a PCR with just the top10 cells to see if the primers bind somewhere in the genome.
Dreamtaq Mastermix
Annealing temp: 55°C and testing between 52°C – 58°C, extension time 2 min, 30 cycles
Overnight cultures of colonies from the pBAD_EncA ligation (C6 + C11)
Overnight culture of #1924 which is pET302_sfGFP plasmid. It contains already sfGFP in a backbone compatible with the pBAD and I will use this for further cloning.
Overnight cultures of pBAD_SPD5 C1, C2, C3: even though they showed no bands at the colony PCR, I will just try to make a miniprep as the primers I used might have not bound properly.
Sequencing using Genewiz and standard primers for pBAD. I send two colonies from the EncA C6 and C11.
Result: The encapsulins had a region missing at the C-terminal.
PCR for cloning of TP onto sfGFP using #1924 as a template. Amplify sGFP with sfGFP_fwd and sfGFP_TP_rev_1 (primer 31 + 29)
Anneal: 63-65 °C, Extension: 30 sec (600bp), 30 cycles, total 8 samples 2 at every temperature (63, 64,64.5, 65°C).
Gel of the PCR with sfGFP_TP: expected band size: 600bp. 1 kb ladder from Jena bioscience
Result: bands were present for all conditions
Band from the gel with sfGFP were cut out and purified using gel extraction.
Since the sequencing from yesterday showed a problem with the IDT fragment, I become the pJET_encA from our supervisor who cloned it in the meantime. An overnight culture is prepared.
PCR for cloning of TP onto sfGFP using PCR above as a template. Amplify sGFP with sfGFP_fwd and sfGFP_TP_rev_2 (primer 30 + 31)
Anneal: 65 °C, Extension: 30 sec (600bp), 30 cycles, total 5 samples.
Digest of pBAD
DNA pBAD33 (1 µg) | 22.22 µl |
Xma | 1 µl |
SphI | 1 µl |
cutsmart | 5 µl |
water | 20.7 µl |
Digest of EncA using pJET_EncA
DNA pJET_EncA (1 µg) | 15.15 µl |
Xma | 1 µl |
SphI | 1 µl |
cutsmart | 5 µl |
water | 27.8 µl |
All digests were incubated at 37°C for 1 h.
After 1 h digests were run on gels:
Gel 1:
Marker: ZR 1kb ladder | pBAD undigested | pBAD digested | pBAD digested | 1924 undigested | 1924 digested | 1924 digested | sfGFP digested | sfGFP digested |
Gel 2:
Marker: ZR 1kb ladder | Other probes x 3 | EncA digested | EncA digested |
All the digested backbones and the inserts were cut out and purified using gel-extraction.
Digest | pBAD | EncA |
Conc. | 20 ng/µl | 5,6 ng/µl |
From the digests from yesterday I prepare ligation reactions for the final plasmids: pBAD_EncA and pET_sfGFP_TP respectively
pBAD digest (50 ng) | 2.5 µl |
EncA digest (26 ng) | 1 µl |
T4 buffer | 2 µl |
T4 ligase | 1 µl |
water | 9.9 µl |
1924 digest (50 ng) | 3.8 µl |
EncA digest (18.75 ng) | 0.65 µl |
T4 buffer | 2 µl |
T4 ligase | 1 µl |
water | 12.55 µl |
*for each digest a relegation test was also made, with the respective backbone only.
Both digests were ligated at RT for 10 min and heat-inactivated 65 °C for 10 min. Then 5 µl from each ligation mix was used for a heat shock trafo into top10 competent cells and the total volume was plated on LB + CmR/AmpR plates and incubated overnight.
From this the TA of our supervisor have cloned it into pJET and I get the plate to do the colony PCR of 20 colonies. This was done using the Dreamtaq polymerase green MM and the standard forward and reverse primers for pJET. Anneal at 52°C, Extention for 4 min, 30 cycles.
The colony PCR of pJET_SPD5_1 was run on a gel (OBS C1 is missing) with the ladder from Zymo ZR 1 kb.
This gel showed that all colonies had an insert at the right size about 2000 bp.
Plates from yesterday: There were no colonies on the plates with sfGFP_TP. However, there were nice colonies on the plates with pBAD_EncA and fewer for the relegation with pBAD.
Colony PCR of 20 colonies from pBAD_EncA ligation. This was perfomed using Dreamtaq green MM and “T7 promoter” and “T7 terminal primers”. Annealing at 58°C and extension of 2 min, 30 cycles.
Following a gel was run using the ladder: Jena bioscience 1kb plus. OBS: C8 is missing. There were several colonies with an insert: C1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20.
Following overnight cultures were prepared: 10 ml of 1924 (AmR), 10 ml of pBAD33 (CmR).
Another heat shock trafo of the ligation with sfGFP_TP and the religation was perfomed using 5 µl of the ligation and 10 µl bought DH5alpha competent cells. The total volume was plated on two LB +AmR plates and incubated overnight.
From the overnight cultures from yesterday miniprep was performed using the Sigma Aldrich kit.
| pBAD33 | 1924 | 1924 | 1924 |
Conc. | 91 ng/µl | 137 ng/µl | 197 ng/µl | 138 ng/µl |
Plates from yesterday: on the pET_sfGFP_TP plate there were 4 colonies and on the relegation 0.
I use these 4 colonies for a colony PCR using the Dreamtaq green MM and the primers: sfGFP_fwd and sfGFP_TP_rev with 64°C as annealing and 1 min as extension for 30 cycles.
Gel of colony PCR with pETsfGFP there were bands at the correct size for all colonies, but because of how the primers were made this could still just be a carryover of undigested whole 1924 without the target peptide. An overnight culture was prepeared from all 4 colonies. Ladder ZR 1kb from Zymo.
Digest of #1924 with BlpI and KplnI:
DNA #1924 (1 µg) | 5 µl |
KpnI-HF | 1 µl |
BlpI | 1 µl |
Cutsmart | 5 µl |
Water | 38 µl |
This was repeated for 5 samples and incubated 2-3 h at 37 °C
Afterwards, the 5 digests were run on an agarose gel and the band from the digested backbone was cut out and purified using gel-extraction. Ladder ZR 1kb from Zymo.
Concentration after clean-up: 8,9 ng/µl.
From the new digest and the already digested insert (sfGFP_TP) a new ligation was prepared. This time I diluted the sfGFP 2x to avoid the pipetting of small volumes:
1924 digest (50 ng) | µl |
sfGFP digest (18.75 ng) | 1.3 µl |
T4 buffer | 2 µl |
T4 ligase | 1 µl |
water | µl |
As previously, a relegation test without the insert was prepared. The samples were ligated for 10 min at RT and afterwards heat-inactivated at 65°C for 10 min. Following ligation 5 µl of each ligation mix was transformed into 10 µl DH5alpa competent cells and the final volume was plated on two LB + Amp plates and incubated O/N.
Overnight cultures were prepared 4 colonies from the pBAD_encA which all seemed to have an insert at the right size from the colony PCR.
Miniprep of the overnight cultures from yesterday was prepared 4 from pBAD_EncA
--> The colonies from the minipreps were all send for sequencing using eurofins and standard primers.
Colony PCR of the pET_sfGFP_TP plates from yesterdays ligation. Using Thermo fischer Green Taq pol. Master mix.
The colony PCR was run on a gel with the RZ 1kb ladder.
-->The gel showed that there was a band for multiple colonies, but one colony had a stronger band at the right size.
Overnight cultures were prepared for the colonies of pET_sfGFP_TP which showed bands. (c3,c4,c5,c6).
Sequencing results:
For pBAD_EncA there is also one colony with the right sequence, no mutations, c3.
For pET_sfGFP_TP there is also the correct sfGFP, but it looks like it has only been amplified with the first PCR, so it is missing some part of the target peptide.
Colony PCR of the pET_sfGFP_TP plates from yesterdays ligation. Using Thermo fischer Green Taq pol. Master mix.
The colony PCR was run on a gel with the RZ 1kb ladder.
The gel showed that there was a band for multiple colonies, but one colony had a stronger band at the right size.
Overnight cultures were prepared for the colonies of pET_sfGFP_TP which showed bands. (c3,c4,c5,c6).
From the pBAD_encA c3 a transformation is made to have a clean colony to pick for a glycerol stock.
PCR was prepared using pET_sfGFP_TP c1 as a template to amplify the sfGFP_TP, this time with the full target peptide. Annealing temperature: 65°C, extension time: 30 sec, 30 cycles. Prepared with Q5 polymerase.
An agarose gel was prepared of the above PCR, RZ 1kb ladder.
Marker | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP |
| SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 |
The bands for the respective fragments were cut out and purified with gel extraction.
sfGFP_TP fragment: 97 ng/µl and 207 ng/µl
Miniprep of overnight cultures of pET_sfGFP_TP from the 01/08-22 c3-c6.
C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 |
71 ng/µl | 133 ng/µl | 141 ng/µl | 97 ng/µl |
Those sequences were send for sequencing using eurofins and standard primers
Sequencing results from yesterday of pET_sfGFP_TP showed that c3 has the entire target peptide incorporated. Therefor I don’t need the extra fragments which I made fresh.
Overnight cultures of the pBAD_EncA c3 for making glycerol stocks.
A double trafo was made in order to create BL21 (DE3) cells with both the pBAD_EncA and the pET_sfGFP (#1924) and another strain with pBAD_EncA and the pET_sfGFP_TP. Those I plan to use for fluorescent microscopy. Both were plated on LB-plates + Amp + Chl.
Glycerol stocks were prepared for the pBAD_EncA
Overnight cultures were prepared from one colony from the double trafo with pBAD_EncA and pET_sfGFP.
Glycerol stocks were prepared of the two strains of bacteria containing pBAD_encA and either pET_sfGFP with or without target peptide.
Fluorescence microscopy of EncA #01:
Aim: observe wether the GFP with target peptide and the encapsulins come together to form fluorescent “dots” as has been observed for the microcompartments.
To do this I have prepared two strains of BL21 (DE3):
Strain 1 in this experiment is the control as the GFP has no targeting peptide. Strain 2 should show dots.
From these two strains overnight cultures are prepared and later a larger culture which grows until OD around 0.6. Then 3 ml for every condition will be induced or not induced. The plasmid pBAD_EncA is induced by arabinose and pET_sfGFP is induced with IPTG.
After induction the cultures they produce the proteins for 24 h at 18 °C. Then they are subjected to fluorescence microscopy. 1 ml will be spun down and is lysed and both pellet and supernatant will be used for westernblot for detection of a his-tag present on the encapsulins.
For the experiment 2 overnight cultures were prepared from the glycerol stocks containing 1. pBAD_EncA and pET_sfGFP and 2. pBAD_EncA and pET_sfGFP_TP. Both were grown in LB+amp+CmR
LB for tomorrow 200 ml total was prepared with both resistences and left at RT.
Today 2 larger cultures, 100 ml each, were prepared from the overnight cultures and they were grown until OD around 0.6 and then they were induced according to the scheme:
IPTG (µM) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Arabinose (%) | 0 | 0,0025 | 0,005 | 0 | 0,0025 | 0,005 | 0 | 0,0025 | 0,005 | 0 | 0,0025 | 0,005 |
For pipetting a stock solution of IPTG of 100µM was used and for arabinose a 5% solution was used.
The cultures were shaking at 18°C for 24 h
After 24 h has passed 1 ml of each sample is centrifuged at 3000 x g for 10 min and thrown supernatent away and the pellet is frozen at -20°C. The rest of the sample is used for fluorescence microscopy and agarose pads protocol #025 are prepared with each sample for imaging. 3 pictures pr. Slide are taken.
The spun-down samples from 11/08-22 are thawed and resuspeded in 1 ml lysis buffer (20 mM Tris + 50 mM NaCl). Sonication of all the samples. Centrifuge all the samples at 3000 rpm for 10 min
Prepare samples for SDS: Pipette 10 µl supernatent of each sample together with 10 µl loading buffer (Laemmli buffer) and a sample from the pellet is made.
SDS-gels are prepared according to protocol #031. And 1 gel is run pr 12 samples.
Gel 1: samples 1-6 (supernatant) and samples 1-6 (pellet)
Gel 2: samples 7-12 (supernatant) and samples 7-12 (pellet)
Both SDS-gels are then used for transfer for westernblot. For this a semi-dry system is used.
Protocol #030.
Membranes were incubated overnight with the primary antibody (anti-his).
Agarose gel of yesterday’s PCR of different PCR amplified fragments of EncA.
Marker | EncA_micro | X4 | SPD5_micro | X4 |
GeneRuler 1kb | Bands |
| Bands |
All bands were cut out and purified using gel-extraction
EncA_micro: 96 ng/µl
SPD5_micro: 148 ng/µl
Overnight culture of pBAD_encA + pET_sfGFP_TP and pBAD_EncA + pET_sfGFP for the EncA #02 experiment. This was done by starting from the glycerol stocks, which was prepared last time.
Digest of EncA
SPD5 | 1000ng (10 µl) |
NdeI | 1 µl |
XhoI | 1 µl |
Cutsmart buffer | 5 µl |
Water | 33 µl |
Induction of EncA and sfGFP_TP according to scheme. This is a part of the experiment EncA #02
Gel with digest from yesterday’s digest of the backbone and the inserts for pMIC_SPD5 and pMIC_EncA
Marker | pHT1spy_snoopT2T3 undigested | pHT1spy_snoopT2T3 digest | X3 | SPD5 digested | SPD5 digested | EncA digested | EncA digested |
GeneRuler 1kb | band | band | X3 | band | band | band | Band |
Marker | SPD5_snoop 2° | SPD5_spy 2° |
GeneRuler 1kb | Band x4 | Band x 4 |
Clean up of digest from gel was performed for all bands using gel-extraction
EncA_micro: 24.9 ng/ µl
Ligation of pMIC_encA and pMIC_SPD5: Ratio was 1:2, 3 ligations were performed as described:
| pMIC_EncA | Religation |
pHT1spy/snoopT2T3 digest (50ng) | 1.1 µl | 1.1 µl |
Insert | 1 µl |
water | 14.9 µl | 15.9 µl |
T4 buffer | 2 µl | 2 µl |
T4 ligase | 1 µl | 1 µl |
All ligations were incubated 10 min at RT at heat inactivated for 10 min at 65°C.
Fluorescence microscopy of the samples prepared for EncA #02 was performed.
Colony PCR of the constructs; pMIC_SPD5 and pMIC_EncA using the Green Dreamtaq polymerase Mastermix. Total samples 8.
Gel of colony PCR of the 8 colonies showed that 1 of each construct had a band at the right size.
Overnight cultures were prepared of the pMIC_SPD5 c1 and pMIC_EncA c1, which showed bands at the agarose gel.
I send the pMIC_EncA c3 a for sequencing using standard primers for the encapsulins. Result: The pMIC_EncA looks good and has no mutations.
Miniprep of the overnight cultures from yesterday of pMIC_encA, eluted in 50 µl using Sigma Aldrich kit.
Overnight cultures were prepared of pMIC_EncA c3 in 5 ml LB + Amp. They were incubated 25°C for 24 h.
Miniprep of overnight cultures of pMIC_EncA was prepared and they were subsequently sent for sequencing.
Encapsulins #03
Aim: To test whether a difference in the media composition can influence the induction of encapsulins via arabinose. The two mediums which are compared are TB and LB. Besides, a higher concentration of arabinose is tested, 0.01%.
2 strains in BL21:
Strain 1: (pBAB_EncA + pET_sfGFP)
Strain 2: (pBAD_EncA + pETsfGFP_TP)
Concentrations tested in LB
Sample | 1/10 | 2/11 | 3/12 | 4/13 | 5/14 | 6/15 | 7/16 | 8/17 | 9/18 |
Arabinose % | 0 | 0.005 | 0.01 | 0 | 0 | 0.005 | 0.005 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
IPTG µM | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 100 | 25 | 100 | 25 | 100 |
Strain 1: samples 1-9
Strain 2: samples 10-18
Concentrations tested in TB
Sample | 1/5 | 2/6 | 3/7 | 4/8 |
Arabinose % | 0 | 0.005 | 0 | 0.005 |
IPTG µM | 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 |
Strain 1: samples 1-4
Strain 2: samples 5-8
Overnight cultures from glycerol stock were prepared for the experiments Encapsulins #03. Cultures are grown in LB or TB as described.
pBAD_EncA #03:
Diluted overnight cultures for the different strains 1:50 in 100 ml and grew the larger cultures at 30°C until OD 0.4 (TB medium samples) or OD 0.6 (LB medium samples). This was done with a 1 h delay between the first samples (pBAD_EncA in LB) and last samples (pBAD_encA in TB). Induction was performed at the given OD with the given concentrations stated earlier.
PCRs for cloning of the sfGFP_TP constructs into the mVENUS backbone to have it in a backbone without the T7 promoter. Four x 25 µl was prepared for each fragment.
PCR for fragment sfGFP_TP for the mVEN
Primer 38 + 40, annealing: 63°C, extension time: 30 sec, template pET_sfGFP
PCR for the fragment sfGFP for the mVEN
Primer 38 + 39, annealing: 63°C, extension time: 30 sec, template pET_sfGFP
The PCR samples were run on an agarose gel with the GeneRuler 1 kb ladder:
Marker | sfGFP_TP fragment | sfGFP fragment |
| 121 ng/µl | 113 ng/µl |
All PCRs showed bands at the correct size and were cut out for purification using gel-extraction.
Digests of multiple fragments:
Fragment/plasmid | DNA | Enzymes | Water | CutSmart |
sfGFP (38 +39) | 8.8 µl | BamHI, EcoRI | 34.2 µl | 5 µl |
sfGFP_TP (38 +40) | 8.2 µl | BamHI, EcoRI | 34.8 µl | 5 µl |
mVENUS backbone | 21 µl | BamHI, EcoRI | 22 µl | 5 µl |
All Digests were loaded on a gel and subsequently cut out an purified using gel-extraction:
Marker | sfGFP | sfGFP_TP | mVENUS |
GeneRuler 1kb | 13.6 ng/µl | 18 ng/µl | 6.8 ng/µl |
Microscopy of the Encapsulins #03 was performed.
Overnight ligation of pVEN_sfGFP(_TP) ratio 1:3
| pVENUS backbone (50 ng) | Insert (93 fmol) | T4 buffer | T4 ligase | Water |
pVEN_sfGFP | 7.35 µl | 3.2 µl | 2 µl | 1 µl | 6.45 µl |
pVEN_sfGFP_TP | 7.35 µl | 2.44 µl | 2 µl | 1 µl | 7.21 µl |
Religation | 7.35 µl |
| 2 µl | 1 µl | 9.65 µl |
Heat shoch transformation of the pVEN_sfGFP(_TP) into DH5-alpha using 2 µl of the overnight ligation. The bacteria were plated on LB + CmR plates overnight.
Preparation of samples from the pBAD_EncA for westernblot. Pellets were stored at -20°C and were first resuspended in Lysis-buffer and sonicated for 30 sec. The samples were centrifuged for 10 min at 4000xg and 15 µl was mixed with 15 µl SDS sample buffer. Then samples were stored at -20°C until SDS-PAGE was prepared.
Aim: To test whether a difference in the media composition can influence the induction of encapsulins via arabinose. The two mediums which are compared are TB and LB. Besides, a higher concentration of arabinose is tested, 0.01%.
Concentrations tested in LB
Sample | 1/10 | 2/11 | 3/12 | 4/13 | 5/14 | 6/15 | 7/16 | 8/17 | 9/18 |
Arabinose % | 0 | 0.005 | 0.01 | 0 | 0 | 0.005 | 0.005 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
IPTG µM | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 100 | 25 | 100 | 25 | 100 |
Strain 1: samples 1-9
Strain 2: samples 10-18
Concentrations tested in TB
Sample | 1/5 | 2/6 | 3/7 | 4/8 |
Arabinose % | 0 | 0.005 | 0 | 0.005 |
IPTG µM | 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 |
Strain 1: samples 1-4
Strain 2: samples 5-8
Transformations via heat-shock:
pBAD33 (empty) + pET_sfGFP into BL21
pBAD33 (empty) + pET_sfGFP_TP into BL21
Colony PCR of pVEN_sfGFP and pVEN_sfGFP_TP was prepared, screening 8 colonies for each construct. This was done using Green Dream-tag polymerase MM using primers 38 + 39 to amplify sfGFP and 38 + 40 to amplify sfGFP_TP.
Agarose gel of colony PCRs:
Gel 1: marker, sfGFP_TP (primer 38 + 40) (x8)
Gel 2: marker sfGFP (primer 38 + 39) (x8)
Miniprep of mVENUS in TOP10, 3 ml were used for the miniprep with the sigma Aldrich kit.
Overnight cultures were prepared of the colonies which seemed to have a band in the colony PCR of the pVEN_sfGFP_(TP) construct. 3 colonies were picked and cultured overnight.
Miniprep of 3 colonies from each construct of pVEN_sfGFP_(TP) was performed, for sequencing on Monday.
Glycerol stock was prepared from the overnight cultures of pBAD33 + pETsfGFP_TP, pBAD33 + pET_sfGFP.
Heat shock transformation of pBAD33+pET_sfGFP/pBAD33 + pET_sfGFP_TP all in BL21.
Result of sequencing showed that the pVEN_sfGFP_TP_C1 had worked out, for pET_sfGFP there were unfortunately no match.
Overnight cultures from yesterday of pBAD33+pET_sfGFP/pBAD33 + pET_sfGFP_TP were dilutes 1:50 in larger cultures and grown at 30°C until they reach OD: 0.6
Colony PCR of pVEN_sfGFP of the same plate, but with other colonies.Using Dreamtaq Green MasterMix. Primer 38 + 39. Annealing 55°C, Extension 4 min.
Control experiment for the Encapsulins #01
Aim: The aim is to observe whether the observed fluorescent dots for the experiments with Encapsulins are due to the Encapsulins being expressed or if they form even in the absence of the plasmids.
Strain 1: pBAD33 + pET_sfGFP
Strain 2: pBAD33 + pET_sfGFP_TP
Experimental: BL21 was transformed with pBAD33, same backbone as for the Encapsulins, and a plasmid containing either sfGFP or sfGFP with the encapsulation tag C-terminally. The induction and incubation follow the same procedure as for the previous experiment.
Sample | 1 / 5 | 2 / 6 | 3 / 7 | 4 / 8 |
Arabinose (%) | 0 | 0 | 0.005 | 0.005 |
IPTG (µM) | 0 | 100 | 0 | 100 |
Colony PCR of pVEN_sfGFP using Green Mastermix taq Polymerase and primers 38 +39 at 55°C and extension time 1 min.
Colony PCR was run on an agarose gel with the GeneRuler 1 kb ladder. However, no samples showed an amplified insert.
Digest of pVEN backbone with EcoRI and BamHI.
pVEN (1000 ng) | 23 µl |
EcoRI | 1 µl |
BamHI | 1 µl |
CutSmart | 5 µl |
Water | 20 µl |
Incubate 30 min at 37°C and then add 1 µl Fast Alkaline Phosphatase and continue incubation 30 min.
Digest was run on an agarose gel with the GeneRuler 1 kb ladder, there was a nice band for the cut-out and the backbone was cut out and cleaned up using gel extraction according to the kit.
Conc.: 4.7 ng/µl
Heat shock transformation was performed with the MG1655 and two double trafos with either: pVEN_sfGFP_TP + 1939 or pVEN_sfGFP + pMIC_EncA. After the 1 h incubation everything was plated on 2 LB + CmR +AmR plates.
Overnight culture of MG1655 with either 1939 + pVEN_sfGFP_TP or pMIC_EncA + pVEN_sfGFP_TP in CmR and AmR.
Colony PCR of MG1655 with either 1939 + pVEN_sfGFP_TP or pMIC_EncA + pVEN_sfGFP_TP checking 2 colonies from both strains for both plasmids. This is done using Green Master mix Taq polymerase and primer 38 + 40 for sfGFP_TP and 32 +33 at annealing temp: 55 or 60°C respectively.
Trafo of overnight ligation from yesterday of pVEN_sfGFP into DH5-alpha.
Plate with trafo of overnight ligation from yesterday of pVEN_sfGFP showed no colonies.
Trafo heat shock of either (pMIC_EncA + pVEN_sfGFP_TP) or (1939 + pVEN_sfGFP_TP) in BL21 and plated on LB + AmR + CmR plates
Glycerol stock of the two MG1655 strains: pMIC_EncA + pVEN_sfGFP_TP or pMIC_EncA + 1939 was prepared
Larger culture and induction of pMIC_EncA/pVEN_sfGFP in MG1655 was induced according to Emcapsulin #04. The cultures were induced 2 hours earlier than planned.
Heat-shock transformation of
pMIC_EncA + pVEN:sfGFP_TP in ME5119 (AmR + CmR)
1939 + pVEN_sfGFP_TP in ME5119 (AmR + CmR)
Microscopy of Encapsulin #04
Encapsulins #05
Aim: To observe if the results produced in BL21 can be reproduced in MG1655 and if a strain not devoted to protein production might be better suited for forming the Encapsulins. Both strains are in MG1655. Since last time the expression of sfGFP was too low it had to be repeated.
Strain A: in MG1655
Strain B: in BL21
Strain A1: 1934 + pVEN_sfGFP_TP
Strain A2: pMIC_EncA + pVEN_sfGFP_TP
Strain B1: 1934 + pVEN_sfGFP_TP
Strain B2: pMIC_EncA + pVEN_sfGFP_TP
Sample | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Doxycyclin (ng/ml) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
IPTG (µM) | 0 | 50 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 10 | 25 | 50 |
Pipetting was done using a 100mM stock of IPTG and 50ng/µl Doxycyclin stock.
The samples of which I did microscopy were:
Strain A: none showed the results seen on Friday so I didn’t spend more time on them
Strain B: sample 1, 2, 4, 8
Induction of Encapsulin #05 according to previously described
Microscopy of Encapsulins #05
Aim: To detect via Native PAGE and microscopy whether the sfGFP is encapsulated correctly and whether sfGFP alone forms aggregates.
Experimental setup: Overnight cultures of the BL21 strains were prepared from glycerol stocks and on the next day grown at 30 °C to OD: 0.6-0.8 and induced accordingly. Then samples were incubated for 24 h at 18 °C.
Strain 1: pBAD_EncA + pET_sfGFP (sample 1-6)
Strain 2: pBAD_EncA + pET_sfGFP_TP (sample 7-12)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
IPTG (µM) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Arabinose (%) | 0 | 0.005 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.005 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.005 | 0.1 | 0 | 0.005 | 0.1 |
After induction the samples are incubated at 18 °C 24 h.
Overnight culture of Encapsulins #06 for the last experiment of Encapsulins from glycerol stocks.
Strain 1: pBAD_EncA + pET_sfGFP (sample 1-6)
Strain 2: pBAD_EncA + pET_sfGFP_TP (sample 7-12)
Induction of Encapsulins as described above for the #06 experiment
Microscopy of Encapsulins #06
Spun down 3ml of the samples for the Native PAGE, see protocol. Froze pellets down at -20 °C.
Buffers according to the Native PAGE protocol from Invitrogen (). I prepared the Running buffer 1X and the Cathode buffer additive 20X, and Sample buffer 4X.
Sample preparation for Native PAGE, see protocol. This was done for the samples (2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12)
OBS: the sample buffer was prepared with too less Glycerol and a new one was prepared for the next native PAGE.
Native PAGE of the Encapsulins samples.
Run at RT at 150 V for 90-115 min.
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
IPTG | empty | 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 100 | 100 |
Arabinose |
| 0.005 | 0.005 | 0.005 | 0.005 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.005 | 0.1 | 0.005 | 0.1 |
strain |
| 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
| 2 | 2 |
| Supernatant | Pellet |
Detect gel using Typhoon in the Cy2 (488nm) channel for GFP signal.
Sample preparation for Native PAGE. This was done for the samples -.
Native PAGE of the Encapsulins samples. Detect gel using Typhoon in the Cy2 (488nm) channel for GFP signal.
Supernatant | Pellet | |||||||||||||
sfGFP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP | sfGFP_TP | C | TP | |||||||||
EncA | + | - | + | + | - | + | + | - | + | + | - | + | - | - |
sfGFP | - | + | + | - | + | + | - | + | + | - | + | + | - | - |
SPD-5 is a protein capable of self-assembling into liquid droplets in vivo and in vitro. They are natively expressed in C.elegans where their liquid droplets allow for nucleation of microtubule. For our project we fuse SPD-5 to spy- and snoop-tag and thereby allow targeting of cargo to liquid droplets. Firstly, we clone the SPD-5 constructs and secondly we test its capability of specifically catching sfGFP. Responsible person for this subpart: Anne.
PCRs of pBAD33 backbone, SPD5_1, SPD5_2 and sfGFP_linker using Q5 polymerase 2X Mastermix.
Fragments | Backbone pBAD33 (5.3kb) | SPD5_1 (2kb) | SPD5_2 (1.6kb) | sfGFP_linker |
pBAD33_fwd (7) pBAD33_rv (8) | SPD5_pBAD33_gibson_fw (9) SPD5_1_gibson_rev (10) | SPD5_2_gibson_fw (11) SPD5_2_sfGFP_gibson_rev (12) | sfGFP_SPD5_2_gibson_fw (13) spGFP_pBAD33_gibson_rev (14) |
Program for pBAD33 Backbone
| Temperature | Duration [s] | Cycles |
Initial | 98°C | 30 | 1 |
Denaturation | 98°C | 15 |
30 |
Annealing | 56.1°C | 30 | |
Extension | 72°C | 160 | |
Final extension | 72°C | 600 (10 min) | 1 |
Storage | 4°C | infinite | 1 |
Program for SPD5_1, SPD5_2, sfGFP_linker
| Temperature | Duration [s] | Cycles |
Initial | 98°C | 30 | 1 |
Denaturation | 98°C | 15 |
30 |
Annealing | Gradient °C | 30 | |
Extension | 72°C | 70 | |
Final extension | 72°C | 300 | 1 |
Storage | 4°C | infinite | 1 |
Pippeting scheme:
For the fragments 1µl was used as the concentration was unknown, and 10ng for the Backbone.
| Volume [µl] | stock | final |
Q5 mastermix | 12,5 | 2x | 1x |
Fw primer | 1,25 | 10µM | 0,5µM |
Rv primer | 1,25 | 10µM | 0,5µM |
DNA template | 10ng |
Water | rest |
Total | 25 |
Gel for PCR fragments SPD5_1, SPD5_2, linkeR_sfGFP (1% agarose gel, 1kb plus quick load ladder)
Marker | SPD5_1 | SPD5_2 | Linker_sfGFP |
--> All fragments were amplified!
Gel for PCR fragment pBAD33 backbone (0,7% agarose gel, 1kb plus quick load ladder)
Marker | PBAD33 backbone |
--> All fragments were amplified!
HiFi Gibson Assembly of SPD5_sfGFP (pIG22_007)
See protocol #020. Because the concentrations from the cleanup of the PCR fragments were too low to do an assembly with 0.2 pmol we did:
Total amount of DNA= 0.05 pmol
Ratio of vector: insert 1:2
Backbone: 0.017pmol
Per fragment: 0.017pmol/3 = 0.00567 pmol
Example of calculations:
Pmol*(basepairs x 650 daltons) / 1000 = __ ng
| Amount | Volume |
SPD5_1 | 7.48 ng | 1.41 µl |
SPD5_2 | 5.9 ng | 1.18 µl |
sfGFP | 2.76 ng | 0.31 µl |
pBAD33 | 59.16 ng | 1.22 µl |
Water |
| 5.88 µl |
HiFi 2X assembly |
| 10 µl |
Heat shock trafo of SPD5_sfGFP_pBAD33 in competent Top10: 50µl Bacteria, 1.5µl Plasmid. See protocol #003. Cells were plated on 2 LB + amp plates (200 µl and 800 µl) + left at incubator 37 °C.
Clean-up of PCR fragments from gel
Fragments that were cut out and purified: SPD5_1, SPD5_2, sfGFP, pBAD33. Protocol #021
Heat shock trafo of SPD5_sfGFP_pBAD33 in competent Top10: We used 50 µl Bacteria, 1.5 µl assembled pBAD33_SPD5_sfGFP. See protocol #003. Cells were plated on 2 LB + Chl plates (200µl and 800µl) + left at incubator 37 °C.
Colony PCR of the pIG22_007 (pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP) (colony 1- 12)
In order to check if the overnight cultures worked we prepared a colony PCR of all 12 colonies by amplifying the insert between primer (9) and (14). This should be in total 4,3kb.
| Temperature | rounds |
Initial denaturation | 98°C | 1 |
Denaturation | 98°C |
30 |
Anealing | 64,5°C | |
Extension | 72°C | |
Final extension | 72°C | 1 |
Storage | 4°C | 1 |
Here we use the Q5 polymerase as this was what we had in the lab
| 1 rxn | 15 rxn |
5X Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5 µl | 75µl |
10 mM dNTPs | 0.5 µl | 7.5 µl |
10 µM Forward primer | 1.25 µl | 18.75 µl |
10 µM Reverse primer | 1.25 µl | 18.75 µl |
Template | 1 colony | - |
Q5 polymerase HiFi | 0.25 µl | 3.75 µl |
Q5 high GC enhancer | 5 µl | 75 µl |
Nuclease free water | 10.75 µl | 161.25 µl |
We added 5 ml to the overnight cultures and left them in the fridge as we won’t do the miniprep today.
Gel of the colony PCRs on 0,7% agarose, 1kb plus Quick load ladder
Marker | c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | c5 | c6 | c7 | c8 | c9 | c10 | c11 | c12 |
None of the colonies had a band at 4,3 kb instead they all had a band at 0,5 kb and 1 lower.
Colony PCR of the pIG22_007 (c13-c24): We decide to do another colony PCR from 12 other colonies. Similar to the one from yesterday. However this time we ran out of Q5 polymerase, so it wasn't enough. We ran the PCR anyway.
HiFi Gibson Assembly of SPD5_sfGFP (pIG22_007): We also decided to repeat the assembly of the plasmid with extractions of the fragments with higher concentrations. This time we did following:
Total amount of DNA= 0.2pmol
Ratio of vector: insert 1:1
0.2pmol / 2 parts = 0.1 pmol
Backbone: 0.1pmol
Per fragment: 0.1pmol/ 3 = 0.033 pmol
SPD5_1 | 8.22 µl |
SPD5_2 | 0.3 µl |
sfGFP | 0.6 µl |
pBAD33 | 2.36 µl |
HiFi 2X assembly | 10 µl |
Note: The total volume of DNA was a bit more than 10 µl.
Heat shock trafo of pIG22_007 in competent Top10. We used 50 µl bacteria and 1.5 µl of assembled plasmid. See protocol #003
Cells were plated on 3 LB + Chl plates (20 µl, 200 µl and 780 µl) + left at incubator 37 °C
Colony PCR of the pIG22_007 (c1-c12)
Same protocol as last week. But this time we test the new Gibson assembly (0,2pmol 1:1 ratio).
Gel of colony PCRs: The bands are again at 0,5 kb and not at 4,3 kb.
Miniprep of c1 of pIG22_007
We spin down 5 ml. The concentration is very low. Conc: 29,7 ng/µl. See protocol #008
Restriction digest of pIG22_007 : In order to check if the reason we get wierd bands is because something with the PCR/primers we make a digestion of the plasmid to compare with the undigested. Protocol #022
DNA (c1 of pIG22_007) | 33 µl |
10X NEB CutSmart | 5 µl |
XbaI | 1 µl |
water | Up to 50 µl |
This was incubated 15 min at 37C.
Gel for comparison of digested and undigested pIG22_007: We prepared a 0,7% agarose gel and used the 1kb+ Quick load ladder.
Marker | Undigested 10µl miniprep | Digested 25 µl of digest |
The band on the gel looked like it was about 5 kb, which would fit with just the backbone. We decide to stop working with the old primers from the 2019 Freiburg team and instead design our own new primers.
We did another apmlification of the SPD5_1 fragment with the new 2022 primers. This is done to test different annealing temperatures of the new primers as we have had difficulties to amplify via the new primers. 12 PCRs were prepared (25 µl) and temperatures between 60 - 66°C were tested.
Result: Annealing temperature at 64°C gives bands and we continue with this temperature for future PCRs. Bands at the right size (2000bp), were cut out and purified via gel extraction.
Conc.: 8 ng/µl
PCR amplification of SPD5_1: As we used all the PCR amplified SPD5_1, we first need to amplify it with the 2019 primers, before we can amplify it with optimized conditions and new 2022 primers.
50 µl HIFI master mix (Primers: 9 and 10)
Annealing: 64,5 °C, Extension time 1 min 10 sec
Gel extraction of agarose bands:
SPD5_1: 29 ng/µl
For the SPD5_1 we did another PCR with the 2022 primers to get the right overlaps for the Gibson assembly.
-> Same conditions as for the previous PCRs
Gel extraction: Bands with the right size for SPD5_1 (2000 bp) were cut out and purified:
SPD5_1: 30 ng/µl and 20.4 ng/µl
Gibson of pBAD_sfGFP, SPD5_1 and SPD5_2
According to protocol 020#. Total amount of DNA: 0,2 pmol (Ratio 1:1)
Vector: 0,067 pmol
PBAD33_sfGFP: 269,5 ng
Inserts : 0,067 pmol
SPD5_1: 87,5 ng
SPD5_2: 69,4 ng
Add water to 10 µl and 10 µl HIFI assembly mix.
--> This was to low a ratio and too much DNA as 50-100 ng of the backbone is recommended.
A heat shock transformation of the Gibson was performed with 1µl into 50 µl Top10 cells
Plates from yesterday: the Gibson of SPD5 did not seem to work.
Plates from trafo from yesterday: 5 colonies
PCR of SPD5_2 to amplify it as I am running out of the fragment
2x 25µl using 2 X Mastermix, annealing at 64°C extend for 1min 10sec
-->Gel showed a small band which is cut out and stored at 4 °C overnight.
Gibson of SPD5 and pBAD with fresh assemblymix (ratio1:3)
SPD5_1 | 2.28 µl |
SPD5_2 | 1.38 µl |
pBAD33_PCR fragment | 0.38 µl |
water | 6 µl |
Hifi Assembly mix (NEB) | 10 µl |
incubate 1 h at 50 °C
Transformation of 2.5 µl SPD5 gibson into top10
all was plated on LB+Cm plates
SPD5 gibson: nothing
Clean up from gel piece of SPD5_2 from yesterday:
Kit: protocol #. Eluted in water.
Conc: 37 ng/µl
PCR of SPD5_whole (both SPD5_1 and SPD5_2)
Using primer 17 and 18, and both fragments as templates.
Expected size: 3.6 kb, annealing temperature 62.6 °C, 63.9°C, 64.9 °C. Extension time 2 min.
Using Q5 HIFI mastermix (NEB) 25µl/rxn, 15 cycles.
Gel showed only smeared band around 1600 bp. Probably, the conditions were not optimal for amplifying SPD5_1.
PCR of SPD5_whole (both SPD5_1 and SPD5_2)
Using primer 17 and 18, and both fragments as templates.
Expected size: 3.6 kb, annealing temperature 64.5 °C. Extension time 2 min.
Using Q5 with GC enhancer (NEB) 25µl/rxn, 15 cycles.
Gel showed a bigger band, which could be that SPD5_1 was also amplified, but maybe the number of cycles was not high enough.
Electoporation of SPD5 gibson 1:3 ratio from previous was via electroporation
1µl gibson in 50 µl bacteria.
Plate with electroporation of SPD5: no colonies
PCR of both SPD5_1 and SPD5_2
Using primer:
SPD5_1: 10 and 17
SPD5_2: 11 and 18
Expected size: 2 kb and 1.6 kb respectively, annealing temperature 64 °C. Extension time 1min 10sec.
Using Q5 with GC enhancer (NEB) 50µl/rxn, 30 cycles. For each 2 x 50 µl was prepared.
Miniprep of SPD5_2 in pJET colony 18 + colony 20
Send both colonies for sequencing with eurofins and primer 11 + 18
->result: C18 had the SPD5 and did not have any problems with the sequence
Gel of PCR of 3 colonies of pBAD_SPD5 using primer 21 + 22 (binding at the promoter an the terminal)
I realized that there is a blurry band underneath the marker and that what I thought was 2000 bp was really the 1000 bp mark.
I continue with C 6 and C11 as they have a band at actually 1000bp, which should be correct.
Electoporation of SPD5_gibson ratio 1:3
I try again an old Gibson to see if another electroporation would give any results.
1 µl of Gibson + 50 µl electrocompetent cells + 950 µl after 1 h at 37°C it was plated on a LB + CmR plate.
Overnight culture of pJET_SPD5_2 from plate C18
Colony PCR of the 3 colonies pBAD_SPD5 with primer 17 + 18
Dreamtaq Mastermix, Annealing temp: 65 °C, extension time 4 min, 30 cycles
Marker 1 kb Jena Bioscience | Other samples | C1 | C2 | C3 |
PCR of SPD5_2 using pJET_SPD5_2 as template. I made 5 x 25 µl amplifying it with primer 11+18, annealing temp: 64°C, extension time: 1 min 10 sec
PCR of SPD5_1 using different gel extractions from different days to test if any of them works for amplifying the fragment. I made 4 x 25 µl and amplified using primer 9 + 10. Annealing: 64,5°C, extension time 1min 10 sec.
Gel of PCRs
Marker | SPD5_2 | SPD5_2 | SPD5_2 | SPD5_2 | SPD5_2 | SPD5_2 | SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 |
Jena Bioscience 1 kb | Band | Band | Band | Band | Band | Band | IDT, no band | No band | Band | No band |
The SPD5_2 bands were cutout for purification, 3 together on one column.
The SPD5_1 band was cut out and extracted using gel extraction kit.
Another PCR with SPD5_1 using the template which gave bands on the previous PCR. I made 1 x 25 µl. Annealing: 64,5 °C and extension: 1 min 10 sec, 30 cycles.
Marker | SPD5_1 | pBAD_SPD5_c1 | pBAD_SPD5_c2 | pBAD_SPD5_c3 |
Jena Bioscience 1 kb | Band | No band | Band | No band |
The SPD5_1 band was cut out and cleaned up with the piece from yesterday using gel extraction.
Conc: 24 ng/ul eluted in 10 µl
This was enough to make a cloning into pJET using #__ and a 1:3 ratio
Reaction buffer | 10 µl |
pJET blunt end | 1 µl |
Insert SPD5_1 | 7,7 µl (185 ng) |
water | 0,3 µl |
T4-ligase | 1 µl |
This was ligated at RT 5min and 5 µl was directly used for heat shock trafo into Top10 cells. The complete volume was plated on a LB + Amp plate O/N.
Since there was a band for the c2 from the pBAD_SPD5 at 10 kb I also make an overnight culture of this to check the plasmid with sequencing. 10 ml LB +CmR.
Miniprep of c2 from the pBAD_SPD5 overnight culture: Conc: ~60 ng/µl.
Colony PCR of 20 colonies from pJET_SPD5_1. Using standard primers for pJET and the Green Dreamtag Mastermix. Annealing at 52°C and extension was 2 min, 30 cycles.
Gel 1% agarose, Jena Bioscience 1 kb ladder. The gel showed multiple colonies with a band at 2000 bp.
Three were chosen for following overnight culture: C2,5,9 in 10 ml LB + Amp.
Sequencing using Genewiz and standard primers for pBAD I send the C2 from pBAD_SPD5 using standard primers.
Result: The pBAD_SPD5 only had the SPD5_2 inserted
Results from sequencing from the pJET_SPD5_1 colonies: all had some kind of mutation.
As we ordered the SPD5_1 again from fresh (the other was from 2019) we will continue with the new fragment.
Gel of sfGFP_TP from 2nd PCR, 100 bp plus thermos fischer.
Ladder | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP |
Bands were all at the right size and were cutout out and purified using gel-extraction.
Conc: 260 ng/µl
Digest of #1924 with BlpI and KplnI:
DNA #1924 (1 µg) | 17.45 µl |
KpnI-HF | 1 µl |
BlpI | 1 µl |
cutsmart | 5 µl |
water | 25.55 µl |
Digest of sfGFP_TP from PCR 2
DNA sfGFP_TP (1 µg) | 3.86 µl |
KpnI-HF | 1 µl |
BlpI | 1 µl |
cutsmart | 5 µl |
water | 39.3 µl |
All digests were incubated at 37°C for 1 h.
After 1 h digests were run on gels:
Gel 1:
Marker: ZR 1kb ladder | pBAD undigested | pBAD digested | pBAD digested | 1924 undigested | 1924 digested | 1924 digested | sfGFP digested | sfGFP digested |
All the digested backbones and the inserts were cut out and purified using gel-extraction.
Digest |
| |||||
Conc. |
Overnight cultures were prepared of 4 of the colonies from the pJET_SPD5_1 (new fragment)
Miniprep of the overnight cultures from yesterday was prepared 4 from pJET_SPD5_1.
-->The colonies from the minipreps were all send for sequencing using eurofins and standard primers.
Sequencing results from pJET_SPD51: There are an insert for all colonies and colony nr. 4 also has the right sequence with no mutations.
For pJET_SPD5_1 c4 a transformation is made to have a clean colony to pick for a glycerol stock.
PCR was prepared using the pJET_SPD5_1 c4 as a template for amplifying the SPD5_1 using the primers 10 + 17. Annealing temperature: 64,5°C, extension time 1 min 10 sec, 30 cycles. Prepared with Q5 polymerase. This is done to achieve the correct overhangs for the following Gibson.
An agarose gel was prepared of the two above PCR, RZ 1kb ladder.
Marker | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP | sfGFP_TP |
| SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 | SPD5_1 |
The bands for the respective fragments were cut out and purified with gel extraction.
SPD5_1: 139 ng/µl
Gibson was prepared for inserting the SPD5_1 and SPD5_2 fragments into pBAD33.
Ratio 1:2
I will use 100ng of the backbone, which is pBAD33 amplified with two primers. As the backbone is 5,3 kb this is 30.5 fmol. As the ratio is 1:2 the amount of insert will be 61 fmol. From the concentrations and lengths of my fragments I get:
SPD5_1 (2000 bp) | 75.4 ng | 0.54 µl |
SPD5_2 (1600bp) | 60 ng | 1.25 µl |
pBAD33 (5.3 kb) | 100 ng | 0.5 µl |
Water |
| 7.7 µl |
HiFi Assembly mix |
| 10 µl |
This incubate 1 h at 50 °C and then 1.5 µl of the Gibson mix was used for a trafo with 10 µl competent bought Dh5-alpha cells. And plated on Chloramphenicol plates.
Overnight cultures of the pJET_SPD5_1 for making glycerol stocks.
Colony PCR was made of colonies from the 6 colonies I had an the pBAD_SPD5 plate, using Thermo fischer green mastermix. The primers were the T7-primers. Annealing was at 52°C and extension tim was 5 min. 30 cycles.
The colony PCR was run on an agarose gel with the RZ 1 kb ladder. The colonies c1 and c2 showed a band at the expected size ~4,3 kb.
Glycerol stocks were prepared for pJET_SPD5_1
Overnight cultures were prepared of the two colonies C1 and C2 of pBAD_SPD5 which showed to have an insert in the colony PCR.
Minipreps were prepare of the SPD5 c1 and c2, eluted in 30 µl:
Conc. | C1: 183 ng/µl | C2: 33 ng/µl |
PCR of SPD5 to produce different fragments with and without the Spy-tag and the Snoop-tag.
First PCRs:
SPD5_snoop: 34 + 26 anneal at 59°C
SPD5_spy: 35 + 24 anneal at 59°C
SPD5_both: 26 + 24 anneal at 59°C
Agarose gel of yesterday’s PCR of different PCR amplified fragments of SPD5.
Marker | EncA_micro | X4 | SPD5_micro | X4 |
GeneRuler 1kb | Bands |
| Bands |
Marker | SPD5_spy 1° | X4 | SPD5_snoop 1° | X4 |
GeneRuler 1kb | Bands |
| Bands |
All bands were cut out and purified using gel-extraction
SPD5_micro: 148 ng/µl
Trafo of BAD_SPD5 into Bl21 and 2332 into Bl21 using heat-shock. 30 µl was plated on LB + CmR plates.
Digest of pHT1_spy_snoopT2T3
pHT1spy_snoopT2T3 | 1000ng (5 µl) |
NdeI | 1 µl |
XhoI | 1 µl |
Cutsmart buffer | 5 µl |
Water | 38 µl |
Digest of SPD5
SPD5 | 1000ng (6.7 µl) |
NdeI | 1 µl |
XhoI | 1 µl |
Cutsmart buffer | 5 µl |
Water | 36.3 µl |
Overnight culture of BL21 with either pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP or pBAD_sfGFP were prepared.
Miniprep pMIC_SPD5_c1 and pHT1_spy/snoop_T2T3
I ran the second PCR for cloning of the pMIC_SPD5_both, which contains both the spy and the snoop catcher. This was done using Q5 polymerase and the pimers 36 + 37 annealing at 64 °C.
An agarose gel was made to confirm the PCR fragments of SPD5_both. The band was at the expected size and was cut out and purified using gel-extraction.
Marker | SPD5_both 1° | X4 | SPD5_both 2° | X5 |
GeneRuler 1kb | band | X4 | band | X5 |
Gel with digest from yesterday’s digest of the backbone and the inserts for pMIC_SPD5 and pMIC_EncA
Marker | pHT1spy_snoopT2T3 undigested | pHT1spy_snoopT2T3 digest | X3 | SPD5 digested | SPD5 digested | EncA digested | EncA digested |
GeneRuler 1kb | band | band | X3 | band | band | band | Band |
Marker | SPD5_snoop 2° | SPD5_spy 2° |
GeneRuler 1kb | Band x4 | Band x 4 |
Clean up of digest from gel was performed for all bands using gel-extraction
SPD5_snoop: 99 ng/µl
SPD5_micro: 41.5 ng/µl
pHT1spy_snoopT2T3: 45 ng/µl
Clean up from gel of the SPD5_both from the first and the second PCR. This was done using gel-extraction.
SPD5_both 2°: 136 ng/µl
Ligation of pMIC_SPD5: Ratio was 1:2, 3 ligations were performed as described:
| pMIC_SPD5 | Religation |
pHT1spy/snoopT2T3 digest (50ng) | 1.1 µl | 1.1 µl |
Insert | 2.36 µl |
water | 13.54 µl | 15.9 µl |
T4 buffer | 2 µl | 2 µl |
T4 ligase | 1 µl | 1 µl |
All ligations were incubated 10 min at RT at heat inactivated for 10 min at 65°C.
Digest of SPD5_tags
DNA SPD5_snoop or SPD5_spy or SPD5_both | 1000ng (10 µl) |
NdeI | 1 µl |
XhoI | 1 µl |
Cutsmart buffer | 5 µl |
Water | 33 µl |
Incubate 1 h at 37°C
An agarose gel was run with the digests of the 3 digests and all had bands at the correct size. These were cut out and purified using gel extraction.
SPD5_both: 43 ng/µl
SPD5_snoop: 60 ng/µl
SPD5_spy: 50 ng/µl
Glycerol stocks were prepared of pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP and #2332 (pBAD_sfGFP) in BL21(DE3) for microscopy at a later timepoint. 1 ml of the overnight cultures were centrifuged and resuspended in 1:1 glycerol and LB.
Ligation of pMIC_SPD5 with tags: 3 ligations were prepared with ratio 1:2 of vector:insert. For each ligation 50 ng of the backbone was used, corresponding to 22 fmol.
pHT1(snoop/spy)T2T3 digest: 1,1 µl
SPD5_snoop/spy: 44 fmol
T4 ligase: 1µl
T4 ligase buffer: 2µl
Ligation time was 10 min at RT and followed by heat inactivation 10 min at 65°C
Heat shock: Trafo was performed using 10 µl of bought competent DH5-alpha and 2 µl ligation mix. The total volume was plated og LB+Amp plates.
Electoporation of the SPD5 with tags constructs. As the last trafo yesterday did not give many colonies I try the trafo again using electroporation to get more colonies.
I send the pMIC_SPD5 c1 for sequencing using standard primers for the encapsulins and self-sent primers for SPD5
Result: The primers for the SPD5 were wrong.
Miniprep of the overnight cultures from yesterday of pMIC_SPD5, eluted in 50 µl using Sigma Aldrich kit.
Plates from yesterday’s electroporation: there were 1 colony of the two SPD5_spy/snoop respectively, no colonies of the SPD5_snoop.
Colony PCR of the 2 colonies from SPD5_snoop/spy as well as the colonies from last trafo of the same ligation, total samples 9. Colony PCR was done using Green Dreamtaq Mastermix and primer 35+34.
Gel of colony PCR
Marker | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C6 | C7 | C8 | C9 | C10 |
GeneRuler 1kb | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
The gel showed no bands for any of the colonies.
Overnight ligation: As none of the colonies showed bands at the expected size, I decide to try to make an overnight ligation instead at 16°C. 2 ligations were prepared with ratio 1:3 of vector:insert. For each ligation 50 ng of the backbone was used, corresponding to 22 fmol.
pHT1(snoop/spy)T2T3 digest: 1,1 µl
SPD5_snoop/spy: 66 fmol
T4 ligase: 1µl
T4 ligase buffer: 2µl
Both ligations were incubated at 16°C overnight.
From the ligation from yesterday of pMIC_SPD5_Spy/snoop a heat-shock was performed with DH5-alpha and plated on LB + Amp plates.
Overnight cultures were prepared of pMIC_SPD5 c1 in 5 ml LB + Amp. They were incubated 25°C for 24 h.
PCRs were prepared to amplify different parts of the SPD5 with and without tags. Primers and annealing temperatures were as described. This time I amplify the SPD5 in two parts, split at the SpeI restriction site. For fragments amplifying the tags 2 PCRs are needed:
SPD5_spy: 23+24, 60°C
SPD5_snoop: 26 +28, 65°C
SPD5_c-term: 28+35, 59°C
SPD5_n-term 34+23, 59°C
All PCRs were run on an agarose gel and all samples took up 2 lanes. The bands were cut out and purified with gel-extraction
Marker | SPD5_spy 1° | SPD5_snoop 1° | SPD5_n-term 1° | SPD5_c-term 1° |
GeneRuler 1kb | 23 ng/µl | 152 ng/µl | 139 ng/µl | 134 ng/µl |
For the second PCRs of the fragments SPD5_tags different primers were used to amplify it, with specified annealing temperatures:
SPD5_spy: 23+36, 64°C
SPD5_snoop: 37 +28, 60°C
The PCRs were run on an agarose gel:
Marker | SPD5_spy | X4 | SPD5_snoop | X4 |
GeneRuler 1kb | Unspecific bands |
| Unspecific bands |
The gel was thrown out as there were multiple unspecific bands. The PCR would need optimization.
Overnight cultures of SPD5_snoop/spy were prepared
Miniprep of overnight cultures of pMIC_SPD5 c1 was prepared and they were subsequently sent for sequencing.
Transformation via heat-shock of SPD5_snoop/snpy into Dh5 alpha
Colony PCR of the SPD5_spy/snoop in DH5-alpha from yesterday.
From the overnight culture of SPD5_snoop/spy c2, 3 ml were spun down and stored at -20°C.
Trafo of already done ligations, to screen more colonies: trafo of SPD5_snoop/spy and SPD5_both. 2 µl were transformed into highly competent DH5-alpha. Afterwards, plated on LB+amp.
SPD5 #01
Aim: to check via fluorescent microscopy if there are fluorescent “dots” shown for the SPD5 like was shown in 2019. Different concentrations of arabinose are tested.
2 strains in BL21:
Strain 1: pBAD_sfGFP
Strain 2: pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP
Samples | 1/5 | 2/6 | 3/7 | 4/8 |
Arabinose % | 0 | 0.0025% | 0.005% | 0.01% |
Overnight cultures from glycerol stock were prepared for the experiments SPD5 #01. Cultures are grown in LB.
Colony PCR of SPD5_both tags and SPD5_snoop/spy from yesterdays transformation. For this green dream-tag polymerase MM was used and the primers 34 and 35. Annealing temp: 55°C and Extension time: 4min.
Colony PCR was run on an agarose gel with the ladder GeneRuler 1kb
Marker | C1 | C2 | C3 | C5 | C6 | C7 | C8 | C9 | C10 |
| band | band |
For 2 colonies a band at the correct size, 3.6 kb, was seen and those colonies came from the plate with SPD5_both tags.
Overnight culture of the SPD5_snoop C1 was spun down and the pellet was stored in -20°C.
Overnight cultures of two colonies of SPD5_both were prepared and grown at 30°C, C9 and C10.
Miniprep of the two colonies of SPD5_both C9 and C10 as well as the stored pellet of SPD5_snoop C1.
SPD5_both c9 | SPD5_both c10 | SPD5_snoop c1 | SPD5_spy c2 |
97 ng/µl | 97 ng/µl | 87 ng/µl | 71 ng/µl |
Send SPD5_snoop c1 for sequencing using primers amplifying the ends.
Digests of multiple fragments:
Fragment/plasmid | DNA | Enzymes | Water | CutSmart |
SPD5_both (36+37) | 20 µl | NdeI, XhoI | 23 µl | 5 µl |
mVENUS backbone | 21 µl | BamHI, EcoRI | 22 µl | 5 µl |
BMC backbone | 7.7 µl | NdeI, XhoI | 33 µl | 5 µl |
All Digests were loaded on a gel and subsequently cut out an purified using gel-extraction:
Marker | mVENUS | SPD5_both | BMC |
GeneRuler 1kb | 6.8 ng/µl | 5.6 ng/µl | 5.9 ng/µl |
Microscopy of the SPD5 #01 was performed.
However, the SPD5 showed no fluorescence what so ever, so there might be a problem with the glycerol stock.
Sequencing results: from the SPD5_both tag: the two colonies I sent for sequencing looks good. Two of the primers had no result, I will resend those for another sequencing.
Small culture of SPD5_snoop c1 in LB + amp. After 6 hours 3 ml of the small culture was spun down and miniprep was prepared. The SPD5_snoop c1 was send for sequencing using 4x primers.
New 2° PCR of SPD5_snoop using primer 34 + 37, using Q5 polymerase. Annealing temp: 59°C and Extension: 4 min. This amplifies the whole SPD5, I choose this as the other method gave unspecific bands.
Digest of BMC backbone
2000ng = 15µl
NdeI 2µl
XhoI 2µl
Cutsmart 10 µl
Water 71 µl
Digest of SPD5_snoop fragment
2000ng = 17.3 µl
NdeI 2µl
XhoI 2µl
Cutsmart 10 µl
Water 66.4 µl
All digests were incubated 1h at 37 °C and then loaded on a gel. The digests were cut out and purified using gel-extraction
Ligation of SPD5_snoop 1:1 ratio
BMC backbone (50 ng) | 5 µl |
SPD5_snoop (50 ng) | 3 µl |
T4 buffer | 2 µl |
T4 ligase | 1 µl |
Water | 7 ml |
Ligation mix was kept at 4°C overnight
_______________________SPD5 #02_____________________
Aim: to repeat the SPD5_sfGFP microscopy results, which were done in 2019 by the Freiburg iGEM team with our newly cloned construct. This time from freshly prepared strains, which I make sure contain the plasmids.
Strains are prepared in BL21 and are transformed with either pBAD_sfGFP or pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP
Sample | 1/4 | 2/5 | 3/6 |
Arabinose (%) | 0 | 0.005 | 0.1 |
Sequencing results of SPD5_both showed that both C9 and C10 looked good and had no mutations. I will continue with C9 for future experiments.
Transformations via heat-shock:
Ligation of pMIC_SPD5_snoop into DH5-alpha
pMIC_SPD5 + pBbA2c_mVenus_ SpyCatcher (mVENUS)
pMIC_SPD5_both + mVENUS
pMIC_SPD5 + mVENUS + mTurquoise
pMIC_SPD5_both + mVENUS + pBbA2k_mTurquoise2-SnoopCatcher (mTurquoise)
Colony PCR of new colonies of the trafo of pBAD_sfGFP or pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP. This was done using Green Dream-tag polymerase MM using primers 14 +16 to amplify sfGFP.
3 colonies of pBAD_sfGFP was screened and 5 colonies of pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP as well as a positive control using the pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP plasmid. Besides, the current not-working glycerol stock were screened.
Colony PCR of SPD5_snoop C1 re-trafo colonies. This was done using Green Dream-tag polymerase MM using primers 34 + 37 to amplify SPD5_snoop.
Agarose gel of colony PCRs:
Gel 2: marker, pBAD_sfGFP (x3), pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP (x5), positive control, Glycerol stock (x2)
Gel 3: marker sfGFP (primer 38 + 39) (x8)
Miniprep of mVENUS in TOP10, 3 ml were used for the miniprep with the sigma Aldrich kit.
Overnight culture of one the screened pBAD_sfGFP/pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP colonies was prepared for microscopy on Sunday and for glycerol stock.
SPD5_#02: Preparation of 50 ml larger culture from the overnight culture (1:50) and grown to OD 0.6 at 30°C and shortly at 37°C. Induction was performed according to previous scheme from a 20% arabinose stock:
0,1%: 15 µl
0,005%: 0.75µl
Then samples were incubated at 18°C overnight. 2 additional samples were prepared with 0,1% arabinose but incubated at 37°C overnight.
Heat shock transformation was performed of; pMIC_SPD5_both into TOP10, pMIC_SPD5 + mTURQ, pMIC_SPD5_both + mTURQ.
Glycerol stock was prepared from the overnight cultures of pMIC_SPD5 + mVEN, pMIC_SPD5_both + mVEN, pMIC_SPD5 + mVEN + mTUR, pMIC_SPD5_both + mVEN +mTUR.
Overnight cultures were prepared of the trafos from yesterday of pMIC_SPD5_both into TOP10, pMIC_SPD5 + mTURQ, pMIC_SPD5_both + mTURQ.
Colony PCR of colonies from the overnight ligation of PMIC_SPD5_snoop, this was done using Dream-taq green MM and primers 34 + 37 at annealing 55°C and extension 4 min.
Glycerol stocks of yesterdays overnight cultures and pMIC_SPD5 + mTURQ, pMIC_SPD5_both + mTURQ
Miniprep of the colonies for pMIC_SPD5_both was prepared an afterwards send for sequencing.
Induction of the pMIC_SPD5 + mTURQ, pMIC_SPD5_both + mTURQ was prepared according to previous description
SPD5 #03
Aim: to repeat the SPD5_sfGFP microscopy results, which were done in 2019 by the Freiburg iGEM team with our newly cloned construct. Repeat of SPD5 #02 because the last time I thought I made a mistake by induction.
Strains are prepared in BL21 and are transformed with either pBAD_sfGFP or pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP
Sample | 1/4 | 2/5 | 3/6 |
Arabinose (%) | 0 | 0.005 | 0.1 |
Overnight cultures from yesterday of pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP/pBAD_sfGFP and pBAD33+pET_sfGFP/pBAD33 + pET_sfGFP_TP were dilutes 1:50 in larger cultures and grown at 30°C until they reach OD: 0.6
Microscopy of pMIC_SPD5 + fluorescent catcher
Heat shock transformations of the following was performed:
Strain # | Plasmids | Bacteria |
01 | pMIC_SPD5 + mVENUS | MG1655 |
02 | pMIC_SPD5_both + mVENUS | MG1655 |
03 | pMIC_SPD5 + mTURQUOISE | MG1655 |
04 | pMIC_SPD5_both + mTURQUOISE | MG1655 |
05 | pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP | MG1655 |
06 | pBAD_sfGFP | MG1655 |
09 | pMIC_SPD5 + pBAD_sfGFP (#2332) | BL21 |
10 | pMIC_SPD5_both + pBAD_sfGFP (#2332) | BL21 |
11 | pMIC_SPD5_both + pBAD_sfGFP (#2332) | MG1655 |
12 | pMIC_SPD5 + pBAD_sfGFP (#2332) | MG1655 |
SPD5 #04
Aim: To see if there is a difference in the dots which are formed in BL21 and in MG1655.
Experimental setup: MG1655 is transformed with either pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP (Strain 2) or pBAD_sfGFP (Strain 1) and from an overnight culture a larger culture is grown to OD: 0.6 and induced according to the scheme.
Strain 1: samples 1-4
Strain 2: samples 5-8
Sample | 1 / 5 | 2 / 6 | 3 / 7 | 4 / 8 |
Arabinose (%) | 0 | 0.005 | 0.01 | 0.1 |
Glycerol stocks of all overnight cultures was prepared.
Grew a larger culture (50 ml) of the 1:50 diluted overnight culture pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP or pBAD_sfGFP in MG1655 and induced at OD: 0.6 according to SPD5 #04 scheme. Then they were incubated at 18 °C.
Microscopy of the prepared samples of pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP and pBAD_sfGFP, this time in MG1655.
This time the drops could move!
Send pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP for sequencing the promoter region to look for mutations in the region causing it to be constitutively expressed.
Sequencing result of SPD5_sfGFP from yesterday showed for the PETUP primer that it could be a mix of two different plasmids, but the primer I send showed a cleaner result. However, there seems to be a deletion in front of the AraC, which could influence how well the AraC is translated.
Heat-shock transformation of
pMIC_EncA + pVEN:sfGFP_TP in ME5119 (AmR + CmR)
1939 + pVEN_sfGFP_TP in ME5119 (AmR + CmR)
pMIC_SPD5 + mVEN in C321∆exp (AmR + CmR)
pMIC_SPD5_both + mVEN in C321∆exp (AmR + CmR)
pMIC_SPD5 + mVEN in Genome Reduced (AmR + CmR)
pMIC_SPD5_both + mVEN in Genome Reduced (AmR + CmR)
Microscopy of Encapsulin #04
Prepare overnight cultures for the microscopy on Sunday from the MG1655
pMIC_SPD5_both + mVEN
pMIC_SPD5_both + mTURQ
pMIC_SPD5_spy/snoop #02
Aim: to check whether the pMIC_SPD5 with and without tags, look like the SPD5_sfGFP in regards of being dynamics and if the catching seems to work.
Experimental setup: all strains in MG1655
Strain A1: SPD5 + mVEN
Strain A2: SPD5_both + mVEN
Strain B1: SPD5 + mTURQ
Strain B2: SPD5_both + mTURQ
Sample | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
IPTG (µM) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 50 | 100 | 10 | 50 | 100 | 10 | 50 | 100 |
Doxy (ng/µl) | 0 | 10 | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 25 | 25 | 25 |
Not all samples were microscoped, only the following based on initial microscopy.
Strain A: 10, 4, 3, 1
Strain B: 8, 5, 2, 1
SPD5 #05
Aim: To see if there is a difference in the dots which are formed in BL21 and in MG1655. Experimental setup: MG1655 is transformed with either pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP (Strain 2) or pBAD_sfGFP (Strain 1) and from an overnight culture a larger culture is grown to OD: 0.6 and induced according to the scheme. This time one concentration lower than previous was also performed.
Strain 1: samples 1-3
Strain 2: samples 4-6
Sample | 1 / 4 | 2 / 5 | 3 / 6 |
Arabinose (%) | 0 | 0.001 | 0.005 |
Microscopy of pMIC_SPD5_spy/snoop #02
Induction of samples for FRAP pBAD_sfGFP and pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP accordingly
FRAP + fluorescent microscopy of pBAD_sfGFP and pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP
SDS of the pMIC_SPD5_spy/snoop #02 (12% SDS gel prestained protein ladder plus, thermos fischer)
Transfer via semidry (Run for 1 h at constant voltage 10V)
Blocking with 10% milk powder PBS-T 1X
Primary antibody anti-GFP (Rabbit)
pMIC_SPD5 + fluoro #03
Aim: To repeat the experiments with the SPD5 tag construct, which showed fluorescent dots that did not move. This time repeat again in MG1655, but microscope multiple timepoints before 24 h. I expect that the lang incubation times cause the droplets to turn into gel-like state.
Experimental setup: Liquid cultures from glycerol stocks of the strains were grown until OD 0.6-0.8 and induced accordingly. Then the cultures incubated further at 18 °C for 2-2-5 hours until agarpads were prepared for microscopy. These were then microscoped with intervals of 1-2 hours and observed for dynamic droplets.
Strain 1: pMIC_SPD5 + mVen
Strain 2: pMIC_SPD5_both + mVen
IPTG (µM) | 10 |
Doxycycline (ng/ml) | 25 |
Overnight culture for pMIC_SPD5 + fluoro #03 were prepared and incubated at 37 °C
Overnight experiment of pMIC_SPD5_both + mVENUS #03
Trafo of new Site-directed Mutagenesis of SPD-5 from Jeromy + mVenus or + mTurquoise into MG1655 and plated on LB +amp + (cmR/kan)
Overday culture of pMIC_SPD5_both + mVENUS #03, same culture later used for induction.
Strain 2: induced at 16:55
Strain 1: induced at 17:25
Overnight culture of trafos from yesterday, SPD-5_sdm_both + mVenus or + mTurquoise in MG1655 were incubated at 37 °C.
pMIC_SPD5 + fluoro #04
Aim: To repeat the experiments with the SPD5 tag construct, this time with the site-directed mutagenesis version, from Jeremy.
Experimental setup: Liquid cultures from single colonies of the strains were grown until OD 0.6-0.8 and induced accordingly. Then the cultures incubated further at 18 °C for 24 hours until agarpads were prepared for microscopy.
Strain 1: pMIC_SPD5_both + mVen
Strain 2: pMIC_SPD5_both + mTur
Strain 1:
IPTG (µM) | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 |
Doxycycline (ng/ml) | 0 | 25 | 0 | 25 |
Strain 2:
IPTG (µM) | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 |
Doxycycline (ng/ml) | 0 | 10 | 0 | 10 |
Microscopy pMIC_SPD5_sdm_both + mVenus or + mTurquoise #04
SDS-gel of samples were prepared by measuring OD and spinning down 100 µl of culture and then resuspending of SDS-sample buffer.
Lanes | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
| Marker | Marker | mVen,1 | mVen,2 | mVen,3 | mVen,4 | mTur,1 | mTur,2 | mTur,3 | mTur,4 |
Run 110 V for 1 hour 10 min.
Westernblot transfer, wet blot according to protocol. Run at 0.002A for 2 hour at RT
Blocking with 10% Milk in PBST for 1 h
Wash 4x, incubation with primary antibody (anti-gfp) wash 4x, incubation with secondary antibody, wash 4x, detect. Incubation with primary antibody anti-RNA-pol, wash 4x, Incubation with secondary antibody HRP-peroxidase, detect.
Noncanonical amino acids are amino acids which are not found naturally in proteins. The incorporation can lead to novel characteristics of the protein of interest. In this part of our project we seek to characterize the incorporation of ncAA into sfGFP. Furthermore, we incorporate ncAA into the main proteins of the bacterial microcompartments. This is done using the amber stop-codon and incorporation will be tested through FACS, western-blot and crosslinking. Responsible for this part were: Fabian, Johanna, Leon, Jeromy.
Preparing 250 ml LB medium following the protocol #001 and adding 250µl K and 250µl Sm
Preparing 250 ml LB agar following the protocol #004 and adding 250µl K and 250µl Sm
Picking 2 colonies from the E.coli strain with the plasmid pHT1 and 2 from the one with the plasmid pHT1T2T3 --> overnight culture in LB-medium + Amp
Glycerol stocks of all overnight cultures using protocol #008
Miniprep of all overnight cultures using protocol #007
Transformation in BL21 of:
wiffleballs: a + b + c
a + b + d
Transformation in BL21 of:
wiffleballs: a + b + c
a + b + d
Overnight culture of :
Glycerol stocks of the overnight cultures of the previous day (2 each):
wiffleballs: we want to prove that they can form and we also want to make them visible
We made 4 transformations with BL21 competent cells from Nicole with following plasmids, following the protocol #003:
We let the bacteria grow on CmR + AmpR plates at 37°C.
Overnight cultures of all transformations and let them grow at 30°C.
Prepare medium for the induction next day and also let it at 30°C to have a constant temperature.
--> 5 ml LB + 5 µl Cm + 5 µl Amp pro tube
-->100 ml LB + 100 µl Cm + 100 µl Amp pro Erlenmayer glas
We induced the bacteria of all trafos. First we prepared the bacteria as following:
Induction conditions: we used a 100 mM stock solution of IPTG for the wiffleballs and a 50 µg/ml stock solution of doxycycline for Venus.
µM IPTG | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50 | 100 | 50 | 100 | 50 | 100 |
ng/ml DOX. | 0 | 50 | 200 | 0 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 200 | 200 |
24h incubation at 18°C
We prepared the cells for fluorescence microscopy as following:
We also prepared the cells for SDS as following:
We prepared the cells for sonication by resuspending the pellet in 1 ml lysis buffer (20 mM Tris + 50 mM NaCl)
--> Sonication of all the samples
Centrifuge all the samples at 3000 rpm for 10 min
Prepare samples for SDS:
Separating gel (12,5%)
1,33 ml H2O
1,5 ml Tris/HCl 1,88 M pH 8,8
1,5 ml SDS 0,5% w/v (1 g per 100 ml)
3,13 ml Acrylamide (37, 5:1)
7,5 µl TEMED
37,5 µl APS (10% w/v)
Invert the tube before pouring the gel in the chamber
Add 500 µl isopropanol on top and let it polymerize
Stacking gel (5%)
1,06 ml H2O
0,5 ml Tris/HCl pH 6,8
0,5 ml SDS 0,5% w/v
0,42 ml Acrylamide
2,5 µl TEMED
12,5 µl APS
Invert the tube
Pour the isopropanol away and give the stacking gel on top of the polymerized separating gel
We loaded all the samples in the chambers as in the table below, poured the running buffer and let the SDS PAGE run at 120V with 0,08 Amper
marker | marker | 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | x | 9 | x | x |
marker | 10 | 11 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | x |
We stained the gels with Roti blue overnight
We ran a SDS PAGE again with the samples 1-9, then we transferred the proteins on nitrocellulose membrane with the semidry blotting technique
--> We ran the western blot at 10 V with 1 Amper, for 1 h at 4°C
We blocked the membrane with 10% milk in PBS-Tween20 solution for 1 h, then washed it 4 times for 5 min with PBS-Tween20 buffer (PBS 1x + Tween20 0,1%)
1st Ab incubation:
We prepared a solution of BSA 3%, 0,1% sodium azide, PBS-Tween20 + antiHis6xTag-Ab 1:1000
Incubate overnight at 4°C
Wash the membrane 4 times for 5 min with PBS-Tween20
2nd Ab incubation:
We prepared a solution of 5% milk in PBS-Tween20 + 1:10000 HRP(anti-mouse) and incubated the membrane for 2 h at room temperature
We washed again the membrane 4 times for 5 min with PBS-Tween20 and then detected the proteins with the imager
--> for the detection we mixed 500 µl luminol enhancer with 500 µl peroxide solution and incubated for 1 min before taking the picture with the imager
We ran SDS gels of the following samples:
--> We had to repeat the last row since the marker went into all the wells; for this we made a 8% separating gel and a 3% stacking gel
We ran a Western blot for the first two rows following the same procedure as the days before, until the 1st ab incubation
We ran the Western blot for the pHT1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus samples until the 1st ab incubation and finished the other ones for pHT1T2T3 + mVenus and for pHT1snpspyTag + mVenus)
We finished the Western blot procedure for pHT1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus samples
The detection did not work, so we incubated the membranes again with the 1st ab
Run SDS gels at 120 V, 0,4 Ampere
The samples have been pipetted in the wells as following:
Western Blot process until 1st Ab incubation (overnight)
Finish Western Blot + detection on imager
We made 4 transformations with BL21, ME5000 and MG1655 competent cells with following plasmids, following the protocol #003:
We let the first 4 transformed cultures grow on CmR + AmpR plates, pBAD33 on CmR plates, at 37°C
Overnight cultures of:
Overnight cultures in BL21 of following transformations;
Induction of all overnight cultures as following:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Condition |
Same procedure as the 1st of July but we induced 5 ml cultures with 1:1000 inducers
Growth curve assay in a 96-well plate with 180 µl of each sample, as in the table below (indicated are the sample numbers and the conditions of the samples). We pipetted each sample 3 times in order to get the mean of the values and so get more precise results. We let the plate shake at medium intesity continuosly, at 37°C, measuring the values every 10 min.
1-0 | 2-1 | 3-2 | 4-3 | 5-0 | 6-1 | 7-2 | 8-3 | 17-0 | 19-2 |
1-0 | 2-1 | 3-2 | 4-3 | 5-0 | 6-1 | 7-2 | 8-3 | 17-0 | 19-2 |
1-0 | 2-1 | 3-2 | 4-3 | 5-0 | 6-1 | 7-2 | 8-3 | 17-0 | 19-2 |
9-0 | 10-1 | 11-2 | 12-3 | 13-0 | 14-1 | 15-2 | 16-3 | 18-1 | 20-3 |
9-0 | 10-1 | 11-2 | 12-3 | 13-0 | 14-1 | 15-2 | 16-3 | 18-1 | 20-3 |
9-0 | 10-1 | 11-2 | 12-3 | 13-0 | 14-1 | 15-2 | 16-3 | 18-1 | 20-3 |
Fluorescence microscopy
Transformation of:
ME5000 with
NEBDH5a with
BL21 with
SDS of all induced samples 1-20 (separating gel: 8%, stacking gel: 3%)
Gel A: marker, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Gel B: marker, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Western Blot --> transfer did not work properly
We repeated the SDS and made the Western blot again until the 1st Ab incubation
(Western blot at 9-10V, 0,4 ampere, 4W, 1h)
Roti-Blue staining of the gels overnight
Miniprep of all the NEBDH5a overnight cultures
Transformations of ME5000 with new DNA (minipreps):
Finish Western blot + detection --> not enough bands and bands at wrong places
Transformations of ME5000 with new DNA (minipreps):
Induction (protcol #040) of 20 samples of BL21 (1-20) and 20 samples of MG1655 (21-40) like on the 19th of July
In MG1655 and BL21:
Condition 0-3:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Condition |
(addendum 28/07 -> Doxycyclin stock was prepared wrong -> 1000 fold concentration used)
Growth curve assay of MG1655 (20h)
Growth curve assay in a 96-well plate with 200 µl of each sample, as in the table below (indicated are the sample numbers and the conditions of the samples). We pipetted each sample 3 times in order to get the mean of the values and so get more precise results. We let the plate shake at medium intesity continuosly, at 30°C, measuring the values every 10 min for 20h.
96 well-plate schema:
1-0 | 2-1 | 3-2 | 4-3 | 5-0 | 6-1 | 7-2 | 8-3 | 17-0 | 19-2 |
1-0 | 2-1 | 3-2 | 4-3 | 5-0 | 6-1 | 7-2 | 8-3 | 17-0 | 19-2 |
1-0 | 2-1 | 3-2 | 4-3 | 5-0 | 6-1 | 7-2 | 8-3 | 17-0 | 19-2 |
9-0 | 10-1 | 11-2 | 12-3 | 13-0 | 14-1 | 15-2 | 16-3 | 18-1 | 20-3 |
9-0 | 10-1 | 11-2 | 12-3 | 13-0 | 14-1 | 15-2 | 16-3 | 18-1 | 20-3 |
9-0 | 10-1 | 11-2 | 12-3 | 13-0 | 14-1 | 15-2 | 16-3 | 18-1 | 20-3 |
Incubator was turned of by someone … no further experiments --> repeat
Trafo of BL21 w. pBAD33 & 1939 for WT control
Overnight cultures of all following transformed of BL21 and MG1655
Induction of BL21 and MG1655 like Monday 25/07
… but -> Doxycyclin stock was prepared wrong the past-> 1000 fold concentration used, also on 25/07 and 19/07
Induction of BL21 and MG1655 like Monday 25/07
Fluorescence Microscopy w. Agarose Pads (protocol #037) of induced BL21 & MG1655 and
their sample preparation (protocol #038): Sonication, fractioning freeze -20°C for later SDS-PAGe and WB
Transformations of ME5000 (SmR) and ME5119(SmR +TetR):
Protein Miniprep w. Nickel/IDA spin column (Zymno) 87µg/ml, but 260/280n ratio ~.097
SDS-PAGE (8% seperating gel; protocol #31) of induced BL21 (from 29/07) with following constructs
Condition 0-3:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | µM IPTG
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Condition
One construct per gel; 4 gels in total
loading schema (M = marker) :
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Condition: M 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Supernatent Pellet
Western Blot (protocol #030) of all 4 Gels until anti-His Antibody -> overnight
Western Blot (protocol #030) part 2:
Incubate anti-mouse antibody and detection --> worked well! J
SDS-PAGE like Monday but with MG1655
SDS-PAGE (8% seperating gel; protocol #31) of induced MG1655 (from 29/07) with following constructs
Condition 0-3:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | Condition |
One construct per gel; 4 gels in total
loading schema (M = marker) :
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Condition: M 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Supernatent Pellet
Western Blot (protocol #030) of all 4 Gels, anti-His Antibody; then anti RNAPol antibody -> overnight
Antibiotic resistance test of ME5119
Western Blot:
Also anti-RNAPol on BL21 Western Blot membranes
Sec Anti mouse antibody on all 8 membranes (Bl21 and MG1655)
BL21: nice
MG1655: RNA pol = nice;
wiffleball expression no detectible, only pHt1snpspyTag + mVenus2-spyCat and pHT1T2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat
ME5119 also grew on Streptomycin--> maybe wrong strain? Or not working antibiotic
Meeting for transmission electron microscopy + new strategy to enhance the wiffleball-Protein expression/ formation
Also test different concentration of IPTG for higher expression
Induction (protcol #040) of BL21 and MG1655
Constructs in MG1655 and BL21:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
Incubation for 24h, 18°C, 200rpm
Glycerol stocks of MG1655
and and BL21: p1939(AmpR) + pBAD33(CmR) (empty backbones, WT control)
Check competent ME5125 for antibiotic resistance:
AmpR: no
KanR: yes
TetR: yes
-> maybe wrong strain was given? Maybe ME5010?
Fluorescence Microscopy w. Agarose Pads (protocol #037) of induced BL21 & MG1655 from 05/08
+ their sample preparation (protocol #038): Sonication, fractioning freeze -20°C for later SDS-PAGEand WB
SDS-PAGE (8% seperating gel; protocol #31) of induced MG1655 (from 05/08) with following constructs in MG1655 and BL21:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
4 Gels:
loading schema (M = marker) :
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Condition: M 0 1 2 3 400 700 1000 0 1 2 3 400 700 1000
Supernatent Pellet
Western Blot (protocol #030) of all Gels till blocking,
Again: SDS-PAGE (8% seperating gel; protocol #31) of induced MG1655 (from 05/08) with following constructs in MG1655 and BL21:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
4 Gels:
loading schema (M = marker) :
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Condition: M 0 1 2 3 400 700 1000 0 1 2 3 400 700 1000
Western Blot (protocol #030) till anti-mous antibody -> overnight
Preparation for immunofluoresce to see the distribution and formation of the BMCs at the cell poles.
Prepare Lid coation with Triton X-100 for better growth curve assays in the microplate reader
Coating solution: 20%EtOH, 0.05% Triton X-100
Incubate 96 Well plate lid for 15sec, at RT, then air dry
Detection of Western Blot membranes from 10/08
BL21: both constructs nice
--> only RNAPol detectable
--> little bit of expression
Conclusio: wiffleball expression in MG1655 not optimal, but repeat
New Antibodies from Barbaras Lab:
- Anti-GFP-Antibody (polyclonal) (rabbit) for mVenus or mTurquoise detection
- anti-rabbit-Antibody-Cy5 conjugate
Incubate same membranes again with Anti-GFP-Antibody and anti-rabbit antibody
Making competent ME5119 bacteria (protocol #017), because wrong strain was given last time
Replicate Experiment
Induction (protcol #040) of MG1655
Constructs in MG1655 and BL21:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
Incubation for 24h, 18°C, 200rpm
Also Growth assay with coated lid from10/08
Dilute bacteria after induction from OD600= 0.6 to 0.1
Addendum 31.08 also inducer concentration diluted… not the right inducer concentration anymore
Fluorescence Microscopy w. Agarose Pads (protocol #037) of induced MG1655 from 13/08 with a Zeiss Axiovert with Kolibri LEDs
Induced bacteria with pHT1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat have dots at their poles.
Sample preparation (protocol #038) from induced MG1655 from 13/08: samples spinned down and freezed -20°C for later SDS-PAGE and WB
Sample preparation (protocol #038): Sonication, fractioning freeze -20°C for later SDS-PAGEand WB (samples from 14/08)
SDS-PAGE (8% seperating gel; protocol #31) of induced MG1655 (from 13/08) with following constructs
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
3 Gels:
+ MG1655 sample from 09/08 to check for same results
loading scheme (M = marker) :
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Condition: M 0 1 2 3 400 700 1000 0 1 2 3 400 700 1000
Supernatent Pellet
Transformation of:
ME5119 (genome reduced E.coli) with
Western Blot (protocol #030) of gels from, 15/08:
After blotting: Ponceau staining showed no proteins, also Comassie staining showed no proteins left on gel
--> again
Overnight cultures of ME5119 (genome reduced E.coli)
Induction (protcol #040) of ME5119 like 04/08
Constructs in ME5119:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
Incubation for 24h, 18°C, 200rpm
Also Growth assay with Triton X-100 coated lid like 10/08
Dilute bacteria after induction from OD600= 0.6 to 0.1
Addendum 31.08 also inducer concentration diluted… not the right inducer concentration anymore
Transformation of new made BL21 with
Fluorescence microscopy of induced ME5119 (17/08) with Agar Pads (protocol #37) with a Zeiss Axiovert with Kolibri LEDs
Sample preparation (protocol #038) from induced ME5119 spinned down and freezed -20°C for later SDS-PAGEand WB
Sample preparation (protocol #038): Sonication, fractioning of ME5119 samples from 18/08
SDS-PAGE (8% seperating gel; protocol #31) of induced ME5119 (17/08) and induced MG1655 from 15/08 with following constructs:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
4 Gels:
loading schema (M = marker) :
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Condition: M 0 1 2 3 400 700 1000 0 1 2 3 400 700 1000
Supernatent Pellet
Western Blot (protocol #030) till anti-His antibody -> overnight
Induction (protcol #040) of transformed BL21 (from 18/08) like 04/08
Constructs in BL21:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
Incubation for 24h, 18°C, 200rpm
Also Growth assay with Triton X-100 coated lid like 10/08
in a 96-well plate with 200 µl of each sample, as in the table below We pipetted each sample 3 times in order to get the mean of the values and so get more precise results. We let the plate shake at medium intesity continuosly, at 30°C, measuring the values every 10 min for 20h
Western Blot (protocol #030) of Mg1655 and ME5119 samples (19/08)
Anti-RNAPol Antibody ~1.5h
Anti-mouse Antibody ~1h
Stripping test of these membranes after detection w. 2x 5min incubation
w. 0.2M NaOH, then 4x 5min wash with PBST
Again detection with ECL solution
Overnight cultures of BL21
for third time repetition of the experiments: Fluorescence microscopy, growth curve assay, SDS-PAGE, Western Blot
nduction (protcol #040) of BL21 (overnight cultures from 22/08) like 04/08 for growth assay
Constructs in BL21:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
Growth assay with Triton X-100 coated lid like 10/08
In a 96-well plate with 200 µl of each sample, as in the table below We pipetted each sample 3 times in order to get the mean of the values and so get more precise results. We let the plate shake at medium intesity continuosly, at 30°C, measuring the values every 10 min for 20h
Fluorescence microscopy of induced BL21 (23/08) with Agar Pads (protocol #37) with a Zeiss Axiovert with Kolibri LEDs
Sample preparation (protocol #038) from induced BL21 spinned down and freezed -20°C for later SDS-PAGE and WB
Sample preparation (protocol #038): Sonication, fractioning of BL21 samples from 24/08
SDS-PAGE (8% seperating gel; protocol #31) of induced BL21 (23/08) with following constructs:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
2 Gels:
loading schema (M = marker) :
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Condition: M 0 1 2 3 400 700 1000 0 1 2 3 400 700 1000
Supernatent Pellet
Western Blot (protocol #030) till anti-His antibody -> overnight
Western Blot (protocol #030) of Mg1655 and ME5119 samples (19/08)
Incubated with Anti-RNAPol Antibody, Anti-mouse Antibody
Then detection
Induction(protocol #040) of BL21 for immunofluorescencestaining (Johanna alreadyprepaired the overnight cultures)
Constructs in BL21:
0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | µM IPTG |
50 | 0 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 400 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
Incubationfor 16h, 18°C, 200rpm
Immunofluorescence staining of induced BL21 (29/08) based on the paper from Park et al. 2019. “An Improved Method for Bacterial Immunofluorescence Staining To Eliminate Antibody Exclusion from the Fixed Nucleoid“
1) 5ml cells spinned down at 4000g for 5min
2) Resuspend in 1ml of 4% formaldehyde in 1xPBS
3) Incubation for 30min at room temperature
4) Spin down at 1500g for 5 min resuspend in 1xPBS
5) Repeat step 4)
EtOH treatment
1) 10µl of 70% EtOH per 108 Cells (OD600=1 --> 8*108 cells
2) Incubation on nutator for 1h
Cell immobilisation
1) Precoat in 8well chambered cover glass (ibiTreat from ibidi used) with 0.1% Polylysine in ddH2O and incubate for 1h
2) 3x washing with ddH2O + airdrying
3) 5µl of EtOH treated cells + 5µl ddH2O -> centrifuge at 600g for 5min
4) Resuspend pellet in 130µl 1xPBS
-> add in single well and incubate for 1h at 4°C
5) check cell density under microscope until desired cell density is reached then remove unattached cells with PBS replacement
Lysozyme treatment
1) 2µL of 1000 U/µL Lysozyme (from fisher scientific) per well (130µl -> 2000U)
2) Incubate 30min at roomtemperature
3) Wash 3x with PBS
DNase I treatment
1) 10x DNase reaction buffer w. MgCl2 to 130µl in well (14.6µL) + 2µL of DNase 1U/mL (fisher scientific)
2) incubate 1h at 37°C
3) Wash 3x with PBS
1) Incubation with blocking buffer (0.1% BSA, 0.05% Tween20® in PBS)
2) 1st antibody Anti-His (from Biolegend) 1:250 in PBS + incubate 1.5h at roomtemperature
3) 3x wash with PBS with 5min incubation
4) 2nd antibody anti-mouse dyelight 600 conjugate (from invitrogen) 1:500 in PBS + incubate for 1h at roomtemperature
5) 3x wash with PBS at roomtemperature
Storage for later use because SIM microscope was not availible
store with PBS with 0.1% Sodiumazide at 4°C
Transformation of C321∆exp with
Western Blot (protocol #030) again staining of membranes from 26/08:
Anti-GFP, polyclonal, rabbit host, (from cell signaling 255555) for mVenus detection
-Antibody solution with Sodiumazide 0.1% -> Sodiumazide blocks HRP from last secondary antibody. There should be no or nearly less signal.
Detection with ECL solution after anti-GFP incubation -> really less signal of RNA-Pol, but also high background noise
Incubate with secondary antibody anti-rabbit-HRP overnight
Detection of Western Blot from 31/08
mVenus is heavily expressed and already degraded when bound to T1, maybe less mVenus induction better
Tranformation results from 31/08: worked, but pHT1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2- spyCat not
Transformation of C321∆exp with
Transformation of BL21 with
Transformation of DH5a with
Overnight cultures of BL21 with
Overnight cultures of MG1655 with
Transformation of C321∆exp with:
Glycerol stocks of DH5a with
Glycerol stocks of BL21 with
Induction (protcol #040) of BL21 (overnight cultures from 22/08) like 04/08 for growth assay
Constructs in BL21:
Conditions for growth curve assay with:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 25 | 0 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
Growth curve assay in 96 well plate with Triton-X100 coated lid.
After OD600= 0.6 induction: dilution to 0.1, but with right inducer concentration.
30°C, medium shake, OD600 read every 10min for 18h.
Conditions for fluorescence microscopy with:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 100 | 0 | 100 | µM IPTG |
0 | 25 | 0 | 25 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
Induction at 18°C, 200 rpm for 20h
Fluorescence microscopy of induced BL21 (03/04) with Agar Pads (protocol #37) with a Zeiss Axiovert with Kolibri LEDs
Overnight cultures of BL21 with
Overnight cultures of MG1655 with
Overnight cultures of C321∆exp with
Test newly competent made BL21 for Chloramphenicol contamination -> overnight culture
Induction (protocol #040) of MG1655 and C321∆exp with following constructs:
· pHt1snpspyTag + mVenus2-spyCat
· pHT1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat
· p1939(AmpR) + pBAD33(CmR) (empty backbones)
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 0 | ng/ml DOXY |
Incubation at 18°C; 200rpm, for 18h
Growth curve assay of MG1655 in 96 well plate with Triton-X100 coated lid.
After OD600= 0.6 induction: dilution to 0.1, but with right inducer concentration.
30°C, medium shake, OD600 read every 10min for 18h.
Sample preparation (protocol #038): Sonication, fractioning SDS-PAGE and WB (samples from 03/09)
SDS-PAGE (8% seperating gel; protocol #31) of induced BL21 (from 03/09) with following constructs
· pHt1snpspyTag + mTurqouise2-snpCat
· pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 + mTurqouise2-snpCat
· pHT1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 100 | 0 | 100 | µM IPTG |
0 | 25 | 0 | 25 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
One construct per gel; 3 gels in total
loading schema (M = PageRuler Plus Thermo scientifc) :
- pHT1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-15
Condition: M 0 0/10 0/50 100/0 100/10 100/25 100/50 same as well 2-8
Supernatent Pellet
- pHt1snpspyTag + mTurqouise2-snpCat
- pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 + mTurqouise2-snpCat
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-15
Condition: M 0 0/10 0/25 100/0 100/10 100/25 100/50 same as well 2-8
Supernatent Pellet
Sample preparation (protocol #038) of MG1655 and C321∆exp: spinned down and freezed at -20°C
Fluorescence microscopy of C321∆exp, but not enough time to finish all samples
Western Blot (protocol #030) of all 3 Gels from 05/09: anti-His antibody, RNAPol antibody, secondery antibody anti-mouse + detection
Western Blot again with anti-GFP antibody (polyclonal, rabbit host) overnight |
Western Blot from 06/09 incubation of anti-rabbit-HRP to detect the mVenus
Overnight cultures of BL21 for FRET with
Induction of BL21 for FRET with
Incubation at 18°C, 200rpm for 18h
FRET with mVenus2 and mTurquoise2 for encapsulation/ spatial distance proof:
Colony PCR (protocol #019) for Anne
Run 0.7% Agarose Gel
Transformation for Anne
In MG1655
1) pMic_SPD5 + + mVenus2-spyCat
2) pMic_SPD5_both + mVenus2-spyCat
3) pMic_SPD5 + mTurqouise2-snpCat
4) pMic_SPD5_both + mTurqouise2-snpCat
5) pBAD_SPD5_sfGFP
6) pBAD_sfGFP
7) pMic_EncA + pVen_sfGFP
In C321∆exp
8) pMic_EncA + pVen_sfGFP
No more pVen_sfGFP left -> make Overnight cultre for new miniprep
Overnight cultures of BL21
Overnight cultures of MG1655
Overnight cultures of C321∆exp
Overnight cultures of ME5119
Miniprep with sigma aldrich Kit Elute of freezed DH5a samples from 03/09 overnight cultures and of BL21 pVen_sfGFP overnight culture 10/09
Transfomation: repetition of 7) from 10/09 (hadn’t shown colonies)
Transformation of BL21 and MG1655
Induction of MG1655 with pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat
with 100µM IPTG and 50ng/ml DOXY as induction control
Induction of C321∆exp and ME5119 with
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | µM IPTG |
0 | 50 | 0 | 50 | ng/ml DOXY |
Incubation at 18°C; 200rpm
Overnight cultures of ME5119
for Growth curve assay
Induction (protcol #040) of MG1655 (overnight cultures from 11/09) like 03/09 for growth assay
Conditions for growth curve assay with:
0 | 0 | 100 | 100 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | µM IPTG |
0 | 25 | 0 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | ng/ml DOXY |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 400 | 700 | 1000 | Condition |
Growth assay with Triton X-100 coated lid like 10/08
In a 96-well plate with 200 µl of each sample, as in the table below We pipetted each sample 3 times in order to get the mean of the values and so get more precise results. We let the plate shake at medium intesity continuosly, at 30°C, measuring the values every 10 min for 20h
Fluorescence microscopy of induced ced MG1655; C321∆exp and ME5119 (23/08) with Agar Pads (protocol #37) with a Zeiss Axiovert with Kolibri LEDs
Samples of MG1655 were taken after 19h incubation and after 24h incubation to see difference in foci formation. 19h seem to have litte more foci
C321∆exp only one foci per 200-300 cells
ME5119 no foci formation
Sample preparation (protocol #038) from induced MG1655; C321∆exp and ME5119 were taken after 24h incubation, spinned down and freezed -20°C for later SDS-PAGE and WB
Additionally samples of MG1655 after 19h incubation were taken
Fluorescence microscopy of same samples from 12/09 only after 48h of induction
Dry lab
Primer arrived for switching the BMC Promotor and Operator from IPTG to Tetracyclin inducible per Gibson Assembly
Forward and reverse primers for BMC backbone amplification. (Tm = 64°C)
Expected fragment size: ~3.2kb for minimal BMC; 4.7 for full BMC
Forward and reverse primers for Tet amplification out of the mVenus plasmid, which is Tet-inducible, with 15bp for nucleotide extension for the overlaps of the BMC backbone. (Tm =66°C) Expected fragment size ~700bp
Amplify both fragments out of the Plasmids with a routine PCR (protocol #019)
+ additional a second condition with 5% DMSO.
Extension time for Tet-insert: 0:30min
Extension time for BMCs: 2:30min
Full and minimal BMC both with and w/o Spy/Snp-tags were amplified.
Also Encapsulins and SPD5 both with and without tags were amplified.
Run a 0.7% Agarose gel electrophoresis at 120V (protocol #016)
All samples showed bands Samples w/o DMSO worked better. With DMSO a second higher band >10kb appeared.
Right band were cut and stored at 4°C for the gel clean up.
Gel clean up with Wizard kit from Promega
results: concentration between 15-20ng/µl, but min BMC with tags and full BMC with tags <5ng/µl
Gibson assembly with NEBuilder HiFi DNA assembly Master Mic accoreding to the protocol.
Also Aqua cloning with all constructs -> same as the Gibson assembly, just nuclease free H2O intstead of the master mix.
Transformation with all assemblys in Top10
Overnight cultures of ME5119, MG1655 & BL21 with
Only the Transformation of Encapsulins & pHt1 showed colonies
Repeat the Transformations in DH5a.
Analyze lysed bacteria samples from the indigo group:
Indigo pathway in BL21
Indigo pathway + pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 (BMC)
Both after 12h and 24h after induction with 100µM IPTG induced
Split lysed samples in supernatant and pellet, then SDS sample preparation (protocol #038)
SDS-PAGE (protocol #031) of these + old freezed BMC-samples in Läemmli-buffer from 05.09.22
loading schema (M = PageRuler Plus Thermo scientific, Condition 1-3 like 12/09):
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - 15
Condition: M 1 2 3 12h 12h 24h 24h same as 2-8 only the
Indigo Indigo Indigo Indigo pellet
Growth curve assay comparison between BL21, MG1655 and ME5119 with:
0 | 100 | 100 | µM IPTG |
0 | 0 | 25 | ng/ml DOXY |
Growth assay with Triton X-100 coated lid like 10/08
In a 96-well plate with 200 µl of each sample, as in the table below We pipetted each sample 3 times in order to get the mean of the values and so get more precise results. We let the plate shake at medium intesity continuosly, at 30°C, measuring the values every 10 min for 20h
WB detection --> seems like samples were swapped + Indigo samples were concentrated to high
--> again SDS sample preparation (protocol #038) and SDS-PAGE (protocol #031)
loading schema (M = PageRuler Plus Thermo scientific, Condition 1-3 like 12/09):
Well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 - 15
Condition: M 0 1 2 3 12h 12h 24h 24h same as 2-8 only
Indigo Indigo Indigo Indigo pellet
Repeat the Transformations of the Gibson assembly in new DH5a and Top 10 of
(! inkubation only 40min)
Western Blot (protocol #030) of SDS-PAGE from 18/09: anti-His, RNAPol overnight
Transformation results of 18/09: no plate showed colonies
--> again Gibson assembly (insert: vector ratio wasn’t calculated correctly. Used ratio of mass, but length wasn’t included)
Calculate again + use NEBio calculator for right ratios
Fragments from 15/09:
Assmbly of Tet Promotor in BMC backbone:
incubation of Gibson: 15 min (normal protocol) + 1h
Transformation of all of the in Top10
Overnight cultures of BL21 for transmission electron microscopy and Western Blotting with
Transformation results of Gibson:
PCR (protocol #019) of pHt1snpspyTag and pHT1snpspyTagT2T3 amplification from PCR products of 14/09
+ additional a second condition with 5% DMSO.
Extension time for BMCs: 2:30min
Full and minimal BMC w Spy/Snp-tags were amplified.
Run a 0.6% Agarose gel electrophoresis at 120V (protocol #016)
only little band visible at 1700bb – 1800bp
--> again PCR from plasmid pHt1snpspyTag and pHT1snpspyTagT2T3 like 14/09
Western Blot (protocol #030) from 19/08: anti-mouse antibody + detection
Multiplexing the membrane: Incubation of Anti-SpyCatcher Antibody (1:10000) from Biorad overnight
Induction (protocol #040) of BL21 with following constructs:
-> 125µM IPTG
-> 100µM
Transformation in Top10 of 1h Gibson assembly with Tet promotor from 19/09
Pellet down 5ml of the induced samples (20/09) for the TEM and give to Marta
Western Blot (protocol #030) from 20/08 -> incubate with goat anti-human (1:2000)
Colony PCR + 0.8% Agarose Gel of
Sample preparation (protocol #038) Sonification of freezed samples and SDS PAGE:
Gel 1 – samples from 20/09
BL21 - pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat
& pHt1snpspyTag + Indigo enzymes
Gel 2 samples from 05/09
MG1655 - pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat
& pHt1snpspyTag + mVenus2-spyCat
Gel 3 – samples from 11/09
ME5119 - pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat
& pHt1snpspyTag + mVenus2-spyCat
Gel 4 – samples from 11/09
pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat
& pHt1snpspyTag + mVenus2-spyCat
Run Agarose Gel (0.6%) of pHt1snpspyTag backbone from 20/09
Gel cleanup with Wizard Kit from Promega
With pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 AND pHt1snpspyTag
Again Gibson assembly for Tet insert with
Transformation in Top10 with all Gibson assemblies (3.3µl on 50µl competent bacteria)
Overnight culture of colonies with insert proved by Colony PCR
Trafo results:
Colony PCR + 0.8% Agarose Gel of
-> Overnight cultures
Miniprep of Overnight cultures with Sigma aldrich kit:
Western Blot of SDS PAGE from 21/09 – anti-His AB overnight
Western Blot from 22/09 – anti RNAPol-AB, anti mouse AB;
detection -> anti His signal to low .. whats wrong?
Spy catcher incubation overnight
PCR of pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 with A35 T1 mutation
+ Agarose Gel 0.6% -> nice band
Gel cleanup by Wizard kit (Promega) --> bad result … high salt contamination
PCR of from gel clean-up of pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 with A35 T1 mutation
+ Agarose Gel 0.6% -> no band, maybe to high salt concentration for PCR
Western Blot of 23/09 – anti human AB (1:5000)
+ detection -> weak protein expression
Again PCR of pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 with A35 T1 backbone amplification overnight
Agarose Gel (0.6%) of PCR products from 24/09
+ Gel purification with Wizard kit -> 50ng/µl
Gibson assembly (Hifi DNA assembly mix Thermo fisher) and Auqa cloning w. 100ng vector -> Trafo in DH5a and Top10
Trafo from 25/09 worked
Colony PCR of Gibson assembly trafo + 1.2% Agarose Gel
Overnight cultures of 2 colonies each
Miniprep of ONC from 26/09 and freezed bacteria pellets from 23/09
LowMut T7, genome reduced strain, arrived !!!!
-> Transformation with
Overnight cultures of BL21
Induction of BL21 with
Conditions; empty backbones: uninduced; 100ng/ml DOX + 40µM IPTG
others: 10/20/50/75/100 ng/ml DOX (+40µM IPTG + 3µM L-Cys for Indirubin production)
Incubation 18°C, 200rpm; 22h
Overnight cultures of LowMut T7
Sample preparation (protocol #038) of induced BL21 (04/10): lysed + fractioned
+ SDS-PAGE + Western Blot: anti His, Anti RNA-Pol, anti mouse
Detection -> less signal -> + anti Spy-Catcher overnight
Preparation for Immunostaining: Cell fixation + EtOH treatment like 30/08
Induction of LowMut T7
conditions like 13/06
Growth assay like 03/09
WB detection
After 24h of induction: Sample preparation (protocol #038) of induced LowMut T7 (06/10): lysed + fractioned
Fluorescence Microscopy of induced LowMUt T
Western Blot membranes from 05/10 -> again with anti-His AB from Pavel
Overnight cultures of LowMut T7 and BL21
Induction of BL21 & LowMut T7
100µM IPTG and 50ng/ml DOX with all possible conditions in pHt1snpspyTagT2T3 + mVenus2-spyCat
400µM IPTG and 50ng/ml with all possible conditions in pHt1snpspyTag + mVenus2-spyCat
incubation at 37°C, 200rpm for 3h ,then 18°C for 21h
Growth assay of BL21 & LowMut T7 like 03/09
Fluorescent microscopy of induced BL21 and LowMut T7
After 24h of induction: Sample preparation (protocol #038) of induced LowMut T7 (06/10): lysed + fractioned
Sample |
001_002-1 |
001_002-2 |
2332-1 |
2332-2 |
2340-1 |
2340-2 |
Incubation time |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
1 h |
Ara |
+ |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
- |
+ |
- |
3,5 h |
ncAA |
+ |
- |
- |
- |
3,5 h |
Induction with IPTG: 13:00 we used 3 µl IPTG (0,2 mM) to induce the samples and incubated them on 37 °C
We tried to cast SDS gels and prepared all the necessary buffers according to protocol #011_SDS_buffer. The first attempts at casting the gel did not work. The gel did not polymerize properly
Preparing the samples for the SDS page
To prepare the samples that were taken last week (frozen cell pellets) for loading on the SDS page, the cell pellets were resuspended in Lämmli buffer according to the following formular:
(200 x OD of the sample) µl of Lämmli buffer per cell pellet
The samples were stored at -20° C
We achieved to cast a SDS gel but it still takes 1-2 hours to fully polymerize. We will keep testing the chemicals until we can upload the final protocol. For now, we use our successful SDS gel to load the samples from last week
SDS page with samples from last week
20 µl of of sample were loaded in each pocket and 10 µl of protein ladder. The SDS gel run was started at 14:15 at 100V at 16:45 the voltage was increased to 160 V. The run finished at 15:30
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Sample | Ladder | 2332-1 | 2332-2 | 2340-1 | Broken pocket | 2340-2 | 001_002-1 | 001_002-2 | 001_002-3 | 001_002-4 |
SDS page staining
The gel was stained over night with “ROTIBlue 5x staining solution” from Carl Roth according to the manufactures protocol
Destaining SDS gel
9:30 SDS gel was taken out of the staining solution and transferred into 100 ml the washing solution also prepared according to the manufacturers protocol. The gel was incubated for 5 min in washing solution and then taken out to be scanned
Update Gel
The gel had some leaking pockets and it looked over loaded. The experiment should be repeated
We kept testing and altering our protocol for casting SDS gels. The final protocol that worked best for us is: #012_SDS_gel
Repeat: SDS page with samples from last week
With the final protocol for casting SDS gels #012_SDS_gel two more gels were made and loaded with the same samples as on Tuesday but loaded with less sample and ladder:
The gel run, staining and destaining was done in the same way as on Tuesday.
Update Repeat: SDS page with samples from last week
Loading 10 µl of sample resulted in the clearest bands. Staining can be done longer than in the protocol suggested. Old gels can be stored in water for multiple days and stay stable.
Transformation of BL21(DE3) with plasmids pIG22_001 and pIG22_002 + plating according to protocol #003
In order to test if the plasmids with the synthetases work we want to test their expression at different concentrations of induction
Update Transformation
The trafo worked. At least 3 colonies from each trafo were picked for the over-night cultures
Preparing the overnight cultures
9 over- night cultures were prepared in total, each with 50 ml of medium and 50 µl of the respective antibiotic. The overnight cultures contained the following:
(TB = tryptone broth to not interfere with Ara induction)
OD measurements
- All OD measurements can be found in the LabBook folder-
The cultures were incubated at 37 °C at 180 rmp for 5.5 hours.
The OD was measured by diluting the samples 1:1 with the respective medium.
After 1 more hour of incubation the OD was measured again.
With an OD of roughly 2 culture “LB + Sm + colony 1 with pIG22_001” was ready for induction. The other cultures were further incubated
Induction with IPTG
First a liquid aliquot of IPTG was made: 5 ml milliQ water + 1.19g IPTG -> 1M stock solution IPTG
The culture was split into 6 culture tubes with 5 ml each and the following induction concentration were tested for IPTG:
Half an hour later the cultures “LB + Sm + colony 2 with pIG22_001” and “LB + Sm + colony 3 with pIG22_001” also reached an OD of ~2 and were to be split and induced in at same concentrations as above.
All cultures in grown in TB take longer to reach the appropriate OD as they grow slower.
Induction with Arabinose
After 10 hours of incubation all other cultures reached an OD ready for induction. The remaining cultures all contained pIG22_003 and required induction with arabinose. The cultures were split into culture tubes with 5 ml each and the following induction concentration were tested for IPTG for all 6 cultures:
To not have too many samples it was decided to only test 4 concentrations instead of 6 like before.
Cell harvest
After induction all samples were incubated for 3.5 hours before harvest.
To harvest the cells 1.5 ml of each culture were spun down in an eppi. The supernatant was discarded and the cell pellets stored at –20 °C
Loading SDS pages
To see if and how well the induction of the synthetases worked we loaded the samples on SDS pages. The samples were prepared my resuspending them in 200 x OD ml lämmli buffer.
For the protein ladder 3 µl were used. The pockets were loaded with 10 µl sample according to the following table:
Sample 003-3 LB 0.1 % was lost
Staining was done overnight according to the Carl Roth ROTIBlue manufacturer protocolGel washing and scanning
Like before the gel was washed accord to manufacturer protocol and scanned for further evaluation
SDS gels were poured
Cultures of BL21 without plasmid were used as control to see if synthetase was detected on the other 3 gels.
SDS page with BL21 without plasmid
Primer were diluted to a stock concentration of 100 μM
Site directed mutagenesis of GFP (protocol #027)
Annealing temperature was determined with the NEB Tm calculator
25 μl per tube were used
Amber_4 Anneal 68 °C and 63 °C
Amber_8 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Amber_57 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Amber_74 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Amber_151 Anneal 70 °C and 65 °C
Amber_216 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Elongation was set to 185 sec
After the PCR run, the DNA was stored in the fridge.
DPNI digest of the site directed mutagenesis products
Transformation of BL21 with site directed mutagenesis products according to protocol #003 with 50 μl bacteria and 10 μl PCR product.
LB agar plates with Cm and Kan
500 ml of LB agar with Cm and Kan were made and poured into plates.
Over inoculation of the different bacteria with the Amber mutations in LB medium.
Amber_4 68 °C
Amber_8 72 °C
Amber_57 67 °C
Amber_74 72 °C
Amber_151 65 °C
Amber_216 67 °C
Restriction digest of pIG2022_001 (with NgoMIV) and pIG2022_003 (with EcoRI-HF)
Plasmid | pIG2022_001 | pIG2022_003 |
Restriction enzyme | NgoMIV | EcoRI-HF |
DNA conc. / ng/µl | 51.6 | 66.9 |
DNA amount / µg | 1.0 | 1.0 |
DNA volume / µl | 19.38 | 14.94 |
Buffer solution 10x / µl | 5 | 5 |
RE units | 10 | 20 |
RE amount / µl | 1.0 | 1.0 |
Water / µl | 24.62 | 29.06 |
Both plasmids were digested at 37°C for 15 minutes. EcoRI-HF was inactivated at 65°C for 20 minutes. pIG2022_001 was loaded onto an 1.2% agarose gel but no band was visible after running the gel at 100 V for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
PCR of pIG2022_003 to amplify and prepare the pAzF backbone for Gibson assembly
1 µg/µl DNA of pIG2022_003 was used for PCR
Plasmid extraction of Amber stop codon mutated plasmids
Measuring OD600s of o/n culture before preparing for plasmid extraction and measuring DNA concentration via NanoDrop.
sample | WT | A4 68°C | A8 72°C | A57 67°C | A74 72°C | A151 65°C | A206 67°C |
OD600 | 1.402 | 0.306 | 1.254 | 1.626 | 0.982 | 1.58 | 1.63 |
Conc. / ng/µl | 54.2 | - | 81.2 | 97.4 | 65.2 | 83.1 | 80.5 |
Letting A4 68°C grow until Friday morning. Nicole inoculated a culture with 2338 (Kanamycin resistance)
Plasmid extraction of A4 68°C and 2338 with Merck kit
Digestion of 1881, 1882 and 2338
All plasmids were digested at 37°C for 15 minutes and loaded onto an 1.2% agarose gel at 100 V for 1 hour. The PCR for pAzF with the primers for the Gibson assembly was also loaded. There were no bands visible for 1882.
Gel purification The DNA of the digested pAzF backbone (pIG2022_003), the pAzF backbone (pIG2022_003) after the PCR and the KanR backbone were purified from the gel with the NEB Monarch kit.
Concentration of previous day gel extracts
Measuring the DNA concentration of KanR bb, the pAzF PCR backbone and pAzF digested backbone.
Sample | KanR bb | pAzF bb PCR | PAzF bb digest |
Conc. / ng/µg | 2.8 | 8.0 | 6.8 |
PCR for pAzF backbone and Kanamycin restistance inserts
The PCR for each sample was set up with ng/µl for each sample.
Agarose gel of PCR samples:
1.2% Agarose gel was used with the NEB Quickload 1 kb plus ladder to separate the pcr product from the digested sample. The PCR for the pAzF backbone and the CNF insert did not work.
Gel extraction:
The DNA from the agarose gel was extracted by the NEB Monarch kit.
Sample | KanR_pAzF1 | KanR_pAzF2 |
Empty Tube / g | 1.113 | 1.13 |
Weight / g | 0.9751 | 0.9753 |
Gel / mg | 138 | 155 |
Dissolving buffer / µl | 552 | 620 |
DNA conc. | 56.4 | 73.4 |
Preparing for Gibson assembly
Preparing protocols and samples for gibson assembly
Making TB Medium: according to protocoll 500ml tryptone broth were made
Mini prep of pTrc99A was done with two different kits: Sigma-Aldrich and Zymo to compare the yield -> Zymo seems to work better for us than Sigma-Aldrich
Making LB agar plates with Cm according to protocoll
Transformation of BL21 with
The cells were plated on LB agar with Amp and LB agar with Cm
Trafo update
The trafo for each plasmid worked well. Plating 20 μl was enough to get a good amount of colonies
DNA extraction of pTrc99a (1939)
The DNA extraction was done with the ZymoPURE Plasmid Miniprep Kit (protocol #029).
5 ml were used for the extraction.
Restriction digest was performed according to protocol #015
Difference: with 0.5 μg instead of 2 μg target DNA; Final volume of 25 μl and 1 μl Restriction enzyme each (DPNI and HindIII)
Running of an 1.2 % agarose gel, for pTrc99A it worked well. No clear bands were visible for the GFP containing plasmid. DNA restriction of the double digested pTrc99A was performed and the gel for the GFP plasmid was repeated, again no satisfactory result could be determined.
To verify the plasmid, BL21 was transformed with the same.
Glycerol stock of BL21 with pTrc99A was made according to protocol
Over night cultures: inoculate three colonies of the plate in 5 ml LB Medium.
Preparation for making our own competent cells
Preparing stock solutions according to protocol #017
Over night cultures for the strains of competent cells are grown in 10 ml LB medium without any antibiotic and grown at 30°C. We made over night cultures of the following E.coli strains:
Lb agar plates (protocol #004) with chloramphenicol and without antibiotics were produced.
Making our competent cells
According to protocoll #017 aliquots of compenten cells of the strains:
Were prepared.
Production of LB medium according to protocol #004.
Preparation of stock solutions for making competent cells
Solution according to the following table were prepared:
Components for -> | 1 M CaCl2 | 100 mM CaCl2 | 100 mM CaCl2 with 15 % v/v glycerol |
Anhydrous CaCl2 | 11.1g | - | - |
1 M CaCl2 | - | 10ml | 12 ml |
Glycerol | - | - | 18 ml |
Water | 100 ml | 90 ml | 90 ml |
The CaCl2 solution should be autoclaved and stored at 4°C for later use
Over night cultures
LB medium without any antibiotics
Competent cells (Bl21, DH5α, ME5000) were produced according to protocol #017.
Competent cells were tested on plates with different antibiotics, if they have a resistance. To figure out if they are competent, the different strains were transformed according to protocol #003 with a pBAD plasmid. Afterwards the three starins all grew on lb plates with chloramphenicol.
2332; 66 ng/μl
Plasmid digestion was performed according to the table below.
| Negative control | RE1 (HindIII) | RE2 (KpnI) | RE1 + RE2 (Target) |
rCutSmart 10x | 1 μl | 1 μl | 1 μl | 2.5 μl |
DNA | 5 μl | 5 μl | 5 μl | 15 μl |
RE1 | / | 0.5 μl | / | 1 μl |
RE2 | / | / | 0.5 μl | 1 μl |
ddH2O | 4 μl | 3.5 μl | 3.5 μl | 5.5 μl |
∑ | 10 μl | 10 μl | 10 μl | 25 μl |
Incubate for 60 mins at 37 °C.
The different samples were loaded on an agarose gel. The bands appeared on a different hights as expected, after discussion the bacteria containing the plasmids were struck out again and the old ones discarded.
Plasmid extraction of 1881, 1882 and 2332 was performed. For 2332, this was done several times from different cultures. Glycerol stocks were made, according to protocol #007. Additionally, bacteria with the different plasmids were put on lb agar plates for back up reasons.
Plasmid digestion was performed according to the table below.
Plasmid 2332
| 45 ng/μl | 56 ng/μl | 40 ng/μl | |||||
| Neg. control | RE1 (HindIII) | RE2 (KpnI) | RE1 + RE2 (Target) | Neg. control | RE1 + RE2 (Target) | Neg. control | RE1 + RE2 (Target) |
rCutSmart 10x | 1 μl | 1 μl | 1 μl | 5 μl | 1 μl | 5 μl | 1 μl | 5 μl |
DNA | 5 μl | 5 μl | 5 μl
| 25 μl | 9 μl | 20 μl | 9 μl | 25 μl |
RE1 | / | 0.3 μl | / | 1 μl | / | 1 μl | / | 1 μl |
RE2 | / | / | 0.3 μl | 1 μl | / | 1 μl | / | 1 μl |
ddH2O | 4 μl | 3.7 μl | 3.7 μl | 18 μl | / | 23 μl | / | 18 μl |
∑ | 10 μl | 10 μl | 10 μl | 50 μl | 10 μl | 50 μl | 10 μl | 50 μl |
Incubate for 60 mins at 37 °C.
Agarose gel was run without a satisfying result. Repeat tomorrow!
Plasmid extraction of 1881, 1882 and 2332 was performed. One time with the sigma kit and the other time with the zymo kit.
Plasmid digestion of plasmid 2332 was performed according to the table below.
| 55 ng/μl sigma | 21 ng/ μl zymo | ||||
| Neg. control | RE1 (HindIII) | RE2 (KpnI) | RE1 + RE2 (Target) | Neg. control | RE1 + RE2 (Target) |
rCutSmart 10x | 1 μl | 1 μl | 1 μl | 3 μl | 1 μl | 3 μl |
DNA | 5 μl | 5 μl | 5 μl | 20 μl | 5 μl | 20 μl |
RE1 | / | 0.3 μl | / | 1 μl | / | 1 μl |
RE2 | / | / | 0.3 μl | 1 μl | / | 1 μl |
ddH2O | 4 μl | 3.7 μl | 3.7 μl | 5 μl | 4 μl | 5 μl |
∑ | 10 μl | 10 μl | 10 μl | 30 μl | 10 μl | 30 μl |
Incubate for 60 mins at 37 °C.
BL21, DH5α, ME5000 cells were transformed with pIG_003 and pIG_009 (protocol #003_Heat_shock), respectively, and plated out on Cm-plates.
An o/n culture of pIG22_005 was inoculated for another mini-prep on thursday
Ligation was performed according to protocol #028. The double digested plasmids 1939 (vector) and 2332 (insert) were used. The insert DNA has a length of 738 bp and the vector 4175 bp. 60 ng of the vector DNA and 32 ng of the insert were used (ratio 3:1, insert:vector). Afterwards the plasmid was transformed according to protocol #00 and plated on plates with ampicillin.
The transformation of ME5000 cells was repeated due to no growth on the different plates
Making LB agar plates with Cm
According to protocol #004
Colonies were transferred into lb medium with ampicillin and induced with IPTG (1 mM) to see whether the sfGFP was incorporated.
Lb medium was prepared according to protocol #001 and lb agar plates were prepared according to protocol #004.
SfGFP was successfully incorporated into ptcr99a and is now described as pIG22_010.
Overnight cultures for DH5α pIG22_003, DH5α pIG22_009, BL21 pIG22_003, BL21 pIG22_009, ME5000 pIG22_003, and ME5000 pIG22_009 were inoculated in 12 ml TB medium and 12 µl Cm for protein expression on Saturday. The cultures were started at 19:45.
The overnight cultures are grown to an OD of 0.3 and split into induced (0.2% Ara) and not induced samples.
Most cultures did not grow as expected. Due to some needed to grow longer and others needed to be diluted and incubated for 15 minutes more:
sample | BL21 pIG22_003 | BL21 pIG22_009 | DH5α pIG22_003 | DH5α pIG22_009 | ME5000 pIG22_003 | ME5000 pIG22_009 |
OD (dil) | 0.550 | 0.431 | 0.179 | 0.433 | 0.043 | 0.252 |
dilution | 1:1 | 1:1 | - | - | - | - |
OD | 1.10 | 0.862 | 0.179 | 0.433 | 0.043 | 0.252 |
BL21 pIG22_003, BL21 pIG22_009, and ME5000 pIG22_003 were diluted to reach an OD of 0.3.
| BL21 pIG22_003 | BL21 pIG22_009 | ME5000 pIG22_003 |
dilution | (1.1 * 3 ml)/0.3 = 11 ml | (0.862*3 ml)/0.3 =8.62 ml | (0.433*5 ml)/0.3 = 7.216 ml |
Vol cells | 3 ml | 3 ml | 5 ml |
Vol TB | 11 ml | 8.62 ml | 7.216 ml |
ME5000 pIG22_009 and DH5α pIG22_003 had an OD of 0.296 and 0.39 after 1 hour of incubation. DH5α pIG22_009 was incubated for 2 hours.
The cultures were split into two, one of them was incubated with 0.2% Ara, respectively. All samples were incubated at 37°C for 3.5 hours.
After incubation, the OD of the different samples was measured, 1 ml of the samples was harvested by centrifugation (1 min, 12.000 g). The supernatant was discarded and 200 µl * OD sample buffer were added to the samples and denaturated at 95°C for 5 minutes. After the denaturation they were centrifuged again (1 min, 12.000 g).
sample | induction | OD | Sample buffer / µl |
BL21 pIG22_009 | Not induced | 0.391 | 78.2 |
BL21 pIG22_009 | 0.2% Ara | 0.442 | 88.4 |
BL21 pIG22_003 | Not induced | 0.366 | 73.2 |
BL21 pIG22_003 | 0.2% Ara | 0.443 | 88.6 |
ME5000 pIG22_009 | Not induced | 0.495 | 99.0 |
ME5000 pIG22_009 | 0.2% Ara | 0.638 | 127.6 |
ME5000 pIG22_003 | Not induced | 0.469 | 93.8 |
ME5000 pIG22_003 | 0.2% Ara | 0.568 | 113.6 |
DH5α pIG22_009 | Not induced | 0.424 | 84.8 |
DH5α pIG22_009 | 0.2% Ara | 0.473 | 94.6 |
DH5α pIG22_003 | Not induced | 0.497 | 99.4 |
DH5α pIG22_003 | 0.2% Ara | 0.533 | 106.6 |
Site directed mutagenesis of GFP (protocol #027)
Annealing temperature was determined with the NEB Tm calculator
25 μl per tube were used
Amber_4 Anneal 68 °C and 63 °C
Amber_8 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Amber_57 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Amber_74 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Amber_151 Anneal 70 °C and 65 °C
Amber_216 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Elongation was set to 185 sec
Q5 High-Fidelity Master Mix 2x: 12.5 μl
10 μM forward primer: 1,25 μl
10 μM reverse primer: 1,25 μl
Template DNA: 0.5 μl = 180 ng
ddH2O: 9.5 μl
DPNI digest of the site directed mutagenesis products.
Agarose gel was run with the product
Transformation of DH5α with site directed mutagenesis products according to protocol #003 with 50 μl bacteria and 3 μl PCR product.
Transformation was not succesfull
Site directed mutagenesis of GFP (protocol #027)
Annealing temperature was determined with the NEB Tm calculator
25 μl per tube were used
Amber_4 Anneal 68 °C and 63 °C
Amber_8 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Amber_57 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Amber_74 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Amber_151 Anneal 70 °C and 65 °C
Amber_216 Anneal 72 °C and 67 °C
Elongation was set to 185 sec
Q5 High-Fidelity Master Mix 2x: 12.5 μl
10 μM forward primer: 1,25 μl
10 μM reverse primer: 1,25 μl
Template DNA: 0.5 μl = 180 ng
ddH2O: 9.5 μl
DPNI digest (protocol #025) of the site directed mutagenesis products.
Agarose gel was run with the product
Transformation of DH5α with site directed mutagenesis products according to protocol #003 with 50 μl bacteria and 3 μl PCR product.
According to protocol #012 two SDS gels were cast and loaded with samples. The expression of the pAzf synthetase at different induction levels and in different strains was tested
One gel was loaded with 10 µl of the following samples to compare background (pBAD33) to the synthetase:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Sample | ladder | BL21 with pBAD33 not induced | BL21 with pBAD33 induced with 2% Ara
| BL21 with pIG22_003 not induced | BL21 with pIG22_003 induced with 2% Ara
The other gel compared different strains and their expression of the synthetase:
“n.i.” stands for “not induced” and “0.2%” stand for “induced with 0.2% arabinose”
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | |
Sample | Ladder | BL21with pBAD33 n.i. | BL21with pBAD33 0.2%
| BL21with pIg22_003 n.i.
| BL21with pIg22_003 0.2%
| ME5000 with pBAD33 n.i.
| ME500 with pBAD33 0.2%
| ME5000 with pIg22_003 n.i. | ME5000 with pIg22_003 0.2%
| DH5α with pBAD33 n.i. | DH5α with pBAD33 0.2%
| DH5α with pIg22_003 n.i.
| DH5α with pIg22_003 0.2%
Colonies of each plate were transferred to Lb medium with ampicillin. Plasmid extraction was performed according to protocol #008 and glycerol stocks of C321A and C321DAexp were made according to protocol #007.
Competent DH5α were produced according to protocol #015. Subsequently they were tested on lb plates with different antibiotics and transformed with a pBad plasmid and tested on a chloramphenicol plate to test whether the process worked or not.
Plasmids that were extracted yesterday were sent for sequencing.
The sequenced plasmids only showed the wt sfGFP. Site directed mutagenesis of GFP (protocol #027) was performed again with the primer with the amber stop codon at position_57 with a temperature gradient from 57 °C to 67 °C.
Q5 High-Fidelity Master Mix 2x: 12.5 μl
10 μM forward primer: 1,25 μl
10 μM reverse primer: 1,25 μl
Template DNA: 1 μl = 40 ng
ddH2O: 9 μl
DPNI digest of the site directed mutagenesis products.
The products were plated on a LB agar plate
Transformation of DH5α according to protocol #003. 56 °C, 58 °C, 61 °C, 62 ,64 °C, 66 °C ,67 °C,68 °C. 10 μl of DH5α and 2 μl of the PCR product was used per temperature, 250 μl of LB medium was added and everything was put on the plate. Plates showed again satellite colonies, 58 °C and 61 °C showed the most colonies.
Site directed mutagenesis of GFP (protocol #027) 25 μl
Q5 High-Fidelity Master Mix 2x: 12.5 μl
10 μM forward primer: 1,25 μl
10 μM reverse primer: 1,25 μl
Template DNA: 1 μl = 20 ng
ddH2O: 9 μl
PCR (Annealing 58 °C, 61 °C and 72 °C) was performed according to protocol #027 with another PCR machine. Of the 25 μl in the beginning only 8 to 10 μl remained in the tube. Nonetheless DPNI digest of the site directed mutagenesis products was performed.
Trafo of the PCR products according to protocol #003 but with only 10μl cells and 2 μl plasmid and incubated with 250μl LB instead of 950μl.
We plated the whole sample on LB agar plates with Amp and try to keep the incubation time under 10 h.
The trafo samples contain the following (all with amber_74):
The following products were successfully transformed:
The following colonies were transferred to LB medium with amp for an overnight culture:
The following plasmids were extracted:
Subsequently those plasmids were sent for sequencing by GeneWiz. Roughly 800 ng of plasmid were sent in 20yl of water
With the plasmid pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3 (microcompartments) a site directed mutagenesis (protocol #027) was performed to insert the amber stop codon in the T1 protein.
Site directed mutagenesis of the plasmid pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3 (microcompartments) (protocol #027) 25 μl
Q5 High-Fidelity Master Mix 2x: 12.5 μl
10 μM forward primer: 1,25 μl
10 μM reverse primer: 1,25 μl
Template DNA: 1 μl = 20 ng
ddH2O: 9 μl
Annealing temperature was determined with the NEB Tm calculator
Amber_8 Anneal 72 °C
Amber_35 Anneal 72 °C
Amber_78 Anneal 72 °C
Amber_96 Anneal 72 °C
Elongation was set to 180 sec
DPNI digest (protocol #025) of the site directed mutagenesis products.
Transformation of the PCR products according to protocol #003 but with only 10 μl cells and 2 μl plasmid and incubated with 250 μl LB instead of 950 μl.
We plated the whole sample on LB agar plates with ampicillin.
The transformation did not work, no colonies were seen. The Transformation of the PCR products according to protocol #003 was repeated with the bought DH5α. In the meantime, the sequencing results arrived; amber stop codon is finally integrated at position 74 in sfGFP. The successful PCR for the Amber stop codon in sfGFP was run at 61 °C.
The transformation of the PCR products did not work again, no colonies were seen (Some hours later colonies were seen for Amber_8 and Amber_78). In the meantime, PCR was repeated with Amber_78 at 60 °C, 61 °C, 62 °C, 63 °C, 64 °C and 65 °C.
DPNI digest (protocol #025) of the site directed mutagenesis products of Amber_78 at the different temperatures.
Lb plates with ampicillin and chloramphenicol combined and plates with only ampicillin were made.
Site directed mutagenesis of GFP (protocol #027) 25 μl
Q5 High-Fidelity Master Mix 2x: 12.5 μl
10 μM forward primer: 1,25 μl
10 μM reverse primer: 1,25 μl
Template DNA: 1 μl = 15 ng
ddH2O: 9 μl
PCR (Annealing 60 °C, 61 °C and 64 °C) was performed according to protocol #027.
For Amber_8, Amber_57 and Amber_216,
Double transformation according to protocol #003 with pIG22_011
(= sfGFP_pTrc99a_Amber74) and pIG22_003 (= 1881) in BL21 on lb plates with amp and cm.
Transformation according to protocol #003 with pIG22_011
(= sfGFP_pTrc99a_Amber74) in DH5α on a lb plate with
Lb plates with ampicillin with ampicillin were made.
DPNI digest (protocol #025) of the site directed mutagenesis products of Amber_8, Amber_57 and Amber_216, each at the different temperatures of 60 °C, 61 °C and 64 °C.
Transformation according to protocol #003 with the site directed mutagenesis products of Amber_8, Amber_57 and Amber_216, each at the different temperatures of 60 °C, 61 °C and 64 °C.
Transformation according to protocol #003 with pIG22_011
(= sfGFP_pTrc99a_Amber74) in DH5α on a lb plate with amp was successful, colony was transferred into lb medium with amp.
Double transformation according to protocol #003 with pIG22_011 (= sfGFP_pTrc99a_Amber74) and pIG22_003 (= 1881) in BL21 was successful, colony was transferred into lb medium with amp and cm.
Plasmid pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3
Plasmid extraction (protocol #008) of Amber_8 and Amber_78 of the plasmid pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3.
Plasmids were sent sequencing.
Colonies were seen on all plates (Amber_8, Amber_57 and Amber_216, each at the different temperatures of 60 °C, 61 °C and 64 °C). Colonies at 61 °C were transferred into lb medium with ampicillin.
Plasmid pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3
Sequencing of Amber_8 and Amber_78 of the plasmid pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3 was not successful.
PCR products from Friday last week (Amber_78 at 60 °C, 61 °C, 62 °C, 63 °C, 64 °C and 65 °C) were used to transform DH5α.
The trafo was done according to protocoll #003 but only 250 ml LB were used instead of 950 ml SOC
Plasmid extraction from colonies at 61 °C for Amber_8, Amber_57 and Amber_216, see yesterday. Plasmids were sent sequencing.
Update - Plasmid pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3
Colonies were seen at 60 °C and 63 °C of Amber_78. Colonies were transferred into lb medium with ampicillin.
Lb plates with ampicillin and spectinomycin were made.
Only wt sfGFP was seen for Amber_8, Amber_57 and Amber_216 at 61 °C.
Glycerol stock (according to protocol #007) of double transformation from Monday with pIG22_011 (= sfGFP_pTrc99a_Amber74) and pIG22_003 (= 1881) was made.
Double transformation according to protocol #003 of BL21 with pIG22_003 (pAzfRS) and pIG22_010 from yesterday was successful, colony was transferred into lb medium with amp and cm.
Double transformation according to protocol #003 with pIG22_011
(= sfGFP_pTrc99a_Amber74) and pIG22_013 in BL21 on lb plates with amp and cm.
Double transformation according to protocol #003 with pIG22_010
(= sfGFP_pTrc99a_Amber74) and pIG22_013 in BL21 on lb plates with amp and cm.
Plasmid pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3
Plasmid extraction from colonies at 60 °C and 63 °C of Amber_78, plasmids were sent sequencing.
BL21 with pIG22_011 (= sfGFP_pTrc99a_Amber74) and pIG22_003 (= 1881)
p-azido-phenylalanine was added....
BL21 with pIG22_010 (= sfGFP_pTrc99a) and pIG22_003 (= 1881)
BL21 with pIG22_011 (= sfGFP_pTrc99a_Amber74) and pIG22_013
BL21 with pIG22_010 (= sfGFP_pTrc99a) and pIG22_013
Double transformation according to protocol #003 with pIG22_011
(= sfGFP_pTrc99a_Amber74) and 1882 in BL21 on lb plates with amp and cm.
Over-night cultures
Colonies from Trafo last week were picket and incubated over night in LB with Spec and Amp. The following two colonies were picked:
NcAA stocks
For the following experiment stock solutions with the ncAAs we want to used were prepared. The ncAA for the experiment with the polyspecific CNF RS were:
CNF is very reactive and toxic so it requires an inert atmosphere for storage. Furthermore, it is poorly soluable in water. For those reasons CNF was not used today as it requires more prepareation (DMSO+ water for the stock, argon gas for proper storage)
For 3-amino tyr a 100 mM stock solution with water was prepared.
0.0098 g of 3 amino tyr were dissolved in 0.5 ml water. The stock solution is stored at –20°C
Induction experiment
To test the polyspecific CNF synthetase 6 samples were prepared from the over night cultures. Each sampe contained 10 ml LB with Spec and Amp and was inoculated with 500µl over night culture. The 6 different samples were:
The samples were grown with a ncAA and induced according to the following table:
BL21 with pIG22_001 + pIG22_010
Sample nr. | 1 | 2 |
IPTG | - | 1 mM |
BL21 with pIG22_001 + pIG22_011
Sample nr. | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
IPTG | - | 1 mM | - | 1 mM |
ncAA | - | - | 1 mM | 1 mM |
In the samples with the ncAA, it was added from the start when inocculating the culture.The samples with IPTG were induced once they reached an OD of 0.6 -0.8. Until the samples were ready for induction they were grown at 37°C.
After induction with IPTG all samples were incubated at 25°C for 8 h.
-> mistake: all samples were induced, experiment repeated on Wednesday
The OD for each samples after the 8 h incubation was measured and recorded. 1 ml of each sample was put into an eppi and spund down. ThThe supernated was discarded and the cell pellet was frozen.
sample | 1882 + wtGFP | 1882 + wtGFP | 1882 + A74GFP | 1882 + A74GFP | 1882 + A74GFP | 1882 + A74GFP |
IPTG | - | + | - | + | - | + |
3-A-Tyr | / | / | - | - | + | + |
IPTG induced at OD | / | 0.579 | / | 0.721
| / | 0.716 |
Harvest OD | 3.092 | 3.237 | 3.270 | 3.075 | 3.252 | 3.105 |
Reapeating the induction experiment of yesterday
See tuesday for details
PCR of phT1snpspyT2T3
We suspect the last site directed mutagenesis PCR experiments did not work properly for two possibe reasons:
To rule ou these problems another PCR according to protocoll #019 was performed with the plasmid phT1snpspyT2T3 (BMC C) and the primers for amber stop codon mutation at position 8 in the T1 protein. The PCR was done with 10 ng DNA and 2.5 ng DNA. The DpnI digest was doen in the PCR machine where the tubes fit properly.
A trafo according to protocoll #003 was done with the PCR products in commercially avaliable competent NEB5alpha cells.
Update Trafo + Over night culture
The trafo of BL21 with the PCR products was successful. Colonies were picked and grown over night in 10 ml LB + Amp at 37°C
SDS pages
3 SDS gels for tomorrow were perapred according to protocoll #012. The samples of all the induction experiments from the last days were prepared to be loaded onto the SDS pages.
To test different conditions for the synthetases we plan to transform various E.coli strains with the pAzf RS and sfGFP (with and without amber stop codon mutation). Today the following trafos were done:
The trafo was done according to protocol #003 but with 10 µl cells and 250 µl LB instead of 950 µl SOC
Trafo Update
All trafos from yesterday showed colonies
We made new LB agar plates with Cm and combi plates with Cm + Amp
SDS pages
Of each sample 10 µl were loaded onto the SDS page.
3 gels in total were loaded. The gel with 15 pockets and one edge cut off contains the samples for the MjaYRS (synthetase specific for 3 amino tyrosine).
For a detailed list of the samples see the following table:
| pEVOL-pAzFRS | |||||||||||
| pTrc99a-sfGFP | pTrc99a-A74-sfGFP | ||||||||||
pAzF | - | - | - | - | - | + | - | - | + | + | - | + |
IPTG | - | + | - | + | - | - | + | - | + | - | + | + |
Ara | - | - | + | + | - | - | - | + | - | + | + | + |
| pEVOL-MjaYRS | |||||||||||
| pTrc99a-sfGFP | pTrc99a-A74-sfGFP | ||||||||||
pAzF | - | - | - | - | - | + | - | - | + | + | - | + |
IPTG | - | + | - | + | - | - | + | - | + | - | + | + |
Ara | - | - | + | + | - | - | - | + | - | + | + | + |
Plasmid extraction and glycrole stocks
A mini prep of the over-night cultures containing the trafo of the PCR (site directed mutagenesis of BMC C for amber stop codon mutation at position 8) was done. The plasmid was send for sequencing. With the rest of the over-night cultures a glycerole stock was made
Glycerol stocks according to protocol #007
Gel destaining
The SDS gel was destained accoring to the manual of the ROTIBlue staining solution by Carl Roth
Preparing for FACS measurements
There a muliple flow cytrometers in our lab. On monday we want to test which one works for measureing E.coli. The bacteria cells are smaller than the cell usuallymeasured with FACS therefore we need to test if the machine is suited for our samples.
Over night cultures for the FACS meassurement on the following day
Together with our Supervisor Pavel we tested and got an instruction for fluorescence detection with the CYAN flow cytrometry machine from Beckman Coulter. Our bacteria can be detected and fluorescence is clearly shown, but ou r bacteraiare on the lowest end of the size spectrum. We will use this machine going forward
prepare FACS samples
Tomorrow we test the inclusion of pAzf by the pAzf Synthetase in sfGFP with an amber stop codon mutation at position Y74 under different condition. Therefore over nigh cultures of BL21 containing
were made and grown over night at 37°C.
Prepare samples for FACS fluorescense measurement
For the FACS measurement 14 different samples were prepared in total to test different induction levels and conditions. In each culture tube 10 ml LB medium with Cm and Amp were innoculated with 500 µl of an overnight culture of BL21 containing the plasmids for the pAzf synthetase and either wild type sfGFP or sfGFP with the Amber stop codon mutation at position 74.
All samples were all grown in LB medium with 1mM pAzf. Induction with arabinose was done at roughly OD600 = 0.4 for the samples that got induced with arabinose and grown on 30°C. Two hours later all sample, except for the negative control, were induced with 500 µM IPTG. Then all samples were grown for two more hours on 30°C
The different samples and conditions tested are the following:
FACS measurement
The samples were prepared for the FACS machine as follows:
990 µl DPBS + 10 µl cell culture
Transformation (#003 Heat shock)
Transformation of different synthetases with sfGFP and the AMBER74 sfGFP mutation in BL21.
Overnight cultures of C321ΔA and C321Δexp
These cultures will be used to make chemically competent cells
Two 12.5% SDS-PAGE (#012) was poured with 3% stacking gels.
The gels were loaded as follows:
| pEVOL-pAzFRS | |||||||||||
| pTrc99a-sfGFP | pTrc99a-A74-sfGFP | ||||||||||
3-A-Tyr | - | - | - | - | - | + | - | - | + | + | - | + |
IPTG | - | + | - | + | - | - | + | - | + | - | + | + |
Ara | - | - | + | + | - | - | - | + | - | + | + | + |
3-A-Tyr: 3-amino-tyrosin
| pEVOL-MjaYRS | |||||||||||
| pTrc99a-sfGFP | pTrc99a-A74-sfGFP | ||||||||||
3-A-Tyr | - | - | - | - | - | + | - | - | + | + | - | + |
IPTG | - | + | - | + | - | - | + | - | + | - | + | + |
Ara | - | - | + | + | - | - | - | + | - | + | + | + |
SDS-PAGE was performed at a constant 2 mA for 2.5 hours. Afterwards, the gels were blotted by wet transfer western blot (PROTOCOL) at a constant 375 mA for 2 hours.
Competent cells
C321ΔA and C321Δexp were made competent according to protocol #017
Primary antibody incubation
Staining the membranes of yesterdays western blot Ponceau S Staining Solution. After the staining, the membranes were shortly washed with dH2O and incubated in PBST with 5% w/v milk powder. Then, the membranes were washed in PBST for 5 minutes. The membranes were incubated with an α-GFP antibody for 1 hour and washed four times with PBST for 5 minutes. After, the membranes incubated in an α-RNA polymerase β subunit antibody overnight.
Secondary antibody decoration
The α-RNA polymerase β subunit antibody was removed and the membranes were washed with PBST four times for 3 minutes. The α-mouse antibody was added to the membranes and incubated for 1 hour. After, they were washed again for 4 times.
detection by ECL
Transformation of sfGFP (pIG22_010) and the AMBER 74 sfGFP (pIG22_011) in C321Δexp
Five different Transformations were done with chemically competent C321Δexp cells and plated out on the expected antibiotics (Amp + Cm):
The competent cells were also tested for Kan, Cm, and Amp resistances.
Overnight cultures were inoculated for glycerol stocks of the transformations done on the 11th August.
Checking on yesterday's transformations
All plates with transformed E. coli grew colonies. The different plates containing just competent cells without additional plasmids did not grow.
Glycerol stocks of overnight cultures
Glycerol stocks of the overnight cultures were done by centrifuging 3 ml of o/n culture, removing the supernatant, and resuspending the pellet in 200µl 1:1 glycerol/LB.
Overnight cultures of the different C321Δexp transformations
Overnight cultures were inoculated in LB for FACS measurements. The samples are:
Inoculating samples for FACS measurement
FACS measurements in C321Δexp in LB
Different combination of pAzf Arabinose and IPTG were tested on different samples to examine ncAA inclusion. The samples were inoculated with the overnight cultures from yesterday. Each sample was made from 7 ml LB (with Cm + Amp) inoculated with 50 µL cell culture. The following samples were tested:
C321Δexp with pAzf RS + sfGFP:
C321Δexp with pAzf RS + sfGFPY74
C321Δexp with pBAD33 + sfGFP
C321Δexp with pBAD33 + sfGFPY74
C321Δexp with pBAD33 + pTrc99
All samples were grown on 37°C until they reached OD600 = 0.4. Then the samples marked as getting 1mM Ara were induced. One hour later all samples marked to receive IPTG were induced with 500 µM IPTG. AFter 2.5 h more the samples were ready for testing.
Harvesting of the samples
The samples were harvested and diluted 1:99 in DPBS for FACS. The OD was measured for SDS samples and 1 ml of the samples were taken, centrifuged and cleared of supernatant.
Overnight cultures of the different C321Δexp transformations
The same overnight cultures as on tuesday were inoculated in tryptonic broth for FACS measurements and to compare ncAA inclusion in LB vs TB medium.
Glycerol stock of C321Δexp cells
Glycerol stocks of the overnight cultures were done by centrifuging 3 ml of o/n culture, removing the supernatant, and resuspending the pellet in 200µl 1:1 glycerol/LB.
Competent BL21 were made according to protocol #017.
FACS measurements in C321Δexp in TB
Same experiment as yesterday was repeated in TB medium
Running SDS-gels of the samples from the 17th and 18th
The differently induced samples were loaded onto an SDS-PAGE and ran for 2.5 h at 0.01 mA per gel:
Second SDS-PAGE :
Third SDS-PAGE :
Destaining SDS-gels
The SDS-gels were incubated in washing buffer (25% MeOH 99,8% + 75 dH2O) for 5 minutes. Afterwards, the gels were placed in dH2O.
Inocculating cultures from C321Δexp glycerol stocks:
Testing the freshly made competent BL21 if they have any resistances and how competent they are.
Reinoculating samples for measurements in C321Δexp cells:
The samples inoculated yesterday were placed in new LB medium and induced differently. 0.2% arabinose was added at 0.4 OD. After, the cells grew for 1.5 h and were then induced with 1 mM IPTG for 3 h.
Transformation did not work.
Transformation of the following constructs into E. coli BL21 cells:
Transformation of the following constructs into E. coli C321Δexp cells:
Decorating the blotted membranes from Sunday (28.08.2022) with α-His-Tag (1:10.000) and α-RNA polymerase (1:10.000). As secondary antibody, an antibody with HRP and an fluorescing antibody were tested, respectively.
PCR of pIG22-003 and BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 according to protocol #019.
pIG22-003; 25 μL
5x Q5 reaction buffer 5 μL
10 mM dNTPs 0.5 μL
10 μM Forward Primer 1.25 μL
10 μM Reverse Primer 1.25 μL
Template DNA 10 ng = 0.5 μL
Q5 Polymerase 0.25 μL
Water 16.25 μL
BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; 25 μL
5x Q5 reaction buffer 5 μL
10 mM dNTPs 0.5 μL
10 μM Forward Primer 1.25 μL
10 μM Reverse Primer 1.25 μL
Template DNA 10 ng = 0.2 μL
Q5 Polymerase 0.25 μL
Water 16.55 μL
PCR of pIG22-003 and BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 (the exact times and temperatures are listed below, as they differ from the protocol).
Jena; pIG22-003; 25 μL
10x High Fidelity Buffer 2.5 μl
dNTP Mix 0.5 μl
each Primer 1.25 μl
template DNA 10 ng = 0.5 μl
High Fidelity Pol 0.25 μl
PCR-grade water 18.75 μl
Jena; BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; 25 μL
10x High Fidelity Buffer 2.5 μl
dNTP Mix 0.5 μl
each Primer 1.25 μl
template DNA 10 ng = 0.2 μl
High Fidelity Pol 0.25 μl
PCR-grade water 19.05 μl
Initial | 95 °C | 2 min | 1x |
denaturation | 95 °C | 20 sec | 20-30x |
annealing1) | 50 - 68 °C | 30 sec | 20-30x |
elongation2) | 68 °C | 1 min/kb | 20-30x |
final | 68 °C | 1 min/kb | 1x |
Inoculation and Induction of BMC constructs:
The BL21 cells with the following constructs were inoculated in LB medium:
The cultures were grown at 30°C. For the cultures treated with pAzF, pAzF was added into the LB medium before re-inoculation at a concentration of 1 mM. For the samples treated with arabinose, 1 mM arabinose was added when the cultures hit OD 0.4. The 100 µM IPTG induction happened 2.5 h after the induction with arabinose. The cells grew for 3.5 h after that.
The samples were taken, the OD was measured and the samples were diluted with Lämli-buffer.
Sample | IPTG | Ara | pAzF | OD | Lämli / µl |
pBAD + BMC | - | - | - | 0.780 | 312.0 |
pBAD + BMC | + | - | - | 0.634 | 253.6 |
pBAD + A35BMC | - | - | - | 0.676 | 270.4 |
pBAD + A35BMC | + | - | - | 0.676 | 270.4 |
pAzFRS + BMC | - | - | - | 0.604 | 241.6 |
pAzFRS + BMC | + | - | - | 0.656 | 262.4 |
pAzFRS + BMC | + | + | - | 0.706 | 282.4 |
pAzFRS + A35BMC | - | - | - | 0.693 | 277.2 |
pAzFRS + A35BMC | - | - | + | 0.613 | 245.2 |
pAzFRS + A35BMC | + | - | + | 0.733 | 293.2 |
pAzFRS + A35BMC | + | + | - | 0.709 | 283.6 |
pAzFRS + A35BMC | + | + | + | 0.794 | 317.6 |
Over night cultures
In 5 ml LB with Cm and Amp the following samples were picked and grown over night at 37°C:
An agarose gel was run (according to protocol #017) to check the PCR. PCR was successful, Gel extraction was performed according to protocol #021. Gibson assembly (protocol #034) and a subsequent transformation of DH5α (protocol #003) was performed.
SDS-PAGE and Western blot of the samples taken on Wednesday (24.08.2022):
An SDS-PAGE (12% running gel, 5% stacking gel) was run for 2.5 h with 0.01 mA per gel.
After, the gel was wet blotted at 0.375 mA for 2 h.
FACS measurements
This experiment is the first one of a number of similar FACS experiments to test the pAzf RS and the pBpf RS in BL21, C321Δexp and ME5119
The samples listed below were inoculated in 5 ml LB medium with over night cultures from yesterday. The samples containg pBpf had a concetration of 1 mM pBpf
All samples were grown on 37°C until they reached aproximately an OD600 of 0.4. Then they were induced with 1 mM arabinose and further incubated t 37°C. After one hour all samples were induced with 100 µM IPTG.
NOTE: alle samples grew at very different rates
After the IPTG induction the samples were incubated for 2.5 h at 37°C. Then the samples are ready for FACS measurements.
For FACS 10 µL of each samples was mixed with 990 µL DPBS and then analysed with CyAn ADP Analyzer from Beckman Coulter.
Glycerole Stocks
According to protocol #007 glycerole stocks were made from the over night cultures used for FACS.
According to protocoll #003 ME5119 were transformed with different plasmids:
Over night cultures
In 5 ml LB with Cm and Amp the following samples were picked from glycerole stocks and grown over night at 37°C:
BL21 and C321Δexp
Transformation did not work, one colony was visible on the control plate as well as on the correct one.
Transformation of different amber stop codon GFP mutants in BL21:
FACS measurements
The samples listed below were inoculated in 5 ml LB medium with over night cultures from yesterday. The samples containg pAzf had a concetration of 1 mM pAzf.
All samples were grown on 37°C until they reached aproximately an OD600 of 0.4. Then they were induced with 1 mM arabinose and further incubated t 37°C. After one hour all samples were induced with 100 µM IPTG.
NOTE: alle samples grew at very different rates
After the IPTG induction the samples were incubated for 2.5 h at 37°C. Then the samples are ready for FACS measurements.
For FACS 10 µL of each samples was mixed with 990 µL DPBS and then analysed with CyAn ADP Analyzer from Beckman Coulter.
Glycerole Stocks
According to protocol #007 glycerole stocks were made from the samples for FACS that were not yet availiable as a glycerole stock.
The PCRs from wedensday were repeated in the exact same style.
O/N cultures of (in LB):
An agarose gel was run (according to protocol #017) to check the PCR. PCR was successful, Gel extraction was performed according to protocol #021. Gibson assembly (protocol #034) and a subsequent transformation of DH5α (protocol #003) was performed.
The following plasmids were transformed into BL21 cells:
Repeating SDS-PAGE and Western blot with the samples from Wednesday due to problems with the antibody
FACS measurements
The samples listed below were inoculated in 5 ml LB medium with over night cultures from yesterday. The samples containg pAzf or pBpf had a concetration of 1 mM pAzf/pBpf.
All samples were grown on 37°C until they reached aproximately an OD600 of 0.4. Then they were induced with 1 mM arabinose and further incubated t 37°C. After one hour all samples were induced with 100 µM IPTG.
NOTE: The C321Δexp did not grow and need to be repeated.
After the IPTG induction the samples were incubated for 2.5 h at 37°C. Then the samples are ready for FACS measurements.
For FACS 10 µL of each samples was mixed with 990 µL DPBS and then analysed with CyAn ADP Analyzer from Beckman Coulter.
Glycerole Stocks
According to protocol #007 glycerole stocks were made from the samples for FACS that were not yet availiable as a glycerole stock.
Transformation did not work.
Transformation of the following constructs into E. coli BL21 cells:
Transformation of the following constructs into E. coli C321Δexp cells:
Decorating the blotted membranes from Sunday (28.08.2022) with α-His-Tag (1:10.000) and α-RNA polymerase (1:10.000). As secondary antibody, an antibody with HRP and an fluorescing antibody were tested, respectively.
o/n cultures of the following transformations:
Reinoculating cultures of yesterday for BMC + TAsF sXTB constructs
Glycerol stock of:
PCR of pIG22_014 and BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 according to protocol #019.
pIG22_014; 25 μL
5x Q5 reaction buffer 5 μL
10 mM dNTPs 0.5 μL
10 μM Forward Primer 1.25 μL
10 μM Reverse Primer 1.25 μL
Template DNA 10 ng = 0.2 μL
Q5 Polymerase 0.25 μL
Water 16.55 μL
BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; 25 μL
5x Q5 reaction buffer 5 μL
10 mM dNTPs 0.5 μL
10 μM Forward Primer 1.25 μL
10 μM Reverse Primer 1.25 μL
Template DNA 10 ng = 0.2 μL
Q5 Polymerase 0.25 μL
Water 16.55 μL
PCR of pIG22_014 and BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 (the exact times and temperatures are listed below, as they differ from the protocol).
Jena; pIG22_014; 25 μL
10x High Fidelity Buffer 2.5 μl
dNTP Mix 0.5 μl
each Primer 1.25 μl
template DNA 10 ng = 0.2 μl
High Fidelity Pol 0.25 μl
PCR-grade water 19.05 μl
Jena; BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; 25 μL
10x High Fidelity Buffer 2.5 μl
dNTP Mix 0.5 μl
each Primer 1.25 μl
template DNA 10 ng = 0.2 μl
High Fidelity Pol 0.25 μl
PCR-grade water 19.05 μl
Initial | 95 °C | 2 min | 1x |
denaturation | 95 °C | 20 sec | 20-30x |
annealing1) | 50 - 68 °C | 30 sec | 20-30x |
elongation2) | 68 °C | 1 min/kb | 20-30x |
final | 68 °C | 1 min/kb | 1x |
An agarose gel was run (according to protocol #017) to check the PCR. PCR was successful, Gel extraction was performed according to protocol #021. Gibson assembly (protocol #034; Vector 75 ng (6200 bp) and Insert 99 ng (4100 bp) vector:insert 1:2) and a subsequent transformation of DH5α (protocol #003) was performed.
Inoculating the following cultures for experiments:
Experiment was abducted due to an error with the OD measurement
Making Plates
LB agar plates with 3 antibiotics (Cm, Amp, Kan) were made according to protocoll #004
pAzf Stock
In order to better dissolve pAzf in LB medium we tried to make a pAzf stock solution. We sonified 6.2 mg/ml pAzf in milliQ water for 1.5h, creating a 30.07 mM stock solution.
pAzf did dissolve through sonifictaion alone. It just formed a suspension. When put in LB medium at a lower concentration the sonified pAzf dissolved almost completely. We need to find out wheter sonifying the stock solution has an impact on the ncAA incorporation.
Transformation of A35 BMC into DH5α according to protocol #003 to obtain more plasmid.
New inoculation of:
The cells were induced with 100 µM IPGT at OD 0.6 and grew for 3.5 h after that.
The following samples were also inoculated:
The LB medium for specific samples contained 1 mM pAzF from the start and specific samples were induced at OD 0.4 with 1 mM arabinose. After, they grew for 2 h and 100 µM IPTG was then added to the samples. Then, they grew for 3.5 h before harvest.
Comparing pAzf stock solution to pAzf pouder
To evaluate the influence using a stock solution to enrich the LB medium with pAzf has on the samples, we prepare another FACS exeriment. The samples were either prepared by directly adding pAzf to the medium r by using the 30.07 mM sonified stock solution. The following samples were used:
All samples were grown on 37°C until they reached aproximately an OD600 of 0.4. Then they were induced with 1 mM arabinose and further incubated t 37°C. After one hour all samples were induced with 100 µM IPTG.
NOTE: alle samples grew at very different rates
After the IPTG induction the samples were incubated for 2.5 h at 37°C. Then the samples are ready for FACS measurements.
For FACS 10 µL of each samples was mixed with 990 µL DPBS and then analysed with CyAn ADP Analyzer from Beckman Coulter.
Then they were harvested (centrifuged and the supernatant was discarted) and the calculated amount of Lämli buffer was added:
Sample | IPTG | OD at harvest | Lämli buffer / µl |
pTrc99a + pCDFDUET-1 | - | 5.32 | 212.8 |
pTrc99a + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - | 2.69 | 107.6 |
pTrc99a + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | 2.16 | 86.4 |
BMC + pCDFDUET-1 | - | 4.44 | 177.6 |
BMC + pCDFDUET-1 | + | 2.78 | 111.2 |
| - | 4.2 | 168.0 |
BMC + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | 6.41 | 256.4 |
sample | IPTG / 100 µM | Arabinose / 1 mM | pAzF / 1 mM | OD at harvest | Lämli buffer / µl |
pBAD + pTrc99a + pCDFDUET-1
| - | - | - | 0.475 | 190.0 |
pTrc99a + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - | - | - | 0.284 | 113.6 |
pBAD + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | - | - | 0.469 | 187.6 |
| - | - | - | 0.510 | 204.0 |
| + | - | - | 0.433 | 173.2 |
BMC + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - | - | - | 0.526 | 210.4 |
BMC + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | - | - | 0.562 | 224.0 |
A35BMC + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - | - | - | 0.432 | 172.8 |
A35BMC + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | - | + | 0.617 | 246.8 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | - | - | - | 0.398 | 159.2 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | + | - | + | 0.334 | 133.6 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | + | + | - | 0.545 | 218.0 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | + | + | + | 0.389 | 155.6 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - | - | - | 0.486 | 194.4 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | - | + | 0.529 | 211.6 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | + | - | 0.587 | 234.8 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | + | + | 0.734 | 293.6 |
After harvest the samples were diluted with the fitting lämli buffer concentration and heated up to 95°C for 5 minutes
Overnight cultures for the following cultures were inoculated:
SDM-PCR with new small overlap primers in BMC T1/H and EncA
For additional Amber-stop-codon mutations (ASC mut) that are suitable for pazf crosslinking, SDM-PCR with new small overlap primers was done in pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3 and pMIC_EncA. Protocol #041 was used for design and PCR.
Table: New small overlap primers for ASC mut.
primer name: | primer sequence: |
Amb151_sfGFP_SO_fwd | acaactttaactcacacaatgtatagatcacggcagacaaacaaaagaatg |
Amb151_sfGFP_SO_rev | tatacattgtgtgagttaaagttgtactcgagtttgtgtccaagaatg |
Amb216_sfGFP_SO_fwd | gatcccaacgaaaagcgttagcacatggtccttcttgagtttgtaac |
Amb216_sfGFP_SO_rev | acgcttttcgttgggatctttcgaaaggacagattgtgtcgac |
In the following, + I means with the addition of IPTG; - I means without IPTG; the same applies to + and - A, which stands for arabinose. BMC stands for BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 and A followed by a number stands for the position of the amber stop codon.
pBad + BMC –I –A:
pBad + BMC +I –A:
pBad + A35BMC –I –A:
pBad + A35BMC +I –A:
pIG22-003 + A8BMC –I –A –pazf:
pIG22-003 + A8BMC +I –A +pazf:
pIG22-003 + A8BMC +I +A -pazf:
pIG22-003 + A8BMC +I +A +pazf:
pIG22-003 + A35BMC –I –A –pazf:
pIG22-003 + A35BMC +I –A +pazf:
pIG22-003 + A35BMC +I +A -pazf:
pIG22-003 + A35BMC +I +A +pazf:
pIG22-003 + A78BMC –I –A –pazf:
pIG22-003 + A78BMC +I –A +pazf:
pIG22-003 + A78BMC +I +A -pazf:
pIG22-003 + A78BMC +I +A +pazf:
pIG22-003 + A96BMC –I –A –pazf:
pIG22-003 + A96BMC +I –A +pazf:
pIG22-003 + A96BMC +I +A -pazf:
pIG22-003 + A96BMC +I +A +pazf:
pIG22_014 + A8BMC –I –A –BPA:
pIG22_014 + A8BMC +I –A +BPA:
pIG22_014 + A8BMC +I +A -BPA:
pIG22_014 + A8BMC +I +A +BPA:
pIG22_014 + A35BMC –I –A –BPA:
pIG22_014 + A35BMC +I –A +BPA:
pIG22_014 + A35BMC +I +A -BPA:
pIG22_014 + A35BMC +I +A +BPA:
pIG22_014 + A78BMC –I –A –BPA:
pIG22_014 + A78BMC +I –A +BPA:
pIG22_014 + A78BMC +I +A -BPA:
pIG22_014 + A78BMC +I +A +BPA:
pIG22_014 + A96BMC –I –A –BPA:
pIG22_014 + A96BMC +I –A +BPA:
pIG22_014 + A96BMC +I +A -BPA:
pIG22_014 + A96BMC +I +A +BPA:
Plasmid extraction of A35 BMC from DH5α according to protocol #008
The following cultures were reinoculated and treated as shown in the sheet below:
The cultures were grown in 1 mM pBpF and 1 mM pAzF, respectively. By reaching an OD of 0.4, the cultures were induced with 1 mM arabinose for 2 h. After the 2 hours, they were induced with 100 µM IPTG and grew 4 more hours before harvest.
sample | IPTG / 100 µM | Arabinose / 1 mM | pAzF / 1 mM | OD at harvest | Lämli buffer / µl |
pBAD + BMC | - | - | - | 6.95 | 139.0 |
pBAD + BMC | + | - | - | 8.55 | 171.0 |
pBAD + A35BMC | - | - | - | 6.87 | 137.4 |
pBAD + A35BMC | + | - | - | 7.63 | 152.6 |
pAzFRS + A8BMC | - | - | - | 6.16 | 123.2 |
pAzFRS + A8BMC | + | - | + | 5.8 | 116.0 |
pAzFRS + A8BMC | + | + | - | 8.39 | 167.8 |
pAzFRS + A8BMC | + | + | + | 2.67 | 53.4 |
pAzFRS + A35BMC | - | - | - | 2.12 | 42.4 |
pAzFRS + A35BMC | + | - | + | 7.38 | 147.6 |
pAzFRS + A35BMC | + | + | - | 7.98 | 159.6 |
pAzFRS + A35BMC | + | + | + | 6.52 | 130.4 |
pAzFRS + A78BMC | - | - | - | 7.05 | 141.0 |
pAzFRS + A78BMC | + | - | + | 6.32 | 126.4 |
pAzFRS + A78BMC | + | + | - | 9.71 | 194.2 |
pAzFRS + A78BMC | + | + | + | 6.92 | 138.4 |
pAzFRS + A96BMC | - | - | - | 5.85 | 117.0 |
pAzFRS + A96BMC | + | - | + | 6.26 | 125.2 |
pAzFRS + A96BMC | + | + | - | 8.67 | 173.4 |
pAzFRS + A96BMC | + | + | + | 7.22 | 144.4 |
pBpFRS + A8BMC | - | - | - | 5.22 | 104.4 |
pBpFRS + A8BMC | + | - | + | 5.9 | 118 |
pBpFRS + A8BMC | + | + | - | 6.86 | 137.2 |
pBpFRS + A8BMC | + | + | + | 6.94 | 138.8 |
pBpFRS + A35BMC | - | - | - | 5.04 | 100.8 |
pBpFRS + A35BMC | + | - | + | 5.84 | 116.8 |
pBpFRS + A35BMC | + | + | - | 7.34 | 146.8 |
pBpFRS + A35BMC | + | + | + | 6.54 | 130.8 |
pBpFRS + A78BMC | - | - | - | 5.79 | 115.8 |
pBpFRS + A78BMC | + | - | + | 5.95 | 119.0 |
pBpFRS + A78BMC | + | + | - | 8.55 | 171.0 |
pBpFRS + A78BMC | + | + | + | 4.67 | 93.4 |
pBpFRS + A96BMC | - | - | - | 5.15 | 103.0 |
pBpFRS + A96BMC | + | - | + | 5.96 | 119.2 |
pBpFRS + A96BMC | + | + | - | 7.41 | 148.2 |
pBpFRS + A96BMC | + | + | + | 7.2 | 144.0 |
Dpn1 digest of SDM-PCR products and Transformation with Top10 E. coli overnight:
All obtained PCR products were digested with 1µl Dpn1 (1h, 37°C, #025). Transformation (https://www.neb.com/protocols/2012/05/21/transformation-protocol) was performed in Top10.
4 SDS gels were run with the samples obtained from the previous day, protocol #012. A western blot was then run with the samples.
Overnightculture for miniprep of SDM-PCR colonies:
Agar plates were inspected and growth resembled the gel-electrophoreses results. No colonies in T1_151 and T1_216. One colony in T1_252. Multiple colonies in H14/18 and H28 as well as all EncA conditions. If possible two colonies were picked and prepared for overnight miniprep culture in LB+selective antibiotic.
Transformation of c321exp with BMC + A8, A35, A78, A96
Overnight cultures of bl21 with BMC + A8, A35, A78, A96
Miniprep of overnight culture from SDM Amber mutation
pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3: T1
pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3: H14.16 - 50 µl plate
pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3: H14.16 - 900 µl plate
pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3: H28 - 50 µl plate
pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3: H28 - 900 µl plate
PMIC_EncA: EncA120 - 50 µl plate
PMIC_EncA: EncA120 - 900 µl plate
PMIC_EncA: EncA123 - 50 µl plate
PMIC_EncA: EncA123 - 900 µl plate
PMIC_EncA: EncA173 - 50 µl plate
PMIC_EncA: EncA173 - 900 µl plate
PMIC_EncA: EncA220 - 50 µl plate
PMIC_EncA: EncA220 - 900 µl plate
-> All SDM samples to overnight-sequencing
Sequencing results of SDM Amber mutation:
pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3: T1 | fail |
pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3: H14.16 - 50 µl plate
pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3: H14.16 - 900 µl plate | Success but additional mutation in protein (fail) fail |
pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3: H28 - 50 µl plate pHT1_spyt_snptT2T3: H28 - 900 µl plate | success success |
PMIC_EncA: EncA120 - 50 µl plate PMIC_EncA: EncA120 - 900 µl plate | success but additional mutation (fail) success but additional mutation at the end (fail). Additional rev sequencing |
PMIC_EncA: EncA123 - 50 µl plate PMIC_EncA: EncA123 - 900 µl plate | success success |
PMIC_EncA: EncA173 - 50 µl plate PMIC_EncA: EncA173 - 900 µl plate | fail success |
PMIC_EncA: EncA220 - 50 µl plate PMIC_EncA: EncA220 - 900 µl plate | fail success |
Overnight cultures of pIG22_014 + A8BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A35BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A78BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A96BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 all in Bl21, were made.
Decorating western blots from Sunday (04.09.2022) with antibodies:
The WBs were decorated with anti His-Tag and RNA Polymerase antibodies.
Overnight cultures of the following cells were inoculated:
Overnight cultures were each transferred to 10 ml fresh LB medium with amp and cm. An additional 1 mM Bpa was added to the LB-medium. Samples were induced with 1 mM Arabinose at an OD of 0.4 and one and a half hours later with 100 μM IPTG. After induction, BL21 had 24 hours at 18 °C to produce the proteins.
The overnight cultures were inoculated and treated as shown in the table below. The pAzF containing samples were induced with 200 µM IPTG, 1 mM arabinose, and 1 mM pAzF. The samples were induced with arabinose for 2 h after reaching OD 0.4. After the 2 h, the samples were induced with IPTG for 17 hours.
sample | IPTG / 200 µM |
| OD at harvest | Lämli buffer / µl |
pTrc99a + pCDFDUET-1 | - |
| 5.82 | 116.4 |
pTrc99a + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - |
| 5.25 | 105.0 |
pTrc99a + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + |
| 4.63 | 92.6 |
BMC + pCDFDUET-1 | - |
| 6.13 | 122.6 |
BMC + pCDFDUET-1 | + |
| 3.28 | 65.6 |
BMC + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - |
| 5.79 | 115.8 |
BMC + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + |
| 4.32 | 86.4 |
sample | IPTG / 200 µM | Arabinose / 1 mM | pAzF / 1 mM | OD at harvest | Lämli buffer / µl |
pTrc99a + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 | - | - | - | 5.71 | 114.2 |
pTrc99a + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - | - | - | 8.25 | 165.0 |
pTrc99a + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | - | - | 6.45 | 129.0 |
BMC + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 | - | - | - | 5.73 | 114.6 |
BMC + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 | + | - | - | 3.74 | 74.8 |
BMC + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - | - | - | 5.1 | 102.0 |
BMC + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | - | - | 5.91 | 118.2 |
A35BMC + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - | - | - | 5.26 | 105.2 |
A35BMC + pBAD + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | - | + | 4.79 | 95.8 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | - | - | - | 3.72 | 74.4 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | + | - | - | 2.59 | 51.8 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | + | + | - | 3.21 | 64.2 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | + | + | + | 3.26 | 65.2 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | - | - | - | 3.56 | 71.2 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | - | - | 3.73 | 74.6 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | + | - | 4.16 | 83.2 |
A35BMC + pAzFRS + pCDFDUET-1 TAsF sXTB | + | + | + | 5.4 | 108.0 |
BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 | A8 | A35 | A78 | A96 |
OD 600 | 5.06 | 4.58 | 4.70 | 3.91 |
Photo-cross-linking was performed at a total Energy of 8000 μJ/cm^2 according to protocol #041. Before irradiation a zero-time point sample was taken. The other samples were irradiated for 10 min, 20 min and 40 min. This was done for the four different mutations in the BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 plasmid.
The samples were resuspended in Lämmli buffer, heated for 5 min at 95 °C and loaded on a SDS gel. Subsequently, the proteins were blotted onto a membrane in a western blot procedure.
Inoculating the following samples:
The membrane was treated with primary antibodies against RNA polymerase and against His tag (BMCT1). It was then treated with a secondary antibody and detected.
Western blot decoration and detection of the samples
Inducing the following samples:
The samples were grown with 1 mM pAzF, induced with 1 mM arabinose at OD 0.4 for 2 h and after the 2 h, induced with 200 µM IPTG and grown for 24 hours.
Overnight cultures of pIG22_014 + A8BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A35BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A78BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A96BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 all in BL21 and DH5α without a plasmid were made.
The samples from yesterday were harvested after the 24 h passed and the OD was measured. The samples were treated with the Zymo HisTag Purification kit:
sample | OD at harvest | Conc. After purification / mg/ml |
pAzFRS + A8BMC | 3.48 | 0.863 |
pAzFRS + A35BMC | 5.98 | 1.151 |
pAzFRS + A78BMC | 7.00 | 0.934 |
pAzFRS + A96BMC | 4.99 | 0.830 |
Preparing for competent cells
We picked a glycerol stock of DH5alpha and made a over night culture in LB without any antibiotics.
Electrocompetent DH5α were made according to protocol #035.
Loading the samples of yesterday’s purified protein onto an SDS-PAGE and staining it in Coomassie over night.
Inoculating pBpFRS + A35BMC
Competent cells
DH5alpha were made competent according to protocol #017
The freshly made DH5α from yesterday were plated on Lb agar plates with different antibiotics to see, whether they are contaminated or not.
The SDS-PAGE from yesterday showed smeary bands and no protein was clearly detectable – wrong buffer was used.
Inoculating pBpFRS + A35BMC
Some colonies were seen on plates with cm and amp, as this occurred simultaneously with other competent cells, we concluded that our test tubes and flasks were contaminated with plasmid DNA.
To avoid contamnation for the next batch of competent cells we cleaned all tubes and flasks need with special DNA destroying cleaner called DNA exitus plus
Inducing BL21 pBpFRS + A35BMC in 200 µM pBpF, induced with 1 mM arabinose for 2 h after reaching OD 0.4. After the 2 h, the sample was induced with 200 µM IPTG and grew for 24 more hours.
Overnight cultures of pIG22_014 + A8BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A35BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A78BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A96BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 all in BL21, were made.
The sample from yesterday was harvested after the 24 h passed. The samples were purified with the Zymo HisTag Purification kit and reached a concentration of 0.684 mg/ml
The sample was then loaded with the other samples onto an SDS-PAGE and stained overnight with Coomassie brilliant blue.
Transfomation of the following constructs into ME5116:
Inoculating BL21 pAzFRS + BMC
Overnight cultures were each transferred to 10 ml fresh LB medium with amp and cm. An additional 0.2 mM Bpa was added to the LB-medium. Samples were induced with 1 mM Arabinose at an OD of 0.4 and one and a half hours later with 200 μM IPTG. After induction, BL21 had 24 hours at 18 °C to produce the proteins.
Inducing BL21 pAzFRS + BMC in 1 L medium with 200 µM IPTG after reaching an OD of 0.4 and letting it grow for 24 h.
Making antibiotic stocks
Similar to protocol #018 chloramphenicol stock were prepared. But with EtOH instead of water and at a concentration of 34 mg/mL
Over night cultures for FACS
The following ON were prepared in 5 mL LB medium with Cm and Amp :
Over night culture for compentent cells
We picket a colonie from a plate with DH5alpha and put it in 5 ml LB in a DNA free culture tube.
BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 | A8 | A35 | A78 | A96 |
OD 600 | 6.25 | 6.50 | 6.36 | 6.19 |
In the beginning Photo-cross-linking was performed at a total Energy of 1300 μJ/cm^2 (last sample 8000 μJ/cm^2) according to protocol #041. Before irradiation a zero-time point sample was taken. This was done for the four different mutations in the BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 plasmid.
Energy in μJ/cm^2 | Total irradiation time in min | Sample number |
| 0 | 1 |
1300 | 1 | 2 |
1300 | 5 | 3 |
1300 | 10 | 4 |
1300 | 15 | 5 |
8000 | 25 | 6 |
Harvesting the 1 L culture in 50 ml falcon by centrifuging down at 4.000 rpm for 10 minutes each
Competent cells
DH5alpha were made competent according to protocol #017 with especially cleaned equipment to avoid DNA contamination.
FACS measurements to compare pBpf stock solution and pAzf stock solution to powdered nccA
This experimentis supposed to test if a ncAA can be better incorporated into cells when it was previously stored as a stock solution. NcAAs have proven in the past to be not well soluble. We created the following stocks:
Add 30.07 mM pAzf to water and sonifiy until an even suspension forms. Then a very small amount of NaOH until pAzf dissolves. The solubility of ncAAs is dependent on the pH of the solution and adding NaOH helps.
Add 25 mM pBpf to water and sonifiy until an even suspension forms. Then a very small amount of NaOH until pBpf dissolves. The solubility of ncAAs is dependent on the pH of the solution and adding NaOH helps.
The samples listed below were inoculated in 5 ml LB medium with over night cultures from yesterday. The samples containg pBpf had a concetration of 0.2 mM pBpf, because we found data showing pBpf in higher concentrations can be toxic for cells. pAzf was added in a concentration of 1 mM.
All samples were grown on 37°C until they reached aproximately an OD600 of 0.4. Then they were induced with 1 mM arabinose and further incubated t 37°C. After one hour all samples were induced with 100 µM IPTG.
NOTE: alle samples grew at very different rates
After the IPTG induction the samples were incubated for 2.5 h at 37°C. Then the samples are ready for FACS measurements.
For FACS 10 µL of each samples was mixed with 990 µL DPBS and then analysed with CyAn ADP Analyzer from Beckman Coulter.
SDS sample buffer and SDS running buffer were prepared according to protocol #011. SDS gels were made and loaded with the photo-cross-linking samples from yesterday. The samples were resuspended in Lämmli buffer, heated for 5 min at 95 °C and loaded on a SDS gel. Subsequently, the proteins were blotted onto a membrane in a western blot procedure.
The membrane was treated with primary antibodies against RNA polymerase and against His tag (BMCT1). It was then treated with a secondary antibody and detected. The anti his anti-body probably does not work because no bands are seen on the membrane.
SDS gels were poured according to protocol #012
The BL21 pAzFRS + BMC was purified and a concentration of 0.256 mg/ml were measured.
Reloading samples onto SDS-PAGE and Western blotting afterwards
Decorating yesterday’s Western blots with antibodies and detecting it afterwards, His-antibody did not work correctly
Over night cultures
In 5 mL LB medium with Cm and Amp the following glycerol stocks were picket for over night cultures:
A new 1 M IPTG stock was produced.
According to protocol #004 LB-agar-plates with amp and with amp + cm were made.
The following FACS experiment is supposed to check how well the other GFP mutants incorporate p pBpf an see the influence of pAzf on the wild type GFP fluorescence. For now we have mostly worked with sfGFP Y74 also describes as A74GFP
The samples listed below were inoculated in 5 ml LB medium with over night cultures from yesterday. The samples containg pBpf had a concetration of 0.2 mM pBpf, because we found data showing pBpf in higher concentrations can be toxic for cells. pAzf was added in a concentration of 1 mM. THe stock solutions of both ncAAs were used to create the medium
All samples were grown on 37°C until they reached aproximately an OD600 of 0.4. Then they were induced with 1 mM arabinose and further incubated t 37°C. After one hour all samples were induced with 200 µM IPTG.
NOTE: alle samples grew at very different rates and were tehrefor induced accordingly
After the IPTG induction the samples were incubated for 2.5 h at 37°C. Then the samples are ready for FACS measurements.
For FACS 10 µL of each samples was mixed with 990 µL DPBS and then analysed with CyAn ADP Analyzer from Beckman Coulter.
Redecorating WBs with new anti-His antibody
SDS gels were poured according to protocol #012. LB medium was produced according to protocol #001.
Inoculating BL21 pAzFRS + A35BMC + TAsF sXTB o/n
Inducing the overnight culture in 1 mM pAzF in LB with 1 mM arabinose at OD 0.4. 2 h after inducing with arabinose, 200 µM IPTG were added and grew for 24 h.
Transformation of the following constructs into BL21:
HisTag purification of the BL21 pAzFRS + A35BMC + TAsF sXTB sample.
Over night cultures
In 5 mL LB medium with Cm and Amp the following glycerol stocks were picket for over night cultures:
SDS gels were loaded with the photo-cross-linking samples from last week saturday. Subsequently, the proteins were blotted onto a membrane in a western blot procedure. The membrane was treated with a primary antibody against RNA polymerase.
Inoculation of the following overnight cultures (BL21):
Repetition of yesterday with 2 more GFP mutants
The samples were:
All samples were grown on 37°C until they reached aproximately an OD600 of 0.4. Then they were induced with 1 mM arabinose and further incubated t 37°C. After one hour all samples were induced with 200 µM IPTG.
NOTE: alle samples grew at very different rates and were tehrefor induced accordingly
After the IPTG induction the samples were incubated for 2.5 h at 37°C. Then the samples are ready for FACS measurements.
For FACS 10 µL of each samples was mixed with 990 µL DPBS and then analysed with CyAn ADP Analyzer from Beckman Coulter.
The membrane was treated with a fresh antibody against His tag (BMCT1). The membrane was incubated overnight with the antibody against his tag.
A 25 mM stock of Bpa was made, a few beads of NaOH were added to improve solubility.
Glycerol stocks: Johanna
Glycerol stocks of the following samples:
Inducing the fofllowing cultures:
The cultures were inoculated into 150 ml cultures containing 1 mM pAzF and 1 mM pBpF, respectively. They were grown until OD 0.4 and then induced with 1 mM arabinose. After growing for 2 hours, the samples were induced with 200 µM IPTG and grown for 24 h.
The membrane from yesterday was then treated with a secondary antibody and detected.
The cultures grown yesterday were harvested by centrifugation (4.000 rpm, 10 minutes)
Inoculating the following cultures:
Overnight cultures of pIG22_014 + A8BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A35BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A78BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pIG22_014 + A96BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 all in BL21; pBAD + BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3; pBAD + pIG22_014 + A35BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3, were made.
Re-inoculating the following cultures into the respected medium (see table Wednesday)
The samples were grown until an OD600 of 0.4. Then, they were induced with 1 mM arabinose and grew for 2 hours. After the 2 hours, the samples were treated with 200 µM IPTG for 24 hours.
Overnight cultures were each transferred to 10 ml fresh LB medium with amp and cm. An additional 0.2 mM Bpa was added to the LB-medium. Samples were induced with 1 mM Arabinose at an OD of 0.4 and one and a half hours later with 200 μM IPTG. PBAD + A35BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 was not induced and no ncAA was added. After induction, BL21 had 28 hours at 18 °C to produce the proteins.
The samples were harvested by centrifuging (10000 rpm, 1 minute). The supernatant was discarded and the calculated volume of Laemmli buffer was added to the pellet. After resuspension, the samples were heated for 5 minutes at 95°C.
sample | IPTG / 200 µM | Ara / 1 mM | pBpF / 0.2 µM | OD 1:9 | OD | Laemmli |
| |
A35BMC + pBpFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | - | - | - | 1.162 | 11.62 | 232.4 |
| |
A35BMC + pBpFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | - | + | + | 0.666 | 6.66 | 133.2 |
| |
A35BMC + pBpFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | + | + | + | 0.496 | 4.96 | 99.2 |
| |
A35BMC + pBpFRS + sTAF sXTB | - | - | - | 0.743 | 7.43 | 148.6 |
| |
A35BMC + pBpFRS + sTAF sXTB | - | + | + | 0.589 | 5.89 | 117.8 |
| |
A35BMC + pBpFRS + sTAF sXTB | + | + | + | 0.521 | 5.21 | 104.2 |
Inoculating the following cultures:
BMCHT1_Spyt_snoopt_T2T3 | A8 | A35 | A78 | A96 | PBAD + BMC | PBAD + A35 |
OD 600 | 6.3 | 5.3 | 4.9 | 4.7 | 6.5 | 7.0 |
In the beginning Photo-cross-linking was performed at a total Energy of 1300 μJ/cm^2 (later 8000 μJ/cm^2) according to protocol #041. Before irradiation a zero-time point sample was taken. This was done for all the constructs.
Energy in μJ/cm^2 | Total irradiation time in min | Sample number |
| 0 | 1 |
1300 | 1 | 2 |
1300 | 6 | 3 |
1300 | 11 | 4 |
8000 | 14 | 5 |
8000 | 19 | 6 |
8000 | 24 | 7 |
8000 | 31 | 8 |
8000 | 51 | 9 |
8000 | 70 | 10 |
Re-inoculating the following cultures into the respected medium (see table Friday)
The samples were grown until an OD600 of 0.4. Then, they were induced with 1 mM arabinose and grew for 2 hours. After the 2 hours, the samples were treated with 200 µM IPTG for 24 hours
SDS gels were made and loaded with the photo-cross-linking samples (A96) from yesterday. The samples were resuspended in Lämmli buffer, heated for 5 min at 95 °C and loaded on a SDS gel. Subsequently, the proteins were blotted onto a membrane in a western blot procedure.
he samples were harvested by centrifuging (10000 rpm, 1 minute). The supernatant was discarded and the calculated volume of Laemmli buffer was added to the pellet. After resuspension, the samples were heated for 5 minutes at 95°C.
sample | IPTG / 200 µM | Ara / 1 mM | pBpF / 0.2 µM | OD 1:9 | OD | Laemmli |
A35BMC + pBpFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | + | - | + | 0.444 | 4.44 | 88.6 |
A35BMC + pBpFRS + pCDFDUET-1 | + | + | - | 0.549 | 5.49 | 109.8 |
A35BMC + pBpFRS + sTAF sXTB | + | - | + | 0.423 | 4.23 | 64.6 |
A35BMC + pBpFRS + sTAF sXTB | + | + | - | 0.434 | 4.34 | 86.8 |
(The first +/-: IPTG, second +/-: arabinose, third +/-: pBpF)
Loading an SDS-PAGE with the following samples (the same for every gel:
Different for the 4 gels:
The SDS-PAGE ran for 2.5 hours at 0.01 mA per gel. After, the SDS-PAGE was finished, the gels were blotted for 2 hours at 0.38 mA.
The membranes were first decorated with an 6xHisTag antibody (1:1000) for 1 hours, washed 4 times with PBST and incubated with an anti-mouse antibody (1:10000) for detection. After detecting the membranes via ECL, the blots were washed 4 times with PBST and incubated with an anti-Catcher antibody (1:1000) for 1 hour. After, they were washed 4 times with PBST and detected with ECL to see, if any active HRP is left. After, they are washed again with PBST 4 times and incubated with anti-mouse (1:10000). They were again detected via ECL.
SDS gels were made and loaded with the photo-cross-linking samples from Wednesday. The samples were resuspended in Lämmli buffer, heated for 5 min at 95 °C and loaded on a SDS gel. Subsequently, the proteins were blotted onto a membrane in a western blot procedure.
Trehalose production is one of the two pathways we seek to incorporate into the different types of compartments. This sub-project includes cloning the needed enzymes for the pathway, producing trehalose, optimizing the production and detection of trehalose. Responsible for this subpart were: Pia, Nikita.
We put the overnight culture out of the incubator at 9.15 in the morning. The bacteria did grow.
We did a glycerolstock of our transfomed bacteria ( with pCDF-Duet-1) as n protocol #007 using glycerol 50%.
We did a miniprep as in protocol #008. At the end we had a plasmid concentration of 28,6 ng/µl. Mistake we used optional washing buffer.
We did a overnight culture like in protocol #014 with 6ml Lb and 6 µl Spectinomycin. And incubated it from 20.21 until 9.00 the next day
We the TAE-Buffer as in Protocol #013, but used to much NaOH and the TAE was to alcalic.
We did a Miniprep as in protocol #008. We used 5 ml. And had a DNA concentration of 39,5 ng/µl.
We prepared the agarose gels with the TAE Buffer we prepared. We diluted the 50x TAE Buffer to 1x and mixed 1,2% Agarose ( 0,598g) into it. We heated it for 10-15 seconds in the microwave untik the agarose is disolved and pured it into the form.
We did a TAE buffer as in protocol#013 but for a half liter.
We did a agarose gel again the same as on Friday but with the new TAE-Buffer.
We did a Restricition Enzyme Digest. We had fore samples: NC the control sample. Re1 with one restiricition enzyme.Re2 with the second restriction enzyme. And T with both restriction enzymes.
We proceeded as in protocol #015.
We did a agarose Gelelectrophresis as in protocol #016 with 10µl samples with 2,1µl loading dye and 0,5µl Midori Green at constant 80Volt. The gel started at 16.30, finfteen minutes after we loaded the gel and endet at 18.23. Then we analysed the gel.
Mini-Prep following protocol #008 with 5mL of BL21 pCDFDuet-1 to purify the empty plasmid. Deviaton from protocol: Use of 50µL water to elute DNA. Plasmid-conc. measured with Nanodrop: 75,4ng/µL.
Overnight culture of BL21 pCDFDuet-1 following protocol#014, 50mL as well as 10mL. Start of incubation at 13:35.
Restriction digestion and agarose-gel-electrophoresis following protocols #015 and #016 of empty pCDFDuet-1 with BamHI and NheI-HF. Devitaton from protocol: Used 200ng DNA per sample. Pictures of gel were taken. Note: too many bands in long bp-range + RE1-bands look identical to undigested DNA. Interpretion: RE1 (BamHI) is defect.
Mini-Prep following protocol #008 with 2mL of BL21 pCDFDuet-1 to purify the empty plasmid. Plasmid-conc. measured with Nanodrop: 52,5ng/µL.
Setting an Ampicillin-stock solution of 100mg/mL following protocol #018.
TraFo of otsA_blunted in BL21, otsB_blunted in BL21 and otsA_blunted+otsB_blunted in BL21 following HeatShock protocol #003. Deviations from protocol: Added 3µL in total of DNA to BL21 each time (for otsA_blunted+otsB_blunted 1,5 µL +1,5µL); At step 4, first incubation took 20min instead of 10min because heat block took more time to heat on 42°C. Result (on Thursday collected): 4 big colonies on otsA_blunted, no colonies on other plates.
Mini-Prep following protocol #008 with 2x 2mL of BL21 pCDFDuet-1 to purify the empty plasmid. Plasmid-conc. measured with Nanodrop: c1 = 33ng/µL, c2 = 43ng/µL.
Restriction digestion and agarose-gel-electrophoresis following protocols #015 and #016 of otsA and otsB seperately, each in pJET1.2. Restriction enzymes used for otsA are NotI and NcoI, for otsB are XhoI and NdeI. Deviaton from protocol: Used 200ng DNA per sample. Note: smearing bands for undigested otsA, some samples with RE seem not to be cut. Interpretion: something wrent wrong with otsA cloning, will be repeated.
We did a PCR as on Protocol #019. We used a 2xQ5Polymerase Mastermix from NEB. For cloning otsB out of the bacterial genome of e.Coli we used 25 µl of TaqPolymerase Mastermix, https://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/respectively.html respectively 1 µl of each Primer (olG22_001 and olG22_002) one colony of the strain BL21 with the pCDF-Duet-1 And 23 µl of endonuclease free water.
We did a gelelectrophoresis. Therefore we cast a 50 ml gel as in protocol #016 with 50 ml TAE-Buffer and 2 % Agarose and 1 µl Midori Green. It did show to clear bands.
We did a gel extrection with the NEB as in #021 using 400µl of Dissolving Buffer for otsA. At the end we eluted otsA and otsB with 10µl nuclease free water. Under the Nanodrop we had a concentration of 30.4 ng/µl.
We did a subcloning with the ThermoFisher-CloningKit with otsB. We proceede as in protocoll #23 without the blunting reaction, because a Q5 was used in the PCR. As for the PCR product for otsB 2 µl was used.
We did heatshock-traffolds as in protocol #003 with otsB and TOP10. On ampecilin plate with 100µl of incubated bacteria.
We did a PCR as on Protocol #019. We used a 2xQ5Polymerase Mastermix from NEB. For cloning otsB out of the bacterial genome of e.Coli we used 25 µl of Q5Polymerase Mastermix, https://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/respectively.html respectively 1 µl of each Primer (olG22_001 and olG22_002) one colony of the strain BL21 with the pCDF-Duet-1 And 23 µl of endonuclease free water.
We did a gelelectrophoresis. Therefore we cast a 50 ml gel as in protocol #016 with 50 ml TAE-Buffer and 1.5 % Agarose and 0.5 µl Midori Green. We used 8 µl of the 100bp ladder. It did show to clear bands.
We did a gel extrection with the NEB as in #021 using 400µl of Dissolving Buffer for otsA. At the end we eluted otsA and otsB with 10µl nuclease free water. Under the Nanodrop we had a concentration of 91.0 ng/µl.
We did a subcloning with the ThermoFisher-CloningKit with otsB. We proceede as in protocoll #23 without the blunting reaction, because a Q5 was used in the PCR. As for the PCR product for otsB 0.8 µl was used.
We did heatshock-traffolds as in protocol #003 with otsB and TOP10. On ampecilin plate with 100µl of incubated bacteria.
We did a overnight culture as in protocol #014 with 10ml LB medium, 10µl ampecelin and a culture with pJet1.2 + otsA in TOP10.
We did a miniprep as in protocol #008. Making 2 samples with 4ml. Which were eluted in 50µl ddH2O. We got for otsA 1 355,4 ng/µl and for otsA 2 335,6 ng/µl.
We did a Restriction Enzyme Digest like in the protocol #022 with otsA. I had four samples: N0 with no restriction enzymes, Re1 with Nco1, Re2 with Not1 and T with both Restriction enzymes. Of each restriciton enzyme 0.5µl were used and then filled up with ddH2O until 20µl. And were inubated for 1 hour.
We did a gelelectrophoresis. Therefore we cast a 50 ml gel as in protocol #016 with 50 ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2 % Agarose and 0.5 µl Midori Green. We used 8 µl of the 1kb ladder. It did not show the expected bands.
We did a colony PCR as on Protocol #019. We used a 2xDreamPolymerase Mastermix. For cloning otsA out of the bacterial genome of e.Coli we used 25 µl of DreamTaqPolymerase Mastermix, https://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/respectively.html respectively 0.2 µl of each Primer (olG22_001 and olG22_002),10 µl of endonuclease free water and 16 different colonys of the strain TOP10 with the of the otsApJet1.2 from the 07.06. Each colony was picked and then put on another ampecilin plate, where every colony got a number.
We did a gelelectrophoresis. Therefore we casted two 100 ml gel as in protocol #016 with 100ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2 % Agarose and 1 µl Midori Green. We used 8 µl of the 1kb plus ladder. It did show that most of the colonys had pJet with otsA. Those colonys where used later.
We did a overnight culture as in protocol #014 with 10ml LB medium, 10µl spectinomycin and a culture with pCDF-Duet in Bl21.
We did a 0.2 M stock of Trehalose. With 2g of Trehalose dihydrat and 26 ml ddH2O.
We diluted it to a 2mM stock of trehalose, with 100µl of the 0.2 M Stock and 9900µl of ddH2O.
We diluted it again into a 0.2 mM stock of Trehalose. We used 100µl of the 2mM Trehalose stock and 900µl of ddH2O.
We did a test of the Trehalose Test Kit like in protocol #026. We only tested it with ddH2O.
We did Sonication of 9ml overnight culture of e.Coli. We sonicated for 10 minutes with a 60% at 24-25% power
We did a test of the Trehalose Test Kit like in protocol #026. We did the test with ddH2O and e.Coli Lysate.
We did a Restriction digest as in protocol #022. We digested the pJet1.2 with otsB from the 04.06. We made a 20µl sample.
We did a gelelectrophoresis. Therefore we cast a 50 ml gel as in protocol #016 with 50 ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2 % Agarose and 1 µl Midori Green. It did show the bands we expected.
We did a Restriction digest as in protocol #022. We digested otsB and pCDF-Duet-1. We didnt make any control digest. We made 20µl samples.
We did a gelelectrophoresis. Therefore we cast a 50 ml gel as in protocol #016 with 50 ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2 % Agarose and 1 µl Midori Green. It did show bands we expected for pJet1.2 + otsB. But we had a lot of different bands for pCDF-Duet-1.
We did two overnight cultures as in protocol #014 with pCDF-Duet-1. With 10 ml LB-Medium and 10µl Spectinomycin.
We did a miniprep as in protocol #008. We did 2 samples with 2 overnight cultures. We centrifuged for the first overnight culture 8 ml in two eppis down for the second we centrifuged 7 ml in two eppis down. After resuspetion we combined the two eppis of each overnight culture into one and proceeded as in the protocol but with each volume dobbled.
We got 174.9 ng/µl for the first overnight culture and 228.2 ng/µl for the second.
We did a Restriction digest as in protocol #022. We did two samples with otsB and two samples with pCDF-Duet-1. We used 2µl rCutSmart Buffer, 1 µl XhoI restrictionenzyme and 1µl NdeI restrictionenzyme for every sample. For otsB 1 and 2 we used also 4ml of DNA and 12 µl of ddH2O. For pCDF-Duet-1 sample 1 we also used 8µl DNA and 8µl ddH2O. For pCDF-Duet-1 sample 2 we also used 11µl DNA and 5µl ddH2O.
We did a gelelectrophoresis. Therefore we cast a 50 ml gel as in protocol #016 with 50 ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2 % Agarose and 1 µl Midori Green. It did show bands we expected for pJet1.2 + otsB. And we had the bands we expected for pCDF-Duet-1.
We did a gel extrection with the NEB as in #021 using 400µl of Dissolving Buffer for otsB 1 and 240 µl for otsB 2 and 80 µl for both pCDF-Duet-1 gels, wich we put together. At the end we eluted otsB and pCDF-Duet-1 with 10µl nuclease free water. Under the Nanodrop we had a concentration of 18.6 ng/µl fot otsB1, but the absorbation for this sample was very bad. For otsB2 we had 22.2 ng/µl. For pCDF-Duet-1 we had a concentration 16.7 ng/µl.
We did a DNA Ligation using the NEB Protocol #028. We used 7 µl pCDF-Duet and 3 µl otsB. We incubated it for 10 min at roomtemperature.
We did a heatshock-traffolds as in protocol #003 with otsB on pCDF-Duet-1. On spectiomycin plate with 100µl of incubated bacteria. And one spectiomycinplate where we put the rest on.
We did a miniprep as in protocol #008. From the overnightcultures from BL21 with pCDF-Duet-1 and what we thought were BL21 with pCDF-Duet-1 + otsB. For just pCDF-Duet we got 60,3ng/µl and for pCDF-Duet-1 + otsB 48ng/µl.
NOTE: The plate with pCDF-Duet-1 + otsB was contaminated, because the competent cells were contaminated.
We did two overnight cultures as in protocol #014 with pCDF-Duet-1, pJet1.2 + otsA and pJet1.2 + otsB. With 10 ml LB-Medium and 10µl Spectinomycin for pCDF-Duet-1 and 10m Ampecilin for pJet1.2 + otsA and pJet1.2 + otsB.
We did a miniprep as in protocol #008. From the overnightcultures from BL21 with pCDF-Duet-1 and pJet1.2 + otsB. For the pCDF-Duet-1 we did two samples by spinning down 5ml each. For pJet1.2 + otsB we spinned down 6 ml. We got for pCDF-Duet-1 the first sample a concentration of 294.6ng/µl, for the second sample we got 148.8 ng/µl. For pJet1.2 + otsB we got a concentration of 687.1 ng/µl.
We did glycerol stocks as in protocol #007 from pJet+otsA, pJet+otsB, pJet+sTAF, pJet+TasF, pJET+XTB, pJET+sXTB, pJet+TAF and pJET+sXTB. We always spinned down 3 ml of the overnight cultures.
We did a restriciton digest as in protocol #022. We digested pJet+otsB and the two pCDF-Duet-1 samples fromt todays mini-prep. For pJet1.2+otsB we used 4µl DNA, for the first pCDF-Duet-1 sample we used 9µl DNA and for the second we used 13µl DNA.
We did a agarose gelelectrophoresis as in protocol #016. We used a 50ml agarose gel with 1.2% agarose and 0.5µl Midori green.
We did a gel extrection as in protocol #021. For the pCDF-Duet-1 we had 384mg and used 1600µl Disolving Buffer. For otsB we had 105 mg and used 400µl Disolving Buffer. First we added Washbuffer by mistake.
We did a heat-shock traffold as in protocol #003 with DH5-α and no inserts on our Spectinomycin and Chloramphenicol plates. And our competent BL21 on Barbara Di Venturas Spectinomycin and Chloramphenicol plates.
We did a sonication with three 1ml samples of a BL21 with pCDF-Duet-1 from a overnight cultures. We used 6 x 10% cycle and 24-25% power.
We did a Trehalose-Kit test as in protocol as on protocol #026. We incubated without Trehalase for two hours and the for 18 hours. We had samples from 0.1 µg to 10µg.
We did a sonication with three 1ml samples of a BL21 with pCDF-Duet-1 from a overnight cultures. We used 6 x 10% cycle and 24-25% power.
We did a Trehalose-Kit test as in protocol as on protocol #026. We incubated from the beginning without Trehalase. The assay was 18 ours long. And we used the range from 1µg to 12 µg Trehalose.
We mixed NPS-Buffer with 6.6g (NH4)2SO4, 90ml ddH2O, 13.6g KH2PO4 and 14.2g Na2HPO4.
We did a overnight culture with 0.5ml NPS Buffer, 0.6ml 2M Glucose, 10µl MgSO4, 10µl Spectinomycin, 9.4ml and one Colony of BL21.
We did a miniprep as in protocol #008. From the overnight culture with pJet1.2+otsB we did 2 samples with each 4ml. For the pCDF-Duet we used 5 ml. At the end we had concentrations for pJet1.2+otsB sample one: 604.2ng/µl, for pJet1.2+0tsB sample two: 241.5 ng/µl and pCDF-Duet-1 218ng/µl.
We did a restriction digest as in in protocol #022. We digested the two pJet1.2+otsB samples. For pJet1.2+otsB sample one we used 3.3µl DNA, for the second sample we used 8µl DNA and for the pCDF-Duet-1 we used 20µl of another miniprep from the indigo group with a concentration of 96.5 ng/µl. The pCDF-Duet-1 sample was only incubated 45 min.
We did a agarose gelelectrophoresis as in protocol #016. We used a 50ml agarose gel with 1.2% agarose and 0.5µl Midori green.
We did a gel extrection as in protocol #021. For the pCDF-Duet-1 we had 128mg and used 256µl Disolving Buffer. For otsB we had 180 mg and used 360µl Disolving Buffer. At the end we got for pCDF-Duet-1 19.2ng/µl of concentration and 22.8ng/µl for otsB.
We did a heat-shock traffold as in protocol #003 with NEB5-α and the ligation from this day and the ligation from the 03.06.22.
We did a ligation like in protocol #028 of pCDF-Duet and otsB. We used 1,4µl of otsB with an concentration of 22.8ng/µl and we used 2.6µl of digested pCDF-Duet with a concentration of 19.8ng/µl.
We did two heatshock traffolds like in protocol #003. One with todays ligation in NEB5α and one with the ligation from the 03.07 also in NEB5α
We did a ColonyPCR like im protocol #019 using the DuetUp2 Primer and the T7 Terminator Primer.
We did a Gelelecrophoresis with 100ml and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori Green. We didnt get any insert in the gel.
We did a RE-digest like in protocol #022. We digested the pJet+otsB sample with the 572.7ng/ml concentration and used 3.5µl of that sample for the digest and for the control digest without restriction enzymes. And we digested both pCDF-Duet-1 samples. We used 9.2µl for the sample with the concentration of 108ng/µl, the same for the test digest. For the sample with the concentration of 287.3ng/µl we used 6.9µl and again the same for the test digest without enzymes. For all diegest we used 1µl of XhoI and NdeI and 2µl of rCutSmart Buffer as we used a 20µl of digest.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016 with 50ml of TAEBuffer and 1,3% Agarose and 0,5µl midori Green at 100Volt.
We did a gelextraction like in protocol #021 for the otsB gel wich weight was 134mg, therefore we used 268 of disolving Buffer and got a concentration of 8ng/ml. The pCDF-Duet-1 Gel weight was 189mg, thats why we used 378µl disolving buffer. Here we got a concentration of 75.9ng/µl.
We did a ligation like in protocol #028 of pCDF-Duet and otsB. We used 3.9µl of otsB with an concentration of 8ng/µl and we used 0,65µl of digested pCDF-Duet with a concentration of 75.9ng/µl. For the test ligation without otsB we used the same amount of pCDF-Duet.
We did four heatshock traffolds like in protocol #003. Two with DH5α, wich were the the ligation from today and the test ligation. We also did the same traffolds in Bl21.
We did a growthcurve with Bl21 using different concentrations of glycose.
| 1%Glucose | 2%Glucose | 3%Glucose | 4%Glucose |
Overnight Culture (Bl21) | 2ml | 2ml | 2ml | 2ml |
LB Medium | 46.2ml | 42.9ml | 41.6ml | 40.3ml |
2M glucose | 1.3ml | 2.6ml | 3.9ml | 5.2ml |
NPS-Buffer | 2.5ml | 2.5ml | 2.5ml | 2.5ml |
MgSO4 | 50µl | 50µl | 50µl | 50µl |
We did a ColonyPCR like im protocol #019 using the DuetUp2 Primer and the T7 Terminator Primer. We picked the plates from the heatshock traffold from the 06.07
We did a Gelelecrophoresis with 100ml and 1,2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori Green. We didnt get any insert in the gel.
We did a growthcurve with Bl21 and 2% Glycose the same we did at the 07.07 with antibiotica (Spectinomycin) 50µl.
We did a miniprep as in protocol #029. We hat two samples pET-Duet-1 wich used 3ml each. The first samples got a concentration of 162ng/µl, the second got 55ng/µl. We also had two samples pJet+otsB one usind 3ml and one usind 2ml of the overnight culture. The first got a concentration of 572.5ng/µl the second 332.5ng/µl. We also had one sample with pCDF-Duet-1 where weused 2.5ml of overnight culture. At the end we had a concentration of 72,4ng/µl.
We did a RE-digest like in protocol #022. We digested pET-Duet-1 with 12.3µl of the sample with a concentration of 162ng/µl. We used 1.2µl of DNA for the test digest. Then we digested pCDF-Duet usind 12µl of todays miniprep and 1.2µl for the test digest. For otsB we did a digest with both samples, using 3.4µl from the sample with a concentration of 572.5ng/µl and 6µl of DNA for the second sample with a concentration of 332.5ng/µl. All samples were digested wth 1.5µl of XhoI and NdeI.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016 with 50ml of TAEBuffer and 1,3% Agarose and 0,5µl midori Green at 100Volt.
We did a gelextraction like in protocol #021 for the otsB gel wich weight was 154mg, therefore we used 308 of disolving Buffer and got a concentration of 6.3ng/ml. The pCDF-Duet-1 Gel weight was 149mg, thats why we used 298µl disolving buffer. Here we got a concentration of 13.3ng/µl. The pET-Duet-1 Gel had a weight of 130m, that why we used 260µl of dissolving buffer. We got a concentration of 11ng/µl.
We did a ligation like in protocol #028 of pCDF-Duet and otsB and pET-Duet-1 and otsB. We used 5.06 µl of otsB with an concentration of 6.3ng/µl and we used 3,7µl of digested pCDF-Duet with a concentration of 13.3ng/µl. For the test ligation without otsB we used the same amount of pCDF-Duet. For the ligation with pET Duet we used 5,82µl of pET-Duet-1 from todays gelextraction and 5,2µl of otsB also from todays gelextraction. For the test ligation without otsB we used the same amount of pET-Duet-1.
We did four heatshock traffolds like in protocol #003. Al ligations from this day were transfomed into BL21 and DH5α.
We did a RE-Test-Digest as in protocol #022 of pET-Duet-1 and pCDF-Duet-1. For every plasmid we had on digest wothout enzymes, one with only XhoI, one with only NdeI and one with both restriction enzymes. For pET Duet we used for every try 2µl of the sample from the 09.07 with a concentration of 162ng/µl. For pCDF-Duet we used 2µl of DNA with a concentration of 72.4ng/µl.
We did four heatshock traffolds like in protocol #003. The ligation with pET-Duet-1 from the 09.07 were transfomed into BL21 and DH5α.
We did a colony PCR like in protocol #019 scanning the colonys from the 10.07.2022.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016 using 100ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose also 1µl MidoriGreen.
We did a MiniPrep like in protocol #029. We extracted pCDF-Duet-1, pJEt+otsB and pET-Duet-1. We got a concentration of 78.9 ng/µl for pCDF-Duet-1, 287.2 ng/µl for pJet+otsB and 84.8 ng/µl.
We did an RE-Digest like in protocol #015. All samples were digested with NdeI and XhoI. For pCDF-Due-1 12.7 µl of todays miniprep were used. For pET-Duet-1 11.8 µl were used from todays miniprep. For pJET1.2+otsB 3.5 µl from todays miniprep were used.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016 using 100ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose also 1µl MidoriGreen.
We did a gelextraction like in protocol #021. otsB was extracted with a concentration of 13.2 ng/µl. pCDF-Duet-1 was also extracted with a concentration of 14.8ng/µl.
We did a ligation like in protocol #028. Using 3.6µl of the extrected otsB and 5.06µl of the extrected pCDF-Duet-1 with a total ligation volume of 20µl.
We did a heatshock traffold like in protocol #003. We transformed the ligation of otsB+pCDF-Duet-1. We transformed it with 2.5µl of the ligation into 25µl NEB5α.
We did a colony PCR like in protocol #019 scanning the colonys from the 10.07.2022. With pCDF-Duet-1+otsAB and pET-Duet-1 +otsAB. For pET-Duet-1 +otsAB we got the right bands in some colonies.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016 using 100ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose also 1µl MidoriGreen.
We did a MiniPrep like in protocol #029. We got a concentration of 389.9ng/µl for pJet1.2+otsA.
We did an RE-Digest like in protocol #015.We did a test digest of pJet1.2+otsA, digesting it once just with NcoI, once with NotI and once with both restriction enzymes.
We did a glyerolstock out of pET-Duet-1+otsAB with 3ml of overnight culture. Wich was resuspended in 200µl of a 1:1 mixture of Lb-Medium and Glycerol.
We did a MiniPrep like in protocol #029. We extracted four different samples of pET-Duet-1+ otsAB, all out of 4ml of overnight culture. The first sample had a conentration of 267ng/µl , the second 673.ng/µl, the third one of 70.3ng/µl and the fourth one of 156.2ng/µl.
We did an RE-Digest like in protocol #015. We used 5µl of pJet1.2+otsAB from the 14.08. And we used 7.5µl fromt the first samples of todays miniprep with pET-Duet-1+otsAB, 14.9µl from the second sample, 14.2µl from the third and 12.8µl from the fourth. All DNA was digested with NcoI and NotI.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016 using 100ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose also 1µl MidoriGreen.
We did a gelextraction like in protocol #021. Out of the pET-Duet-1+otsB gel we got a concentration of 49ng/µl. From the otsA gel we got a concentration of 9.9ng/µl.
We did a ligation like in protocol #028, by usind 3,88µl of otsA we got out of todays geleextraction and 1,12µl.
We did a heatshock traffold like in protocol #003. We transformed the ligation of pET-Duet-1+otsAB. We transformed it with 2.5µl of the ligation into 25µl NEB5α.
We did a growthCurve with different concentrations of glucose and NaCl
in a 96-wellplate. We first mixed those stocksolutions, wich were later on pipeted with 200µl into the wells.
Every stock solution was put into 12 well in the 96-wellplate.
| 1%Glucose | 2%Glucose | 3%Glucose | 4%Glucose | 2%Glucose +200mM NaCl | 2%Glucose +400mM NaCl | 2%Glucose +600mM NaCl |
LB | 2733.8µl | 2600µl | 2567µl | 2483,7µl | 2050µl | 1450µl | 800µl |
NPS 20x | 150µl | 150µl | 150µl | 150µl | 150µl | 150µl | 150µl |
Glucose 2M | 83.4µl | 167µl | 250µl | 333,3µl | 167µl | 167µl | 167µl |
MgSO4 | 3µl | 3µl | 3µl | 3µl | 3µl | 3µl | 3µl |
Overnight Culture (OD 5,47) | 30µl | 30µl | 30µl | 30µl | 30µl | 30µl | 30µl |
NaCl |
| 600µl | 1200µl | 1800µl |
We did a ligation like in protocol #028, by usind 3,88µl of otsA we got out of todays geleextraction and 1,12µl.
We did a heatshock traffold like in protocol #003. We transformed the ligation of pET-Duet-1+otsAB from today and yesterday. We transformed it with 2.5µl of the ligation into 25µl NEB5α.
We did a heatshock traffold like in protocol #003. We transformed the ligation of pET-Duet-1+otsAB from the 16.07 and 17.07. We transformed it with 2.5µl of the ligation into 25µl NEB5α.
We did a MiniPrep like in protocol #029. We got two samples from pET-Duet-1+otsB wich had the concentration of 112.8ng/µl (sample 1) and 75.7ng/µl(sample 2). We also got two samples of pJet+otsA with a concentration of 34.3ng/µl(sample 1) and 39.8ng/µ(sample 2) l. All the samples were eluted in 30µl ddH2O.
We did an RE-Digest like in protocol #015. We used 19µl of the first sample of pJet1.2+otsA and 16.2µ from the second sample. Also we digested 17µl from the first sample of pET-Duet-1+otsB and 25µl from the second sample. All DNA was digested with NcoI and NotI.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016 using 100ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose also 1µl MidoriGreen.
We did a gelextraction like in protocol #021. Out of the pET-Duet-1+otsB gel we got a concentration of 49ng/µl. From the otsA gel we got a concentration of 4.9ng/µl.
We did a MiniPrep like in protocol #029. We got one sample from pJet1.2+otsA with a concentration of 351.4ng/µl in 50µl of ddH2O. We got two sample of pET-Duet-1+otsB. The first sample had a concentration of 190.4ng/µl, the second, one of 265ng/µl. The pET-Duet-1+otsB samples were also eluted in 50µl of ddH2O.
We did an RE-Digest like in protocol #015. We digested three times 5.7µl of pJEt1.2+otsA. And we digested 7,5µl of the first sample of pET-Duet-1+otsB. WE ussed 10,5µl from the second sample. All DNA was digested with NcoI and NotI.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016 using 100ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose also 1µl MidoriGreen.
We did a gelextraction like in protocol #021. Out of the pET-Duet-1+otsB gel we got a concentration of 25.9ng/µl. From the otsA gel we got a concentration of 47.3ng/µl.
We did a ligation like in protocol #028, by using 1.1µl of otsA we got out of todays geleextraction and 3µl of pET-Duet-1+otsB.
We did a heatshock traffold like in protocol #003. We transformed the ligation of pET-Duet-1+otsAB. We transformed it with 2.5µl of the ligation into 25µl NEB5α. And those were selected on ampicilin plates.
We did a MiniPrep like in protocol #029. We got two samples from pET-Duet-1+otsB wich had the concentration of 88ng/µl (sample 1) and 70ng/µl(sample 2). We also got two samples of pJet+otsA with a concentration of 161.7ng/µl(sample 1) and 182 ng/µ(sample 2) l. All the samples were eluted in 50µl ddH2O.
We did an RE-Digest like in protocol #015. We used 12,36µl of the first sample of pJet1.2+otsAto make three digests and 11µl from the second sample to also make three digest. Also we digested 22.8µl two times from the first sample of pET-Duet-1+otsB w and 28.6µl also two times from the second sample. All DNA was digested with NcoI and NotI.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016 using 100ml TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose also 1µl MidoriGreen. And we did a second gel with 50ml of TAE-Buffer, 1,2%Agarose and 0.5µl of midori green.
We did a gelextraction like in protocol #021. Out of the pET-Duet-1+otsB gel we got a concentration of 50ng/µl. From the otsA gel we got a concentration of 73.1ng/µl.
We did a ligation like in protocol #028, by using 0.9µl of otsA we got out of todays geleextraction and 2µl of pET-Duet-1+otsB.
We did a heatshock traffold like in protocol #003. We transformed the ligation of pET-Duet-1+otsAB. We transformed it with 2.5µl of the ligation into 25µl NEB5α. And those were selected on ampicilin plates.
We did a colony PCR like in protocol #019 scanning the colonys from the indigo team with the pJet1.2FOR and REV primer and also the T7 Term and Duet Up2 Primer
We did a miniprep like in protocol #005. Getting two samples with pCDF-Duet-1 and three samples with pET-Duet+otsAB. For the samples we got following concentrations: pCDF-Duet-1 (1) 25.7ng/µl, pCDF-Duet-1 (2) 78.4ng/µl, pET-Duet-1+otsAB (1) 29ng/µl, pET-Duet-1+otsAB (2) 57.8ng/µl , pET-Duet-1+otsAB (3) 75.6ng/µl. All samples were eluited in 30µl of ddH2O.
We did a miniprep like in protocol #005. Getting two samples with pCDF-Duet-1 and with pET-Duet. For the samples we got following concentrations: pCDF-Duet-1 (1) 57.9ng/µl, pCDF-Duet-1 (2) 80.5ng/µl, pET-Duet-1 (1) 146.3ng/µl, pET-Duet-1 (2) 173.1ng/µl. All samples were eluited in 30µl of ddH2O.
We did an restriction enzyme digest like in protocol #015. We digested with NoI and XhoI.
We did a gel extraction like in protocol #021. Out of the pET-Duet-1+otsAB Gel we got two samples of otsAB. Sample 1 had the concentration 24.1ng/µl and the second sample had the concentration 16.6ng/µl. For the pCDF-Duet-1 Gel we got a concentration of 10,8ng/µl.
We also did a gel extraction for the indigo-group. For the TasF we got a concentration of 3.6ng/µl, for sTAF we got a concentration of 2ng/µl. For sXTB we got a concentration of 17.4ng/µl.
All samples were elute in 15µl ddH2O.
We did a ligation like in protocol #028. Ligating pCDF-Duet and otsAB from todays gelextraction together.
| Bl21 w/o plasmid 1%glucose | Bl21 w/o plasmid 1%glucose and 200mM NaCl | Bl21 with plasmid 1%glucose | l21 with plasmid 1%glucose and 200mM NaCl |
LB | 45.6ml | 35.6ml | 45.6ml | 35.6ml |
NPS Buffer 20x | 2.5ml | 2.5ml | 2.5ml | 2.5ml |
MgSO4 | 50µl | 50µl | 50µl | 50µl |
2M Glucose | 1.4ml | 1.4ml | 1.4mlv | 1.4ml |
1M NaCl | - | 10 ml | - | 10 ml |
Culture | 1ml | 1ml | 1ml | 1ml |
We did a minprep like in protocol #005. With one sample of pET-Duet-1+otsAB, wich had a concentration of 70.2ng/µl. And to samples of pCDF-Duet-1. Sample numer one had the concentration of 84.2ng/µl, sample two had a concentration of 82.8ng/µl.
We did an restriction enzyme digest like in protocol #015. We digested with NoI and XhoI.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. with 100ml of Tae-Buffer and 1.2% of Agarose and 1µl of MidoriGreen.
We did a gel extraction like in protocol #021. We extracted 7.2ng/ml of otsAb and two samples of digested pCDF-Duet. The first sample had a concentration of 7.2ng/µl, the second on of 10.1ng/µl.
All samples were eluited in 30µl of ddH2O.
We did a ligation like in protocol #028. We did a ligation of otsAB witht the two pCDF-Duet-1 samples of todays gelextraction each.
We did a heatshocktraffold like in protocoll #003 into DH5α.
We did a miniprep the same as the protocol #029 with pET-Duet-1 +otsAB we used 3ml of the overnight culture and eluted with 30µl. We got a concentration of 75.6µl.
We did a heat shock traffold like in protocol #003 with 0.2µl of the pET-Duet-1 +otsAB and 50µl of Bl21.
Growth Curve for 9 h @ 37 °C. 2 ml BL21 with pCDF-Duet each in 100 ml LB with 2 % Glucose, LB with 2 % Glycerol, LB with 2 % Glycerol and 2 % Trehalose
We did a miniprep the same as the protocol #029 with pET-Duet-1 we used 3ml of the overnight culture and eluted with 30µl. We got a concentration of 147.9µl.
We did a heat shock traffold like in protocol #003 with 0.2µl of the pET-Duet-1 +otsAB and 50µl of Bl21.
We did a miniprep like in the protocol #029 from BL21 with pBbA2C+mVenus. From three ml of overnight culture we got a concentration of 19.6ng/µl.
We did a glycerol stock (protocol #007) of the pBbA2C+mVenus in Bl21.
We did a heatshock traffold like in protocol #003. with pBba2C+mVenus inside of DH5α.
3 ml o/n culture BL21 with pET-Duet+otsAB in 100 ml LB with 2 % Glucose. Induction with 0.5 mM IPTG @ an OD of 0.6 – 0.8. Growth curve for 24 h. Took a samle (1 ml) every hour for 12h. Spin down and discard the supernatant. Froze the pellet. In addition, the OD was measured.
Took last sample @ 24 h (same procedure as the day before). Wash all pellets with 1xPBS. Froze them again.
We did a miniprep from a overnight culture with pBbA2C+mVenus in DH5α like in protocol #029. We extracted four samples of pBbA2C+mVenus. Sample one had the concentration 80.2ng/µl, the second had a concentration of 82.1ng/µl, the third one of 89.1ng/µl and the fourth sample had a concentration of 81.1ng/µl.
We did a glycerol stock (protocol #007) of the pBbA2C+mVenus in DH5α.
We did a PCR with the Q5 polymerase. With this protocoll:
pBba2C | otsA | otsB |
10µl Q5 ReactionBuffer | 10µl Q5 ReactionBuffer | 10µl Q5 ReactionBuffer |
1µl 10mM dNTPs | 1µl 10mM dNTPs | 1µl 10mM dNTPs |
2.5µl pBbA2C For Primer | 2.5µl otsA For Primer | 2.5µl otsB For Primer |
2.5µl pBbA2C Rev Primer | 2.5µl otsA Rev Primer | 2.5µl otsB Rev Primer |
0.5µl Q5 polymerases | 0.5µl Q5 polymerases | 0.5µl Q5 polymerases |
12.5µl of DNA sample 1 today | 1 colony picked from plate | 1 colony picked from plate |
21.5µl nuclease free water | 33.5 nuclease free water | 33.5 nuclease free water |
Using the PCR settings recommended by the NEB protocol for Q5 polymerase.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1 ml of Midori green. There were no bands on the gel.
We did a PCR with the Q5 polymerase. We did two sample each. With this protocoll:
pBba2C | otsA | otsB |
10µl Q5 ReactionBuffer | 10µl Q5 ReactionBuffer | 10µl Q5 ReactionBuffer |
1µl 10mM dNTPs | 1µl 10mM dNTPs | 1µl 10mM dNTPs |
2.5µl pBbA2C For Primer | 2.5µl otsA For Primer | 2.5µl otsB For Primer |
2.5µl pBbA2C Rev Primer | 2.5µl otsA Rev Primer | 2.5µl otsB Rev Primer |
0.5µl Q5 polymerases | 0.5µl Q5 polymerases | 0.5µl Q5 polymerases |
12.5µl of DNA sample ½ yesterday | 1 colony picked from plate | 1 colony picked from plate |
21.5µl nuclease free water | 33.5 nuclease free water | 33.5 nuclease free water |
Using the PCR settings recommended by the NEB protocol for Q5 polymerase.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1 ml of Midori green. There were no bands on the gel.
We did the salt solution like in protocol #032.
We did a PCR with the DreamTaq polymerase with following protocoll. For otsA and otsB we had two samples:
10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix | 10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix |
10µl nuclease free water | 10µl nuclease free water |
0.2 ml otsA For Primer | 0.2 ml otsB For Primer |
0.2 ml otsA Rev Primer | 0.2 ml otsB Rev Primer |
1 picked e.Coli Colony | 1 picked e.Coli Colony |
| Temperature | Duration |
Initial denaturation | 98°C | 00.30 min |
Denaturation | 98°C | 00.15 min |
Annealing | Gradient 60°C-63°C | 00.30 min |
Elongation | 72°C | 01.00 min |
Final elongation | 72°C | 10.00 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
We did a PCR with the Q5 polymerase with the same protocoll as today. Having two samples with otsA and otsB. We used following PCR protocoll:
| Temperature | Duration |
Initial denaturation | 98°C | 00.30 min |
Denaturation | 98°C | 00.10 min |
Annealing | Gradient 58°C-63°C | 00.30 min |
Elongation | 72°C | 01.00 min |
Final elongation | 72°C | 2.00 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1 ml of Midori green.
We did a PCR with the DreamTaq polymerase with the same protocoll as today. Having five samples with otsA and otsB. We used following PCR protocoll:
10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix | 10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix |
10µl nuclease free water | 10µl nuclease free water |
0.2 ml otsA For Primer | 0.2 ml otsB For Primer |
0.2 ml otsA Rev Primer | 0.2 ml otsB Rev Primer |
1 picked e.Coli Colony | 1 picked e.Coli Colony |
| Temperature | Duration |
Initial denaturation | 98°C | 00.30 min |
Denaturation | 98°C | 00.15 min |
Annealing | Gradient 59°C-65°C | 00.30 min |
Elongation | 72°C | 01.00 min |
Final elongation | 72°C | 10.00 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1 ml of Midori green.
We did a PCR with the DreamTaq polymerase with the same protocoll as today. Having five samples with otsA and otsB. We used following PCR protocoll:
10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix | 10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix | 10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix |
10µl nuclease free water | 10µl nuclease free water | 10µl nuclease free water |
0.2 ml otsA For Primer | 0.2 ml otsB For Primer | 2.5µl pBbA2C For Primer |
0.2 ml otsA Rev Primer | 0.2 ml otsB Rev Primer | 2.5µl pBbA2C Rev Primer |
1 picked e.Coli Colony | 1 picked e.Coli Colony | 1µl pBbA2c+otsAB 80.2ng/µl |
We used the PCR settings recommended by the Thermofischer Protocoll for DreamTaq Polymerase.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1 ml of Midori green.
We did a Trehalose production test. Therefore we resuspended the washed samples with 400µl of ddH2O. Then were sonicated for 1min at 6x10% Cycle at 23-25% power. After that the samples were centrifuged at 18500 rcf for 2 min. The samples for pET-Duet-1+otsAB with and without IPTG were again centrifuged at 13.4 rmp for 1min.
Into the 96 well plate we put:
200µl ddH2O |
20µl of the supernatant of the samples |
20µl Kit Buffer |
10µl ATP/NADP+ |
2µl HK/G6Pd |
2µl Trehalase |
The Trehalase was only added after 5min. After that the wellplate was read at the platereader.
We made M9 Medium like in protocol #032. but we made it with 2% Glycose and 2%Glycerol. Both batches were later autoclaved at 121°C.
We did a gelextraction like in protocol #033. With two samples of otsB, two samples of otsA and two samples for pBbA2C.
We did a colony PCR like in protocoll #019. We tried colonies from yesterdays Gibbson with pBbA2C+otsAB and heatshock traffold with pCDF-Duet-1+otsAB. Also we did a colony PCR for the Indigo groups the the constructs pCDF-Duet-1+TAF and pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF.
We did a colony PCR like in protocoll #019. We tried colonies from the Gibbson made on the 14.08.2022 with pBbA2C+otsAB
2 ml o/n culture BL21 with pET-Duet-otsAB in 100 ml LB. Induction with 0.5 mM IPTG by an OD of 0.6. Growth curve for 12 h @ 37 °C (shaking).
We did a colony PCR like in protocoll #019. We tried colonies from the Gibbson made on the 14.08.2022 with pBbA2C+otsAB
We did a colony PCR like in protocoll #019. We tried colonies from the Gibbson with pBbA2C+otsAB.
We did a glycerol stock like in protocol #007 for DH5α with pBbA2c+otsAB.
We did a miniprep like in protocol #029 with pBbA2C+otsAB and got a concentration of 26.6ng/µl.
We made M9 Medium like in protocol #032. but we made it with 2% Glycose and 2%Glycerol. Both batches were later autoclaved at 121°C.
We did a growth curve with following samples:
Control | NaCl | Validamycin | Nacl +Validamycin |
99ml M9 glucose medium | 99ml M9 glucose medium | 94ml M9 glucose medium | 94ml M9 glucose medium |
1ml overnight culture | 1ml overnight culture | 1ml overnight culture | 1ml overnight culture |
| 1.75g NaCl |
| 1.75g NaCl |
| 5ml Validamycin 1mM | 5ml Validamycin 1mM |
Over the course of 50h
Over Night Culture BL21 with pET-Duet-otsAB and BL21 with pET-Duet (@ 37 °C)
We did heatshock traffold like in protocol #003. We transfomed pBbA2C and pBbA2C+otsAB into Bl21.
6 ml of the o/n cultures in 300 ml LB each and let growth till an OD of 0.6 to 0.8 @37 °C. Afterwords we spin them down, remove the LB and froze the pellets.
We did a restriction digest like in protocol #015. We digested 3µl (111ng/µl) with XhoI, with NcoI and with both restriction enzymes.
We did a gelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. Using 50ml 1x TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 0.5µl of Midori Green.
Resuspend the Pellets in 100 ml LB, 100ml M9 (minimal medium) with 2% Glucose and 100 ml M9 with 2% Glycerol (for each plasmid). Induced with 0.5 mM IPTG. Growth for 24 h , @ 37°C. We took a sample every hour for 12 hours. These were centrifuged, the supernatant discarded and the pellet washed with 1x PBS. Furthermore, the OD was determined.
We did a restriction digest like in protocol #015. We digested 4µl (111ng/µl) with XhoI, with NcoI and with both restriction enzymes.
We did a glelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. Using 100ml 1x TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori Green.
We a glycerolstock like in protocol #007. We did a glycerol stock of pBbA2C+otsAB and pBbA2C in BL21.
Took a sample after 24 h (same procedure as the day before). Resuspend the pellets in 400 µl ddH2O and lysed by sonication (1 min, power: 25 %).
We did a PCR with the DreamTaq polymerase with the same protocoll as today. Having two samples with otsA and otsB and one sample of pBbA2C+mVenus. We used following PCR protocoll:
10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix | 10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix | 10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix |
10µl nuclease free water | 10µl nuclease free water | 10µl nuclease free water |
0.4 ml otsA For Primer | 0.4 ml otsB For Primer | 0.4µl pBbA2C For Primer |
0.4 ml otsA Rev Primer | 0.4 ml otsB Rev Primer | 0.4µl pBbA2C Rev Primer |
1 picked e.Coli Colony | 1 picked e.Coli Colony | 1µl pBbA2c+otsAB 81.1ng/µl |
| Temperature | Duration |
Initial denaturation | 98°C | 00.30 min |
Denaturation | 98°C | 00.15 min |
Annealing | Gradient 58°C-60°C | 00.30 min |
Elongation | 72°C | 02.00 min |
Final elongation | 72°C | 10.00 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. with 50ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 0.5µl of Midori green.
We did a gelextraction with the gelextraction JenaBioscience Kit acording to the manifacturares protocol. We extracted otsA with a concentration of 33.9ng/µl, otsB with a concentration of 37.9ng/µl and pBbA2C with a concentration of 16.9ng/µl. All samples were eluted with 25µl of ddH2O.
We did a gibbson assembly according to protocol #034. We used4.4µl if today pBbA2C gelextraction, 2.4µl of otsA and 1.8µl of otsB.
Trehalose Assay using the Trehalose Assay Kit (Megazyme, product code: K-TREH) by following the protocol for microplate assay procedure.
We did a PCR with the DreamTaq polymerase with the same protocoll as today. Having two samples with otsA and otsB and one sample of pBbA2C+mVenus. We used following PCR protocoll:
10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix | 10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix | 10µl 10x DreamTaq polymerase MasterMix |
10µl nuclease free water | 10µl nuclease free water | 10µl nuclease free water |
0.4 ml otsA For Primer | 0.4 ml otsB For Primer | 0.4µl pBbA2C For Primer |
0.4 ml otsA Rev Primer | 0.4 ml otsB Rev Primer | 0.4µl pBbA2C Rev Primer |
1 picked e.Coli Colony | 1 picked e.Coli Colony | 1µl pBbA2c+otsAB 81.1ng/µl |
| Temperature | Duration |
Initial denaturation | 98°C | 00.30 min |
Denaturation | 98°C | 00.15 min |
Annealing | Gradient 58°C-60°C | 00.30 min |
Elongation | 72°C | 03.00 min |
Final elongation | 72°C | 10.00 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
Over Night Culture BL21 with pET-Duet-otsAB and BL21 with pET-Duet (@ 37 °C)
8 Kolben mit je 100 ml LB+2%Glucose
Pro Kolben 2 ml von o/n culture zugegeben
Inkubieren Q 37°C und OD Messung
Nach Erreichen einer OD von 0.6 -> 2 Kolben mit BL 21 & pet-Duet und 2 Kolben mit pET-Duet-otsAB mit 0.5 mM IPTG induzieren.
Inkubieren -> Alle 2 Stunden Probenentnahme (1ml) & OD-Messung
Proben zentrigugieren, Überstand verwerfen
Pellet mit 1 x PBS waschen
Pellet einfrieren
Pellets in 400 µl ddH2O resuspendieren
Sonication (6x10 cyclus, 0.25 power, 2 min)
Trehalose Assay using the Trehalose Assay Kit (Megazyme, product code: K-TREH) by following the protocol for microplate assay procedure.
Indigo is one of the two pathways we seek to incorporate into the different compartments. This sub-part includes cloning the required enzymes and optimizing the production and detection of indigo and indirubin. The methods used are production assays, fed batch and western blots. Responsible for this subpart were: Jonas and Michi.
Overnightculture of BL21 pCDFDuet-1 for indigo-quantification-assay following protocol #023. 3mL sample used. Start of incubation: 20.31.
Preparing of BL21 pCDFDuet-1 (from 06.06.22) for indigo-quantification-assay following protocol #023. Derivation: Took 107min for bacteria to grow to OD600 of 0.833.
PCR of all gene-fragments (TnaA-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre, XiaI-TnaB, spyXiaI-TnaB, XiaIspy-TnaB) for indigo-pathway following protocol #019. Use of Q5 High Fidelity 2x MasterMix, as primers T7 forward and T7 terminal, total volume of samples each 25µL. PCR-annealing-temp. 56°C, elongation-time 3min.
Agarose-gel-electrophoresis with gene-fragments from PCR (08.06.22) following protocol #016. 1.5% agarose-conc. for gel used. Results saved as image. Interpretion: Chose too short DNA-ladder, have to repeat. Bands look like expected, only in second sample from left seems to be a second shorter fragment assembled.
Gel extraction from agarose-gel-electrophoresis (08.06.22) for all gene-fragments following protocol #021. Heated to 50°C in heating step, used 6µL Elution-buffer to elute DNA.
PCR of all gene-fragments (TnaA-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre, XiaI-TnaB, spyXiaI-TnaB, XiaIspy-TnaB) for indigo-pathway following protocol #019. Use of Q5 High Fidelity 2x MasterMix, as primers T7 forward and T7 terminal, total volume of samples each 25µL. PCR-annealing-temp. 56°C, elongation-time 3min.
Agarose-gel-electrophoresis with gene-fragments from PCR (09.06.22) following protocol #016. 1.5% agarose-conc. for gel used. Results saved as image. Interpretion: Results as expected, but second fragment in second sample from left there as on 08.06.22.
Gel extraction from agarose-gel-electrophoresis from PCR (09.06.22) for all gene-fragments following protocol #021. Heated to 50°C in heating step, used 10µL Elution-buffer to elute DNA. of DNA in external excel-table.
RE-digest and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of empty pCDFDuet-1 and gene-fragments for MCS1 (Tna-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre) following protocols #015 and #016. Used as REs NcoI and BamHI. Deviation from protocols: Used full DNA-volume of gene-fragments (5µL) for RE-digest, because little volume in total of them. Only one control for empty plasmid because too little volume left of it. Results saved as image. Interpetion: Results as expected.
Gel extraction from agarose-gel-electrophoresis from RE-digest (09.06.22) for all DNA-fragments following protocol #021. Heated to 50°C in heating step, used 10µL Elution-buffer to elute DNA. of DNA in external excel-table.
DNA-ligation of all by PCR extracted gene-fragments (TnaA-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre, XiaI-TnaB, spyXiaI-TnaB, XiaIspy-TnaB) from 09.06.22 in pJET1.2 following protocol #024.
Added Ampicilin to 6 Agarplates for following Trafo
Trafo of 9 plasmids (was done according to masters protocols):
TnaA-Fre, sTnaA-Fre, TnaAs-Fre (in pCDF-Duet1) were transformed to Bl21 and left to grow on three Spec Agar plates
XiaI-TnaB, sXiaI-TnaB, XiaIs-TnaB, TnaA-Fre, sTnaA-Fre, TnaAs-Fre (in pJet 1.2) were transormed to Top10 and left to grow on six Amp Agar plates.
Overnight-cultures of pJet/TAF, pJet/sTAF, pjet/TAsF, pJet/XTB, pJet/sXTB, pJet/XsTB (Amp R.) and Pcdf/TAF, pcdf/sTAF, pcdf/TAsF (Spec R.). These cultures were made using 4 ml of LB and 4µl of antibiotics
Overnight-cultures of colonies (from colony pcr) 8 and 10 (Amp R.) both were done using 10ml LB and 10µl antibiotics
Mini-Prep following protocol #008 with 3mL of different samples to purify the DNA. Deviation from protocol: Of overnightcultures for samples 1-8 2.7mL were used because too little volume for 3mL. Of samples 7,8 and 9 not all of the cleared lysate could be harvested as the solid pellet was blocking some liquid. Samples are:
Mini Prep for Nikita, one for colony 8 and three for colony 10
Culture 8, pcdf/sTAF and pcdf/TAsF were sent for sequencing
Overnight culture of pcdf Duet, Spec R. in 10ml LB and 10µl antibiotics and pcdf TAF, Spec R. in 4ml of LB and 4µl of antibiotics
Restriction digest of pcdf TAF, sTAF and TAsF
RE-digest and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of gene-fragments for MCS1 (Tna-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre) in pCDFDuet-1 + gene-fragments for MCS2 (XiaI-TnaB, spyXiaI-TnaB, XiaIspy-TnaB)) following protocols #015 and #016. Used as REs BglII and NdeI. Results saved as image
Colony-PCR and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of all gene-fragments in pJET1.2 (TnaA-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre, XiaI-TnaB, spyXiaI-TnaB, XiaIspy-TnaB) for indigo-pathway following protocols #019 and #016. Use of 5µL Q5 High Fidelity 2x MasterMix, as primers each 1.25µL of 10µM pJET1.2 for and 10µM pJET1.2 rev, total volume of samples each 25µL. PCR-annealing-temp. 70°C, elongation-time 2min, repeats 30x.
LB-Plates, one set of plates with spec. Res. And one set of plates with amp. Following proocol #004
Colony-PCR of all inserts in pJET1.2 (TnaA-Fre (A), sTnaA-Fre (B), TnaAs-Fre (C), XiaI-TnaB (D), sXiaI-TnaB (E), XiaIs-TnaB (F)). 10µl of Dream-taq master mix, 10µl MQ water, 0.2µL of primers (pJET1.2 for, pJET1.2 rev), and one picked culture, picked culture is first placed onto a fresh LB plate (amp.) and left to grow. PCR-products are put on an agarose gel to check for positive clones.
Overnight culture of Samples A3, B2, E6 and F3 Following protocol #014
Minipreps of samples from colony pcr.
Colony pcr of C and D (same procedure as the day before)
We did a miniprep as in protocol #008. We did the miniprep for the samples pCDF-Duet-1 + TasF and pCDF-Duet-1 + TAF. We proceeded the same as above. We got concentration of 215 ng/µl for pCDF-Duet-1 + TasF and 285 ng/ml.
Colony-PCR of the previous day was put on an agarose gel
Overnight culture of C3 and D4
RE-digest of pcdf-duet with TnaA-Fre and sTnaA-Fre, samples were put on an agarose gel, negative results
PCR of all inserts for amplification, 5µl Q5 Master mix, 0,25µl of primers (T7 Primerfor, T7 Terminal), 2µl of insert DNA, 2,5µl of MQ water annealing temp. Was set to 59°C and elongation time is 3 minutes
RE-digest of pcdf-Duet1 and inserts. Products were put on an agarose gel, negative results, very thin, almost transparent bands, pcdf-duet bands did not fit the lenght they should have, digest was discarded
Overnight culture of pcdf-duet1 (twice) and one of pcdf-duet one with OtsB inserted
Colony-PCR and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of all gene-fragments for MCS1 in pCDFDuet-1 (TnaA-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre) for indigo-pathway following protocols #019 and #016. Use of 10µL Dream-taq-Master mix, 10µL MQ water, 0.2µL primers (DuetDown1, ACYCDuet up1). Anealing-temp 52°C, Elongation time 3min. 1.5% agarose-gel used. Results saved as image.
PCR of all gene-fragments (TnaA-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre, XiaI-TnaB, spyXiaI-TnaB, XiaIspy-TnaB) for indigo-pathway following protocol #019. Use of 12.5µL Q5 High Fidelity 2x MasterMix, as primers each 1.25µL of 10µM T7 forward and 10µM T7 terminal, total volume of samples each 25µL. PCR-annealing-temp. 56°C, elongation-time 3min, repeats 30x. Deviation: Incubation of samples in PCR-cycler at 10°C overnight.
Colony-PCR and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of all gene-fragments for MCS1 in pCDFDuet-1 (TnaA-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre) for indigo-pathway following protocols #019 and #016. Use of 10µL Dream-taq-Master mix, 10µL MQ water, 0.2µL primers (DuetDown1, ACYCDuet up1). Anealing-temp 52°C, Elongation time 3min. 1.5% agarose-gel used. Results saved as image.
PCR of all gene-fragments (TnaA-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre, XiaI-TnaB, spyXiaI-TnaB, XiaIspy-TnaB) for indigo-pathway following protocol #019. Use of 12.5µL Q5 High Fidelity 2x MasterMix, as primers each 1.25µL of 10µM T7 forward and 10µM T7 terminal, total volume of samples each 25µL. PCR-annealing-temp. 56°C, elongation-time 3min, repeats 30x. Deviation: Incubation of samples in PCR-cycler at 10°C overnight.
Colony-PCR and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of all gene-fragments for MCS1 in pCDFDuet-1 (TnaA-Fre, snpTnaA-Fre, TnaAsnp-Fre) for indigo-pathway following protocols #019 and #016. Use of 10µL Dream-taq-Master mix, 10µL MQ water, 0.2µL primers (DuetDown1, ACYCDuet up1). Anealing-temp 52°C, Elongation time 3min. 1.5% agarose-gel used. Results: no bands visible except DNA-ladder.
Indigo calibration curve measurement following protocol #023. Results saved as excel-sheet.
MiniPrep of XiaIspy-TnaB (F1) and spyXiaI-TnaB (E3) in pJET1.2 from 16.06.2022 following protocol #008, using 3 mL of each overnight-culture. Deviation: Add 50 µL of MQ H2O to elute. Measured DNA-Conc.: 211.3 ng/µL for XiaIspy-TnaB (F1); 392.2 ng/µL for spyXiaI-TnaB (E3).
Glycerol-stock of XiaIspy-TnaB (F1) and spyXiaI-TnaB (E3) in pJET1.2 in Top10 following protocol #007, using 3 mL for each overnight-culture.
RE Digest of pCDF-Duet and all inserts for MCS1 Folloing protocol #015 sTAF negative
Gel electrophoresis folloing protocol #016 with 1,2% Agarose gel -> negative results
TraFo of pET-Duet following protocol #003 20 and 50µl were spread onto plates
Over night cultures of pcdf, TAF, sTAF, TAsF following protocol #014
RE Disgest of pcdf and all MCS1 inserts folloing protocol #015 sTAF negative
Gel extraction of the samples,using the Jena Bioscience kit, extraordinarily low concentrations
Over night cultures of pcdf duet and the inserts for MCS1 following protocol #014
Tested chloramphenicol amplification 0,72µl of chloramphenicol were aded to an 4ml overnight culture of pcdf. (no growth could be seen the next day)
Mini Prep of over night cultures from 08.07.22 using the zymo research kit
Colony PCR of ligation products from 08.07.22 (wrong primer as used, negative results) using 10µl of buffer, 10µl of water, 0,2µl of primer and bacteria picked from a plate.
RE Digest of pCDF Duet, pET Duet and all of the MCS1 inserts following protocol #015
Gel elctrophoresis was performed following protocol #016 with 1,2% Agarose gel, sTAF negative results
Gel Extraction using the zymo research kit
Liagtion of the extracted bands following protocol #028 (pcdf-TAF, pcdf-TAsF, pet-TAF, pet-TAsF
Trafo according to protocol #003, samples were spinned down and resuspended with 100µl of lb before they were spread out
Colony PCR of the transfomed ligation products from 09.07.22 using 10µl of water, 10µl of buffer, 0,2µl of primer and bacteria picked from the plates. Positive results for pcdf-TAF, pcdf-TAsF and pet-TAF
Control ligation of pET and pCDF without inserts following protocol #028, followed by a TraFo according to protocol #003, samples were spinned down and resuspended ith 100µl of lb before they ere spread out.
sTAF was Ligated into pJET using the thermo scientific cloneJET kit following protocol #024 (to make a new glycerol stock within the next days)
Glycerol-Stock of NEB5alpha with pCDFDuet-1 and TAF/TAsF (from overnight-culture 10.07.22) using 3 mL of each sample, following protocol #007.
Mini-Prep of NEB5alpha with pCDFDuet-1 and TAF/TAsF (from overnight-culture 10.07.22) using 3 mL of each sample (2x each), following protocol #008. Measured DNA-Conc.: TAF s1:194.8 ng/µL; TAF s2:285.2 ng/µL; TAsF s1:41.7 ng/µL; TAsF s2:84.2 ng/µL. Sent to sequencing.
Overnight-culture of NEB5alpha with pCDFDuet-1 and TAF/TAsF following protocol #014. Use of 12 mL LB + 12 µL Spec each. Bacteria came from cPCR-plate (10.07.22)
Mini-Prep of NEB5alpha with pCDFDuet-1 and TAF/TAsF (from overnight-culture 10.07.22) using 3 mL of each sample (2x each), following protocol #008. Deviation: Column didn’t fit, although from same kit, liquid was over filter, needed to lower wash-volume. Measured DNA-Conc.: TAF s1:88.5 ng/µL; TAF s2:26.5 ng/µL; TAsF s1:278.5 ng/µL; TAsF s2:198.9 ng/µL.
RE-digest and agarose-gel-electrophoresis following protocols #015 and #016. Samples: pCDFDuet-1 with TAF, pCDFDuet-1 with TAsF, XTB, sXTB, XsTB. Deviation: Samples were incubated 40 min on ice before loaded on the gel (gel chamber was not available in meantime). Results saved as image. Results as expected, problem: cutted pJET and sXTB/XsTB same length, need to cut pJET in two parts to distinguish next time.
Gel-extraction of samples from agarose-gel-electrophoresis (from 12.07.22) following protocol # . Measured DNA-conc.: pCDFDuet-1 TAF: 16.1 ng/µL; pCDFDuet-1 TAsF: 1 ng/µL; XTB: 56 ng/µL; sXTB (with pJET): 2 ng/µL; XsTB (with pJET): 132.6 ng/µL.
Ligation of pCDF-TAF with XiaI-TnaB, pCDF-TAsF with spyXiaI-TnaB/XiaIspy-TnaB according to protocol #028.
TraFo of the liagtion products according to protocol #003
Overnight cultures of XTB, sXTB, XsTB, pCDF-TAF and pCDF-TAsF
Colony PCR previous days transformants 10µl of Water, 10µl of dream Taq, 0,2 µl of primers and picked colonies were used, afterwards samples were run through a 1,2% agarose gelaccording to protocol #016.
Heat-Shock-TraFo of BL21 with empty pCDFDuet-1 following protocol #003. Use of 1 µL plasmid.
Overnight-cultures of Top10 pJET1.2 sTAF following protocol #014.
Mini-prep of Top10 pJET1.2 with sTAF of overnight-culture (13.07.22) following protocol #008. Measured DNA-conc.: pJET1.2 sTAF s1:86.8 ng/µL; pJET1.2 sTAF s2:177.2 ng/µL.
Glycerol stock of sTAF according to protocol #007
Colony PCR of a plate containing pCDF TAsF-sXTB. 10µl of Water, 10µl of dream Taq, 0,2 µl of primers and picked colonies were used, afterwards samples were run through a 1,2% agarose gelaccording to protocol #016
Restriction enzyme digest of sTAF, pCDF, TAF, TAsF, XTB, sXTB, XsTB was performed according to protocol #015. A third RE (BsaI) was added to the sXTB and XsTB samples as these sequeces have the same length as pJET. BsaI cut pJET into smaler pieces making them distinuishable from the desired inserts
Gel electrophoresis of the digested samples according to protocol #016.
Overnight-cultures of 2x BL21 pCDFDuet-1, Top10 pJET1.2 sTAF, NEB5alpha pCDFDuet-1 TAF/TAsF, Top10 pJET1.2 XTB/sXTB/XsTB following protocol #014.
Preperation of BL21 pCDFDuet-1 for calibration curves with Indigo/Indirubin following protocol #023 to step 7. Indigo 36samples, OD of 200mL:0.807; Indirubin 36samples, OD of 200mL: 0.799.
Mini-Prep of previous days overnight cultures. Deviations: Water for elution was heated in a microwave and left on collums for incubation for 10 minutes
Restriction digest of sTAF, pCDF-Duet, XTB, sXTB, XsTB, pCDF-TAF, pCDF-TAsF. STAF and pCDF-Duet were performed according to protocol #015
XTB, sXTB, XsTB, pCDF-TAF and pCDF-TAsF were digested in two steps. Each sample was treated with one Restriction enzyme during the first step, and then treated with the remaining enzyme(s) in the second step. PCR cleanup was performed inbetween steps according to the kits manual. Additionally, alkaline phosphatase was added to pCDF-TAF and pCDF-TAsF after half an hour of 37°C incubation (in both steps). XTB, sXTB and XsTB were run through an 1,2% agarose gel after the second step together with sTAF and pCDF-Duet. Another PCR cleanup of pCDF-TAF and pCDF-TAsF was performed after the second step and was then put aside for a later ligation.
Gel extraction of XTB, sXTB and XsTB were performed according to the kits manual (sTAF and pCDF had negative results in the agarose gel)
Ligation of pCDF-TAF + XTB, pCDF-TAsF + sXTB and pCDF-TAsF + XsTB was performed according to protocol #028
TraFo of ligation products according to protocol #003. Samples were spinned down and eluated with 100µl of lb before being spread.
RE-digest with PCR-cleanups/agarose-gel-electrophoresis following protocols #015, #016 and #. Deviation: Seperate RE-digest with each RE + alkaline phosphatase for backbones after 1/2h RE-digest.
-Gel extraction of pCDF-Duet, sTAF, sXTB, XsTB according to the kits manual
-Ligation of pCDF-Duet + sTAF, pCDF-TAsF + sXTB/XsTB according to protocol #028
-Trafo of Ligation products into DH5alpha according to protocol #003. Samples were spinned down and resuspended with 100µl of LB before being spread out
Colony PCR and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of TraFo-plates (from 16.07.22) follwing protocols #019 and #016, use of 6 colonies each. Result: Gel run too long, not useful, have to repeat.
Spec. Plates were made according to protocol #004
RE-digest of sTAF and empty pCDFDuet-1 following protocol #015.
ColonyPCR of TraFo-plates (from 15.07.22) following protocol #019, use of 3 colonies each.
Agarose-gel-electrophoresis of RE-digest samples and ColonyPCR samples (18.07.22) following protocol #016. Result saved as image, no inserts --> no successful integration of inserts.
Gel extraction of sTAF and pCDF-Duet according to the kits manual.
Liagation of sTAF + pCDF-Duet according to protocol #028
Trafo of Liagtion products according to protocol #003, 10µl of ligation samples were used
ColonyPCR of NEB5alpha pCDFDuet-1 with sTAF from TraFo-plate (from 18.07.22) following protocol #019, use of 9 colonies.
Agarose-gel-electrophoresis of samples from ColonyPCR (19.07.22) following protocol #016. Samples run too far, not useful, have to repeat.
PCR of MCS 2 inserts with a new primer. The primer has an overhang on its 5’ end that corresponds to the XhoI recognition site. That way, we added a new restriction site to our inserts. According to protocol #019. Deviations: Elongation time: 3 minutes, Annealing temp.: 56°C
Gel electrophoresis according to protocol #016
Gel extraction of XTB, sXTB and XsTB according to the kits manual.
Ligation of the inserts into pJET by using the cloneJET kit by thermo scientific, according to the kits manual
TraFo according to protocol #003
PCR of XTB, sXTB, XsTB with new primer for XhoI-RE-sequence, following protocol #019 (same procedure as on 19.07.22).
PCR-Cleanup of PCR-samples (20.07.22) following protocol #. Use of 25 µL MQ H2O to elute. Measured DNA-conc.: XTB:44.5 ng/µL; sXTB:74.9 ng/µL; XsTB:45.6 ng/µL.
Colony PCR of TraFo products of the previous day. 10µl of Dream Taq, 10µl of Water and 0,2µl of primers (pJET1.2 for/rev) and picked colonies were used. Samples were then loaded onto a Gel and showed positive results for sXTB and XsTB, over night cultures of these samples were made.
RE-digest and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of XTB, sXTB, XsTB (from PCR 20.07.22), pCDFDuet-1 TAF/TAsF, pCDFDuet-1 and sTAF following protocols #015 and #016. Results saved as image. Looking as expected, only sTAF wrong REs were used, uncut this way.
Gel extraction of XTB, sXTB and XsTB according to the kits manual
Ligation of pCDF-TAF + XTB, pCDF-TAsF + sXTB/XsTB according to protocol #028. Ligation of pET-Duet + OtsA for Nikita, also according to protocol #028
TraFo of Ligation products according to protocol #003
Glycerol Stock of sXTB and XsTB with the added re site according to protocol #007
Mini Prep of pCDF-Duet, sXTB and XsTB according to the kits manual
Colony PCR of TraFo products of the previous day (pCDF-TAF + XTB, pCDF-TAsF + sXTB/XsTB), 10µl of Dream Taq, 10µl of Water and 0,2µl of primer (DuetUp2 / T7 Term) and picked colonies have been used. Samples were then loaded onto an agarose gel and showed negative results.
RE-digest of sTAF, pCDFDuet-1, sXTB, XsTB and pCDFDuet-1 TAsF following protocol #016.
- garose-gel-electrophoresis of sTAF, XsTB and sXTB (from RE-digest 21.07.22) following protocol #016. Results saved as image. STAF fine, XsTB and sXTB weird, because no pJET-band and band too small for insert with catcher.
Gel-extraction of sTAF (from gel 21.07.22) following protocol #.
Liagtion of pCDF-Duet and sTAF according to protocol #028
TraFo of ligation products according to protocol #003
Over night cultures of pCDF-TAsF, sXTB and XsTB accodring to protocol #014
Mini Prep of sXTB, XsTB and pCDF-TAsF according to the kits manual
Colony PCR of TraFo products of the previous day (pCDF-Duet and sTAF). 10µl of Water, 10µl of Dream Taq, 0,2µl of primers (ACYCDuetUp1 / DuetDown1) and picked colonies were used. Samples were then loaded onto an agarose gel. Sample 6 showed positive results. An over night culture of this sample was made later that day.
Amplification of MCS 2 inserts, adding the new restriction site to the inserts, according to protocol #019. Deviations Annealing temp. 62°C, Elongation time 3 min.
Restriction Enzyme digest of sXTB, XsTB, pCDF-TAsF (multiple samples, no RE, 1. RE, 2.RE, both REs) according to protocol #015.
Gel electrophoresis of Digested samples according to protocol #016. Positive results for pCDF-TAsF and sXTB.
Gel extraction of sXTB and pCDF-TAsF according to the kits manual.
Liagtion of pCDF-TAsF and XsTB according to protocol #028. Deviations multiple samples were made with differents backbone insert ratios (1/3, 1/5, 1/7). One Part of the samples was directly transformed, the rest was incubated over night at 16°C.
Liagtion of MCS 2 inserts with the new RE site into pJET using the cloneJET kit by thermo scientific, according to the kits manual
TraFo of all Liagtion products accodring to protocol #003
Colony PCR of transformants of the previous day. Scaning for MCS2 inserts. 10µl of Water, 10µl of Water, 0,2µl of primers (DuetUp2/T7Terminal) and picked colonies were used. Samples were loaded onto an agarose gel. Negative results for the ligation products, no bands could be seen, probably a mistake was made while pipetting the primers. Experiment will be repeated the next day. Negative results for the pJET Clones with MCS 2 inserts. Screening other clones the next day.
-Another colony PCR was performed for NIkita, under the same conditions and following the sam protocol. Samples were NEB5alpha pET AB 1/3, DH5alpha pET AB 1/3, Top10 AB 1/3, NEB5alpha pET AB 1/5.
-Over night cultures of TAsF, colony 4 of pJET sXTB and pJET sXTB from a glycerol stock were made, accodring to protocol #014
Mini Prep of pCDF-TAsF and sXTBn according to the kits manual
Overnight cultures of pCDF-Duet DH5alpha and pET-Duet AB Top 10 (from a colony pCR of the previous day. (for Nikita)
RE Digest of pCDF-TAsF, pCDF-sTAF and sXTBn following protocol #015. Alkaline phosphatase was added after half an hour of incubation on the heat block. -Gel electrophoresis of the digested samples according to protocol #016.
Gel extraction of pCDF-TAsF, pCDF-sTAF and sXTBn according to the kits manual. DNA was eluated into wash buffer by accident. The column was then transfered to a fresh eppi and DNA was eluated again. Eluation has appeared to be succesful after checking the DNA concentration on a Nanodrop.
Ligation of pCDF-TAsF + sXTBn, pCDF-sTAF + sXTBn and a control ligation without insert. According to protocol #028
Trafo of the ligation products according to protocol #003
ColonyPCR and following agarose-gel-electrophoresis of NEB5alpha with pCDFDuet-1-TAsF-sXTB, with pCDFDuet-1-sTAF-sXTB, Top 10 with pJET1.2-XTB and Top10 with pJET1.2-XsTB, following protocol #019. Result: No bands except DNA-ladder, propably ColonyPCR went wrong (maybe too little primer-volumes in samples, because pipette-tips were bad), have to repeat.
cPCR of pCDF-Duet C/N, pCDF-Duet N/N, XTB and XsTB. 10µl of Dream taq master mix, 10µl of water, 0,2µl of primers (Duet Up2, T7 Terminal) and picked colonies were used.
Restriction enzyme digest of pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF and sXTBn according to protocol #015, alkaline phosphatase has been aded to the pCDF samples after half an hour of incubation. Another digest for Nikita was performed with pCDF-Duet and pET-Duet.
DNA-ligation of pCDFDuet-1-sTAF with sXTB, as well as pCDFDuet-1-TAsF with sXTB (from RE-digest 26.07.22), following protocol #028.
HeatShock-TraFo following protocol #003, with pCDFDuet-1-sTAF-sXTB, pCDFDuet-1-TAsF-sXTB (from ligation 26.07.22, and repeated from ligation 24.07.22). Use of 10 µL NEB5alpha with 1 µL of ligation-mixture each.
Overnight-cultures of pCDFDuet-1 sTAF (6 mL sample), Bl21 (4 mL) and Bl21 with pCDFDuet-1 (4 mL), following protocol #014.
MiniPrep of NEB5alpha pCDFDuet1 sTAF , following protocol #008. Use of 4 mL of overnight-culture (from 26.07.2022). Eluted in 25 yL MQ H2O. Measured DNA-conc.: 70.5 ng/yL.
Colony-PCR of pCDFDuet1 sTAF-sXTB / TasF sXTB and Nikitas sample (pCDFDuet1 otsA+otsB), following protocol #019. Use of 6 colonies each. Result: No insert. Probably too much religation, test with different AP-conc and more colonyPCR to avoid bad luck. Result saved as image, looking as expected.
Restriction enzyme digest of pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF, sXTBn according to protocol #015, alkaline phosphatase has been added after half an hour of incubation. Samples were then loaded onto a gel.
Gel extraction of the digested samples according to the kits manual
Ligation of pCDF-sTAF + sXTBn and pCDF-TAsF+sXTBn according to protocol #028
Trafo of the ligation protocols according to protocol #003
RE-digest and agarose-gel-rlectrophoresis of pCDFDuet1 with TasF, and sXTB. Result saved as image, bands as expected.
Gel-extraction of pCDFDuet1 TasF and sXTB, according to manufacturers protocol. Eluted in 30 yL MQ H2O. Measured DNA-conc.: pCDFDuet1 TasF1: 2 ng/yL; pCDFDuet1 TasF2: 30.5 ng/yL; sXTB: 33.7 ng/yL.
DNA-ligation of pCDFDuet1 TasF with sXTB following protocol #028.
cPCR of C/N, N/N, XTBn and XsTBn. 10µl of Dream taq master mix, 10µl of water, 0,2µl of Primers (pJET1.2 for, pJET1.2 rev) and picked colonies were used.
Over night cultures of sXTBn, XsTBn, pCDF-TAsF, pCDF-sTAF and pCDF-AB (for Nikita) according to protocol #014
Mini preps of the previous days overnight cultures according to the kits manual
Glycerol stock of pCDF-AB (for Nikita) according to protocol #007
cPCR of XTB, XsTB and pCDF-C/N. 10µl of dream taq master mix, 10µl of water, 0,2µl of primers (pJET1.2 for, pJET1.2 rev for XTBn and XsTBn / Duet Up2 and T7 terminal for pCDF-C/N)
Agarose-gel-electrophoration of ColoyPCR-samples (from 29.07.22) following protocol #016. Results saved as image, no insert in ”C”, maybe in ”A” and ”B”.
Overnight-culture of proposed pJET1.2 XTB/XsTB in Top10 from colonyPCR (29.07.22), following protocol #014. Colonies used: A7 and B3.
Restriction enzyme digest and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF, sXTBn, XsTBn and pCDF-AB (for Nikita) according to protocol #015, alkaline phosphatase was added to pCDF- containing samples after half an hour of incubation. Deviations: pCDF-sTAF and pCDF-TAsF were digested in two steps. The samples were treated with only one enzyme during each step. Samples were incubated for one hour per step and alkaline phosphatase was added after half an hour of incubation during both steps
Gel-extraction of pCDFDuet1 sTAF, pCDFDuet1 TasF and XsTB (from agarose-gel 29.07.22), following manufactorers protocol.
Measured DNA-conc.: pCDF sTAF: 15.3 ng/yL; pCDF TasF: 5.1 ng/yL; XsTB: 22.2 ng/yL.
DNA-ligation of pCDFDuet1 sTAF with XsTB, pCDFDuet1 TasF with XsTB, and N/O control, following protocol #028.
HeatShockTraFo of NEB5alpha with pCDF sTAF-XsTB, pCDF TasF-XsTB and pCDF sTAF-N/O (from 29.07.22). Use of 16.5 yL NEB5alpha with 1.65 yL ligation mix.
ColonyPCR of NEB5alpha with pCDFDuet1 TQsF-sXTB (from plate of 28.07.22), following protocol #019.
Glycerol stock of XTBn according to protocol #007
Mini prep of XTBn according to the kits manual
RE Digest XTBn and sXTBn according to protocol #015, samples were then loaded onto a gel to compare their sizes. XTBn turned out to be shorter than it should be, so the glycerol stock that was made this day was discarded.
Over night cultures of BL21 (without transformed plasmid) and BL21 pCDF-duet according to protocol #014
RE digest of pCDF-TAsF and sXTBn according to protocol #015. Deviations: different pCDF-TAsF samples were prepared, one without REs, one with only NdeI, one with only XhoI and one with both enzymes at the same time. Samples were loaded onto a 1,2% agarose gel and showed expected results. Additionally, two samples of pCDF-TAsF were digested to check, wheter both enzymes work in pCDF-TAsF at the same time (one digested samples and one control sample without addition of restriction enzymes). Samples were digested in two steps, with one enzyme in the first step and the other one in the second step. Each step consists of a full digest according to protocol #015. PCR cleanup was performed inbeteween steps and alkaline phosphatase was added. Samples were then loaded onto a 5% agarose gel. No band could be seen, indicating that the two enzymes apparently do not work at the same time. However, digest earlier that day showed expected results, the double digested band even appeared to run lower than the single digested bands. Assumption: alkaline phosphatase interferes with the REs activitiy
cPCR of pCDF-AB and XTBn according to protocol #019
Gel extraction of pCDF-TAsF and sXTB following manufacturers protocol.
Liagtion of pCDF-TAsF with sXTB following protocol #028.
Over night cultures of sample A6(from colony pcr of pCDF-TAsF), BL21 (without transformed plasmid) and BL21 pCDF-Duet according to protocol #014
TraFo of pCDF-TAsF controll and pCDF-TAsF-SXTB according to protocol #003
RE Digest of pCDF-sTAF and pCDF-sTAF control without REs according to #015
Samples were then loaded onto a 5% gel to see whether the fragment between the RE sites is cut out. Unclear results.
Mini prep of pCDF-TAsF, pCDF-sTAF, sXTBn and XsTB according to the kits manual
-samples were then loaded onto a gel and extracted from the gel according to the kits manual.
Liagtion of pCDF-sTAF + sXTBn and pCDF-sTAF + XsTBn according to protocol #028. PCDF-sTAF + XsTBn was ligated without the addition of Ligase.
ColonyPCR of pCDF-TAsF-sXTB following protocol #019.
Agarose-gel-electrophoresis of ColonyPCR-samples (01.08.2022), following protocol #016.
PCR of XTBn with new primer for XhoI-sequence integration, following protocol #019.
Ligation of XTBn with pJET1.2 following protocol #024.
ColonyPCR of Top10 with pCDFDuet1-TAsF-sXTB (from ligation 02.08.2022) and from NEB5alpha with pCDFDuet1 sTAF-sXTB, following protocol #019.
RE Digest of pCDF-sTAF + sXTBn (no results here), pCDF-Duet, sXTBn and pCDF-TAsF according to protocol #015.
Gel-extraction of RE-digest-samples (03.08.2022), according to manufactorers protocol. Measured DNA-conc: pCDF-TAsF 9.3 ng/µL; pCDF empty 14.3 ng/µL; sXTB 11.5 ng/µL.
Ligation of pCDF-TAsF and pCDF empty with sXTB seperately, following protocol #028. Deviations: liagtion was performed over night in a heatblock set on 16°C
RE Digest of sXTBn, pCDF-TAsF, pCDF-sTAF, XsTBn and pCDF-duet according to protocol #015.
Gel extraction of digested samples according to the kits manual.
Liagtion of pCDF-sTAF + sXTBn, pCDF-TAsF + XsTBn and pCDF-Duet + sXTBn according to protocol #028. Deviations: liagtion was performed over night in a heatblock set on 16°C
Heat-shock-TraFo of pCDF-TAsF-sXTB /pCDF-sXTB in NEB5alpha seperately, following protocol #003.
ColonyPCR of NEB5alpha with pCDF-sXTB and NEB5alpha with pCDF-TAsF-sXTB, following protocol #019. Result saved as image. Colonies with insert: A12, B5, B10, B11 and B12.
RE digest of pCDF-duet, pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF, sXTBn and XsTBn according to protocol #015
Agarose-gel-electrophoresis of RE-digest-samples (05.08.22), following protocol #016.
Gel extraction of the digested samples according to the kits manual
Ligation of pCDF-sTAF + sXTBn and pCDF-sTAF + XsTBn according to protocol #028. Deviation :Samples were ligated over night.
Overnight-cultures of ColonyPCR samples with insert (05.08.2022), following protocol #014.
Qualitative test-induction of NEB5alpha with pCDF-TAsF-sXTB (B5 from overnight-culture 05.08.22), following protocol # . Result: no color change, no indigo production. Need to use BL21 for production, NEB5alpha doesn’t work for that.
Stock-solution of L-Trytophan, by diluting 0.2554 g L-Trp in 25 mL MQ H2O (stock solution with c = 49.95 mM). Transfered in 1 mL eppis and stored at –20 °C.
Glycerol stocks of NEB5alpha with pCDF-TAsF-sXTB samples (B5,B10,B11,B12 from overnight-culture 05.08.22), following protocol #014.
HeatShock-TraFo of pCDF-sTAF-sXTB and pCDF-sTAF-XsTB seperately in NEB5alpha, following protocol #003. Result: Bacteria grew to fast, bacterial lawn.
Mini-Prep of NEB5alpha pCDF-sTAF-sXTB samples (B5,B10,B11,B12 from overnight-culture 05.08.22), following manufacturers protocol. Measured DNA-conc.: B5 159.8 ng/µL; B10 80.5 ng/µL; B11 254.1 ng/µL(curve looked bad); B12 58.1 ng/µL.
Cultures for indiction were prepared of the samples B5, B10, B11 and B12 (pCDF-TAsF-sXTB). 4ml of LB, 4µl of Spectinomycin and bacteria taken from a glycerol stock were used.
Trafo of pCDF-sTAF-sXTB and pCDF-sTAF-XsTB according to protocol #003
Induction of the samples B5, B10, B11 and B12. All samples were induced in two different approaches. One set of samples was induced with 4µl of 1mM IPTG and the other samples were induced with 0,32µl of IPTG diluted with 3 volumes of water for one volume of 1mM IPTG solution. After one hour 0,4µl of L-Tryptophan were added to all samples
Re Digest of pCDF-TAsF, pCDF-sTAF, sXTBn and XsTBn according to protocol #015
-Gel extraction of pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF, sXTBn and XsTBn, according to the kits manual.
- DNA-ligation of extracted samples (09.08.22). Following protocol #028. Deviation: Overnight-ligation at 16 °C.
Colony PCR of XTBn according to protocol #019
-Induction test of sample B5 according to protocol #023 (until step 5). Bacteria was added to the 200ml flask at 11:15. At 14:10 an OD of 0,819 was reached. No indigo was produced after several hours. The used strain was NEB5alpha, lack of production was probably due to the use of the wrong strain.
-TraFo of pCDF-TAsF-sXTB into BL21 and sTAF-sXTB, TAsF-XsTB, sTAF-XsTB into NEB5alpha.
-PCR of XTB to amplify it with the addition of XhoI restriction site according to protocol #019. Deviation: A gradient was used, starting at 62°C and ending at 67°C. Samples were then loaded onto a gel
-Gel extraction of de amplified sample with the required length according to the kits manual
-Ligation of the extracted sample into pJET using the CloneJet kit by thermo scientific. According to the kits manual
-TraFo of the ligated samples into Top10 according to protocol #003
Colony PCR of TAsF-XsTB, sTAF-XsTB, sTAF-sXTB, pJET-XTBn and RE-TraFo-TAsF-sXTB according to protocol#019. Samples were then loaded onto a gel. Positive results for pJET-XTBn and the RE-TraFo
-Over night cultures of pJET XTBn and TAsF-sXTB (BL21) according to protocol #014
- Qualitative production test of Indigo/Indirubin with BL21 pCDF-TAsF-sXTB (E1 from ColonyPCR of 11.08.22), following protocol # . OD = 0.808, when inducing with IPTG. Sample got blue overnight (after 10-18h).
- Glycerol-stock of Top10 pJET1.2 XTBn and BL21 pCDF-TAsF-sXTB, following protocol #007.
-Colony PCR of TAsF-XsTB, sTAF-XsTB and sTAF-sXTB according to protocol #019. Samples were then loaded onto a gel, no positive results.
- Calibration curve of Indirubin, following protocol #023. Result saved as excel.
-Over night cultures of XTBn according to protocol #014
-RE digest and agarose-gel-electrophoresis of pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF, sXTBn and XsTBn according to protocols #015 and #016.
- Gel-extraction of gel-samples (13.08.22) following manufacturers protocol.
- DNA-ligation of pCDF-sTAF / pCDF-TAsF with XsTB each, following protocol #028. Deviation: Overnight-ligatio n at 14 °C.
-Gibson assembly of mVenus + otsA + otsB for Nikita according to protocol #020
-TraFo of pCDF-otsAB and the Gibson assembled DNA into NEB5alpha according to protocol #003.
- Overnight-culture of Top10 with pJET1.2 XTBn, following protocol #014. Added Spec instead of Amp, nothing grew. Have to repeat.
- TraFo of pCDF-sTAF-XsTB /pCDF-TAsF-XsTB in NEB5alpha, following protocol #003.
- Overnight-culture of Top10 with pJET1.2 XTBn, following protocol #014.
-RE Digest of pCDF-TAF, pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF, XTB, sXTB and XsTB according to protocol #015.
-Over night cultures of all pCDF-TAF and XTB constructs, two pCDF-TAsF-sXTB (in BL21) according to protocol #014
Inductiontest of pCDF-TAsF-sXTBaccording to protocol #023 (until step 5). Deviations: addition of L-Cystein to produceindirubin
Glycerol stock of XTBn according to protocol #007
-Mini prep of XTBn according to the kits manual
-Growing bacteria for callibration curve according to protocol #023. Bacteria was aliquoted and frozen.
-RE digest of pCDF-TAF, pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF, XTBn, sXTBn and XsTBn according to protocol #015
TraFo of sTAF-sXTBn, TAsF-XsTBn and sTAF-XsTB into NEB5alpha according to protocol #003
-Over night cultures of pCDF-TAF, pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF and XsTB according to protocol #014
-cPCR of sTAF-XsTB, sTAF-sXTB and TAsF-XsTB according to protocol #019. No positive results
-Mini prep of XsTBn, pCDF-TAF, pCDF-sTAF and pCDF-TAsF according to the kits manual
-RE digest of pCDF-TAF, pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF, XTBn, sXTBn, and XsTBn according to protocol #015.
-Callibration curve for indigo according to protocol #023.
-Gel extraction of pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF adn XsTBn acoording to the kits manual.
-Ligation of pCDF-sTAF + XsTBn and pCDF-TAsF + XsTBn according to protocol #028. Deviations: Samples were ligated over night at 16°C
-Over night cultures of XTBn, sXTBn and colony 13 (for Nikita) according to protocol #014
-TraFo of sTAF-XsTBn and TAsF-XsTBn into NEB5alpha according to protocol #003
-Mini Prep of sXTBn and XTBn according to the kits manual
-Re digest of pCDF-TAF, pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF, XTBn (samples were taken from all DNA aliquods we had. DNA from each aliquod was digested in a different sample, so there were three different samples in which XTBn was digested), sXTBn and XsTBn according to protocol#015. All XTBn digests showed unexpexted band lenghts, so I think that the re site for XhoI has not been added to the fragment during amplification. Amplificatuon will be repeated over the next days.
-Gel extraction of pCDF-sTAF, pCDF-TAsF, sXTB and XsTBn according to the kits manual.
Liagtion of pCDF-sTAF + sXTBn/XsTBn and pCDF-TAsF + XsTBn according to protocol #028. Deviations: Samples were ligated over night at 16°C
-Amplification of XTBn to add XhoI according to protocol #019. Deviations: A gradient was used, temperature was raised after each cycle by 0,5°C for the first 12 cycles, the remaining 18 cycles were performed at 68°C. Samples were then loaded onto a gel to see whether amplification was successful. No positive results.
-Colony PCR of sTAF-XsTB and TAsF-XsTB according to protocol #019, no positive results
-TraFo of sTAF-sXTB, sTAF-XsTB and TAsF-XsTB into NEB5alpha according to protocol #003
-colony PCR sTAF-XsTB, sTAF-sXTB and TAsF-XsTB according to protocol #019, positive results for sTAF-sXTB and TAsF-XsTB.
-Overnight cultures of BL21 pCDF-TAsF-sXTB in 4ml x6, NEB5alpha-sTAF-sXTB in 10ml and NEB5alpha-TAsF-XsTB in 10 ml according to protocol #014
-Glycerol stock of sTAF-sXTB and TAsF-XsTB according to protocol #007
-Mini prep of sTAF-sXTB, TAsF-XsTB and pBbA2C(for nikita) according to the kits manual
-colony PCR of sTAF-XsTB according to protocol #019
-Production assay of Indigo with TAsF-sXTB (BL21) with different concentrations of IPTG (0mM, 0,005mM, 0,01mM, 0,02mM, 0,03mM, 0,04mM and 0,08mM) according to protocol #023
-Production assay with Bl21/TAsF-sXTB according to protocol #023. 5 conditions with different L-Tryptophan concentrations were tested (as triplicates). Conditions were 0mM, 2,5mM, 5mM, 7,5mM and 10mM.
We did a PCR with the DreamTaq polymerase. Having two samples from each condotion.We cloned XTB and XsTB out of their pJet1.2 backbone and We open pCDF-Duet-1 with TAF and pCDF-Duet-1 with sTAF. We used following PCR protocoll:
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF | pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF | XTB | XsTB |
10µl DreamTaq MasterMix | 10µl DreamTaq MasterMix | 10µl DreamTaq MasterMix | 10µl DreamTaq MasterMix |
10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 |
1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+TAF | 1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+sTAF | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XTB | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XsTB |
0.4µl opening primer 1 | 0.4µl opening primer1 | 0.4 µl XTBnc1 primer | 0.4 µl XTBnc1 prime |
0.4µl opening primer 2 | 0.4µl opening primer2 | 0.4 µl XTBnc2 prime | 0.4 µl XTBnc2 prime |
The DNA had following concentrations:
pCDF-Duet+TAF: 227ng/µl
pCDF-Duet+sTAF: 109.7ng/µl
pJet 1.2 +XTB: 610ng/µl
PJet1.2 +XsTB: 163ng/µl
We used following cucler settings:
Temperature | Duration | |
Initial denaturation | 98°C | 00.30 min |
Denaturation | 98°C | 00.15 min |
Annealing | 60°C | 00.30 min |
Elongation | 72°C | 03.00 min |
Final elongation | 72°C | 10.00 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. with 50ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 0.5µl of Midori green.
We did a PCR with the KOD HotStart polymerase. Having two samples from each condotion.We cloned XTB and XsTB out of their pJet1.2 backbone and We open pCDF-Duet-1 with TAF and pCDF-Duet-1 with sTAF. We used following PCR protocoll:
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF | pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF | XTB | XsTB |
10µl KOD MasterMix | 10µl KOD MasterMix | 10µl KOD MasterMix | 10µl KOD MasterMix |
10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 |
1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+TAF | 1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+sTAF | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XTB | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XsTB |
0.6µl opening primer 1 | 0.6µl opening primer1 | 0.6 µl XTBnc1 primer | 0.6 µl XTBnc1 prime |
0.6µl opening primer 2 | 0.6µl opening primer2 | 0.6 µl XTBnc2 prime | 0.6 µl XTBnc2 prime |
The DNA had the same concentration as yesterday.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. with 50ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 0.5µl of Midori green.
We did a PCR with the Hifi polymerase by JenaBioscience . Having two samples from each condotion.We cloned XTB and XsTB out of their pJet1.2 backbone and We open pCDF-Duet-1 with TAF and pCDF-Duet-1 with sTAF. We used following PCR protocoll:
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF | pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF | XTB | XsTB |
2.5µl HiFi Polymerase buffer | 2.5µl HiFi Polymerase buffer | 2.5µl HiFi Polymerase buffer | 2.5µl HiFi Polymerase buffer |
13.25µl ddH20 | 12.95µl ddH20 | 13.55µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 |
0.5µl DNA pCDF-Duet+TAF | 0.8µl DNA pCDF-Duet+sTAF | 0.2µl DNA pJet1.2 XTB | 0.5µl DNA pJet1.2 XsTB |
1.25µl opening primer 1 | 1.25µl opening primer1 | 1.25 µl XTBnc1 primer | 1.25 µl XTBnc1 prime |
1.25µl opening primer 2 | 1.25µl opening primer2 | 1.25 µl XTBnc2 prime | 1.25 µl XTBnc2 prime |
1µl 10mM dNTPs | 1µl 10mM dNTPs | 1µl 10mM dNTPs | 1µl 10mM dNTPs |
0.25µl hifi Polymerase | 0.25µl hifi Polymerase | 0.25µl hifi Polymerase | 0.25µl hifi Polymerase |
The DNA had the same concentration as yesterday.
Temperature | Duration | |
Initial denaturation | 95°C | 2:00 min |
Denaturation | 95°C | 0:20 min |
Annealing | Gradient 50°C-55°C for XTB and XsTB and a Gradient 57.4-61°C for TAF and sTAF | 0:30 min |
Elongation | 68°C | 6:00 min |
Final elongation | 68°C | 6:00 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With two gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green.
We diluted the DNA into following concentrations:
pJet1.2 + XTB: 16ng/µl
pJet1.2 + XsTB: 16.7ng/µl
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF: 15.8ng/µl
pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF: 11.4ng/µl
We did a PCR with Q5 Polymerase by mixing a MasterMix with following ingredients:
120µl of Q5Reaction Buffer, 12µl of 10mM dNTPs and6µl of Q5 Polymerase. This Mix was divided into 4 eppis. In every eppi we added 6µl of DNA (pCDF-Duet+TAF, pCDF-Duet+sTAF, pJet+XTB and pJet+XsTB with the concentrations of today). Into the XTB and XsTB eppi 7.5µl of XTBnc1 and XTBnc2. Into the TAF and sTAF eppi we added 7.5µl of oppenin primer 1 and opening primer 2. After that in every PCR tube there were added 10µl of this MasterMix and 10µl ddH2O.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With two gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green. None of the gels worked.
-Evaluation of the L-Tryptophan concentration assay and IPTG concentration assay in a plate reader.
We did a PCR with Q5 Polymerase. We used following ingredients:
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF | pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF | XTB | XsTB |
5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer |
10.5(5.5 if GC Enhancer added)µl ddH20 | 10.5 (5.5 if GC Enhancer added) µl ddH20 | 10.5 (5.5 if GC Enhancer added) µl ddH20 | 10.5 (5.5 if GC Enhancer added) µl ddH20 |
1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+TAF | 1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+sTAF | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XTB | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XsTB |
1.25µl opening primer 1 | 1.25µl opening primer1 | 1.25 µl XTBnc1 primer | 1.25 µl XTBnc1 prime |
1.25µl opening primer 2 | 1.25µl opening primer2 | 1.25 µl XTBnc2 prime | 1.25 µl XTBnc2 prime |
0.5µl 10mM dNTPs | 0.5µl 10mM dNTPs | 0.5µl 10mM dNTPs | 0.5µl 10mM dNTPs |
0.5µl Q5 Polymerase | 0.5µl Q5 Polymerase | 0.5µl Q5 Polymerase | 0.5µl Q5 Polymerase |
(5µl GC Ehancer) | (5µl GC Ehancer)
| (5µl GC Ehancer)
| (5µl GC Ehancer)
The DNA had the concentration like it was diluted on the 04.09.2022.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With two gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green.
We did a PCR with the KOD HotStart polymerase. We used following PCR protocoll:
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF | pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF | XTB | XsTB |
10µl KOD MasterMix | 10µl KOD MasterMix | 10µl KOD MasterMix | 10µl KOD MasterMix |
10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 |
1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+TAF | 1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+sTAF | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XTB | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XsTB |
0.75µl opening primer 1 | 0.75µl opening primer1 | 0.75 µl XTBnc1 primer | 0.75 µl XTBnc1 prime |
0.75µl opening primer 2 | 0.75µl opening primer2 | 0.75 µl XTBnc2 prime | 0.75 µl XTBnc2 prime |
The DNA had the concentration like it was diluted on the 04.09.2022.
| Temperature | Duration |
Initial denaturation | 95°C | 2:00 min |
Denaturation | 95°C | 0:20 min |
Annealing | 62°C | 0:10 min |
Elongation | 70°C | 3:00 min |
Final elongation | 70°C | 0:10 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
-Growth curves of Bl21, Bl21 with the BMC plasmid and Bl21 with TAsF-sXTB. Samples were grown in LB with corresponding antibiotics. OD was measured every hour using a Nano Drop. Upon reaching the exponantial phase, OD was measured every 30 minutes until growth started to plateu again, then sampeles were taken every hour again.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With one gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green.
We did a PCR with the HiFi Polymerase by JenaBioscience. With following protocol:
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF | pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF | XTB | XsTB |
2.5µl HiFi Polymerase buffer | 2.5µl HiFi Polymerase buffer | 2.5µl HiFi Polymerase buffer | 2.5µl HiFi Polymerase buffer |
17.25µl ddH20 | 17.25µl ddH20 | 17.25µl ddH20 | 17.25µl ddH20 |
1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+TAF | 1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+sTAF | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XTB | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XsTB |
1.25µl opening primer 1 | 1.25µl opening primer1 | 1.25 µl XTBnc1 primer | 1.25 µl XTBnc1 prime |
1.25µl opening primer 2 | 1.25µl opening primer2 | 1.25 µl XTBnc2 prime | 1.25 µl XTBnc2 prime |
1µl 10mM dNTPs | 1µl 10mM dNTPs | 1µl 10mM dNTPs | 1µl 10mM dNTPs |
0.25µl hifi Polymerase | 0.25µl hifi Polymerase | 0.25µl hifi Polymerase | 0.25µl hifi Polymerase |
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With one gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green.
I measured the concentration of the DNA again and got following concentration:
pJet1.2 + XTB: 16.4ng/µl
pJet1.2 + XsTB: 18ng/µl
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF: 12ng/µl
pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF: 11.8ng/µl
We did a PCR with the KOD HotStart polymerase. We used following PCR protocoll:
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF | pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF | XTB | XsTB |
10µl KOD MasterMix | 10µl KOD MasterMix | 10µl KOD MasterMix | 10µl KOD MasterMix |
10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 | 10µl ddH20 |
1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+TAF | 1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+sTAF | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XTB | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XsTB |
0.75µl opening primer 1 | 0.75µl opening primer1 | 0.75 µl XTBnc1 primer | 0.75 µl XTBnc1 prime |
0.75µl opening primer 2 | 0.75µl opening primer2 | 0.75 µl XTBnc2 prime | 0.75 µl XTBnc2 prime |
The DNA had the concentration like it was diluted on the 09.09.2022.
| Temperature | Duration |
Initial denaturation | 95°C | 2:00 min |
Denaturation | 95°C | 0:20 min |
Annealing | 54°C for XTB/XsTB 48°C for TAF/sTAF | 0:10 min |
Elongation | 70°C | 3:00 min for TAF/sTAF 1:00 min for XTB/XsTB |
Final elongation | 70°C | 0:10 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With one gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green.
-Production assay of Indirubin according to protocol #023. 2,5mM L-Tryptophan was used 0,07g of L-Cystein was added. 5 Conditions were tested (in triplicates). One sample contained only Bl21 with TAsF-sXTB (this sample as induced with 0,1mM IPTG) while the other samples contained the BMC plasmid in addition to TAsF-sXTB. The BMC/TAsF-sXTB samples were induced with 0mM, 0,04mM, 0,1mM or 0,2mM IPTG. Deviations: Bl21 TAsF-sXTB had to be diluted by 50% before inducion as this sample grew faster than the other ones.
Additionally a small partion of these samples was used to make a growth curve of all conditions/constructs. Samples were diluted to an OD of 0,1 in a 96-wellplate. The lid of the wellplate wasa treated with Triton to prevent the emergance of condensation. The well plate was then put into, a platereader. Od was measuered for 20 hours while gently shaking at 30°C. OD was measured every 20 minutes.
-Calibration curve with Indigo according to protocol #023. Deviations: Dilutions for 45mM, 35mM, 25mM, 15mM and 5mM were made.
We did a Gibbson like in protocol #034. We used DNA for which the PCR, the gelelectrophoresis and gelextraction was made by the Technical Assistant from the Toolbox of the Signalhaus.
The DNA was mixed as followes:
10µl HiFi NEB DNA Assembly | 10µl HiFi NEB DNA Assembly |
3.5µl pCDF-Duet+TAF | 3.0µl pCDF-Duet+sTAF |
0.8µl XTB | 1.9µl XsTB |
5.7µl ddH20 | 5.1µl ddH20 |
We made a heatshock traffold like in protocol #003 into DH5α. Using 2.5µl from each gibbson.
We did a colony PCR like in protocol #019. We used colonies from the Gibbson from the 14.09.2022. We used the Primer DuetUP2 and T7 Term with an annealing temperature of 52°C.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With two gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green. And one small gel with 50ml with 1.2% Agarose and 0.5µl MidoriGreen.
We did a miniprep like in the protocol #005. From the overnight culture with DH5α with eather pCDF-Duet+TAF+XTB or pCDF-Duet+sTAF+XsTB. We got following concentrations:
pCDF-Duet+TAF+XTB: 90ng/µl
pCDF-Duet+sTAF+XsTB: 75ng/µl
Spec. Stocks according to protocol #010
-Production asssay according to protocol #23 with 4 different conditions. Each condition was performed in triplicates. Tested conditions were TAsF-sXTB+BMC 0,04mM IPTG, TAsF-sXTB+empty BMC plamid 0,1 mM IPTG, TAsF-sXTB+BMC 0,1mM IPTG and TAsF-sXTB 0,1 mM IPTG. 2,5mM of L-Tryptophan were added to each sample just as 0,07 g of L-Cystein to achieve a production shift towards Indirubin. Measurements were started 24h after induction and 9 samples were taken from each flask in intervalls of 6 hours. The assay was finished on Sunday the 25th.
-Growth curve of all samples that were used in the production assay. Growth curve was performed in two seperate experiments. In the first experiment samples were taken after the addition of L-Tryptophan and L-Cystein and then diluted in a 96-well plate to have an OD of 0,1 (samples were diluted using stock solutions that contain the same amount of IPTG, L-Tryptophan, L-Cystein and antibiotics as the samples). Afterwards the plate was put into a plate reader where the OD was constantly measured at room temperature for 24 hours. In the second experiment, 1ml samples were taken every hour from each flask and the OD was measured in a quevette using a NanoDrop. OD was measured for _______hours that way
We did a PCR with the Q5 polymerase by following protocol:
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF | pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF | XTB | XsTB |
5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer |
15.5µl ddH20 | 15.5µl ddH20 | 15.5µl ddH20 | 15.5µl ddH20 |
1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+TAF | 1µl DNA pCDF-Duet+sTAF | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XTB | 1µl DNA pJet1.2 XsTB |
1.25µl opening primer 1 | 1.25µl opening primer1 | 1.25 µl XTBnc1 primer | 1.25 µl XTBnc1 prime |
1.25µl opening primer 2 | 1.25µl opening primer2 | 1.25 µl XTBnc2 prime | 1.25 µl XTBnc2 prime |
0.5µl 10mM dNTPs | 0.5µl 10mM dNTPs | 0.5µl 10mM dNTPs | 0.5µl 10mM dNTPs |
0.25µl Q5 Polymerase | 0.25µl Q5 Polymerase | 0.25µl Q5 Polymerase | 0.25µl Q5 Polymerase |
(5µl GC Ehancer) | (5µl GC Ehancer)
| (5µl GC Ehancer)
| (5µl GC Ehancer)
We did this PCR with following DNA:
PCR Fragment1 XTB: 10.1ng/µl
PCR Fragment2 XTB: 13ng/µl
pJet1.2+XsTb 1: 16.7ng/µl
pJet1.2+XsTb 2: 16.9ng/µl
pJet1.2+XsTb 3: 12.75ng/µl
pCDF-Duet+sTAF 1
pCDF-Duet+sTAF 2
pCDF-Duet+TAF 1
pCDF-Duet+TAF 2
| Temperature | Duration |
Initial denaturation | 98°C | 0:30 min |
Denaturation | 98°C | 0:10 min |
Annealing | 53°C for the vector samples 61°C for the insert samples | 0:30 min |
Elongation | 72°C | 3:30 min |
Final elongation | 72°C | 10:00 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With two gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green.
We did a PCR with the Q5 polymerase testing three differen condition with every construct:
With DMSO | With GC-Enhancer | Normal condition |
15.5µl ddH20 | 10.5µl ddH20 | 16µl ddH20 |
0.5µl DMSO |
| 5µl GC Enhancer |
5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer |
1.25µl FOR Primer | 1.25µl FOR Primer | 1.25µl FOR Primer |
1.25µl REV Primer | 1.25µl REV Primer | 1.25µl REV Primer |
0.5µl 10mM dNTPs | 0.5µl 10mM dNTPs | 0.5µl 10mM dNTPs |
1µl DNA | 1µl DNA | 1µl DNA |
0.25µl Q5 polymerase | 0.25µl Q5 polymerase | 0.25µl Q5 polymerase |
The DNA concentration were used:
pJet1.2+XTB: 16ng/µl
pJet1.2+XsTb 1: 16.7ng/µl
pCDF-Duet-1+TAF: 15.8ng/µl
pCDF-Duet-1+sTAF: 11.4ng/µl
For XTB/XsTB XTBnc1/2 were used and for pCDF-Duet+TAF/sTAF opening primer 1/ 2 were used.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With two gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green.
We did a PCR with the Q5. We tested different conditions with all the constructs.
New DNA with 2%DMSO | With 2%DMSO | With 5%DMSO |
15.5µl ddH20 | 15.5µl ddH20 | 14.75µl ddH20 |
5µl Q5ReactionBuffer | 5µl Q5ReactionBuffer | 5µl Q5ReactionBuffer |
0.5ml 10mM dNTPS | 0.5ml 10mM dNTPS | 0.5ml 10mM dNTPS |
1.25µl XTBnc1 Primer | 1.25µl XTBnc1 Primer | 1.25µl XTBnc1 Primer |
1.25µl XTBnc2 Primer | 1.25µl XTBnc2 Primer | 1.25µl XTBnc2 Primer |
0.5µl 100% DMSO | 0.5µl 100% DMSO | 1.25µl 100% DMSO |
0.25µl Q5 polymerase | 0.25µl Q5 polymerase | 0.25µl Q5 polymerase |
1.5µl DNA with 28.5ng/µl | 1µl DNA with 16.7ng/µl | 1µl DNA with 16.7ng/µl |
2%DMSO+GC Ehancer | GC Enhancer | GC Enhancer +5%DMSO |
10.5µl ddH20 | 11µl ddH20 | 9.75µl ddH20 |
5µl Q5ReactionBuffer | 5µl Q5ReactionBuffer | 5µl Q5ReactionBuffer |
0.5ml 10mM dNTPS | 0.5ml 10mM dNTPS | 0.5ml 10mM dNTPS |
1.25µl opening primer1 | 1.25µl opening primer1 | 1.25µl opening primer1 |
1.25µl opening primer2 | 1.25µl opening primer2 | 1.25µl opening primer2 |
5µl GC Enhancer | 5µl GC Enhancer | 5µl GC Enhancer |
0.5µl 100% DMSO | 0.5µl 100% DMSO | 1.25µl 100% DMSO |
1µl DNA 15.8ng/µl | 1µl DNA 15.8ng/µl | 1µl DNA 15.8ng/µl |
2%DMSO | 5%DMSO |
15.5µl ddH20 | 14.75µl ddH20 |
5µl Q5ReactionBuffer | 5µl Q5ReactionBuffer |
0.5ml 10mM dNTPS | 0.5ml 10mM dNTPS |
1.25µl opening primer 1 | 1.25µl opening primer 1 |
1.25µl opening primer 2 | 1.25µl opening primer 2 |
0.5µl 100% DMSO | 1.25µl 100% DMSO |
0.25µl Q5 polymerase | 0.25µl Q5 polymerase |
1µl DNA with 15.8ng/µl | 1µl DNA with 15.8ng/µl |
XsTB had the annealing temperature of 62.9°C. We had one more sample with 2%DMSO at 58°C.
pCDF-Duet+TAF/sTAF had the annealing temperature of 58°C. For TAF we had a one more sample with GC-Enhancer and 2% DMSO at 55°C. With sTAF we had a sample with 2%DMSO also at 55°C.
We did a colony PCR like in protocol #019. From Jeremys Gibbson from the 18.09.2022.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With two gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green.
We did a agarose gelextraction like in protocol #042. We got following DNA concentrations:
pCDF-Duet+sTAF: 5.6ng/µl
pCDF-Duet+TAF: 3.9ng/µl
XTB: 155ng/µl
XsTB: 23.9 ng/µl
We did a gibbson assembly by protcol #034.
pCDF-Duet+TAF+XTB | pCDF-Duet+sTAF+XsTB |
20µl HiFi DNA assembly mix | 20µl HiFi DNA assembly mix |
0.3µl XTB from todays gelextraction | 2.2µl XTB from todays gelextraction |
14.2µl pCDF-Duet+TAF from todays gelextraction | 10.3µl pCDF-Duet+sTAF from todays gelextraction |
5.5µl ddH20 | 7.5µl ddH20 |
We made a heatshock traffold like in protocol #003 into DH5α. Using 5µl from each gibbson after 15min and 60min.
We did a miniprep like in the protocol #005. From an overnight culture with pCDF-Duet+TAsF+XsTB. And we got a concentration of 177.3 within 80µl ddH2O. Wich was diluted to 30ng/µl.
We did a PCR with the Q5 polymerase to amplify put the TargetPeptide for the encapsulins on the c-terminal of TnaA. We worked with following protocol:
With DMSO | With GC-Enhancer | Normal condition |
15.5µl ddH20 | 10.5µl ddH20 | 16µl ddH20 |
0.5µl DMSO |
| 5µl GC Enhancer |
5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer | 5µl Q5 Reaction Buffer |
1.25µl FOR Primer | 1.25µl FOR Primer | 1.25µl FOR Primer |
1.25µl REV Primer | 1.25µl REV Primer | 1.25µl REV Primer |
0.5µl 10mM dNTPs | 0.5µl 10mM dNTPs | 0.5µl 10mM dNTPs |
1µl pCDF-Duet+TAsF+XsTB 30ng/µl | 1µl pCDF-Duet+TAsF+XsTB 30ng/µl | 1µl pCDF-Duet+TAsF+XsTB 30ng/µl |
0.25µl Q5 polymerase | 0.25µl Q5 polymerase | 0.25µl Q5 polymerase |
To amplify the insert we used the primer TnaA For and TnaA Rev1.
To amplify the vector we used the Primer Vector TnaA For and Vector TnaA Rev.
| Temperature | Duration |
Initial denaturation | 98°C | 0:30 min |
Denaturation | 98°C | 0:10 min |
Annealing | 63°C for the GC and normal samples 61°C for the DMSO samples | 0:30 min |
Elongation | 72°C | 4:00 min |
Final elongation | 72°C | 10:00 min |
Storage | 4°C | - |
We did a colony PCR like in protocol #019. From yesterdays gibbson assembly.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With two gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green.
We did a colony PCR like in protocol #019. This was the repetition of yesterdays colony PCR.
We did a gelelectrophoresis like in protocol #016. With two gels with 100ml of TAE-Buffer and 1.2% Agarose and 1µl of Midori green.
We did a miniprep like in the protocol #005.We used the overnight culture from yesterdays colony PCR. pCDF-Duet+TAF+XTB was from colony 1 and 5 with a concentration of 120.4ng/µl. pCDF-Duet+sTAF+XsTB was from colony 9 and 13 with a concentration of 148ng/µl
-Spectinomycin and Ampicillin stocks were made according to protocol #010 and #018
Overnight cultures of TAsF-sXTB, TAsF-sXTB+Empty-BMC-plasmid, TAsF-sXTB+BMC, TAsF-sXTB-BMC-ncAA-synthetase, pCDF-TAF, pCDF-sTAF, pJET-XTB, pJET-XsTB acoording to protocol #014
Production assay according to protocol #023. The tested conditions were: TAsF-sXTB 0,04mM IPTG, TAsF-sXTB 0,1mM IPTG, TAsF-sXTB + empty BMC plasmid 0,04mM IPTG, TAsF-sXTB + BMC plasmid 0,04 IPTG, TAsF-sXB + BMC plasmid + ncAA synthetase plasmid 0,04mM IPTG / 1mM Arabinose, TAsF-sXTB + BMC (only spectinomycin as antibiotic in the medium). 40mg of pAZF were added to the sample TAsF-sXTB + BMC plasmid + ncAA synthetase plasmid 0,04 IPTG / 1mM arabinose.
-Overnight cultures of TAsF-sXTB and pCDF-TAF according to protocol #014
-Overnight cultures of TAsF-sXTB, TAsF-sXTB + BMC exchanged promotor plasmid, TAsF-sXTB + empty BMC plasmid according to protocol #014
-Production assay according to protocol #023. Tested conditions were: TAsF-sXTB 0,1mM IPTG, TAsF-sXTB + BMC plasmid with exchanged promotor 0,04 IPTG + 10 ng/ml Doxycycline, TAsF-sXTB + BMC plasmid with exchanged promotor 0,04 IPTG + 20ng/ml Doxycycline, TAsF-sXTB + BMC plasmid with exchanged promotor 0,04 IPTG + 50 ng/ml Doxycycline, TAsF-sXTB + BMC plasmid with exchanged promotor 0,04 IPTG + 75 µg/ml, TAsF-sXTB + BMC plasmid (old promotor) 0,04mM IPTG.
The samples TAsF-sXTB 0,1mM IPTG and TAsF-sXTB + BMC plasmid (old promotor) reached an OD of 1,0 and were diluted to 0,8 before induction.
-Evaluation of the assay of the 29th according to protocol #023
-Overnight cultures of TAsF-sXTB + BMC (old promotor) according to protocol #014.
-TAsF-sXTB + BMC (old promotor) sample were grown in 1L of medium to an OD of 0,1 to start a Bioreaktor assay. (this was scratched however as the bioreactor wasnt ready in time)
-TAsF-sXTB + BMC (old promotor) samples were grown to an OD of 0,8 and then induced with 0,04mM IPTG. After an hour 2,5mM L-Tryptophan were added. Sample produced indigo for later colouring of fabrics.
-Overnight cultures of sTAF-sXTB DH5alpha and sTAF-sXTB + BMC BL21 according to protocol #014
Mini prep of sTAF-sXTB DH5alpha according to the kits manual.
-TraFo of pCDF-sTAF-sXTB, pCDF-sTAF-sXTB + BMC, sTAF-sXTB + empty BMC-plasmid into MDC69 LowMutT7 (Short: LowMut) genome reduced strains according to protocol #003. Positive results for every trafo except for pCDF-sTAF-sXTB + empty BMC-plasmid.
Trafo of pCDF-sTAF-sXTB + empty BMC-plasmid into LoqMut according to protocol #003. Again negative results, the wrong plasmid has been used, same goes for the trafo of the previous day.
-Preparation of Bioreactor samples. Bl21 sTAF-sXTB + BMC were inoculated into 1L of LB together with the corresponding antibiotics Ampicillin and Spectinomycin. Sample was left to gro until reaching OD 1,0. Then, sample was inoculated into the Bioreactor. Samples were left to grow until reaching OD 80. Sample was then induced, one hour later, another shot of inducer has been added. Bioreactor was running until monday and samples have been taken every 6 hours for the next 48 hours after induction. Sample sice was 100µl.
-Fed batch of Bl21 pCDF-sTAF-sXTB + BMC. Once the sample in the Bioreactor reached OD 80, 3ml of the sample were harvested, centrifuged, washed with PBS and then resuspended in LB-medium. This sample was bit by bit inoculated into a 500ml Erlenmeyer flask filled with 200ml LB containing Spectinomycin and Ampicillin until it reached OD 0,8. Afterwards, the sample was induced with 0,04mM IPTG and one hour later 2,5mM L-Tryptophane and 0,07g of L-Cysteine were added. Then we have started a production assay with this sample following protocol #023.
-Evaluation of the production assay of 04.10.22 according to protocol #023.
-Overnight cultures of LowMut sTAF-sXTB, LowMut sTAF-sXTB + BMC, BL21 sTAF-sXTB and BL21 sTAF-sXTB + BMC according to protocol #014
Production assay comparing the effectivity of genome reduced strains with standard BL21. The tested conditions were:
-LowMut sTAF-sXTB 0,1mM IPTG
-LowMut sTAF-sXTB 0,04mM IPTG
-LowMut sTAF-sXTB + BMC 0,04mM IPTG
-BL21 sTAF-sXTB 0,1mM IPTG
-BL21 sTAF-sXTB + BMC 0,04mM IPTG
Assay was performed according to protocol #023.
-Evaluation of the Bioreactor, Fed Batch and genome reduced assays according to protocol #023.