Barbara brought a lot of impulses to the project, but at the same time she was also a critical voice who questioned in the right places whether things were feasible in the way we imagined them. With her many years of experience, she was also a great help in interpreting unexpected results. She could also hand us over to experts from her lab and beyond when specific questions came up.
Nicole was always at hand. No matter whether the ligase ran out, the plasmid design stalled or something else went wrong. You could ask Nicole and Nicole helped you, both with materials and with her expertise around the lab. She was also a great help with the finances, had good tips for fundraising and knew the possibilities to save money when shopping materials.
As an expert in protein purification, Pavel was able to provide us with many useful tips on how best to produce and quantify our substances (e.g Indigo, Trehalose, BMCs). He was also able to introduce us to the equipment needed for this, such as Plate Readers and FACs. Pavel was also enthusiastic in helping us with our first upscaling-trials! He provided us his bioreactor, assisted us in using it and also had a helping hand to dye fabric with our self-produced Indigo.
Since Paulina used to participate in iGEM herself, she had useful tips about what to pay special attention to in this competition. Especially in improving and creating BioBricks, she was able to give important advice on what is required of them and how to submit and register. She was also a diligent reader of our wiki and other public texts and gave helpful feedback on how to phrase them better.
Everyone in our team has put a lot of time, energy, and effort into our project this summer.
And it has been worth it! We gathered much experience and had a lot of fun. And we can be proud what we achieved in one summer with our project chAMBER!
Many aspects of the project involved the whole team. The most important are:
For the wet lab, we divided ourselves into three subgroups (Pathways, Compartments, ncAAs), each of which organised itself. In weekly full
team meetings, we informed each other about the news of the subgroups. Each subgroup planned their experiments, conducted
and evaluated them and wrote/visualised their results independently. But of course, we also helped each other between the subgroups :)
In addition, some team members did extra work for the project. These additional efforts, as well as subgroup affiliation are listed below as bullet points for each team member.