Zsóka Csorba

Biotechnology student at Eötvös Lóránd University

Team leader, Wet lab leader - mammalian cells, Human Practices

The team assembled for the competition, thanks to her. Zsóka steered the team’s work in the right direction and encouraged the members. She doesn't like to be bored and spends her free moments hiking or painting.

Laura Dénes

Biotechnology student at Eötvös Lóránd University

Wet Lab Leader – DNA, Human Practices

She directed the DNA work from the first transformation to the last cell transfer. Laura did the lion's share of plasmid and DNA-related planning and problem-solving, thinking about new solutions day and night. In her time outside the lab, she likes gardening and cycling.

Ágnes Golarits

Biotechnology student at Eötvös Lóránd University

Wet Lab Member, Human Practice, Modeling

She was the primary troubleshooter of the DNA part since under her hands always grew some colonies. Ágnes kept our lab notebook up to date at the cost of great efforts. She spends a lot of time in community service with children, so she also worked in the Education part of Human Practices.

Fanni Englert

Biotechnology student at Eötvös Lóránd University

Hardware, Wet Lab Member, Science Communication

She brought light to our daily laboratory work by building the LED panels that the team used to carry out experiments and measurements. In addition, Fanni organized the production of our team video. In her free time, she likes baking, gardening and hiking.

Nikolett Emődi

Biotechnology student at Eötvös Lóránd University

Wiki Wizard, Graphic Designer, Wet Lab Member

She created our logo and spoiled the team with great graphic designs, from stickers to our wiki page. Niki spent many sleepless nights programming our wiki page while searching for solutions to implement increasingly complex ideas on it. She likes bullet journaling and horseback riding in her free time.

Laura Király

Biochemical engineer student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Human Practice, Wet Lab Member – Mammalian cells

She wrote and evaluated the questionnaire, one of the most relevant parts of our Human Practice, and was also involved in our Collaborations. In addition, Laura maintained the mammalian cell lines and designed most of the experiments. Out of the lab, she likes to be creative, like painting.

Adrienn Biró

Biochemical engineer student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Wet Lab Member, Science Communication

She took part in the DNA work, from designing the plasmid constructions to the end of the wet lab work through many redesigns. Adrienn was happy to help everyone, so she participated in many different tasks during the competition. In her spare time, she likes to go canoeing.

Dóra Kapui

Biochemical engineer student at Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Science communication, Wet Lab Member

She participated in the wet lab work, the generation of plasmid constructs, and the characterization of protein expression. Dóra was also responsible for producing educational materials for children, which we presented at several events. In her free time, she likes to read and hike.

Márton Péter Nyiri

Biotechnology student at Eötvös Loránd University


He carried the collaboration part on his back, contacted other teams, collected ideas for various collaborations, and found a mentor team who helped us with the first steps. Márton also helped our team with wet and dry lab tasks. In his free time, he likes to learn new things and likes good stories.

We are grateful to Bálint Adamis for the photos of the team and for bringing the team together.