Meet our sponsors!
Without their help we wouldn't have been able to realize this project.
They did not only provide us financial support, but they also wanted to be
involved in the project. They provided us their knowledge e.g. how they
determine waterhardness and were always open for questions. This is why we
decided to offer them a page on our wiki in return.
Platinum sponsor

Innoviris is an institution supporting scientific research and innovation in Brussels.
One of their goals is to promote science in Brussels. Since education was a major part
of our project, we applied for a grant in the context of STEM projects.
We would like to thank them for their trust in our project. Without their financial help
we wouldn't have been able to achieve these wonderful results.
Golden sponsor
The VUB or “free university of Brussels” is a university founded in
1970, located in Brussels. The agencies that sponsored our project
within the VUB are the faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences
and the department of bioengineering sciences. We are eternally
grateful for their trust in our project and the many things they’ve
taught us both in and outside our project. Without their teachings,
the great environment they’ve created and the passion for science they
so endlessly support, our project would not have been possible.
But we’re not the only great project these departments have running! Definitely check out their respective websites to discover more about the discoveries made @ the VUB by the amazing people supporting this project.
But we’re not the only great project these departments have running! Definitely check out their respective websites to discover more about the discoveries made @ the VUB by the amazing people supporting this project.

Silver sponsors