Week 1 (Mon Apr 18 22 - Sun April 24 22)
This is our first online lesson. As our team members are from different
schools, this is the first time we introduced ourselves. The teacher introuduced the basic parts of
igem, including the igem cycles and the competition itself

Week 2 (Mon Apr 35 22 - Sun May 1 22)
We looked at the website ourselves, including examplary projects, namely
engineering, human practice, and wiki.
Week 3 (Mon May 2 22- Sun May 8 22)
As not all member is familiar to synthetic biology, our teacher did a short
presentation informing of the general information such as what is DNA,cloning, genetic engineering, etc.

Week 4 (Mon May 9 22-Sun May 15 22)
We began brainstorming our project.
Week 5 (Mon May 23 22-Sun May 29 22)
We determined the content of the project and began to plan the experiment.
Week 6 (Mon May 30 22 - Sun Jun 5 22)
From May 30th, every member came to Beijing in order to began doing lab work. This is
our reference experiment.
Activate E. coli DH5a/pSB1A3-mRFP, E. coli DH5a/pMD18T-insert
1. Prepare medium and required materials
2. Clean bench, materials sterilization
3. Prepare diluted primer
4. Prepare configuration for amp mother solution (100mg/mL)
Experiment procedures
1. Spraying alcohol after wearing gloves before entering clean bench. Ignite alcohol lamp after
drying gloves.
2. For sterilization, when we open/close the test tubes or bottles, we have to heat the opening of
the test tubes or bottles with the alcohol lamp.
3. Using pipette, adding 5 mL LB medium.
4. Using pipette, adding 2.5μL Amp antibiotics
5. Using pipette, adding E. coli DH5a/pSB1A3-mRFP(or E. coli DH5a/pMD18T-insert)100μL

Week 7 (Mon Jun 6 22 - Sun Jun 12 22)
Extracte plasmids
Amplify the DNA using PCR
Double enzyme digestion
Agarose gel electrophoresis
Gel extraction
Experiment procedures
1. Extract the plamid
a. we use the alkaline lysis method to break the E. coli cell the extract 4 tubes of pSB1A3-mRFP
and 1 tube of pMD18T-insert plasmids. This includes using the centrifuging machine to collect the
pure DNA instead of the other impurities and carbohydrate that is decanting and washing repeatedly
after centrifuging.

d.Our result is reassured by examining dsDNA concentration and sample purity using Nanodrop.

2. Proceeding PCR amplification program
3. Mix a. PrimeSTAR®️HS b. buffer c. primer 1 d. primer 2 e. template f. dNTP mixture g. sterile
water to form a mixture
4. Mix 5μL mixture with 1μL 6xPS buffer
5. Proceeding electrophoresis by putting the mixture and loading marker into agarose gel
6. After electrophoresis, observing the result displayed on gel imaging system
7. Cut the gel then put into centrifuge tube
8. Recycle the gel
Week 8 (Mon Jun 13 22 - Sun Jun 19 22)
1. Prepare competent cells
2. Ligation
3. Transformation of linking products
Precooling solutions: a. 0.1M CaCl2 b. 15% 0.1M CaCl2 in 4℃ fridge
Experiment procedures
Experimrnt procedures
1. Ligation
2. Mix 1μL T4 DNA ligase, 6μL insert DNA, 1μL linear plasmid, 1μL 10 x DNA ligase buffer
3. Put the mixture in to PCR machine, at 16℃ for an hour
4. Prepare competent cells
5. Separate the E. coli solution, pour the LB meidum
6. Equally seprate the E. coli into two centrifuge tubes, then add 1 mL CaCl2 for each tube, mix
the tube
7. Ice-bath fot 30 min
8. Centrifuge, pour the waste
9. Resuspend the E. coli with CaCl2
10. Add 1μL E.coli + CaCl2 solution to each centrifuge tube which contain ligation system
11. Ice-bath for 20 min
12. Water-bath at 42℃ for 1 min
13. Ice-bath for 10 min
14. Use glass spreading rod to apply on the medium evenly, then
15. seal

Week 9 (Mon Jun 20 22 - Sun Jun 26 22)
Obtain positive cloning result
1. sterile water 240μL
2. DNTP mix 24μL
3. Buffer 3μL
4. Primer 1 6μL
5. Primer 2 6μL
Experiment procedures
1. Taq mix: mix all the solutions from prepartions
2. Sperate the mixture into several centrifuge tubes
3. Mix 49μL taq mix and 1μL polymerase, then pick template DNA in the centrifuge tube
4. Add 0.6g agarose to 1Xbuffer, then heat
5. Add gene green into agarose solution, dyeing the gene
6. Use PCR system for electrophoresis
7. Select valid target gene fragments
8. Add ammonia benzyl to LB meidum
9. Add 5-10 Ml meidum with antibiotoic into the test tubes
10. Add the same template DNA into the test tubess
11. Sterlise the test tubes
12. Put test tubes into shaker
Week 10 (Mon Jun 27 22 - Sun Jul 3 22)
Extract the plasmid from E.coli prepared.
Tranfer the target gene to E.coli BL 21
Look under fluorescence microscope and examine the results
Experiment procedures
1. Extract plasmid from bacterial solution validated for the correct DHSa/ PSB1A3-target fragment
2. Transform the pSB1A3-fragment into E. coli BL21
3. Validation experiments by fluorescence microscopy
Through observation under fluorescence microscope, we found that the fluorescent
protein was successfully expressed, which reveals the experiment was successful.

Week 11 (Mon Jul 4 22 - Sun Jul 10 22)
In the meantime, we began carrying out our human practices, interviewing experts and
carrying surveys.
Week 12 (Mon Jul 11 22 - Sun Jul 17 22)
Our team participated in the Junior Synthetic Biology Exchange Meeting on July 17th
7.17 meeting
Any further information can be found on our wechat official account.

Week 13 (Mon Jul 18 22 - Sun Jul 24 22)
We created a team WeChat official account, which is part of our education.
We began to send igem science popularization and team and project introduction on it.

Week 14 (Mon Jul 25 22 - Sun Jul 31 22)
We completed CCIC's poster production and Pre video recording, and successfully uploaded

Week 15 (Mon Aug 1 22 - Sun Aug 7 22)
The mug design in human practice has been completed and found a manufacturer to make it.

Week 16 (Mon Aug 8 22 - Sun Aug 14 22)
On this week we host our first online meeting with the LZU-HS-China team. We
first learned of each other's project during the 7.17青少年合成生物学交流大会 that is the July 17th Junior Synthetic
Biology Exchange Meeting.
Week 17 (Mon Aug 15 22- Sun Aug 21 22)
We attended the online opening ceremony of CCiC.
Week 18 (Mon Aug 22 22- Sun Aug 28 22)
We completed the two-minute video production and dubbing,and uploaded it.
Week 19 (Mon Aug 29 22 - Sun Sep 4 22)
We held weekly meetings to analyze the progress of the project, and improved it.
Week 20 (Mon Sep 5 22 - Sun Sep 11 22)
Our team members continue to complete the parts they are responsible for, constantly
modifying and improving quality.
Week 21 (Mon Sep 12 22 - Sun Sep 18 22)
In the opening ceremony of our school, our group members
Week 22 (Mon Sep 19 22 - Sun Sep 25 22)
Our team participated in a online lecture on probiotics and discussed many microbial
roblems with Mr. Zeng.

Week 23 (Mon Sep 26 22 - Sun Oct 2 22)
Make a 15-minute speech video. We also participated in a human practice workshop.

Week 24 (Mon Oct 3 22 - Sun Oct 9 22)
All the team members will carry out centralized training, complete their respective
tasks, and discuss the existing problems for further improvement.

© 2022 - Content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
The repository used to create this website is available at gitlab.igem.org/2022/bfsu-icunited.