To implement our project, our team focuses on two types of end users: White Nose Syndrome (WNS) screening groups and the iGEM Synthetic Biology research community. We hope to provide WNS screening groups with a rapid and robust test for detecting P. destructans in a lab environment, and we aim to provide the iGEM Synthetic Biology community with the tools to use ADP1 as a model organism.
The first type of end users are WNS screening groups, such as Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin Wildlife, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, and World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH). One of the major problems these groups face is that the only available WNS tests are qPCR tests, and the labs qualified to conduct qPCR tests on field samples are only located in Wisconsin and Arizona [1]. This means that test results often come months after samples are sent, which creates a significant delay in data collection on the spread of WNS. Therefore, a simple binary sensor that can quickly and accurately detect the presence of White Nose Syndrome would greatly benefit these screening groups.
The second type of end users are members of the Synthetic Biology community. One of ARROWE's goals is to engineer ADP1 as a chassis organism and to provide the iGEM Synthetic Biology community the tools to create an ADP1-based biosensor. Traditional model organisms, such as E. coli, lack the ability to efficiently take up environmental DNA (eDNA). ADP1's natural competence allows researchers to more easily incorporate new DNA constructs into the ADP1 genome, making it a more desirable model organism for synthetic biology applications [2]. By using a modified ADP1-ISX strain [3] to engineer our three detectors, we aim to demonstrate the versatility and power of ADP1 as a synthetic biology chassis. Additionally, the modular nature of our biosensor circuit makes it easy to reprogram the circuit to detect any DNA sequence of interest, increasing the utility of the ARROWE system. Figure 1 summarizes the possible applications of the ARROWE system.
Fig. 1. ADP1 Applications.
Our team's goal was to develop a binary lab-based test that could be distributed en masse to White Nose Syndrome (WNS) testing labs working alongside WNS screening agencies. Our system helps maximize test site availability and minimizes the turnaround time for results. Higher availability of a rapid sensor also increases the amount of epidemiological data that can be collected, helping form a more comprehensive map of White Nose Syndrome origins and spread. Additionally, due to the modularity of our biosensor circuit, our design can be easily repurposed to detect any environmental DNA fragment 1000 base pairs or longer, making it a robust biosensor for DNA detection.
The White Nose Syndrome fungal organism, P. destrustans, is classified as a BSL-2 organism [4], so only BSL-2 trained personnel and labs may handle samples containing P. destructans. We envision ARROWE testing kits to include a frozen stock of the ADP1 biosensor culture, azidothymidine (AZT, our screening antibiotic), and an instructions manual our team will put together. The instruction manual will contain information on biosensor handling, processing, and data collection once we have fully streamlined our biosensor. 96-well plates and a fluorescence plate reader will be required to interpret the results of the test, which will not included in the kit. In the future, kits could be distributed to labs via a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) with the University of Texas at Austin. Our team also plans to share the DNA sequence and the strain itself via databases or sites such as GenBank, ATCC, and NCBI upon confirmation of a working biosensor.
To effectively utilize the test, screening agencies should collect several samples (skin swaps from the nose, wings, or soil) from bat populations annually before their hibernation period. Samples should be stored at -20°C and sent to labs equipped with the tests. Tests can be run overnight, and results can be sent to the screening agency the next day. This data can potentially be used by screening agencies to track the spread of P. destructans and the locations of vulnerable bat populations. Figure 2 shows how our team envisions our biosensor being used.
During the development of our biosensor test, we strove to make our test as simple as possible, minimizing the need for expensive lab equipment and trained personnel. While we have succeeded in simplifying this test to a large degree, one challenge is that a plate reader is recommended to confirm the results. Additionally, due to health and safety concerns regarding P. destructans, BSL-2 trained personnel are required to handle samples and process the test.
Fig. 2. Proposed Implementation of the WNS Biosensor.
Our team envisions our engineered ADP1 strain as a potent tool to progress the way synthetic biologists approach biosensor engineering. To this end, we are providing important engineering tools, DNA sequences, and documentation so that others within the iGEM community can easily use and efficiently engineer ADP1 as a chassis organism in their projects. Using a robust chassis organism like ADP1 will make it easier to explore new synthetic biology applications for genetic and chemical engineering that would not have been possible with typical chassis organisms, especially for biosensors capable of sensing eDNA.
We have optimized our chassis design to be an ideal foundation for biosensor organisms and environmental DNA detection through the following modifications:
Additionally, in order to aid future iGEM teams and synthetic biologists with engineering ADP1, we have compiled the following resources:
Like with our ADP1 biosensor, other labs could acquire our ADP1 strain using an MTA in the future. Our team also plans to upload our sequence to ATCC, GenBank, and NCBI databases. All of our team's engineering documentation and parts can be found on our Engineering and Parts pages.
Safety is one of our team's main priorities. Originally, our team intended to use our biosensor in the field as an onsite test. However, we ultimately decided to switch to making our biosensor a lab-based test to minimize the risk of environmental biocontamination and harm to researchers (see our Human Practices Page to learn more). As long as BSL-2 trained personnel follow standard lab safety protocols, such as practicing sterile techniques, using 70% ethanol to clean workspaces, and autoclaving waste, there is minimal risk of environmental biocontamination or harm to people. Additionally, ADP1 is not pathogenic to humans or other organisms and is safe to handle. See our Safety Page to learn more.
[1] Shuey, M. M., Drees, K. P., Linder, D. L., Keim, P., & Foster, J. T. (2014). Highly Sensitive Quantitative PCR for the Detection and Differentiation of Pseudogymnoascus destructans and Other Pseudogymnoascus Species. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80(5), 1726-1731. https://doi: 10.1128/AEM.02897-13.
[2] Metzgar, D., Bacher, J. M., Pezo, V., Reader, J., Doring, V., Schimmel, P., Marliere, P., & de Crecy-Lagard, V. (2004). Acinetobacter sp.. ADP1: An ideal model organism for genetic analysis and Genome Engineering. Nucleic Acids Research, 32(19), 5780–5790.
[3] Suárez, G. A., Renda, B. A., Dasgupta, A., & Barrick, J. E. (2017). Reduced Mutation Rate and Increased Transformability of Transposon-Free Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1-ISx. Applied and environmental microbiology, 83(17), e01025-17.
[4] Geomyces destructans Blehert et Gargas. ATCC. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2022, from
[5] Gomez, M. J., & Neyfakh, A. A. (2006). Genes involved in intrinsic antibiotic resistance of Acinetobacter baylyi. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 50(11), 3562-3567.
[6] Overballe-Petersen, S., Harms, K., Orlando, L. A., Mayar, J. V. M., Rasmussen, S., Dahl, T. W., ... & Willerslev, E. (2013). Bacterial natural transformation by highly fragmented and damaged DNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(49), 19860-19865.