The main goal of scientific research is to have an impact on the world, improve its conditions and ultimately make it a better place for everyone. Taking into account that our vision is to have an impact both nationally and continentally as a first step. Therefore, it was important for us when we started working on our project to deliver something that will not only help in improving a certain condition, but also contribute to our world by targeting certain sustainable development goals. Specifically those related to healthcare and children as they’re considered one of the vulnerable groups, they represent the fuel and future of mankind therefore it is a must to secure them a safe and healthy life to ensure the continuity and prosperity of the future generations.

However, we also believe that the prosperity of their future requires a healthy environment. Thus, we complied to satisfy our role in protecting the environment, decreasing pollution and promoting recycling. This is achieved by using recyclable materials for our product to help in reducing the ecological footprint on our planet.
Our project aim to play a role in improving the health and wellbeing of people thus fulfilling the Goal no3 of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations:

Our main goal is to improve the health of children via early detection, to provide them with a higher life quality. We focus on early detection of diseases such as PKU. As the early diagnosis of this metabolic disorder can help prevent the catastrophic consequences of brain damage, mental retardation and drastically death. Consequently, alleviating the burden of such disabilities off the shoulders of their families and the world. Which identifies the goal 3.2
Moreover, we aim to make our tool accessible and affordable, in order to warrant the ease of access and distribution on national, continental and even global level. Accordingly “providing access to quality essential health-care services” goal 3.8, this is done by integrating cost effective materials in our tool in respect to maintaining the highest quality and accuracy. Initially, our tool will be distributed on a national level to face the national concern of pku patients numbers increasing in Egypt, and accordingly it can be used on a continental level in Africa to help in early detection of diseases in more developing countries. Hence covering the goal 3.13 in strengthening the capacity of developing countries for early warning and risk reduction of national and global health concerns.

Environment protection and sustainability is everyone’s responsibility. In order to conserve natural resources and reduce pollution, we decided to build our tool using recyclable materials to help fulfill our obligation in protecting the planet where we live. Pursuing the goal 12.5 in SDGs. As a justification for this we planned to use ecofriendly materials for designing our diagnostic kit. This was a point of strength in our project to be able to convince the ministry of health to support and supply our diagnostic LFAs to be a part of the national newborn screening programs in our country. This reflects how the mass production and distribution of our product can contribute to a safer environment
Our main target was to fulfill the sustainable development goals 3 and 12 of the UN goals, by helping in improving the health of the future generations and promote their wellbeing by early detection and management of certain diseases as PKU. However, we focus on making our tool easy to access and utilize while still being affordable and with highest possible accuracy. Subsequently, providing the highest cost effective ratio. Regardless, we insisted on using recyclable materials to reduce environmental pollution and promote a healthier planet. Our proposal, in our opinion, has the chance of winning the prize for having the most positive influence on sustainable development.
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