Mathematical modeling is a powerful tool to validate and model the kinetics of different systems in synthetic biology. Herein, we are using mathematical modeling to detect the increased level of phenylalanine (phe) in phenylketonuria patients in our diagnostic platform. It depends on a whole cell-based biosensor through a cascade of reactions to finally end by formation of β-galactosidase that turns the color into blue once bound to its substrate (X-gal) as mentioned in figure (1). We used populations of transcription activator (TA), transcription activator DNA (TADNA) ,RNA ,DNA , and beta galactosidase (B) in this model.

Figure (1) represents the cascade of reactions in whole cell-based biosensor model.
Kinetic rate constants { s−1} |
Reaction definition |
Rate constant |
0.1 |
TA formation |
k1 |
0.05 |
TADNA formation |
k2 |
0.045 |
TADNA dissociation |
k3 |
0.09 |
TA degradation |
k4 |
0.1 |
RNA transcription |
k5 |
0.1155 |
beta galactosidase translation |
k6 |
0.0058 |
RNA degradation |
k7 |
0.0002 |
beta galactosidase degradation |
k8 |
This equation represents that phenylalanine enters the cell through permease ,therefore activating transcription activator (TA) that forms at a rate of K1 and a rate of formation of K3 when TADNA dissociates. In addition to, degradation at a rate of K4 and bind to DNA to form TADNA at of rate K2 as mentioned in figure (2)

Figure (2) illustrates TA formation resulted from phenylalanine in the media and TADNA formation through combination of DNA and TA
The second equation is about the formation of TADNA depending on a formation rate of K2 by association of transcription activator (TA) and DNA and disappears at a rate of K5 (formation of RNA from DNA by transcription) and at a rate of K3 when TADNA dissociates into transcription activator (TA) and DNA as mentioned in figure (3)

Figure (3) represents the formation of TADNA and transcription of DNA into RNA
This equation represents the formation of DNA at a rate of K3 when TADNA dissociates into transcription activator (TA) and DNA. It disappears at a rate K2 in which TADNA forms as mentioned in figure (4)

Figure (4) shows combination of (TA) and DNA to form TADNA and its dissociation to from DNA
Equation (4) is about formation of RNA depending on a formation rate of K5 (formation of RNA from DNA by transcription) and disappears at a rate of K7 (RNA degradation) and K6 for RNA to be translated into beta galactosidase as mentioned in figure (5)

Figure (5) illustrates Formation of RNA and translation of RNA into beta-galactosidase
This equation represents Beta-galactosidase formation (B) depending on a formation rate of K6 in which RNA would be translated into beta galactosidase and degrades at a rate of K8 as mentioned in figure (6)

Figure (6) illustrates formation and degradation of beta-galactosidase.

Graph (1) represents level of the biomarker (phenylalanine) as it enters the whole cell-based biosensor untill it reaches the steady state after about 30 time units

Graph (2) represents level of the beta-galactosidase as it releases in consistance with phenylalanine level untill it reaches the steady state after about 30 time units

Graph (3) represents the relationship between the biomarker and the released beta-galactosiase
Graph(3) illustrates a direct relation between biomarker and beta-galactosidase ,so as the biomarker increases, the released amount of beta-galactosidase increases till it reaches constant value after about 30 time units. Therefore, the maximum amount of the biomarker releases the maximum amount of beta-galactosidase.
This model is to simulate the kinetics of the riboswitch (L7Ae with kink turns) that is used in our circuit. The designed circuit is to detect if the increasing substance is either phenylalanine or tyrosine via TyrR. So if phenylalanine level is elevated, L7Ae is formed as it is downstream TyrR as shown in figure (7) that forms a complex via binding with its kink-turn on another circuit; that complex inhibits expression of cas12g as shown in figure (8), so the circuit will be able to express lacZ alpha (beta-galactosidase) in diagnostic circuit or PAH in the therapeutic circuit. If tyrosine level is elevated with a decreased level of phenylalanine, it activates tyrR inhibitory promoter so no L7Ae would be expressed resulting in cas12g expression to control the circuit. we used these set of populations in our model :mRNA1on (O), L7Ae (A) , mRNA2off (B) , mRNA2on (T) , PP7 (R) , mRNA3on (Q) , mRNA3off (M) , and mRNA1off (V) as shown in figure (9).

Figure(7) The first diagnostic circuit design including L7Ae downstream TyrR

Figure(8) The second diagnostic circuit design including kink-turns and cas12g

Figure (9) illustrates the kinetics of all reactions in riboswitch model
Parameter |
Unit |
Reaction definition |
Estimation |
O |
mRNA |
the number of mRNA1on |
1 |
A |
protein |
the number of L7Ae |
1 |
B |
mRNA |
the number of mRNA2off |
1 |
T |
mRNA |
the number of mRNA2on |
1 |
P |
protein |
the number of P |
1 |
Q |
mRNA |
the number of mRNA3on |
1 |
M |
mRNA |
the number of mRNA3off |
1 |
V |
mRNA |
the number of mRNA1off |
1 |
dmRNA1on |
min-1 |
cleavage rate of dmRNA1on |
0.104 |
dmRNA2on |
min-1 |
cleavage rate of dmRNA2on |
0.1386 |
dmRNA3on |
min-1 |
cleavage rate of dmRNA3on |
0.197 |
dmRNA1off |
min-1 |
cleavage rate of dmRNA1off |
0.085 |
dmRNA2off |
min-1 |
cleavage rate of dmRNA2off |
0.073 |
dmRNA3off |
min-1 |
cleavage rate of dmRNA3off |
0.015 |
dL7Ae |
peptide chain*min-1 |
degradation rate of L7Ae |
1.67*10-3 |
dP |
peptide chain*min-1 |
degradation rate of P |
1.67*10-3 |
pL7Ae |
min-1 |
translation rate of L7Ae |
27.660 |
pP |
min-1 |
translation rate of P |
11.277 |
Cr1 |
min-1 |
transcription rate of mRNA1 |
14.400 |
Cr2 |
min-1 |
transcription rate of mRNA2 |
0.144 |
Cr3 |
min-1 |
transcription rate of mRNA3 |
2.400 |
k1 |
dimensionless |
constant of the second order reaction L7Ae and mRNA2off |
6*10-6 |
k2 |
dimensionless |
constant of the second order reaction L7Ae and mRNA1on |
7.22*10-6 |
k3 |
dimensionless |
constant of the second order reaction P and mRNA3on |
6.8*10-6 |
The first equation represents the formation of this mRNA (O) depending on a formation rate of cr1 and its dissociation rate is dmRNA1on as shown in figure (10)
The rate of formation of L7Ae (A) depends on a formation rate of PL7Ae and its dissociation rate is dL7Ae as shown in figure (10)

Figure (10) describes the kinetics of mRNA (O)
The rate of formation of mRNA (B) depends on a formation rate of cr2 and its dissociation rate is dmRNA2off as shown in figure (11)

Figure (11) illustrates formation and degradation of (B) mRNA
The rate of formation of (T) depends on a formation rate of K2 and its dissociation rate is dmRNA2on as shown in figure (12)
The rate of formation of (P) depends on a formation rate of pP and it dissociates at a rate of dP as shown in figure (12)

Figure (12) formation of mRNA (T) and its translation into protein (R)
The rate of formation of mRNA (Q) depends on a formation rate of cr3 and this mRNA dissociates at a rate of dmRNA3on as shown in figure (13)

Figure (13) illustrates formation and degradation of mRNA (M)
The rate of formation of mRNA (M) depends on a formation rate of K1 and this mRNA dissociates at a rate of dmRNA3off as shown in figure (14)

Figure (14) illustrates formation and degradation of mRNA (M)
The rate of formation of mRNA (V) depends on a formation rate of K3 and this mRNA dissociates at a rate of dmRNA1off as shown in figure (15)

Figure (15) formation of mRNA (v) from complex (RO)
The rates of formation of protein 1 (P1) and protein 2 (P2) depend on formation rates of PP1 and PP2 ,respectively and they dissociate at rates of p1 and p2 ,respectively.

Graph (4) represents the kinetics of the used riboswitch
Graph (4) illustrates riboswitch kinetics in which Q represents the condition where L7Ae is expressed and bound to its kink-turns ,therefore inhibiting the expression of cas12g. However, M represents no expression of L7Ae in which cas12g would be expressed to control the circuit if the phenylalanine is absent.
In order to simulate the kinetics of aptamer binding with phenylalanine on lateral flow assay, we have used a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using different populations including: free analyte concentration (A), initial analyte concentration (Ao), free detector concentration (P) , initial detector concentration (Po) , analyte diffusivity (DA), detector diffusivity (DP), flow rate (U), length of test strip (L), position of test strip(dx) ,initial free aptamer concentration (Ro) , and free aptamer concentration (R) as shown in figure (16).

Figure (16) illustrates the kinetics of the aptamer binding with its target on LFA
Rate constant |
Reaction Definition |
Kinetic Rate Constants |
Ao |
Initial analyte concentration in sample |
10 -7 nm |
DA |
Analyte diffusivity |
10 -4 mm2/s |
DP |
Detector diffusivity |
10 -6 mm2/s |
U |
Flow rate |
180 mm/s |
Ka1 |
Detector-analyte association constant |
7.35 x 10 -4 nm -1 s -1 |
Ka2 |
Aptamer-Analyte association constant |
7.35 x 10 -4 nm -1 s -1 |
Kd1 |
Detector-analyte dissociation constant |
5.7 x 10 -5 s -1 |
Kd2 |
Aptamer-analyte dissociation constant |
5.7 x 10 -5 s -1 |
The first equation represents the kinetics of the analyte that is dependant on flow rate U and its value decreases along test strip by
. The concentration of analyte decreases until via binding to the detector and the Aptamer to form PA and RA , as shown in figure (17).

Figure (17) represents the kinetics of the analyte (A), aptamer-analyte complex (RA), and aptamer-detector-analyte complex (RPA)
This equation is about the detector in which the concentration of detector decreases as it forms PA and RA and depends on flow rate along test strip by
, as shown in figure (18)
The equation represents the binding between the detector and the analyte as the concentration of the detector-analyte complex decreases until disappears to form P and A. It also depends on flow rate along test strip by, as shown in figure (18)

Figure (18) represents binding of the analyte to the detector (PA)
The rate of formation of the aptamer-analyte complex decreases until it disappears to form R and A. It depends on flow rate along test strip by
, as shown in figure (17)
The rate of formation of the detector-aptamer-analyte complex decreases until it disappears to form A, R, and P. It depends on flow rate along test strip by
, as shown in figure (16)

Graph (5) illustrates the relation between analyte (A) and aptamer analyte complex (RA)
Graph (5) represents plotting both analyte in free state (A) and aptamer analyte complex (RA) after the binding occurs between them. It’s shown that the analyte (phenylalanine) is loaded to the test strip through the sample at the beginning. (A) shows gradual decrease of analyte over the time units. On the other hand, There’s a gradual increase in the aptamer-analyte complex over the time units via binding between the aptamer with its target.This model was beneficial in the optimization of aptamer to analyte concentration that is essential in constructing the consumption line in our lateral flow assay (LFA).
G value:-23.19kcal/mol

G value:-25.67 kcal/mol

G value:-19.00 kcal/mol

wanted to validate the structure of our phenylalanine-aptamer complex through simulations of docking and molecular dynamics so as to assess for evaluate the structural flexibility of our complex. That’s why we took the necessary steps to perform these simulations.
Firstly, we generated the pdb files of the phenylalanine amino acid and its respective aptamer separately using PyMOL software for molecular visualization of both structures. These files helped us later on in the performing the docking simulations smoothly. The generation of the phenylalanine amino acid was done using fnab command on PyMOL, with adjusting the command to generate a single-stranded DNA molecule, simulating the structure of the aptamer. On the other hand, the phenylalanine amino acid was generated using the fab command on PyMOL. After this, the 2 molecules were exported as pdb files, to use the generated files in the docking simulations.

Figure 7. Showing the structure of the Phenylalanine amino acid, generated using PyMOL

Figure 8. Showing the structure of the Phenylalanine Aptamer molecule, generated using PyMOL.
After which, we used the HDOCK online server for performing the docking simulations between the 2 molecules. This server provided a number of predictions for the possible docking models, of which we chose the top 10 predictions. The ranking of the predicted models is based on the generated docking scores of the models, in addition to the RMSD of the ligand molecule. The top ranking model had a docking score of - 67.51 and a ligand RMSD of 64.27 Å. And to double check our results, we used another docking software called Poseview which generated similar results to that of HDOCK.

Figure 9. Showing the docking model of the Phenylalanine-Aptamer, which was generated using Poseview protein plus platform.

Figure 10. Showing the docking model of the Phenylalanine-Aptamer, which was generated using HDOCK.

Figure 11. Showing an analysis of the non-covalent interaction between the phenylalanine amino acid and its respective aptamer. It shows that the amino acid forms Hydrogen bonds with its aptamer, in addition to Pi-Cation interactions between the amino acid and residues of the aptamer
It is very important to understand the relationships between structures and their dynamics in order to understand how biological macromolecules work. That’s where molecular dynamics simulations come in. These computational models provide a very close simulation to those of live biological events. We’ve applied these simulations to our Aptamer-Phenylalanine complex using VMD program, which as a software for visual molecular dynamics and molecular modelling. These simulations were mainly to measure the Root Mean Square Deviation, average kinetic energy, average total energy, and temperature calculations in comparison to simulation time, set to one nanosecond.
The RMSD calculations at 0.8 nanoseconds show that the structure is relatively stable at 1.5 A. while the stability of the structure is stable at 300 Kelvins in approximately the same time. Average total energy and kinetic energy show relatively the same result after the same period of time. However, these molecular dynamics would benefit greatly if the structure of the formed complex was subjected to the same conditions for a longer period of time, which would have a great impact on the structural stability of the formed complex.

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