"Sic Parvis Magna" was our motto for this year. It is a Latin quote that means greatness from small beginnings. When we started this year's journey, we aimed for the moon so that even if we miss, we still get the stars. We pushed ourselves to the limits and even further to reach our goal: grants, gold medal, and special prizes.
Impact grant winner
We were one of the 90 teams that won the impact grant this year, and this was our reward for our effort to make our project effective in the community. By early diagnosis of phenylketonuria, we prevent its complications which make a lot of families suffer from their child's sickness and death.
Safety grant winner
This year, we were one of the best 5 teams in safety and security who won the safety grant. We were better than others by introducing our CRISPR /Anti-CRISPR based genetic circuit to reduce overshooting in our circuit and increase the safety of our product.
Bronze medal
Medal Criteria |
Why do you think your team meets the medal criteria? |
Competition Deliverables: ● wiki ● Project Promotion Video ● Team Presentation
Our team has met the bronze medal requirements in terms of submitting a full wiki page with such magnificent content, in addition to making a promotion video with all criteria needed, we also made a team Presentation that was full of surprises. |
Project Attributions |
Each member wrote his contribution in the project this year. |
Project Description |
>This year, we broke our limits. We tried to solve a problem affecting not only Egypt but also the entire African continent. We have targeted the disease known as Phenylketonuria (PKU). |
Contribution |
We improved a lot of parts, and characterised them in igem registry, we also developed a new safety module and software tool that is available for all igem teams |
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Medal Criteria |
Why do you think your team meets the medal criteria? |
Engineering Success |
Collaborations |
This page represents the efforts exerted from our team and other ones to help each other. This year, there were seven teams we collaborated with and improved each other's projects to benefit the biggest possible number of people.
Human Practices |
This page clarifies our project's role in solving a national problem as Egypt has one of the highest prevalence ratios over the world for phenylketonuria
Proposed Implementation |
This page describes how we achieved our design and how we carried out the concepts outlined in the description.
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Integrated Human Practices |
We visited hospitals and met with doctors and patients to collect data about phenylketonuria. We also raised awareness about inborn errors of metabolsim and spread information about Phenylketonuria to the public.
Improvement of an Existing Part |
We improved 2 existing parts. |
Project Modeling |
We made mathematical modelling to: whole cell biosensor and aptamer affinity to phenylalanine on LFA and structure modelling riboswitch to control cas12g expression. |
Partnership |
We joined the CU team to solve the complications that faced both of us. |
Education & Communication |
We organised an Egyptian meetup, igem camp. |