Our Safety

Our Safety

Our team is fully complying with iGEM’s safety policies and regulations. We received a series of training before entering the lab, all members are received experimented safety training before the chemical and biological experiment. The safety rules are as follow

1. Good experimental habits

1. Do not wear shorts, skirts, sandals or slippers.

2. Long hair should be arranged and tied back.

3. Protection of eyes and skin, such as lab coat, gloves, masks, and goggles, must be worn at all the time. If you need to take off gloves, put the glove in your pocket inside out.

4. Gloves should not touch personal stuff, handles, or any other objects unrelated to the experiment.

5. Keep proper distance and do not touch working equipment.

6. Make sure all equipment and chemicals are kept under constant surveillance.

7. Do not touch, taste or smell any chemicals.

8. Do not stare at UV light source.

9. Waste materials such as culture media and agar gel produced should not be poured into the tank. Used chemicals should be poured into the waste tank and covered.

10. Chemicals should be cleaned and returned to their original position when used.

11. Do not touch any apparatus without constant surveillance e. g. wet beaker, if necessary, use the back of the hand.

12. After the experiment, wipe the experimental table and tidy up the experimental instruments and reagents, do not take any experimental supplies and instruments out of the laboratory.

2. Various management regulations of the laboratory

1. No food or drink should be allowed in laboratories.

2. All experiment procedures should be conducted under the guidance of a qualified instructor, including the usage of specialized equipment and operations on lab materials.

3. Emergency handling measures

1. Get familiarized with multiple hazard source, master protection and emergency handling measures.

2. Notice surroundings, exits and warning signs.

3. Close the switch first when someone gets a electric shock.

4. In case of fire, immediately turn off all power supplies and clean up inflammable and explosive objects around. If necessary, contact the fire department in time.

5. In case of accidental contact with toxic or corrosive substances on the skin surface, flush with water immediately and seek medical advice immediately.

4. Safety guidelines for prevention and control during the Covid-19

1. Keep ventilating and disinfecting the laboratories every day.

2. Make sure everyone who has used the laboratory is registered. Everyone who uses the laboratory should strictly follow the epidemic prevention regulations.

3. Make sure that everyone who uses the laboratory wears the protective equipments properly.

4. Make sure the laboratory has effective disinfectants and emergency medicine in case.

5. Biosecurity Considerations: measures or treatments for engineered microorganisms

1. Wash your hands immediately after finishing the experiment to prevent the residue or spread of germs.

2. Procedures involving infective germs should be carried out in biosafety cabinets.

3. Avoid the production of aerosol in all procedures.

4. After the experiment, all microbiological samples should be sterilized and disposed of properly according to the requirements.