We cooperated with different teams in various aspects during the course of the project. The cooperation teams include NJTech_China, Worldshaper-NJBIOX, Worldshaper-HZ, IvyMaker-China, Worldshaper-HZBIOX, Worldshaper-Shanghai,GYHS, Nanjing_China, Nanjing_NFLS.
Our cooperation includes:
--Receiving guidance from NJTech_China
--Production of popular science materials
--Online & offline promotional activities
--Participation in meetups
1.Be mentored by NJTech_China
Both of our team and NJTech_China are teams from Nanjing; NJTech_China is a team with experience of participating in iGEM before. We had the great honor to invite team members from NJTech_China to do guidance and mentoring for us. Team members from NJTech_China had given us some informative presentations about basic operation in the lab, iGEM and synthetic biology. On top of all the inspiration we got from them, during experiments, they gave us a lot of practical suggestions and useful guidance. Through the process of discussing related topic, we got to learn plenty of new knowledge, all these things helped us a lot along our progress.

2.Cartoon Handbook
2.1 with IvyMaker-China, Worldshaper-HZ :
With the collaboration of IvyMaker-China and Worldshaper-HZ, we made a cartoon handbook containing the introduction of experimental equipment, method of application and details need attention during experiment. Three different teams were in charge of different parts of this handbook. Four members from our team participated in the making process. They designed and drew the cover, back cover catalog and parts of the equipment of the handbook. Participators from different teams held an online meeting and opened discussions to decide contents in the handbook and how to divide the work. After a month of discussing, designing and drawing, the handbook was finished perfectly. After we finished the cartoon handbook, we started to give out the handbook to other schools. Most of the students thought this handbook can be really helpful for their experiment experience. Also, with the help of our handbook, more students who are not familiar with experiment equipment before are getting to know more about it in an easy-understanding way.

2.2With Worldshaper-NIBIOX:
With the suggestion from our team, team Worldshaper-NIBIOX also decided to produce a comic booklet and use it in their subsequent promotional activities. We provided them guidance as well as support in drawing and design with our experience in producing the manual, and eventually the second manual was successfully completed and put into use.

3.Promotional activities:
3.1 Science popularization with Worldshaper-HZ:
On Aug.14th, our team and Worldshaper-HZ went to China Hangzhou Low Carbon Science and Technology Museum to participate in a science popularization activity with a lot of children. Our team finished the preparation with them, all of us put lots of efforts into this activity in order to present a better result and make it in the way so children can enjoy. We discussed a lot with Worldshaper-HZ and came up with some amazing ideas. To ensure the activity can be hold successfully, our teammates went to check and decorated the place before the activity began.
During this activity, we first introduce our teams and then explain what synthetic biology is to kids. We carried out some activities like banana DNA excretion, DNA soft sweat making to attract audience’s attention. By participating in this activity, all members gained valuable experience of organizing an activity, we harvest a lot satisfaction of achievements when we see the inspiration we gave to the kids.

3.2 Online streaming education with Worldshaper-NJBIOX:
On Aug.13th,our team hold an online streaming education activity with Worldshaper-NJBIOX. We invited a lot of students who are interested in the iGEM and synthetic biology and their parents. Both teams introduced the projects and the components of the team to the audience .In addition, we spread some scientific knowledge to the public, our team introduced probiotics and Worldshaper-NJBIOX introduced bio-fuels. We also invited iGEM Asian ambassador, Zhijun Huang, to give an introduction of iGEM.
During the process of preparing the activity, our team and Worldshaper-NJBIOX held lots of conversation sessions to discuss about how to organize the activity. In order to make sure that we can show all of the contents to the public without mistakes, we also held a rehearsal before the formal one. All participators actively cooperated together and gained really valuable experience and great reflections.

3.3 Online streaming education with another six teams:
On July 10th, our team participated in a large-scale online activity. 7 iGEM teams from different areas of China held this activity together. Our main topic is about the synthetic biology in life. Through this activity, we introduced synthetic biology and our projects to the public.
the communication wasn’t easy with a large group containing 7 teams, however, everybody put their effort into it. Some teams are in charge of making ppt, some teams are in charge of doing research about the live platform, and some teams are in charge of other miscellaneous things. Our team participated in the process of planning the whole activity and testing the live platform. We were in charge of our own part of the presentation as well; we introduced our topic and some relative knowledge about our topic and synthetic biology. During the preparation, all teams shared the progress and communicated on scheduled time. Before the meeting started, participators held a rehearsal together to make sure that every step would go on normally. Although there were some problems with the Internet, but this online streaming education was eventually held successfully.

3.4 Science popularization with Worldshaper-NJBIOX, Nanjing_China, Nanjing_NFLS, NFLS_Nanjing:
On Oct.5th, our team participated in a science popularization activity that was hold in Lanyuan Community. We went there and spread the cartoon handbook we made with Worldshaper-NJBIOX .We introduced some basic information of synthetic biology to the people in the community. Our teammates participated into the work positively and put in lots efforts for the preparation as well as planning and introducing process. We gave the public a channel to know more about the synthetic biology and we hope this area can be popularized and recognized by more people through our effort.

4.Participation in meetups
4.1 Education meetup:
We attended the offline Education Meetup hosted by NNU-China and NJTech_China. An education expert from Nanjing Normal University was invited to share practical advice on hosting education activities, especially towards younger communities.
Each participant team introduced their project background, technological methods and what education activities they have already done. After the team sharing, there was a free talk section, in which we exchanged our thoughts on aspects from science to human practice.

4.2 Project meetup:
On September 29, we participated in the Nanjing Regional High School Team Meetup held by Worldshaper-NJBIOX. Teams friendly exchange and sharing on various aspects of team project backgrounds, experimental process, and social practice.
Teams had a free discussion focusing on the problems and highlights found in the report, including topics such as access to lab resources, experiment speed, manuscript writing, wiki creation, and mapping software sharing. All participating teams benefited a lot and gained valuable information from the meetup, enhanced mutual understanding and the cooperation among iGEM teams.