A circular economy solution to fight depression

Our project would not have been possible without our Sponsors and Patrons. We are a humble group from a Public University in Spain, and through the iGEM project we have realized how important financing and support from companies outside the university is to carry out a research project. For all this, we give our most sincere thanks to everyone who has helped us. Thank you very much from each of the team members.


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CINFA is the laboratory most present in the homes of our country. 100% Spanish capital and located in Olloki, Navarra. It is made up of a thousand professionals who are driven by a common health project: to provide citizens with quality and accessible treatments and health solutions, through the advice of health professionals. All this, from an approach focused not only on the disease, but also on prevention and improving the quality of life.

We are happy to announce that the multinational pharmaceutical company CINFA confirmed its sponsorship with a support of 5000 €. It has been the company that has contributed the most to enable us to attend the Grand Jamboree in Paris.

Synthetic Biology Chair

On the other hand, the UPNA Chair of Synthetic Biology was created in 2020, by means of an agreement signed by the rector of the Public University of Navarra, Ramón Gonzalo, and the director of CNTA, Héctor Barbarín. The creation of the Chair of Synthetic Biology - CNTA of the UPNA implements the collaboration between both institutions being its main objective the generation of knowledge in the area of Synthetic Biology, of interest to both parties.

The National Center for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) is a private non-profit association. It is a technological center that aims to be a national reference and to contribute to the improvement of the competitiveness and quality of the food sector.

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We are very grateful for the 5500 € that have helped us grow as a project.

The Bardenas Reales Chair for Science and Heritage

The Bardenas are a semi-desert area in the south of Navarra and constitute a biosphere reserve that is home to unique species. In 2020, the Community of Las Bardenas Reales and the Public University of Navarra signed an agreement through which a chair was created in our university with the aim of promoting, in the area of the natural park, the development of actions to generate knowledge in areas of Engineering and Technology, Basic and Health Sciences, Economic and Legal Sciences and Human and Social Sciences.

The participation of this chair in our project has consisted in helping to finance our participation in the Grand Jamboree in Paris, allowing more members of the team to take part in it.

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NILSA - Local Sustainability Chair

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Created in January 2022, the NILSA Chair of Local Sustainability is the first research chair established between a university and a public company in Navarra. Under the name of NILSA Chair of Local Sustainability, it is a forum for collaboration and knowledge exchange between both entities. The chair is also a boost to the practical application of scientific studies at the service of Navarra.

As a collaboration with our team, this chair contributes 1620 euros to our budget, which has been of enormous help to us to be able to travel to the Grand Jamboree. In return, we have committed to participate in two days of dissemination that will be organized in November in our organization.