
Our project would not have made progress without the contribution of so many dedicated people. Everyone helped to some extent in almost all the aspects of the project. We would also like to take the chance to thank our advisors and instructors for all their help. This page is dedicated to thanking all the people that made our project possible.

All team members contributed in the ideation process, fundraising, public engagement activities, writing the wiki and preparing materials for fundraising activities.


Every team member did actively participate in the lab work;

  • Aitor Ayape

  • Irene Gil

  • Raquel Iriarte

  • Adriana Martínez

  • Sergio Maraña

  • María Roldán

  • Susana San Ildefonso

  • Mario Santafé

  • Javier Zabalegui

  • Unai Gurbindo

  • Mikel Garcia

  • Aroa Roncal

We all learnt how to do different procedures such as minipreps, digestions, electrophoresis, preparation of culture media, striations exhaustion, PCR and others.


Mikel García and Unai Gurbindo were the head of the web programming, they structured, implemented and designed our outstanding wiki. They organized and controlled all the content uploaded to our wiki, also developed and designed all the pages and the graphics.

Content Generation

Irene GIl, Raquel Iriarte, Adriana Martínez and Susana San Ildefonso were the responsible of our social media, they kept our social medias updated and created new content. Raquel Iriarte and Unai Gurbindo every day wrote our lab work, our anecdotes and our excursions.

Primary PI

We want to thank Estíbaliz Larrainzar for giving us permission to work in her laboratory and for giving us access to her lab equipment during our lab work, as well as for teaching us some basic laboratory techniques and for sharing with us some of the protocols and for her advice on laboratory procedures.

Secondary PI

Many thanks to Idoia Ariz ,she has been actively involved during our ideation phase and guided us throughout the project. Her insights during the ideation process helped us choosing the direction of our project.

Instructors and advisors always play an important role during the project’s progress, and we would like to thank ours for contributing so much.


Thanks to Hugo Salas and Ainhoa Zulet, our main instructors for their support and advice throughout our project’s development! Besides, they supervised us during the whole time and put forward many useful advice, they graciously dedicated countless hours to helping us with every step along the way. They have not only instructed us how to carry out the project but also how to face many situations that arise in real work environment.


Specially thanks to our sponsors, without them this project would not have been possible.

Many thanks to the Public University of Navarre, specially to the School of Agricultural Engineering and to the School of Industrial & ICT Engineering.

Many thanks to CNTA for welcoming us and for letting us visit their facilities. Also thank you so much for financial support.

Many thanks to the CINFA for helping us in our aim to make an impact in our region and supporting us financially.


We are so grateful to the instructors Pablo Allo, María Ancín, Inés Echeverría, Laura Gímenez, Esther González, Carlos López, Rosa Murillo, Juanjo Rubio, Álex Pascual and María José Saíz Abajo for their advices. They provided us with professional guidance, supported us during the entire project and gave us valuable feedback on the potential of our project.

All our advisors helped us shape our project into a tangible and realistic form.

We would also like to thank all the people involved somehow in our project, every little help was vital for our project.

Model and forms

Every student member was part of the formulation and dissemination of both forms.

Our data scientists, Mikel García and Unai Gurbindo, were the responsibles for the form analysis and model creation.

Special thanks to Miriam Alzate y Carlos Vilches for your help training us on form creation.


In order to finance our trip to the Giant Jamboree, we organized a raffle among the Christmas spirit where people could win prizes, so we could earn money to finance this project.

Special thanks in this regard to Álex Pascual, our advisor and instructor on duty during the first and most fundamental stages of our project. Thank you for leading our fundraising and giving our project the entrepreneurial facet it otherwise would have never had.

Human Practices

Thank you so much to everyone that participated in our survey and for helping us to spread it.

We also want to thank every company that at any point has offered their help to educate us (Ainia, Quesos la Vasco Navarra S.A., Ingredalia, CNTA and Nucaps), our meetings were very insightful for the team and we certainly have grown up as scientists with your help.

Special thanks also to every individual who accepted to meet with us and let us act knowingly regarding mental health (Laiene Olabarrieta, José Javier López-Goñi, Marta beranuy, Víctor de Lorenzo, Joaquín Fernández).

We want to thank every local facility and institution that has been involved in the project in this regard (Pamplona Town Hall, Barañáin Town Hall, local grouping of municipalities offices, Public University of Navarre and media).