
Wetlab Summary

During the course of our experimental wet lab phase, we designed a genetic construct to be assembled and produced in E. coli. To create this, we utilized Combinatorial Golden Gate assembly to produce four unique genetic cassettes, each encoding a specific portion of our biosensor complex. Each cassette existed as a plasmid, with Cassettes A and C each encoding one half of the binder/linker portion of our construct. Cassette B encoded our split complementation system, which “sandwiched” our RiboJ sequence. Cassette D encoded the backbone of our final plasmid that would be transfected into cells and translated into protein. This cassette included our selected resistances as well as a D-Promoter.

Future Steps

After initial experimentation, we discovered that our RiboJ sequence was not functioning correctly in the Golden Gate assembly, so we needed to fix one end of the riboJ sequence and rerun the Golden Gate assembly. Furthermore, a wise step would be to increase the number of split reporter proteins we are experimenting with, as we gathered many more during the research phase that we never got to test. This pursuit would also adjust split sites and substrate concentrations to maximize signaling.

Computational Summary

There are many biomarkers associated with concussions and mTBI, but their binding interactions with particular proteins are not often studied so some forms of binding (particularly the strength of the biomarker/binder complex) are difficult to characterize using only the literature. After narrowing the field of likely biomarkers and binders from our literature search, we obtained sequences and then used AlphaFold1 to model complexes between binders and biomarkers. Based on the results from alphafold, we also determined binding effectiveness with two different docking suites, HDOCK and ZDOCK. Based on the results of all these simulations, we decided to use UCHL1 as our biomarker and split ubiquitin as our binder. GFAP had some promising binders as well, but we ultimately decided to focus purely on UCHL1 since we were unable to express GFAP.

Folding with AlphaFold

The four biomarkers we modeled binder complexes for were UCHL1, ENO2, GFAP, and S100β. For UCHL1, wild-type ubiquitin binds to UCHL1, and a particular modified form ubiquitin Ub-VME is used to study UCHL12. We didn’t know if reconstituted split ubiquitin would bind similarly, so we used AlphaFold to predict the structure of the complex. As expected from literature research, we found the highest number of hydrogen bonds and binding residues at the biomarker-binder interface and the binding was quite strong. There were over 20 hydrogen bonds and 67 residues at the interface. We calculated binding residues using a python script, this procedure can be found in our experiments page under “Dry Lab Protocols”. These generated structures were also fairly consistent based off of the executive RMSD’s (see below) calculated by aligning all 5 generated structures to the best structure in PyMOL3.

The dimer ENO2 had only 4 binding residues and no hydrogen bonds with bZIP75, and the binding location of bZIP75 blocks the dimerization of ENO2.

UCH1/Split Ubiquitin Complex

Complex of UCHL1 (blue) with split ubiquitin (red and green)

Interace region of ENO2 and bZIP75, binding residues shown

Interace region of ENO2 and bZIP75, with binding residues shown

For GFAP, the binders modeled in alphafold were A10, VHHB7, G11, p53, VC1 RAGE, and VC1 w61. A10 and VHHB7 have the least viable modeling as there were no binding residues or hydrogen bonds. We decided to move forward with VHHB7 instead of A10. G11 has one binding residue with GFAP. It is worth noting that, compared to the strength of UCHL1-split ubiquitin complex, all of the GFAP-binder interactions are quite poor.

Interace region of GFAP and A10, binding residues shown

Interace region of GFAP and A10

Interace region of GFAP and VHHB7, binding residues shown

Interace region of GFAP and VHHB7

Interace region of GFAP and G11, binding residues shown

Interace region of GFAP and G11, with binding residues shown

For S100β, binding with the VC1 (RAGE domain) and VC1 (w61) showed 17 and 23 interface residues respectively and no hydrogen bonds. However, using S100β in the experimental system was abandoned since S100β is expressed in the body during exercise and is expressed later in the body than UCHL1 after an mBTI event4.

Interace region of S100β and VC1's RAGE domain, binding residues shown

Interace region of S100β and VC1's RAGE domain, with binding residues shown

Interace region of S100β and VC1's w61 domain

Interace region of S100β and VC1's w61 domain

AlphaFold RMSD Values

Biomarker Binder Binding Residues Hydrogen Bonds Rank 2 RMSD Rank 3 RMSD Rank 4 RMSD Rank 5 RMSD
UCHL1 Split Ubiquitin 67 10+ 0.210 0.285 0.311 0.247
ENO2 bZIP75 4 0 14.452 17.952 0.246 0.328
GFAP A10 0 0 17.408 13.697 12.079 20.369
GFAP VHHB7 0 0 19.242 12.461 18.651 18.757
GFAP G11 2 0 16.186 14.927 12.463 21.550
S100β VC1 RAGE 17 0 0.431 12.097 25.098 0.322
S100β VC1 W61 23 0 0.251 0.161 0.240 0.208

Protein-Protein Docking with HDOCK and ZDOCK

Through protein modeling and docking, we decided to further investigate UCHL1 using split ubiquitin as a binder, as well as GFAP using S100β, G11, and VHHB7 as binders. Following the protocol listed on our experiments page, we used ZDOCK and HDOCK to dock our biomarkers and binders. Specifically, we modeled UCHL1 with split ubiquitin as a binder, as well as GFAP with S100β, G11, and VHHB7 as binders.

Several docking predictions of UCHL1 and Split Ubiquitin

Several docking predictions of UCHL1 and Split Ubiquitin

Several docking predictions of GFAP, S100B, G11, and VHHB7

Several docking predictions of GFAP, S100β, G11, and VHHB7

Regardless of docking software, the location of binding between the split ubiquitin and UCHL1 was consistent. Taken together with the results of the AlphaFold folding, which also predict binding in the same site with approximately the same strength we can be confident in the binding location and more confident in the strength of our models in silico.

Going forward it would be useful to have a model of the entire biosensor with the biomarker, binder, and linker together, but we were unable to model this due to technical limitations of the computational tools at our disposal.


  1. Jumper, J.; Evans, R.; Pritzel, A.; Green, T.; Figurnov, M.; Ronneberger, O.; Tunyasuvunakool, K.; Bates, R.; Žídek, A.; Potapenko, A.; Bridgland, A.; Meyer, C.; Kohl, S. A. A.; Ballard, A. J.; Cowie, A.; Romera-Paredes, B.; Nikolov, S.; Jain, R.; Adler, J.; Back, T.; Petersen, S.; Reiman, D.; Clancy, E.; Zielinski, M.; Steinegger, M.; Pacholska, M.; Berghammer, T.; Bodenstein, S.; Silver, D.; Vinyals, O.; Senior, A. W.; Kavukcuoglu, K.; Kohli, P.; Hassabis, D. Highly Accurate Protein Structure Prediction with AlphaFold. Nature 2021, 596 (7873), 583–589.
  2. Boudreaux, D. A.; Maiti, T. K.; Davies, C. W.; Das, C. Ubiquitin Vinyl Methyl Ester Binding Orients the Misaligned Active Site of the Ubiquitin Hydrolase UCHL1 into Productive Conformation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2010, 107 (20), 9117–9122.
  3. Schrödinger, LLC. The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 2.5.0, 2022.
  4. Wang, K. K. W.; Kobeissy, F. H.; Shakkour, Z.; Tyndall, J. A. Thorough Overview of Ubiquitin C-Terminal Hydrolase-L1 and Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein as Tandem Biomarkers Recently Cleared by US Food and Drug Administration for the Evaluation of Intracranial Injuries among Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury. Acute Med. Surg. 2021, 8 (1), e622.