1. CCiC

Project communication with LZU-A

Certificate of Participation

Our Thinker-Shenzhen team representatives participated in the 2022 China-wide online CCiC in August, which is a China-wide iGEM exchange. In addition, we also contacted teams with similar topics for exchange and learning.

2. Cooperation with TJUSLS_China of Tianjin University

In order to widely promote synthetic biology, we chose to conduct online synthetic biology promotion lectures with TJUSLS_China, an iGEM team from Tianjin University, which is located in Tianjin, China. Through the network, we mainly introduced the history, background, application and future of synthetic biology, and designed related peripherals to bring synthetic biology into the public's view

3. Synthetic biology awareness lecture with SMS_Shenzhen

In addition to the public outreach lectures, our team also focused on reaching out to high school students. In cooperation with SMS_Shenzhen, we held a lecture on synthetic biology at Shenzhen Middle School, and we gave a lively lecture for the knowledge and interest of high school students.

view their page

4. Off-line experiments with Thinker-China

In July, our team and Thinker-China conducted iGEM experiments at the Tsinghua Graduate School in Shenzhen at the same time and separately, receiving guidance and advice from our co-instructors, purchasing experimental supplies, and giving each other suggestions for experimental improvements.

5. Online synthetic biology lecture with Thinker-China

In addition to the previously mentioned synthetic biology lecture at Shenzhen Middle School, we also focused on another top high school in Shenzhen, Shenzhen College of International Education, and conducted an online synthetic biology lecture. Our two teams sent representatives to work together to create PPTs and presentations, distribute questionnaires, design peripherals, and create promotional videos. The team members from SMS, SCIE and BASIS gave a wonderful and interesting lecture to high school students of different age groups, mainly introducing the origin, development, current situation and outlook of synthetic biology, clarifying the importance and practicality of synthetic biology, hoping to plant the seeds of synthetic biology in their hearts.

Online lecture due to COVID-19

6. Project exchange with Thinker-China

Given that the detection of fungi on the skin requires patients to go to the hospital in person to ask for medical advice, our two teams were able to gain a deeper understanding of both sides of the project and make suggestions to each other. After discussions, we decided that we could use Thinker-China's low-cost detection device to detect the specific substances secreted by fungi to determine the presence of fungi, and the specific cooperation is still in further progress.

7. Hosting a Sustainability Webinar with Thinker-China

To help more teams understand the requirements of sustainable development in a simple and clear way, our two teams co-hosted a webinar on sustainable development, in which we clarified the definition of sustainable development based on relevant information: development that meets our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. We focused our discussions on the environment, economy, energy, and security, and made reasonable and feasible sustainable development recommendations for others. At the end of the meeting, we decided to work on drug side effects, production costs, and environmental pollution to better implement the sustainable development goals.

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The repository used to create this website is available at gitlab.igem.org/2022/thinker-shenzhen.