A critical aspect of experimentation is communication of aims and results; therefore, communication of our project was a major focus for our team. In order to teach the general public about our project, we decided to utilize two different educational methods: a multilingual podcast, and a coloring book.
To reach an adult target audience, our team decided to create a podcast that explains the global plastic crisis, as well as our experiments, and project goals. In order to make our podcast as widely accessible as possible, we took advantage of our multilingual team and now have five episodes with each episode being in a different language. Our podcast is now available in English, German, Spanish, Hindi, and Mandarin.

When viewing the demographics of the five languages and their primary locations, it is clear that our podcast has the ability to reach over 100 countries.
For our team, reaching a young audience was important to us because we believe that educating children about real-world problems such as plastic pollution would instill curiosity in them and inspire them to help make a difference. Taking into consideration that topics in our project may be difficult for a child to comprehend, we created a coloring book that is both interactive and informative.
In the iGEM TAMU 2022 coloring book, we simplified concepts to be user-friendly for children and have simple yet educational drawings to color in. We also included games such as a word search and a maze to help keep the audience engaged.