Team Members

Ruihan Chen

I'm Ruihan Chen (17), and I am the leader of SHSBNU_China team this year. I live for Biology and managed to be the leader of the Synthetic Biology Club at school. I am very glad that our team could have the golden chance to take part in iGEM this year.

Weijian Zhao

The idea that I always wanted to be a doctor led me to understand biology and discover its charm. I wish I can lead this team to become effective and let every member in our team to get involved in the engineering biology. So in this project, I will do my part and work on improving my biology skill.

Huaijun Zhang

I'm Huaijun Zhang, 16, and I became interested in synthetic biology when I was 12. To me, synthetic biology is not so much of a biological discipline, but more of a new way of thinking in engineering. It led me to appreciate the world from a microscopic perspective. I first heard about the iGEM competition when I am 15. I'm very glad that I could join our team to discvoer the future of synthetic biology.

Jiangyuan Li

Come to think of it, I believe that Biology is a study about us, the lives around us, and what brings the two together. So I kept this notion in mind and, by, chance, discovered this great competition. I'm in charge of building and designing the website of our team, which includes this line of text that you're reading now.

Yuanbi Zhang

My name is Yuanbi Zhang and I'm the head of our team's art department. I have a huge love and boundless passion for both the biological and artistic fields! I'm very glad that I could join SHSBNU_China to continue this ultimate love in the team!

Zifu Tang

I’m Zifu Tang, 16. I became interested in biology when I decided come to our school and join the igem team. I‘d like to explore many biology question and doing the experiment to feel the sense of success. I’m very glad that I could join SHSBNU_China to contribute to the future of synthetic biology.

Zimu He

I’m Zimu He, a 17-year-old high school student, and I became interested in biology when I first studied biology in junior high school. I first heard the iGEM competition when I step just entered high school and joined the synthetic biology club. I have a huge passion in biology and scientific research, loving this competition. I appreciate this chance to participate in the IGEM competition and work with my team members.

Fupu Yang

I'm Fupu Yang, responsible for wiki production. I'm 16 years old. I want to learn biology because I want to help people cure diseases and get rid of pain at the genetic level. After I came to high school, I heard about and participated in the iGEM competition. I am very happy to learn and practice more synthetic biology knowledge through this competition to help me realize my dream.

Ziluo Huang

Hello I'm Charlie Huang,a member in the HP and the experiment group. I love to deal with experimental equipments and I want to work in the field of biology someday!

Haoyang Tang

I’m Hao Yang Tang, and I became interested in biology in my traveles through nature ---While hiking in the mountains and forests, I realised how miraculous the unfamiliar creatures are. I first heard the iGEM competition when I joined a organization that provides a whole new platform for me. I’m very glad that I could join SHSBNU_China to contribute to the future of synthetic biology.

Yichen Wang

Biology has always been my favorite since I first meet this subject. Being a part of the team, I wish we can discover more knowledge about synthetic biology than we expected. It’s fantastic to participate in this program, and I’ll try my best to devote my strength to it.

Jiewei Wu

I’m 16. I became interested in biology when I was a kid, I used to look at things through my microscope. I first heard the iGEM competition when I joined the synthetic biology club in high school. I’m very glad that I could join SHSBNU_China to do what I like which is biology with my friends.

Team Advisor

Haohui Che

I’m Haohui Che, the team leader of 2021 SHSBNU_China team. With my experiences and knowledge about iGem and biology, I helped this year’s team with their project.

Hongyu Zhou

Hello everyone! I am Rain, the group leader of Human Practices in 2021 SHSBNU_China. I'd like to share my experiences with my junior schoolmates. Hope my advise can help them.