

Wiki - Shawn Ichikawa

  • Shawn was in charge of writing all of the code for the Wiki along with coordinating the distribution of work to the other team members for what sections of the wiki they should write.
  • Presentation - Shelby Sawyer

  • Shelby was in charge of putting together and formatting the presentation for the iGEM competition.
  • Aim One - Shelby Sawyer

  • Shelby Sawyer was in charge of Aim 1. She performed all protocols that pertained to this Aim. She also created all figures and models that you see associated with Aim 1 in this wiki as well as in the presentation.
  • Aim Two - Matt Tokuda & Gavin Magill

  • Matt Tokuda and Gavin Magill were in charge of heading Aim 2. They performed all experiments and followed all protocols which were of relevancy to this Aim. They also created all figures and readings for their Aim. Matt and Gavin also wrote up the literature for the sections pertaining to Aim 2 in this Wiki.
  • Aim Three - Shawn Ichikawa & Chivon Ou

  • Shawn Ichikawa and Chivon Ou were in charge of leading Aim 3. They were responsible for leading the experimental side as well as the documentation side of this aim. They wrote all of the protocols and kept a history of all experimentation. Shawn created the models and diagrams that are in this wiki pertaining to this Aim. Chivon wrote the literature that is of relevancy to this Aim.
  • Mentors, PI's, and Instructors

  • Michael Brasino, Carlos Origel, and Joshua Salvidar were responsible for being mentors and points of reference when the mentees needed assistance. They were responsible for creating the protocol and guiding the students to an efficient experiment. If any problems or issues came up, they were the first point of contact.