On May 11th, we invited NCKU_Tainan to operate a YouTube channel together, and the channel was named Taiwan iGEM.
To enable the public to understand Biosynthesis Technology without burden, Taiwan iGEM assembled introduction videos from iGEM teams all over Taiwan. The target audiences of the channel are Chinese speakers, so the uploaded videos were and will be in Chinese. Another feature is that we made a playlist that collected the YouTube videos about Biosynthesis Technology to help people search videos more easily.
Besides the project introduction videos, our team also uploaded a diabetes knowledge video and NCKU_Tainan has uploaded two episodes of audiobooks.
As of Sep. 13, impressions of Taiwan iGEM got 6,214, which might stand for the influence of the channel. Thanks for all the participating iGEM teams’ help. This achievement was contributed by all of the participating teams.

On June 30th, we were invited by CSMU_Taiwan to record a podcast together.
Through the process of recording the podcast, both of us got to know each other's projects and teams much better. After we recorded the podcast, we exchanged opinions on Wet Lab and Human Practice. Through this opinion exchange, we learned a lot of experiences from each other.

We participated in the ARS (Asia Federation of Biotechnology Regional Symposium) on August 22nd, and 23rd. We participated in the Synthetic Biology & Protein Engineering session held by iGEM NCKU_Tainan. This conference was held for iGEM teams from all over Asia, such as Japan, China, and India.

Just like the name, we got a chance to interact with iGEM teams from around Asia. National boundaries couldn’t become a barrier among us. The iGEM team from National Cheng Kung University held this symposium online, enabling every team from Asia to join in. We exchanged our opinions and advice on lab experiments, instrument design, etc. Besides those of the labs, suggestions for human practice were given as well. Through all of those, we made some adjustments to our plans.

Some attended teams

On August 22nd, our team attended a meetup in Tainan city hosted by the past iGEMers from NCKU_Tainan.On this occasion, all the iGEM teams in Taiwan shared their projects by presenting posters and presentations.

This conference allowed us to communicate with iGEM teams from all over Taiwan. In addition, the discussion helped us realize our shortcomings and ways to solve them, such as we needed to clarify our storyline and talk more about the seriousness of diabetes. Also, we met many like-minded partners that had an ambition to win a gold medal.

Besides the excitement of meeting like-minded participants, it was the first time to present our project virtually at this kind of gigantic conference, and we had mixed feelings about this conference.

Through this conference, we experienced the pressure that we would have during the upcoming Grand Jamboree. At the same time, we created a plan to enhance the strong points and strengthen the weaknesses.

As the pandemic began to thaw in Taiwan, NCKU_Tainan, CCU_Taiwan, and our team were having a conference in Chiayi from September 1st to 2nd.
We invited Dr. ZHANG, RUI-REN, the CEO of the biotechnology industry, Trade Wind Biotech, to provide views and suggestions from different and professional aspects during the poster session and after our presentation.

We learned a lot from this conference. Professors and Dr. ZHANG gave us many practical suggestions, which were about the flaws we didn’t notice, such as how we could make a more attractive introduction to PQQ(Pyrroloquinoline quinone) and we could also show our sponsor on the slide pages.

At the end of the conference, we still had a long way to go. We had an evaluation meeting after this conference to discuss our flaws we found during the conference. Our project became more complete and progressed throughout these corrections.

On August 20th, NTHU_iGEM held an online meeting on Google Meet. The primary purpose of this meeting was to practice for the podcast on September 4th. In the meeting, we started with sharing projects. Next, we shared our suggestions for each other's projects.
NTHU_iGEM gave us some suggestions about fundraising and project presentation arrangement, which helped us to smooth our team operation.

At the end of the meeting, we made a date for the next podcast, and both of us couldn't hide our excitement and joy.

On September 4th, we recorded a podcast with NTHU_Taiwan, and the podcast was hosted by them. The flow of the podcast was as following. First, the host introduced himself, NTHU_Taiwan, NCHU_Taichung, and our NCHU_Taichung members’ school. In the second session, we, NCHU_Taichung, introduced our project, and NTHU_Taiwan asked us five questions, such as why we chose this topic and why we wanted to join this competition, etc. We also took this opportunity to promote the basic knowledge of diabetes.

By podcasting with NTHU_Taiwan, we thought about our original intention again, which empowered us to move on with the coming challenges.