
Student Members

  • An odd mixture of biology, astrophysics, and weird taste in rock musicals originated from her 3 billion bp (those genes must have quirky mutations). She hopes her 86 billion neurons, though rapidly dying, could suffice her quest “to boldly explore where no man has gone before”.

    Qinyi Wang

    captain/wet lab/modeling/HP/senior

  • A cat-like, sociable yet considerate girl who fancy economics. Puzzled by her business model, she still tries hard to maintain her telomere length. While economics tells her profits, synthetic biology teaches her techniques.

    Youran Zhao

    co-captain/HP/wiki text editing/art design/senior

  • The significance of biotechnology is to reduce the suffering of human disease and improve the quality of life. I am committed to pursuing such a meaningful life.

    Zhiwen Ji

    wet lab/senior

  • A carbon-based creature which mostly composed of water. Only the head would burst out crazy thoughts about genetics and strange biological problems---sometimes, of course.

    Hengyi Xu

    HP/wiki text editing/senior

  • A literary type who is sensitive to the utmost. Still,I’m willing to reading and discovering the code of life. My heart now sleeps the red velvet flower, now the white, nor winks the gold fit in the porphyry font, nor the life can only be explained in imagination.

    Xuran Xu

    HP/wiki text editing/senior

  • I always think I'm lucky -- among more than 170 million kinds of creatures on the earth, I belong to the most intelligent one. That's where my interest in biology come from. I want to know more about other creatures and our relationship with them, as well as technologies that can change our life. My passion will never run out!

    Yunzhu Chen

    wet lab/modeling/junior

  • Though he often wonders about things behind the black hole, biology also fascinates him. He is amazed at the reaction between physics and biology. He enjoys exploring the world with natural sciences!

    Chang Sun

    wiki coding/modeling/junior

  • An extreme ordinary humanoid creature, perhaps AI(who knows), have a dream of being a biologist. He is super interested in the fantastic world of genetics and synthetic biology. Though he doesn’t mean to but he really looks funny.

    Yanheng Zhu

    HP/art design/junior

  • You must have observed the pig's heart in the biology class as a junior high student, but have you ever turned the inside part of it all over ? Well, I have! To me, dissection is nothing but fascinating. It helps me learn more about the structure of different species, no wonder biology appeals to me so much!

    Yunxian Ding

    wet lab/art design/junior

  • I have no interest in bugs, but I’ happy to make research on different creatures. I’m not an expert, but I’m trying to be one. I enjoy challenging so I am here in iGEM !

    Jiaying Zhou

    wiki coding/junior

  • I am someone who really enjoys learning anything that is new. I always find that the nature always brings all kind of new knowledge in front of my waiting for me to discover them.

    Litong Wu

    wet lab/junior

  • I find the shape of the Phospholipid molecules interesting, which look like a people’s lower part of the body. I am also attracted by the hypothesis that the chlorophyll exists in green plants’ cell because cyanobacteria invaded them a long time ago.

    Pinxi Guo


  • Science always attracts me a lot, and I really enjoy immersing myself in creative ideas and explorations. Besides Biology, I also love reading and travelling, by which I know more about the world and nature.

    Chenni Wang

    wet lab/art design/junior

  • I always think that nature is the most wonderful thing in the world. We hope and need to experience the greatness of nature, that why I am here.

    Xingran Wang


  • It seems strange about an introduction with nothing biology related. Whatever, she has always been known for her eccentric style and poker face which made her look forty-eight (according to her mother). She flourishes on sunny days and loathes rain, enjoys a good film with gruesome details, and has her oatmeal without milk.

    Jiayi Gu


Principal Investigators

  • Postdoctoral Fellow at Southeast University, School of Public Health

    Qin Ding

    Primary PI

  • Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Health, Southeast University School of Public Health

    Juan Zhang

    Secondary PI