Dr. West
Dr. Shannon
We have 2 advisors, Dr. Dave Westenberg and Dr. Katie Shannon.
They have been guides on this project, as well as a great place to go for answers on any random questions we came up with that research could not answer.
Dr. Westenberg and Dr. Shannon were generous enough to let us borrow some of their supplies and workspace for our experiments.
Missouri Miners consists of 3 committees: lab committee, PR committee, and web committee.
Lab committee is run by the lab manager, Molly Ripper. This committee was responsible for the documentation, procedures, and collaboration involved with the project.
The lab members include the following:
- Chambre Garcia
- Danielle Dotson
- Molly Ripper
- Austin Thrasher
- Erik Bergstrom
- Jay Farwig
- Beck Saunders
- Sophie Firle
- Andrew Ewers
Every member of the lab committee contributed to each aspect of the content of our wiki.
General and project support, fundraising help and advice, lan and difficult technique support.
Web committee is run by Kevin Lai. The committee translated lab committee data onto our wiki into an enjoyable experience for the viewer.
Web committee members include:
- Kevin Lai
- Danielle Dotson
- Molly Ripper
- Austin Thrasher
- Erik Bergstrom
- Lucas Navarro
Every member of the lab committee contributed to Wiki support.
PR committee is run by Danielle Dotson.
She and her committee members Andrew Ewers, Molly Ripper, and
Chambre Garcia met weekly to plan outreach events and socials within our team.
- Molly Ripper: managed our lab as well as trained new members. She also kept procedures and supplies up to date.
- Erik Berstrom:managed our financials as well as ordered supplies and any necessary equipment.
- Austin Thrasher: took attendance and meeting minutes.
- Danielle Dotson: managed the team as well as made herself the main point of contact for the team. She also planned socials and events.
- Kevin Lai: headed the web committee and built the wiki.