

Janice Xu
Honours Health Science, Graduating

iGEM has been an irreplaceable part of my life since first year! I love food, manga, and philosophy, but I love the problem-solving and community iGEM brings more :)

Frank Chen
Frank Chen
Honours Health Science, Graduating

iGEM has been such a vital part for my growth throughout university. I love cooking, weightlifting, and basketball, but nothing beats the community we had in iGEM :')

Wet Lab Team

Hala Mahdi
Hala Mahdi, Wet Lab Co-Lead
Honours Health Science, Year III

I joined iGEM because I loved the idea of learning more about the innovative research process, as well as getting involved developing a project from the ground up!

Amanda Densil
Amanda Densil, Wet Lab Co-Lead
Honours Biology and Pharmacology, Year IV

I've been with the team since my first year of uni and have stayed on since then because I love how we get to be innovative and design our own projects that can actually help real medical problems :)

Alyssa Mark
Alyssa Mark, Wet Lab Member
Honours Biochemistry - Biomedical Research Specialization, Year III

I enjoy reading manga, and joined igem to broaden my horizons and learn more about synthetic biology.

Jiwon Hwang
Jiwon Hwang, Wet Lab Member
Honours Health Sciences, Year III

I joined iGEM because I’ve never been in a wet lab before and wanted to try something new out!

Ajilan Sivaloganathan
Ajilan Sivaloganathan, Wet Lab Member
Honours Health Sciences, Year III

I joined iGem to develop my lab skills and learn about synthetic biology.

Andrew Chami
Andrew Chami, Wet Lab Member
Honours Health Sciences, Year II

I have played volleyball for 10 years and I joined IGEM to get a hands on experience with working with synthetic biology!

Ilesha Prabhudesai
Ilesha Prabhudesai, Wet Lab Member
Honours Kinesiology, Year II

I used to do Indian Classical Dancing and I joined iGEM to gain insight into the world of synthetic biology and get some hands on experience in lab settings!

Alexia Di Martino
Alexia Di Martino, Wet Lab Member
Honours Molecular Biology and Genetics, Year IV

I joined iGEM to continue learning more about the amazing world of biotechnology and put my skills to practice in a space with others who are just as passionate as I am!

Dry Lab Team

Yifan Wang
Yifan Wang, Dry Lab Co-Lead
Honours Health Science, Year III

I've been with iGEM since first year, but when I was first applying to join the team, I almost missed my interview because I got time zones mixed up.

Nick Li
Nicholas Li, Dry Lab Co-Lead
Honours Health Science, Year IV

I've been with iGEM since my 2nd year, and since then I've gained a startling addiction to caffeine. I also play the violin and have a Doberman at home named Hugo.

Lila Al-Arabi
Lila Al-Arabi, Dry Lab Sr Member
Biotechnology, Year IV

I joined iGem to learn more about dry lab practices and apply my theoretical knowledge to real world problems!

Akaash Ratra
Akaash Ratra, Dry Lab Sr Member
Honours Health Sciences, Year IV

I enjoy Martial Arts like Taekwondo and Video Games like Valorant, I joined iGEM because I like science.

Yumna Khan
Yumna Khan, Dry Lab Member
Biotechnology, Year IV

I'm in iGEM because I wanted to learn more about modelling and ended up learning about HTML which is still a win. A random fact about me is that I play piano.

Chantal Luo
Chantal Luo, Dry Lab Member
Chemical & Biomedical Engineering, Year II

I joined iGEM because I am interested in both engineering and biology. Participating in iGEM has allowed me to collaborate with peers from different backgrounds and apply the knowledge I learned in class to make our project come to life. A random fact about me is that at one point, my family had four dogs.

Human Practices Team

Mya George
Mya George, Human Practices Co-Lead
Honours Health Sciences Child Health Specialization, Year III

I was on a high school iGEM team in highschool and competed back in 2018 so I am super excited to return to Jamboree!

Antonette Ong
Antonette Ong, Human Practices Co-Lead
Life Sciences, Year IV

I joined iGEM because I know that it will encourage me to step out of my comfort zone and gain further knowledge and experience in synthetic biology and within the research field in general

Anjana Sudharshan
Anjana Sudharshan, Human Practices Member
Life Sciences, Year II

Anthony Derevyanko
Anthony Derevyanko, Human Practices Member
Life Sciences, Year III

A fun fact about me, because I was in an arts middle school, I had to learn ballroom and tap-dancing.

Aribah Ali
Aribah Ali, Human Practices Member
Justice, Political Philosophy and Law, Year II

Selina Tang
Selina Tang, Human Practices Member
Life Sciences, Year III

Serena Lai
Serena Lai, Human Practices Member
Honours Health Sciences, Year II

Joy Heifetz
Joy Heifetz, Human Practices
Undergraduate Medicine, Year I