
What does AROMATA look like in the real world?

Proposed End Users:

Unlike the current manufactured products on the market, Aromata aims to create a scent brand that is both accessible for a larger population, and sustainable when it comes to environmental influences. Hence, our end users’ range are characterized in our ENTREPRENEURSHIP PAGE

Financial class: Middle class to lower-working class

Justification: While most of the deodorants and perfume are targeting the upper- and middle-class consumers, we choose to open up a Blue Ocean Market with Aromata, providing convenience to the individuals who are in a larger need than the others.
For instance, comparing to other occupations, the general occupations with lower salaries are more likely to need scent products. Occupations like construction workers, cleaning ladies, or the service industry often require individuals to conduct high-labor tasks, despite the temperature of the working environment. Sweat is more likely to be secreted under such circumstances, and hence making the lower-classed population more in need of products like deodorant and perfume.
However, the mainstream products currently on the market are either brands with luxurious orientational design, targeting higher classed consumers, or other brands advocating their convenience under a relatively higher price that could be afforded by lower-classed consumers, targeting the middle-classed population.
Therefore, Aromata aims to explore the blue ocean market, extending the targeted consumers to another financial class. We are certain that it is a feasible brand orientation because the lower-class population too have a massive need toward scent products, while having insufficient current supplies in the market.

Age range: Teenagers to middle age (around 35 years old)

Justification: After categorizing the potential consumers via age ranges, we have zoomed our targeted audience to teenagers and middle-aged population.
This is because that this population is the one that is in need of scent products the most, since they have the most exercises daily, while having rather active nervous system, which controls sweating. According to surveys, this is the population that is the most passionate about environmental sustainability, and hence guarantees their enthusiasm toward Aromata. Therefore, our product aims to provide convenience to the middle- and lower-class, and the individuals aging from teenagers to middle age.


We envision our final product to have two major forms when being applied: patches and spray-on, both enabled by a sustainable fermenter.
The fermenter is designed to be accessible at home, so that the consumers can utilize it for fengycin and santalene whenever they have the demand. Our product’s hardware in detail can be seen in the hardware page.
The patches are follow-up products of our fermenter. By applying the fengycin extracted onto the patches, consumers can stick it under their armpit to enable the following series of reactions that inhibits the quorum sensing system of Staphylococcus spp.

The spray-on product mixes fengycin produced from the fermenter into saline (automatically done by our fermenter), hence creating a spray-on product that can place fengycin under the armpit of our consumers, reaching the goal of quorum-sensing inhibition.
Unlike the other one-time products in the current market, our fermenter guarantees a long-term usage of our product, hence achieving sustainability. By doing so, we can prevent the emissions of other products used during transportation, manufacturing, etc., therefore conserving our environment.

Real-world implementation:

When implemented in the real world, our product would take place in the daily households of our consumers, that is, all consumers will have access toward the fermenter if they want to.
In order to achieve this goal, we have also guaranteed no safety risk of our product, and that even if such risks are encountered, we can effectively mitigate them.
Furthermore, to enlarge public acceptance of synthetic biological products, our fermenter is designed to exclude living bacteria and on-skin reaction for now, to prevent our audiences’ rejection.
When the public education of synthetic biology is developed to the extent that the public hold no prejudice nor psychological rejection toward living bacteria, we will also develop a product via hydrogel. Covering B.sub in hydrogel can guarantee that there would be no bacterial leakage outside of our product, while enabling colonization’s competition between Staphylococcus spp. and B.sub, unlocking a new pathway to inhibit the production of malodor.
This future image of the next generation of Aromata can bring its effectiveness to the next level. However, it is based on the basis that the magnitude of public acceptance can encourage the public to embrace living bacterial reaction.

Safety concerns:

There are certain safety concerns in our implementation, and hence we have developed comprehensive solutions just in case they occur in reality.

1. Bacterial leakage
a. Even though our fermenter is sophisticatedly designed, that there is not a high chance of B.sub leakage, we have to admit that there is a potential danger of such incidents happening.
b. To prevent further dangers, we have proposed three major solutions.
i. Further enhance the sealing of our fermenter to prevent such risks from the root.
ii. A manual is provided on the side of our product, explaining the operation of the fermenter, the potential danger, and eliminating methods in detail to prevent such safety concern.
iii. Even if we take this risk to the maximized extent, our product will also provide additional materials, e.g., ethanol, which guarantees that the bacterial leakage would be eliminated in a timely manner.

2. Culture medium leakage
a. Culture medium leakage can lead to the potential disturbance of the original bacterial colony on human body, hence creating dangers.
b. To eliminate this risk, we have:
i. Enhanced the sealing system of our fermenter, guaranteeing its safety to the maximized extent
ii. Used saline in the fermenter to cleanse fengycin after it is produced by B.sub, which would further prove that the culture medium will not get out of the fermenter.

By identifying, analyzing, and preventing the potential safety concerns of our product, we can guarantee its application in the real world, and that even if such concerns are met, our product can still eliminate the enlargement of such safety risks.

Possible challenges:

In the process of advocating our product, we must consider other possible challenges during implementation. Though our hardware has done the protections and danger preventions to the extreme, there is still a certain chance that the consumers might not be familiar with the operation of the fermenter or other byproducts. Therefore, an even more comprehensive procedure of dangers’ prevention and elimination could be designed in the future.