
We underwent rigorous training in laboratory safety and operation before entering the experiment, and learned about the hazardous chemicals that would be used in the course of our project, and used industrialized finished products whenever possible. We also followed the standard experimental procedures and wore gloves, lab coats, and goggles during the experiments.

Therefore, when we use hazardous chemicals (e.g. glacial acetic acid, phenol and chloroform), it will be in the fume hood during the experiments. To prevent their leakage outside the fume hood, we used higher standard 1.5 ml centrifuge tubes (eppendorf 0030120086). Also, we used pre-made gels for SDS-PAGE (Sangon Biotech, C621105-0001) to avoid harm to the body from chemicals such as SDS.

In addition, we only used two strains of E. coli throughout the experiment, one is the commonly used DH5α and the other is the current common probiotic Nissle 1917. this allows us not to worry too much about microbial contamination.