

Sally Yingqi Lu

As part of the wet team, she was involved in the early stages of our experiments such as plasmid extraction, β-gal activity detection and bacteria culturing. She was also responsible for the project description of our wiki.

Tiger Wang

Leader of laboratory work. Involved in experiments including extraction of plasmids, extraction of CAP, nissle/DH5α transformation, configuration of various solutions/gels, determination of β-galactosidase activity and analysis of data.


I've worked in the lab for about three weeks, and I’m responsible for some basic parts of the experiment like retrieving PCR.

Bowen Duan

Before our experiment, I led and coordinated the research on several potential topics, including the synthesis of spider silk, hyaluronic acid, and lactase production. I located the proteins and genes needed for these potential project and weighed them based on creativity, difficulty, and social significance. After deiciding on our final research prompt related to lactase, I also took part in the planning of the experiments before we started working hands on. During the experiment, I participated in the examination of plasmids Ha0001-Ha0005, as well as the production and effectiveness of CAP. Meanwhile, I also helped coordinate our integrated human practices and modeling.


Take charge: I have worked in the lab for two weeks and carried out some basic data that can help this project.


Participate in laboratory work to extract CAP using phenol and chloroform.

Eric Xu

Participated in the preparation of LB agarose culture substrate and DNA transformation.


I participated in the synthesis and purification of ha0001-ha0005 plasmids, and also the qualitative and quantitative examination on these plamids—specifically, the quantification of lactase and kpsp, which stimulates bacteria to secrete lactase. On the dry lab part, i researched the use of crisper and HEHJ as preperataion for lab. I am also responsible for the the education and publicizing of synthetic biology, in term of seminars in our school, as well as out team's igem presentation and answering from the judge. Earlier on, I worked on the design and parts on hyaluronic acid, whic is the project that we previously aimed to do.

Zabrina Zhang

During the experiment, I participated in the experiments of medium configuration, preparation of culture substrate, plasmid purification and DNA extraction.

William Wu

Before the lab, I did all kinds of research that could possibility be helpful and may correlate with our topic: the main ones are cell functioning, CRISPER, and hyaluronic acid; during the lab, I participated in examining the effectiveness of CAP and the characterization of lactase.


Preparation and purity detection of β-galactosidase (β-Gal) activity detection kit Cap.

Berly Ge

Background research for feasibility, real life application scenario, and gene pathway. Participated in testing calibration curve by using spectrovis during the experiment.

Ethan Zhao

I’ve worked in the lab for 2 weeks and participated experiments included strain culture, determination of lactase activity and extract CAP, attaining data related to our experiment. Before doing experiments, I collected and summarized several researches that might be helpful to our project.


I have worked continuously in the lab and was responsible for transfering plasmids ha0001 to ha0005 into bacteria. Later, I participated in CAP extraction aand waas reasonsible for gathering and analysing experimental data.


Investigation, Public Engagement, Background Research, Software, Writing
I communicated with all research teams and aided in the completion of all the dry lab sections. From designing to practice, the dry team completed a lot of the intergrated human practices by lunching online challenges and reaching out to influencers to spread word about lactose intolerance.In terms of communication, I hosted the group interviews for consulting different professionals. I also coordinated the partnerships with SMS_shenzheng, LZU_china and main other collaboration with teams doing research on lactose intolerance or intestinal microbiology. I also supervised the arts and design team, the modelling team. Apart from societal impact, I also contributed in coding for the wiki and content discussion on the presentation.


Investigation, Public Engagement, Software, Writing
Member of the dry team, I was in charge of most of the jobs of human practice. I interviewed people surrounding with lactose intolerance, collected their problems and concerns to make and distribute the questionnaire. I compiled parts of the interviews and complete the analysis of the questionnaire. On top of that, I also administered the production of promotion video. Last but not least, I completed the writing of the human practice section.


I was in change of the wiki design, visualisation and drawing. I also helped in all the outlining and planning of the presentation slides, wiki and promotional video.


I led the overall visualization team with great care and an incredible work ethic. I took charge of most of the animations, including the animations for the promotional video, the animated educational videos used in collaboration with SMS_Shenzhen to discuss lactose intolerance. I also drew the logo and artwork displayed on the presentation and the wiki.


Investigation, Background Research, writing
I took charge of the mathematical modelling section of our team. I had to take multiple attempts at the problem before finding the perfect mathematical model for our project. I was also the main designer of the mathematical model. From background research, data analysis and description writing, I participated in all of it.


Background Research
I was the free agent of our team. Able to supervise projects and jump in whenever he can, I assisted in background research and mathematical model design, I have also made contributions to the wiki through his translation of the different interviews and conversations from a lactose free-milk company.


Junjie Zhu

Junjie Zhu is the Team Instructor. He is mainly responsible for teaching and helping the team to complete the project design and experiments.

Xinyue Yu

Xinyue Yu is the Team Advisor. She mainly plays a supporting role in the HP part of the team.

Jidan Huang

Jidan Huang is one of Team Project guide and mainly responsible for teaching and helping the team to Mathematical modeling

General support

Junjie Zhu and Ying Shi are the responsible for purchasing and organizing the experimental equipment and materials.

Kejiu Biological Intelligent Manufacturing Lab Our team do the experiment and discovery at this lab. We were supported with researching equipment and basic chemicals.

Hanjie Zhang and He Li are our biosafety officers, who attributing to the laboratory safety training and ensuring standardization experimental operation.

Xinyue YU was the supervisor of the dry team, guiding us and giving instructions on how human practices is to be performed