We conducted all of our wet lab research at Zhejiang University's Yuquan campus' Center for Synthetic Biology.

Before we began our research, we were all given training in fundamental laboratory operations and laboratory safety by Lab veterans.

E. coli and yeast are typical microbes used in laboratories for research, editing, and other experimental modifications. They would be relatively safe if we handled them appropriately. However, if we consume a significant number of cells, these microorganisms may offer a health danger. Wearing gloves and a lab coat is required to reduce the risk of infection.
All of the proteins and plasmids used in our investigations pose no health risks to people. As of right now, none of our components would present a safety concern, according to knowledge.
Because ethidium bromide is carcinogenic, DNA gel electrophoresis is carried out in a specially polluted environment. This workstation requires the use of plastic gloves, and all of the appliances are devoted.

According to laboratory regulations, we would classify the solid, liquid, and volatile organic liquid wastes generated throughout the experiment and transport them to our university's designated location for special treatment. Meanwhile, our university's laboratory safety officers closely monitor each operation performed by our staff.