Team members work under the guidance of team leaders and alongside other team members to ensure that organizational goals are met.
Our group consist of eight core members of the team.
Hank Yuan¶

Hank is the leader of our team. He is very active in various tasks and helps the team members to complete different tasks. He is very conscientious and never perfunctory. He always checks the progress of everyone in the team and will help us if we were difficult to complete the task. In daily life, he also treats everything with a serious and responsible attitude. He has strong leadership and organizational ability and good at language communication. In addition, he is also the keynote speaker of the school’s club sessions and classes to guide people to know more about different biological knowledge and promote our iGEM project knowledge.
Efforts never betray yourself, even if the dream will betray. Because effort may not achieve your dreams, but the fact that you have tried is enough to comfort yourself.
Wet lab/HP/video
Haoting Xie¶

Xie is very concerned about the division of labor and management of the team. He always asks about the progress of every team members, but he also cares about the workload of the team members and tries to take care of the feelings of each team member. In terms of work, he is the mainly principal for the Dry lab and Modeling. He always quick to explore and completed his work ahead of schedule, and helped the team members to share the work in the extra time.
He who never fails never succeeds.
Dry lab/HP/modeling/wiki
Sunny Xu¶

Sunny seems very easygoing, but she was a little bit nervous when we first met. When it comes to the study of biology, she becomes like a new person, always eager to learn new things. She will try her best to do a good job, as a serious girl. Actually, Sunny has a lovely side. This girl finished nearly all our PPT of our presentations.
There is no other way for me to go. Press forward with indomitable will.
wet lab/HP/design/video
Logan Li¶

He loves design and is mainly responsible for all the art design in the team, including the production and design of team emblem, team mascot, poster, PPT, wiki design and copywriting. He worked hard and carefully every time, and tried to submit satisfactory works every time. Although he revised and honed many times, he was able to overcome every failure and difficulty, and learned new knowledge and ability from it. In addition, he is a keynote speaker at the school’s Club Festival and the club course, dedicated to sharing his research findings with more people. He is also an animator, actor, and video editor for promotion video of our team.
Detach my feelings to become who I want.
Artwork/HP/wet lab
Xiaoxuan Niu¶

Niu always actively participates in human practice, committs to survey and collaboration with other teams, never gets tired of helping other teamates to do reports and so on. She also pays close attention to the experimental process. Even though the process is difficult to understand, she always trying her best to retell them in the form of essay and slide. She has huge eager to study new things and practise them, what is more, it only takes her relatively short time to learn and tasks are always finished on time, which surprise us a lot.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist.
wet lab/HP/design
Jiaru Yang¶

Yang works as a wiki producer and always being actively in organizing hp. She planned the interview, which is an significant part of hp. When writing contribution, she used her serious and rigourous altitude to pay attention to every detils. She has great cohesion with others, and considered helping others as a wonderful thing. Her dedication of establishing a great platform for communication gain assent from everyone of us.
Brainy is the new sexy
Klay Su¶

Su always participate in the wiki construction and presentation part. He collects almost all of the work done by other teammates, and always pays a lot of attention in the speaking part, even at the late night, he is still collecting the information that other teammates did and practising all the speaking part that he is responsible. He always actively in encouraging other teammates by making some jokes, and making the team atmosphere better.
Practice and passion makes perfect
HP/ Wiki
Mimu chen¶

Chen is a participant of the HP part in this project. During working, she always takes care of her teammates’ feelings, making everyone happy and creating a joyous atmosphere.
You can be everything you want to be.
Human practice
Wet Lab
Art Work
Hank Yuan
Haoting Xie
Sunny Xu
Xiaoxuan Niu
Logan Li
Jiaru Yang
Klay Su
Our team GDSYZX collaborated with the SYSU-China through out a long period time. During this period, we and the SYSU-China team exchanged our experience, suggestions and topics with each other, thus inspired and provided a clear paths for both of the teams. Also, the SYSU-China team also gave us lessons about public speaking skills and the expertise. Last, we had a few Tencent meetings with the SYSU-China team and visited their Laboratory, and exchanging the further suggestions about the projects that we are working on. Last, we discussed and optimized the ode formula for the both team.
At the beginning of the whole project, we met the team leader of SYSU-China and he gave us an introduction of their project about synthetic biology and discussed some of the advice that we made for their project. Under the guide of the leader of the SYSU-China team, we are inspired in synthetic biology, and gained a more comprehensive understanding of our own project and the future knowledge that we would going to learn. Further more, the captain of SYSU-China also gave us a mentor time for the skills in presentation and public speaking, which is a worthy knowledge to learn. In the class, we learned a lot of skills in preparing and giving public speaking to people. For example, writing the speeches with three separate parts, like hook, body, solution, which is a really useful method to help us writing our own speeches and is still used by us today. Also, he told us to take a deep breath before starting the speech, and it also helped us a lot.
On the morning of August 2nd, the team leader of SUN YAT-SEN University had an academic exchange with us and introduced their research topics and research methods to us. In addition, the concepts of “phase separation” and “ribosome imprinting” are explained to us in an easy-to-understand form. From the exchange, we asked the college student about the problems encountered in our own subject experiment, and the college student patiently answered and put forward suggestions for us. In the process of his explanation, our team members also learned the speech skills of academic topics. It was a meaningful exchange.
On the morning of August 3rd, at the invitataion of the iGEM team of SYSU, students of our experimental group came to the campus of SUN YAT-SEN University to visit the experimental process of their team. Here’s a picture of us in front of the biology lab.

Under the introduction of the college students, we preliminarily understand the basic instruments of the university laboratory. They showed us how to use it. Inoculation of bacteria on the clean workbench:
We went into the laboratory to learn about their daily activities of doing experiments. Members of the iGEM SYSU team began to explain the main points and details of the experiment to us. They have a meticulous and rigorous attitude towards the experiment. In recent days, their experiments are busy.
At last, the challenge is about the ODE equation, initially it was hard for us to make the whole equation equilibrium, but with the help of the SYSU-China’s members, we finally worked out the equilibrium constants. Also, when the SYSU-China team had trouble in co-catalysis, we were willing to spend a lot of time tried to optimize their ODE equation. Conclusively, we worked together to finish the ODE equation.