
Our project is to use the techniques of synthetic biology to produce patchoulol in yeast. We selected FPS (also named ERG20), PTS and light-induced promoters HCF173 as target genes. We firstly transformed into Escherichia coli strain and then transformed them into Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY4741. Finally, we used Gas chromatography (GC) method to observe the patchoulol in Yeast fermentation broth. There are no risks could these organisms pose us in the laboratory. The bacteria we use are harmless to both the environment and human beings. The bacteria we used in the laboratory are standardized, and there is no risk of leakage. To ensure safety in our lab, we will sterilize all of the contaminated items before we dispose them. Every member in our team is trained by professors or instructors about the lab safety rules. No risks could arise from experiments. In the lab, all of us wear labcoats, long pants, and close-toed shoes. We strictly abide by the regulations of laboratory management.