Cloning is a major part of our main project to create the antithetic integral controller. The figures below show the workflow of our project. For detailed protocol, please refer to protocols stated below.
Figure 1. Workflow of Level 0 cloning from ordered DNA parts
Figure 2. Workflow of Level 1 and Level 2 cloning
Experimental Protocols
Chemical Transformation
Purpose: to transform DNA (plasmid) into competent cells
LB broth, ice, selection plates, SOC, spreaders
Preperation steps
Obtain ice
Turn the heat block on
Put SOC in room temperature
Place selection plates into 37°C incubation
Thaw 50µL competent E. coli cells on ice for 10 minutes
Split the 50muL of bacteria into 3 tubes of 16uL or 4 tubes of 12uL and transfer to the labelled tubes placed on ice beforehand.
Add 2.5muL of Golden Gate Assembly product into split competent cells
Carefully flick the tube 4-5 times to mix cells and DNA. Do not vortex
Place the mixture on ice for 30 minutes. Do not mix
Heat shock at exactly 42°C for exactly 30 seconds. Do not mix
Place on ice for 5 minutes. Do not mix
Pipette 950 µl of room temperature SOC into the mixture
Incubate at 37°C and 200-250 rpm for 60 minutes
Mix the cells thoroughly by flicking the tube and inverting
Spread the plates
50µL of transformation mixture onto one plate
Remaining transformation mixture onto another plate
Spread with spreader
Incubate overnight at 37°C with plates upside down or incubate at 27°C for 48 hours
Colony PCR
Purpose: To amplify the desired construct inside a colony ready for gel electrophoresis
Dream Taq Green Master Mix, forward primer (10µM), reverse primer (10µM), selectin plates, water, thermocycler, PCR tubes/plates
cPCR reaction contents
DreamTaq Green Master Mix
10 µL
Forward primer (10 µM)
1 µL
Reverse primer (10µM)
1 µL
Resuspended colony
1 µL
water (nuclease free)
7 µL
Total volume
20 µL
Table 1. Material required for making the master mix for colony PCR
Add a single colony of cells to 13 µL of PBS./li>
Put 1muL of the resuspended colony into the above recipe of PCR mixture
Spin down the PCR mixture with a centrifuge
Put the remaining 12uL PBS with resuspended colony in the fridge
Transfer the 12uL of PBS with resuspended colony into LB liquid culture for overnight growth given colony PCR yields positive results after gel electrophoresis
Gel electrophoresis
Purpose: To investigate whether the DNA sample is of the correct length
1X TAE, Agarose, SYBR Safe, Loading Buffer, Hyperladder, Casting tray, well combs, Voltage source, gel tank, suitable light source, microwave
Methods Making agarose gel
For 1% gel, measure 1g of agarose per 100mL TAE and mix the appropriate amount of agarose and TAE/li>
Microwave and mix for 1-3 minutes until the agarose is completely dissolved
Do not overboil
Microwave in pulses and swirl occasionally
Cool for about 5 minutes
Add 1µL/10mL TAE of SYBR Safe and swirl until well mixed
Pour slowly the agarose into a gel tray with the well comb in place
Use a pipette tip to remove any bubbles or move any bubbles to the corner
Wait for about 30 minutes for the gel to set at the room temperature
Loading gel and electrophoresis
Add 1µL of loading buffer to 5 µL of DNA sample
DreamTaq Green Master Mix contains loading dye thus this step is not required
Place the set gel into the gel tank with the comb side at the negative end of the gel tank and remove the comb carefully
Fill the gel tank with TAE to cover the comb holes
Add 8µL of 1kB hyperladder to the first well
Carefully load the remaining samples
Set the voltage to about 90V and press run
Wait until the dye is approximately 75-80% way down
Turn off and remove electrodes
Remove gel and visualise under blue light source
Purpose: To make incompetent cells electrically competent
Inoculate a single colony of incompetent cells into 2 mL LB containing the appropriate antibiotics and incubate at 37°C overnight
Dilute overnight culture 1 mL into 25 mL LB containing appropriate antibiotics and shake at 37 °C until OD600 = 0.6-0.8 (1.5 hours to 3 hours)
Transfer the culture into 50 mL falcon tube
Spin down cells at 5000 rpm at 4°C for 10 minutes and resuspend pallet in 25 mL ice-cold 10% glycerol
Repeat step 4
Spin down cells at 5000 rpm at 4°C for 10 minutes
Resuspend pallet in 1 mL ice-cold 10% glycerol
Spin down cells at 14000 rpm at 4°C for 1 minute
Resuspend pallet in 250µL ice-cold 10% glycerol
Aliquot into ice-cold cyro tubes (Each 50µL) and store at -80°C
Thaw the prewashed glycerol stocks (50uL) on ice
Chill the e-cuvettes and slider on ice
Put 1µL of DNA into the stock tube containing glycerol stocks and wait for 5 minutes on ice
Transfer the entire volume inside the stock tube into a e-cuvette, make sure that the liquid is in contact with the metal wall
Wipe the e-cuvette and the slider to make sure no water droplet is on the wall
If there is still water droplet, the pulse will cause spark which will damage the cells
Put the e-cuvette into the slider and slide the slider with the e-cuvette into the chamber of the electroporator
Start electroporation by pressing on the pulse button and hold for 5 seconds until a buzzing tone is heard. Release and slide the slider out of the chamber
Add 500µL of SOC into the e-cuvette immediately
Carefully transfer all the mixture from the e-cuvette into a 1.5mL tube
Incubate at 37°C and 200-250 rpm for 60 minutes
Spread the plates
50µL of transformation mixture onto one plate
Remaining transformation mixture onto another plate
Spread with spreader
Incubate overnight at 37°C with plates upside down or incubate at 27°C for 48 hours
JUMP Golden Gate Assembly
Purpose: To perform cloning to put DNA pieces together at a desired sequence
Level 0
T4 ligase buffer, T4 ligase enzyme, BsmBI-v2/Esp3I, water, DNA inserts, DNA destination vector, PCR tubes
If using BsmBI-v2
JUMP Level 0 Contents
1X (10µL)
T4 ligase buffer
1 µL
T4 ligase enzyme
0.5 µL
0.5 µL
water (Nuclease free)
6 µL
Desination vector (7.5nM)
1 µL
Insert (15nM)
1 µL
Total volume
10 µL
Table 2. Material required for Level 0 JUMP Golden Gate Assembly with BsmBI-v2
Purpose: to linear ligate fragments of DNA together to form transcription units and adapters on either sides for subsequent assemblies
Linear ligation Material
DNA adapter, DNA fragments, DNA ligase buffer, DNA ligase, BsaI-HF, nuclease free water, PCR tubes, thermocycler
linear Golden Gate Assembly Contents
1X (10µL)
T4 ligase buffer
1 µL
T4 ligase enzyme
0.5 µL
0.5 µL
water (Nuclease free)
2 µL
5' adapter (25nM)
1 µL
Promoter (15nM)
1 µL
RBS (15nM)
1 µL
CDS (15nM)
1 µL
Terminator (15nM)
1 µL
3' adapter (25nM)
1 µL
Total volume
10 µL
Table 7. Material required for linear Golden Gate Assembly with BsaI-HF
Methods Thermocycler Conditions
Cycles (9 cycles)
37°C 3 minutes
16°C 4 minutes
50°C 5 minutes
4°C hold
Post linear ligation amplication Materials
Q5 PCR Hot Start Master Mix, forward primer, reverse primer, nuclease free water, Golden Gate Assembly product, PCR tube, thermocycler, materials for gel electrophoresis
Q5 PCR amplication contents
1X (50µL)
2X Q5 Hot Start Master Mix
25 µL
Forward primer (10µM)
2.5 µL
Reverse primer (10µM)
2.5 µL
water (Nuclease free)
18.5 µL
Golden Gate Assembly Product
1.5 µL
Total volume
50 µL
Table 8. Material required for Q5 PCR after linear Golden Gate Assembly
Add the above recipe into PCR tubes
Spin down with a centrifuge
Thermocycler Conditions
98°C 30 seconds
Cycles (30 cycles)
98°C 15 seconds
Tm 30 seconds (calculated with NEB Tm calculator)
72°C 20 seconds/kB
72°C 5 minutes
4°C hold
After PCR, transfer 5μL for gel electrophoresis to check the band size (Refer to the gel electrophoresis protocol)