
The team

Wet lab

Tin Wang, Sijia Huang, leader of the team. Responsible for parts design and experiment conduct of group1 and goup2, and all other works in team management.

Goup 1:

Mingzhen Zhou, responsible for 1. Write the elaboration of the first set of experiments 2. Consult the literature on CI proteins, tetracycline operons 3. Wet experiments. xiexiwen Xie, responsible for 1. Construction and design of gene circuits 2. Wet experiment part: experimental verification of dynamic regulation system, analysis of experimental results, construction of screening system. Zhang Keyue: 1. Consult and summarize the relevant content of the dynamic regulation section 2. Wet experiment. Jiong Huang, responsible for 1. Design and construction of gene circuits 2. Experimental verification of dynamic regulatory systems 3. Communication with ShanghaiTech_iGEM for experimental design 4. Write the introduction copy of the first set of experiments

Group 2:

Sijia Huang, Yifan Zhu, Yuyin Gui, Xiaojing Li, members of wet-lab group 2, tried to use the synthesized PHFA to prepare microsphere carriers to construct scaffold materials, and the mass production of microspheres was realized at a low cost.

Group 3:

Yunfeng Qu, Siying Yang, Yinxi Song and Ye Ouyang are responsible for the experiments of the third group. The experimental content is: in vitro 3D culture of muscle stem cells, microspheres are used as scaffolds. And the members are responsible for the design of the biological modification of microsphere materials and the cell biology experiment.

Human Practice:

Li Xiaojing —— Responsible for the operation of the WeChat (announcement, science education, invitation, etc.) team public account, and the BUCT team for science cooperation, story line writing, participation in the 9th CCIC Conference, expert interviews, project exchanges and product evaluation with related project investors.

Mingzhen Zhou - responsible for the operation of the WeChat (announcement, science education, invitation, etc.) team public account, participated in the design of questionnaires, BUCT team science cooperation, story line writing, participated in the ninth CCiC, and participated in expert interviews

Xinyi Zhu, participated in the product SWOT analysis and market competition analysis section

Yuyin Gui, designing the questionnaire with Shanghai_Tech, partnership and collaboration with Shanghai_Tech, participating in the joint science campaign and other meetings or interviewing.


Zhu Xinyi, Jiang Yining, Xu Haoqi: Responsible for the production of video scripts, storyboards and post-editing

Art design:

Zhu Xinyi, Jiang Yining, Xu Haoqi: Responsible for the overall planning and planning of the design team


Zhu Xinyi is responsible for the overall planning and planning of the wiki group. Mengru Wang,Ziteng Yang,Kexin Song,they are the computer geeks in our team, using their wisdom to ensure our project looks attractive as it is to the world.


Ye Ouyan model builder, taking charge of anything encountered with mathematics and computer programming,builting a model to put forward our design and experiments in the future.She uesd the ODE model,which was used to construct gene pathway and metabolic pathway models, and the cell culture system was optimized.

Lab support

We thank Shuming Jin, We Zhang, Lin Yang and all other lab members for providing tutoring while our team members are in the lab. And again, thanks to Shuming Jin who guides the wet-lab groups from beginning to the end, from designing to conducting.

PI and instructor

We greatly appreciate our mentors Prof. Kaili Nie, Prof. Luo liu, Prof. Meng Qin and Prof. Jiang Ni for encouraging us throughout our iGEM experience. We are very grateful to our mentors for participating in our weekly meetings, providing guidance on our projects, and answering any questions we have at any time. And generously provide us financial support and laboratory spaces at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. We want to especially thank to Yongsheng Wong, who gives the team policy support from all aspects and providing comfortable dormitory in summer vacation for wet-lab team members, that helps the team to do the scientific research smoothly.


We would like to thank the experts Prof. Shuxing Ren (Beijing University of Chemical Technology), Prof. Xin Guan (Jiangnan University) who took the time to provide professional advice on our project. Their advice is a valuable resource for determining the direction and design of our project. Thanks to them a lot!