Meet Our Team


Team PI

"I felt more than satisfied to work with a team of outstanding students as I empower them to make the best use of their talents, contributing their power to this great team!"

Zhuozhi Chen

"IGEM is a wonderful scientific activity for both students and faculties. I am so pleased to see the young scientists are inspired by the discussions in iGEM and grow with us in high school."

Xiaoling Yao

Team advisor

" I gained a lot of new things during the iGEM competition, such as looking at problems from a different perspective from the team leader, taking a holistic view, making plans, and so on."

Sihan Wang

"The second year, for the sake of persistence and inheritance, looking forward to better blooming."

Kairuo Zhang

Team member

"In this iGEM, I found that when doing experiments, I should try some of my own ideas. In this way, we can have more fun in the process of doing experiments and get some more efficient methods."

Hanlin Zhang

"In the iGEM competition, I not only learned a lot of theoretical knowledge about synthetic biology but also learned experimental operations in the practical experiment. These will play an important role in my future life."

Ningjing Li

"This IGEM not only brought us knowledge progress but also enhanced the friendship between students and teachers, so that our relationship became more harmonious."

Chenzhang Ma

" This trip to iGEM allowed me to learn a lot of theoretical knowledge about experiments, and I also discovered that I still need to improve."

Jingdian Wang

""The earth is the cradle of humanity, but one doesn't always live in the cradle" -- Constantine Tsiolkovskky"

Tianyi Yuan

"iGEM was such a remarkable journey, which brought me lots of significant experiences. Those experiences raised my ability in biology knowledge, teamwork, conversation ability, emotion control etc."

Hanyou Wang

"I am very grateful to iGEM for bringing me closer to my classmates, and I cherish the time we worked hard together."

Ruiqing Chen

"iGEM is one of the most interesting competitions which I have ever joined. In the competition, I learned the ability to read articles, the steps of some experiments, and the ability to take a speech. I also made some new friends."

Kaiming Liu

"Whether deeper friendship or more knowledge, the iGEM is an indispensable part of my life that will lead me farther on the way of biology learning. "

Yuning Jiang