Sigurður Smári Davíðsson
Served as one of the project managers. Part of the sponsoring group. Presented at the Nordic iGEM Conference. Supported laboratory groups where necessary and worked with the TPA transporter. Author of wiki pages project description, project safety and parts pages. Acted as student TA during highschool visit.
Leander Maximilian Linke
Served as one of the project managers. Contributed to the project with construct design and contributed to the lab work with mRFP1 expression in pET24a. Author of wiki pages contribution, igem conferences and engineering success. Engaged in sponsor acquisition. Acted as student TA during the highschool visit.

Ella Hellberg
Coordinator of the human practices team and coordinator of lab group 2 working with METHase. Planned and prepared the high school labs, served as a TA during the high school lab sessions, and gave lectures about the project for students, stakeholders and sponsors. Author of wiki pages proposed METHase, implementations and education.
Isa Beskow
Subgroup coordinator for graphical design, animating, editing, and contributing to writing the promotion video. Worked in the wiki team with development of standard side pages. Worked in lab group 4 with enzymes LCC, TPA transporter, TPADO. Constructed a PETase activity assay with Markéta. Author of wiki pages TPA transporter and TPADO. Served as a student TA during the highschool visit.

David Sjöberg
Coordinator of the wiki team. Contributed to developing the wiki and acted as wiki pipeline manager. Worked with Python in the modeling team. Worked in lab group 1 with DCDDH and performed overexpression of DCDDH. Served as student TA during the highschool visit.
Claudia Gonzalez
Coordinator of the modeling team. Member of lab group 1 working with DCDDH.

Markéta Hasplová
Worked in graphical design on the webinar logo and the promotional video. Member of the human practices team, secured people for expert lectures, organized collaboration with team Aboa. Coordinator of lab group 4 which worked on LCC, TPA transporter, PETase activity assay and TPADO. Author of wiki pages LCC, PETase activity assay, collaborations, expert lectures, sustainable development and inclusivity. Served as a student TA during the highschool visit.
Lourenço Roque Pombo Cardoso
Contributed to the development of the wiki as part of the wiki team. Member of the modeling team. Coordinator of a lab group 3, working with PETase.

Dylan Anderson
Social media manager for the human practices team. Lab coordinator for Group 1 which worked with DCDDH. Author of wiki pages DCDDH and human practices overview and introduction.
Lisa Teglbjaerg
Member of the human practices team - coordinated collaboration with Copenhagen for webinar, organized Drivhuset visit, represented and presented at the Nordic iGEM Conference. Part of the graphical design team. Worked in lab group 4 with enzymes LCC, TPA transporter, TPADO.

Elis Pettersson Gradin
Contributed to the development of the wiki as part of the wiki team. Constructed and adapted pages according to needs and input from graphical design. Worked in lab group 2, focusing on MHETase.
Keqi Shi
Member of the graphical design team and the modeling team. Member of lab group 3, working with cloning of PETase. Served as a student TA during the highschool visit.

Lovisa Risberg
Worked on the layout of the wiki, worked with the promotional video as well as graphics for the wiki as part of the graphical design team. Also a member of the wiki team. Worked in lab group 2, mostly with MHETase.
Loova Berg
Member of the wiki team and responsible for internal activities and team building as part of the human practices team. Member of lab group 3, working with PETase. Served as a student TA during the highschool visit.

Kaavya Venkateswaran
Worked in the modeling team and the graphical design team with the promotion video and as a photographer. Author of written content for the modeling team.
Margareta Krabbe
Senior lecturer, Department of Biological Undergraduate Education, Uppsala University
Dr. Margareta Krabbe helped us through out this project with scientific advice as well as organisational support. She helped us significantly by enabling us to work at an industrial facility as well as establishing contact to high schools. Without help from her and her department we wouldn’t have been able to use the laboratory’s efficiently and safe throughout the summer.
Anthony Forster
Professor, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University
We would like to thank prof. Anthony Forster which supported us greatly with expertise throughout this challenging project. His scientific work with BioBricks did not only aid us a valuable pool of knowledge but also allowed us to benefit from his collection of DNA compatible with BioBrick cloning.
Letian Bao
Letian Bao as our TA was always there when we had practical questions regarding the lab work. He helped us with the construct design and offered us a bunch of chromoproteins which we used throughout our educational outreach.
Dianna Zeleskov
Dianna Zeleskov as our other TA joined most of our lab session and helped greatly to establish standard protocols in the lab. With her expertise we were able to troubleshoot multiple experiments.
We would also want to thank our sponsors which helped us greatly with financial aid and laboratory supplies to make this project happen.