
This page contains information about the parts created by the team.

List of Parts

Here is a list of ALL the parts we used in our project!

Name Type Description Designer Length
BBa_K4451000 Promoter LacUV5 inducible promoter with increased fold-change Alex Connolly 172bp
BBa_K4451001 Terminator EcoFlex L2U5H11 termination signal Alex Connolly 30bp
BBa_K4451002 Terminator Synthetic ‘tZ’ termination signal Alex Connolly 249bp
BBa_K4451003 Encoding evoAPOBEC1-BE4max-T7RNAP Cytosine deaminase-T7 RNA polymerase chimeric protein Alex Connolly 3459bp
BBa_K4451004 Encoding TadA*-T7RNAP Adenine deaminase-T7 RNA polymerase chimeric protein Alex Connolly 3240bp
BBa_K4451005 Encoding SDH Sorbitol 6-phosphate dehydrogenase ORF Isaac White 780bp
BBa_K4451006 Encoding T7 gp2 Growth slowing gene - T7 gp2 - inhibition of transcription initiation Taylor Wellfare Reid 195bp
BBa_K4451007 Encoding T7 gp0.7 C-terminal domain Growth slowing gene - T7 gp0.7 (C-terminal) - host transcriptional shutoff Taylor Wellfare Reid 354bp
BBa_K4451008 Encoding T4 Alc Growth slowing gene - T4 Alc - host transcription shutoff Brooks Rady 504bp
BBa_K4451009 Encoding phiEco32 gp79 Growth slowing gene - phiEco32 gp79 - inhibition of σ70 dependent transcription Brooks Rady 249bp
BBa_K4451010 Encoding T4 AsiA Growth slowing gene - T4 AsiA - inhibits recognition of σ70 promoters Brooks Rady 273bp
BBa_K4451011 Encoding 77 gp104 Growth slowing gene - 77 gp104 - shutoff of host replication (DnaN) Brooks Rady 159bp
BBa_K4451012 Encoding G1 gp240 Growth slowing gene - G1 gp240 - shutoff of host replication (DnaI) Brooks Rady 177bp
BBa_K4451013 Encoding ACG-CmR Chloramphenicol resistance ORF with silent start codon Alex Connolly 660bp
BBa_K4451014 Encoding ACG-SmR Streptomycin resistance ORF with silent start codon Alex Connolly 789bp
BBa_K4451015 Encoding ATA-SmR Streptomycin resistance ORF with silent start codon Alex Connolly 789bp
BBa_K4451016 pLac-GFP pLac biobrick promoter upstream of green fluorescent protein Alex Connolly 1084bp
BBa_K4451017 pLacUV5e-GFP Improved pLacUV5 promoter with higher fold-change upstream of green fluorescent protein. Alex Connolly 1034bp
BBa_K4451018 Promoter Promoter (aTc-inducible) and RBS from pJKR-L Alex Connolly 110bp
BBa_K4451019 Encoding Double base editor-T7 RNAP fusions Two aTc-inducible base deaminase-T7 RNAP chimeric proteins in series Alex Connolly 7140bp
BBa_K4451020 Reverse complement of promoter Reverse complement of BBa_J64997, a high processivity T7 promoter element Alex Connolly 19bp
BBa_K4451021 MutaT7 Test Cassette ACG Composite part containing streptomycin and chloramphenicol resistance genes Alex Connolly 2094bp
BBa_K4451022 MutaT7 Test Cassette ATA Composite part containing streptomycin and chloramphenicol resistance genes Alex Connolly 2094bp
BBa_K4451023 Reverse complement of terminator Reverse complement of tZ terminator (BBa_K4451002) Alex Connolly 249bp
BBa_K4451024 Promoter IPTG-inducible promoter and RBS from pET-21a+ expression vector Alex Connolly 88bp
BBa_K4451025 Terminator Termination signal from pET-21a+ expression vector Alex Connolly 114bp
BBa_K4451026 SDH expression cassette IPTG-inducible sorbitol 6-phosphate dehydrogenase cassette Alex Connolly 982bp

Improvement Of A Lactose Biosensor

In our three-plasmid directed evolution system, selection for mutants with increased enzyme activity (e.g. production of a small molecule) will require a biosensor which can tether enzyme improvement to cell fitness. We therefore needed a biosensor which gave a shallow dose-response curve in response to increasing inducer concentrations and required a very high concentration of inducer to reach saturation, thereby requiring enzyme activity to improve substantially before the cell reaches the maximum possible induction of a downstream fitness-conferring gene (e.g. sorbitol 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, or chloramphenicol acetyltransferase). Saturation can be prevented by using a high-copy number plasmid, but this still requires a non-leaky promoter with a high-dynamic range between uninduced and induced states. Since the initial plan for our project was to use our system to improve the lactose synthase activity of NmlgtB (UDP-galactosyltransferase), we attempted to identify a lactose-inducible promoter with a higher dynamic range than the wild-type lacZYA promoter.

BBa_K4451000 (COMBO-lacO1-minus35cons-minus10cons-lacOsym) is a synthetic IPTG-inducible promoter, designed by Yu et al. (2021) as part of a library of 1600 lacUV5 variants (‘Pcombo’) which aimed to elucidate the combinatorial effects of RNA polymerase and operator site strengths on overall gene expression. BBa_K4451000 possesses consensus -35 and -10 RNAP binding sites, which are flanked by LacI repressor binding sites. The synthetic ‘lacOsym’ operator is found proximal to the transcription start site, whereas the second, comparatively weaker O1 operator is found further upstream. This combination of regulatory elements was found by Yu et al. to result in a high fold-change between uninduced and induced states, and relatively low leakiness when uninduced.

Team Sheffield 2022 assembled BBa_K4451000 (IDT-synthesised gBlock) into pSB1C3-GFP (BBa_I20270) in place of the constitutive promoter BBa_J23151 via NEB HiFi assembly, to create BBa_K4451017. Though preliminary experiments found that IPTG-induced cultures expressing BBa_K4451017 gave off noticeably more fluorescence than the control plasmid (BBa_K4451016) at the same optical density, we were unable to collect any quantitative data before the project deadline.

Preliminary comparison of fluorescence in IPTG-induced BBa_K4451016 (WT lac promoter biobrick) and BBa_K4451017 (improved lacUV5 construct). Both constructs had been confirmed to be as intended by Sanger sequencing. Cultures were grown to OD600 0.4 in LB+chloramphenicol at 37℃, then induced with 1mM final IPTG, before being grown for a further 3hrs at 20℃. Culture fluorescence was visualised under UV light by pouring directly into empty petri dishes. The team intended to follow this result by repeating the experiment with three biological replicates using a plate reader to measure fluorescence in a more quantitative manner, but we were unable to carry this out before the deadline.

Tizei, P. A. G., Csibra, E., Torres, L. & Pinheiro, V. B. Selection platforms for directed evolution in synthetic biology. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 44, 1165–1175 (2016).

Razo-Mejia, M. et al. Tuning Transcriptional Regulation through Signaling: A Predictive Theory of Allosteric Induction. Cell Syst. 6, 456-469.e10 (2018).

Yu, T. C. et al. Multiplexed characterization of rationally designed promoter architectures deconstructs combinatorial logic for IPTG-inducible systems. Nat. Commun. 12, 325 (2021).

Spronk, C. A. E. M. et al. Hinge-helix formation and DNA bending in various lac repressor–operator complexes. EMBO J. 18, 6472–6480 (1999).