| Manchester - iGEM 2022


We utilised two numerical models to gain insight into the implementation of our project:

Leakage Model

Goal: Find out what happens if Bioreactors of varying sizes leak Nitrogen, Phosphate and Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) into the River Thames

Results: Assuming correct assumptions IAA and Nitrogen would not cause a major concern during a leakage, however, Phosphate would require cleanup.

Microalgae Growth Model

Goal: Show that Scenedesmus sp. LX1 is capable of growing in a wastewater medium and determine the initial limiting nutrient.

Results: Scenedesmus sp. LX1 is capable of growing on a wastewater medium at 0.32h-1 also Nitrogen is found to be the limiting factor for growth

Leakage Model

We developed a leakage model to determine what would happen when various scales of bioreactors had a spillage of Phosphate Nitrogen and Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) into a river. To do this, we considered an immediate dump of 20% and 100% of 1m3, 50m3 and 100m3 bioreactor total volume into the river Thames, at Wheatley. To visualise how the model works we constructed a schematic diagram to demonstrate how the river is broken up. In figure 1 we can see that the river is broken into distinct compartments with a uniform width and depth throughout. q is the volumetric flow rate and will determine the rate at which the contaminant moves down the river. The mixing length represents the length of each individual compartment.

Values for the sizes of the bioreactors and concentrations of IAA, Phosphate and Nitrate were obtained from our interviews conducted for integrated human practices, which you can read more about by clicking here!

The model was performed using equations from a paper written by W. Brock Neely et al. (1976) to model the spillage of Chloroform into the Mississipi river. However, we altered the parameters to explore the leakage of auxin, phosphate and nitrogen into the river Thames. The equation below is used to determine the concentration of compounds in compartment n at time t. EQ1 is equation used

M/V describes the concentration of the contaminant. The section following M/V describes the flow of the river from compartment to compartment. The exponential section describes the rate at which the contaminant leaves the system. In Brock Neeleys paper modeled chloroform which is highly volatile therfore the rate constant of the contaminant leaving the system in his paper was the evapouration constant and therefore we also chose to use the evapouration constant.

M is Mass of contaminant

V is Volume of Compartment

Θ is q/V

q is Volumetric flow rate

h is Depth

n is Compartment Number

t is time

Ke is the rate constant for the contaminant leaving the system

Figure 2 shows the values for the evapouration constants of each contaminant in meters per second.

In figure 3 we can see from graph A and C that due to the assumed high rate at which IAA and Nitrate leave the river their concentrations reach negligable amounts in 0.1s-0.15s. However, we can that from graph B that phosphate leaves the river much slower and from further modeling we found that it almost never leaves the river and at all points it is higher than the government regulation level of 0.1g/L as described before. Initially, Nitrate also is above the government regulation level of 0.5mg/L, however it quickly leaves they system and is therfore not problematic.

Based on our initial modeling we decided to investigate phosphate further to assess it's impact on the river. Therefore, we decided to investigate the concentration-time-distance profile of phoshpate. From figure 4, we can see that over distance the phosphate concentration drops quickly, but then plateaus, and stays at a consistent level. This suggests that phosphate would require cleanup.

From this we wanted to get a better idea of the concentration-distance profile of phoshpate. Therefore, we took the peak concentration of phoshpate in each compartment over a distance. Figure 5 represents the max concetration of phoshpate over a distance. What we can see is a similar quick drop in concentation (as in figure 3), followed by a steady decrease until 50m where the concentration drops much faster. At all distances, we can see that the concentration of phosphate is above the govenment regulation level. From this we suggest that during a leakage, the first 100 meters of a river needs to be cleaned of phosphate and evrything past it should be closely monitered.

Our model has been implemented in a MATLAB development environment and all of our code and parameters can be accessed via our supplementary materials link for any future iGEM teams to use.


Our values for the evaporation constant of IAA, P and N are correct

The width and depth is uniform throughout the river Thames at Wheatley

Our mixing length is the best fit for the data

Pre-existing IAA concentration in the River Thames is negligible

Concentrations of N, P and IAA in C1 are the same as that of the bioreactor

Impact on Implementation

Leakage of phosphate is the primary concern as it is more persistent across longer distances. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in the UK states that the concentration of phosphate in rivers should not exceed 0.1 mg/L. In our worst case scenario of a large bioreactor leaking, the starting concentration is 6000 g/L which is significantly above the limit and it remains above government regulation levels. Therefore, in the implementation of our project, we would recommend lower phoshpate concentrations in bioreactors.

Limitations of the Leakage model

Our model relies on estimations for some parameters, such as the evaporation rate of Nitrogen and IAA. Therefore, if we were to implement our project, we would run an experiment to determine these parameters rather than making educated guesses. We would also run an experiment similar to what W. Brock Neely (Neely, 1976) ran to determine the optimal mixing length to fit the data. Also, we did not model the leakage of BloomAid itself. This would require us to add an element to the equation used to model bacterial growth while moving.

Microalgae Growth Model

Our goal for this was to model the initial growth of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 and to assess what metabolite would be the limiting factor if we were to implement BloomAid.

We utilised a modified monod type growth model equation to model the initial growth of Scenedesmus sp. LX1 under multiple limiting factors inside of a wastewater medium. We modified it to add a function for a limited light intensity. We used two main limiting metabolites, nitrogen and phosphate, as these were the main metabolites limited in wastewater. We utilised 5000 candelas for our light intesity as it is very close to the optimal light intensity for Scenedesmus sp. LX1. In EQ2 the first 2 bracketed section goverens the uptake of Nitrogen and Phoshpate and the third governs the growth under the light intensity.

µ is the specific growth rate

µ max is the maximum specific growth rate (Mohamed, 2012)

Sn is the initial substrate concentration (nitrogen) (Eze, 2019)

KsN is the half saturation constant for nitrogen (Lee, 2015)

Sp is the initial substrate concentration (phosphate) (Eze, 2019)

Ks is half saturation constant for phosphate (Lee, 2015)

I is the light intensity (Lee, 2015)

IO is the optimal light intensity (Lee, 2015)

Impact on Implementation

This showed us that the specific growth rate for Scenedesmus was 0.32h-1. When altering parameters, we found that nitrogen was the main limiting factor to the initial growth of Scenedesmus. Therefore, in our implementation we could recommend that nitrates be artificially added to the bioreactor to improve the initial growth rate. This would assist growth, alongside the auxin being secreted by BloomAid.


Bioreactors utilise a light intensity of 5000 candela

Dissovled carbon is in excess

Download our Code

The leakage model was implemented in MATLAB, and below you can download these files in a PDF format. To ensure the code runs, you will need to make sure that the equation code is in the same folder as the model code. Below is also our parameter list including their references and a PDF containing all the figures generated from the leakage scenarios

Reference List

Neely, W., Blau, G. and Alfrey, T., 1976. Mathematical models predict concentration-time profiles resulting from chemical spill in a river. Environmental Science & Technology, 10(1), pp.72-76.

Centre EID. Weekly water quality data from the River Thames and its major tributaries (2009-2017) [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2022 Sep 30]. Available from: https://www.data.gov.uk/dataset/9b4b7cb1-5516-441d-b4ae-b22f8844f2d5/weekly-water-quality-data-from-the-river-thames-and-its-major-tributaries-2009-2017

Rantamaki AH, Holopainen JM. Evaporation Rate of Artificial Tear Fluid. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2012 Mar 26;53(14):4252–4252.

Eze VC, Velasquez-Orta SB, Hernandez-Garcia A, Monje-Ramirez I, Orta-Ledesma MT, Kinetic modelling of microalgae cultivation - for wastewater treatment and carbon dioxide sequestration. Algal Research 2019 Jun 1:32:131-41.

Radin Mohamed RMS, Mohd Apandi N, Miswan M, Gani P, Al-Gheethi A, Mohd Kassim AH, et al. Effect of pH and light intensity on the growth and biomass productivity of microalgae Scenedesmus sp. Ecology, Environment and Conservation 2019 May 13:25:S1-5.

Lee E, Jalalizadeh M, Zhang Q. Growth kinetic models for microalgae cultivation: A review. Algal Research. 2015 Nov 1;12:497–512.